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Joined: 24 Jan 2007
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# Posted: 24 Jan 2007 14:22
I want to say thank you for taking out time to read this. I've been looking at Coastal for a few weeks now. I have not had much negative input about the company, with the exception of some unsatisfied people, it's well known that we can't please EVERYONE!
Ok now here is my dilemma. I want to join coastal next week with my tax check. I want to become a premier member, really a platinum member. Currently I am off work on maternity leave. I'm go back to work April 22. Until then I will have NO INCOME coming in but my tax check. If I do this, I want to know if you think I can make my money back in a month and almost double my annual income by April, which is about 27k? I want to spend 4hrs a day working to achieve my goals. Now I'm not for sure if that would mean that I am on the phone 4hrs a day or 2hr on the net and 2hrs on the phone a day. Keep in mind that I have 3 kids under the age of 4 who are home with me.
This is where I would like EVERYONES IMPUT. Is this something achievable? or some kind of fantasy that I have set for myself? If I am to work 4hrs a day, what is the best way to work it? PLEASE,I am literally begging you for your input before I spend my only means of income for the next 3 mo.
Thank you for your time.
Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 07:46 � Edited by: CarolinaConsign
1st I am not a coastal owner yet. I would say hold on to your money. You said you have 3 children under the age of 4. How are you going to provide for your kids needs until you have cash coming in?
Look, there are tons of stories out there how people spent there last dollar, and prayed whatever would work. This guy named Tim Wesemann said, "many folks are sprinting towards every get-rich-quick scheme, hoping those riches quickly catch up with thier debt." So I would think of Coastal as a marathon, and set a steady pace and not sprint. I am not saying Coastal is a get-rich-quick scheme, by all means from all the research I have done, I have found it legit.
What I am saying is, it is a business, and it may have a learning (earning) curve. Is there going to be any other income coming in at that time? I would rather hear you sold everything you didn't need, and scraped up the money to become the next Coastal Superstar!
Just my opinion! Brian
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# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 09:54
Chena, I agree with Brian. I am a Qualified premier member and it took me 2 months to make my first sale. Not because the system works slow but because I thought I knew how to advertise and I didn't listen to my training. After I listened to what my director said I had 2 sales in 3 days. BUT, I would never encourage a person who says they are spending the money that they need to provide for their family to spend it getting into Coastal. Be patient and the money will come in time if this is what God wants you to do. I know you are excited and want to get started but NOBODY on this earth can tell you with any confidence that you WILL make a certain amount in a certain length of time. That would be very dishonest for them to do. They have no way of knowing what your work ethic is and they don't know how you will advertise and if you are going to be diligent in your marketing or if you are going to use your warm market or whatever you might decide to do. The end result is up to YOU and YOU ALONE. If you know that you will only have 4 hours during a certain time of day then I definately wouldn't say that you could make a certain amount in a certain time. You need to be flexible about what times you can talk to people. I work a fulltime job right now and I can reply to forums and take calls most of the time while at work but I have 3 kids to take care of when I get home, one of them is 7 months old so I am pretty busy until about 10pm and that's ok for people on the west coast or in the midwest but not for us on the east coast. I tell all of my prospects that, if you follow the direction given by successful directors in our group, you can easily make $3,000 to $9,000 in 30 to 90 days. I know that is possible because I did that myself. That can be as many as 9 sales or as little as 3 and keep in mind that 2 sales get passed up to your director. But, that is NOT a gurantee that you WILL make at least that amount of money. Again, I agree with Brian that you need to wait until you have the money.
PNL Travel
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# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 16:51
Hi Chena,
I think it is absolutely wonderful that you have found a way to a better life for you and your family.
I do think that your goals are achievable, but I also think that if your focus is entirely on 'making a sale' it will be harder to get people started. Your primary focus is not on how much money you can make, but on how many people you can help.
Saying that, I agree with Brian and Harold. You need to be able to support your family while you are building your business. Starting a business can be stressful enough; you definitely don't need the extra stress of no income coming in.
If this is meant for you, a way will come! Keep talking to people about Coastal, keep going to the Q&A calls, and see if you can start your training before you actually purchase the package. Then, when you do purchase the package, you will be giving yourself a great head start! The learning curve will be very small, if not gone, and you will be set for success!
Also, just to let you know, 20-30 hours a week is what most people consider full time with Coastal, so four hours per day is great!
I hope this helps!
Joined: 23 Jan 2007
Posts: 5
# Posted: 26 Jan 2007 14:39
I asked the same question and my "director" said that it wouldn't be a problem because he was making $40K in 3 months, so I totally dumped our savings, and haven't made a sale yet, that was 6 months ago and we're still in the hole from it. It gets very devistating when you order leads month after month and no one says yes to you. You're sometimes callling 15-25 people a day, maybe 10 people pick up and 4 say to call back with more info. Of those four, usually they aren't home the next time you call. It's very frustrating at first, so I'd hold on to that check!!!!
Joined: 26 Jan 2007
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# Posted: 26 Jan 2007 16:02
I would just say that if you are %110 Sure that you want to get started and have a don't quit attitude then really sit down and weigh the good and the bad. I spent all the money I had. I took my property tax money and got started 2 weeks ago. I looked at it as if I cannot fail and that is what is driving me not to ever quit. I would say that sometimes you need a motivator and that would definitely be a good one. I just ordered some old Leads that where cheap, just until I get used to the scripts and the business aspect. You can't sound desperate either when you make the calls, because people will be able to tell. I am with the Coastal Synergy Group and the support is awesome, so that helps give you the confidence and strength to keep going.
Good Luck,
Joined: 29 Jan 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 29 Jan 2007 13:14
I am not a Coastal member yet but I done a bit of research on it...some reviews say it is a MLM this true? Also I have been approached by a someone from the Coastal Group numerous this my director - assigned to me? Please help.
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# Posted: 30 Jan 2007 09:34
Extraincome, It is definately NOT an MLM. We do NOT depend on the company to take and distribute money to our members and we do NOT make money off of other people's signups after that person is qualified. We are direct sales and you get paid before the company depending on which group you join.
It will be your decision on who you join with so the person you have spoken with could be your director if you decide to join with that person. If you don't feel comfortable with that person then find a director that makes you feel comfortable and confident that he will help you succeed in this business. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPROTANT!
As you do your research you will find that there are several different groups or teams that work together and help eachother market the product. Each team has a website and they market or advertise their own way. I am part of the WeCloseYourSales call center. This allows myself and my team members to focus on advertising and our Call Center takes our calls and presents the business for us. Then they do follow up calls if necessary and then finally close the sale and send us the check immediately or we take payment from the new member and send them their cut. We still make a minimum of $1,000 per sale and we don't have to make the sale. Most groups simply do the presentation themselves and then they do the follow ups and close the sale themselves. This is GREAT if you are comfortable learning how to make sales or if you are good at talking to people. Our call center just gives people the option to not make sales unless they want to and to simply focus on advertising and marketing. There are some really great groups like Coastal Synergy Group, Coastal Wealth Builders and others. Mine is just another group like those but we use the call center instead of making the sale ourself. You will get great training from either of those groups I mentioned and you need to decide which is the best group for you. PLEASE make sure you are comfortable with your director because this person is going to teach you how to do the business and he will be getting your first 2 sales for that task. I know that every director and Coastal Member on this forum, speaking of myself (hsimpsonjr) , Lora (PNL Travel) , SusanEng, and Dawnmo would all be dedicated to your success and you need to find a director that will also be dedicated to your success. Ask for references and if they haven't got any of their own then ask them to get their director to call you. If they can't do that then DON't go with them. If you have any questions email me at [email protected] . I will be happy to answer any questions you have whether you sign up with me and my team or not.
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 31 Jan 2007 09:53
Hi Harold, Very nice to have someone like you in this forum. I am considering joining in and now I am evaluating vis-a-vis closing the sales myself vs through the "WeCloseYourSales" I already considered time invested, lack of experience in this particular endeavor, etc. So, just need some stats.
Since you are already inside and have your group (wecloseyoursales): 1.- How much are the monthly fees for members of that group not counting commissions to Directors for first two sales, or the added on amount per package cost to you for closing the sales?
2.-What turns out to be more profitable: L1, L2, L1+L2 (Premier), L3 or put it another way,
3.-Of total sales (yours or what you might've heard?), what is the closing ratio for each level through the call center?
I appeciate your time and effort in giving us neofites motivation and knowledgwe to go in the best way.
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# Posted: 31 Jan 2007 17:02
Hey Harold, right above me on this post! :D
This goes out to anyone considering getting into Coastal: Harold is right, YOU choose your director and, without putting too fine a point on it, this is a business and you must treat it as such. This is not a get rich quick, it takes work and know that you will have your ups and downs as you run your enterprise; make sure you have some money set aside to run your business (for advertising and leads if you choose to buy them) but even more important is that you have the right attitude when you decide to go forward. I assure you, however, as long as you have the right guidance and the stick-tu-it-tiv-ness you will make money.
Also, there is more than one way to run your business. For example, I just signed a deal with a major radio station to advertise my Coastal business and the 1st of 40 spots is slated to be on-air by the end of next week, in other words it's okay to be creative!
I run my business full time but having the Call Center there is great for leverage. If you have any questions feel free to contact me but don't be surprised if I have a few questions for you too. Expect to win! Roger
Joined: 15 Dec 2006
Posts: 31
# Posted: 1 Feb 2007 11:05
Quoting: Chena Is this something achievable? Don't put that kind of pressure on yourself. If you feel anxious about it, the goal is not realistic. Slow down, take a deep breath and develop a realistic business plan for yourself.
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# Posted: 1 Feb 2007 11:52 � Edited by: hsimpsonjr
Quoting: jsf Hi Harold, Very nice to have someone like you in this forum. I am considering joining in and now I am evaluating vis-a-vis closing the sales myself vs through the "WeCloseYourSales" I already considered time invested, lack of experience in this particular endeavor, etc. So, just need some stats. Since you are already inside and have your group (wecloseyoursales): 1.- How much are the monthly fees for members of that group not counting commissions to Directors for first two sales, or the added on amount per package cost to you for closing the sales? 2.-What turns out to be more profitable: L1, L2, L1+L2 (Premier), L3 or put it another way, 3.-Of total sales (yours or what you might've heard?), what is the closing ratio for each level through the call center? I appeciate your time and effort in giving us neofites motivation and knowledgwe to go in the best way. JSF
JSF, the call center website that you get when you sign up with us is two fold. You get the marketing site like you see if you go to the link in my signature and you get a back office that has TONS of training and tracking capabilities. I can tell how many times a person that has opted in to my site comes back and that way I know to pay special attention to the ones who come back mulitple times. For instance, Roger, my good friend up in Canada that posted up a couple of posts came to my site several times and I was preparing to call him just to say hi and that I was a real person but I wasn't quick enough because he called me first. We talked and he turned into a sale for me and we have talked a couple of times a week ever since. I've showed him a few things about advertising for the call center but he has showed me things about retailing the product so we help eachother out and he has been a GREAT encouragement to me and my business and just as a friend. You develope relationships like this when you work together. That's why it is SO IMPORTANT to get a GOOD DIRECTOR. Sorry, I got off track but the fee for the site is $49.95 a month but it is worth MUCH more than that.
As far as the levels go, I think the best level to start out at is Level 2 because it is usually in budget range of serious prospects and, through the call center team, you are automatically qualified at level 1 so you keep all of your level 1 sales and commissions which means fast profits for you. You just pass up your first 2 level 2 sales when they come in and then you are qualified at level 2 and 1. Most teams don't do this but we find it encourages people to join at the higher levels and allows them to get profits much quicker so they can put that money back into their business for advertising or use it however they see fit.
The call center does have to ad some to the original purchase fee of level 1 and 2 so to see the additional cost of those levels go to the site in my signature and opt in and then go to the "Pay plan" link on the left. It shows you all of the levels and how they pay and their cost. Let me know if you have any more questions or just email me at [email protected] and I will be glad to answer your questions.
PNL Travel
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# Posted: 1 Feb 2007 15:02
Quoting: extraincome I am not a Coastal member yet but I done a bit of research on it...some reviews say it is a MLM this true?
Hi extraincome,
Nope, Coastal is not an MLM. I really don't know much about MLM's because I have never been in one. We do have a bunch of people in our group who were in several of them. So, from my understanding in an MLM the customer pays the company and after the company and everyone else above you gets their share of the profit, you get yours.
In Coastal your customer or new associate pays you directly, you send in the package price and the shipping costs to the shipping center and you keep the rest!
Quoting: extraincome Also I have been approached by a someone from the Coastal Group numerous this my director - assigned to me? Please help.
You can choose anyone you want to become your director. If you like the person who has called you, go with them. If not, find someone who you can work with. It's not just about your specific director, it's also about the group that they are a part of. Just keep that in mind 
PNL Travel
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# Posted: 1 Feb 2007 15:36
Hi Harold,
I agree that the Premiere is the most popular package; at least it is in the WealthBuilders group. I think that there are two reasons for this; the first is that the package is much better with the unlimited cruises and all. The second is because, just like your group, we also give away any sales below your level of entry. So if someone comes in at the Premiere level and they make a Basic (level 1) sale, or get a new associate at the Basic (level 1) level, that person and all of the profits are theirs to keep. Of course we still help train them and their new members while they are getting used to everything.
So, having said all of that, I recommend coming in at the highest level, the Platinum package. That means less profit for me in the long run, but it's the best bet for the serious business builders. You only have to complete two training sales and any Premiere or Basic sales you make are yours to keep, even while in training. So, you almost always get into profit faster because most of the sales are Premium sales.
Quoting: hsimpsonjr Most teams don't do this but we find it encourages people to join at the higher levels and allows them to get profits much quicker so they can put that money back into their business for advertising or use it however they see fit.
It is up to each individual director, but many directors out there also help people get started right off the bat. Many purchase a Dani Johnson ticket or advertising for their new associates as soon as they have purchased the package and they have completed that part of the training.
I think it is very important to get on the Q&A calls of various teams and see what fits you best. Just about all of the questions that are asked on this forum about Coastal are answered every afternoon and evening on one of the Q&A calls. The calls are hosted by six figure income earners, who better than them to answer your questions?

Joined: 2 Feb 2007
Posts: 7
# Posted: 3 Feb 2007 16:23
Yes this is acheiveable! But I will tell you, it's not one of those AUTOMATED / AUTO PILOT type things. You will need to put time and effort into your coastal biz, advertising, marketing etc.
I have been in coastal vacations for some time now, and continue to do very well with it. Everyone who has came on board under me is also qualfied and in profit mode.
Let me know if you have any questions. [email protected]
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# Posted: 4 Feb 2007 00:49
I know what you're feeling and going through. I've been doing the same old lead thing for a while before I decided that it was the wrong way to go.
The problem with the leads were: -they had no idea who was going to call them -most had never heard of Coastal, so I had to explain everything to them, defeating the purpose of my Call Center advantage -most forgot that they ever filled out a questionnaire asking for more information on a biz op -a lot of them were just tire kickers -and over 90% of them didn't have the financial means to get started
I'm sure that there are other problems with leads, but these were the biggies for me.
I think I have found a better way to deal with leads and am working out the details and trying to test it out. If it works, I will certainly post my findings here so that others can benefit too.
In the mean time, I wish you the best of luck. Don't give up. But be smart about how to continue.
It's a no brainer that beating a rock with millions of eggs will not crack the rock. It'll just make it messy.
It's not about calling leads after leads. It's about finding a smarter way, a way that works. Like Roger with the radio station. Way to go Roger.
And "hi" to Harold.
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# Posted: 5 Feb 2007 09:33
Thomas and Roger, you guys are "brothers" in two ways. You are both members of mine and from Canada.
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# Posted: 6 Feb 2007 21:42
Thanks Tomcha (Thomas?), There's no rocket science behind our business, we just have to learn how to be creative.....hey Harold I know we spoke today but a funny thing happened since we spoke, a guy I met in Houston in November called me to advertise on his radio station; they're doing a "biggest loser" type of game show and want our L1 as the winner's prize (ie, get into a bikini when you're on the beach). Pretty cool.
Joined: 8 Oct 2006
Posts: 16
# Posted: 7 Feb 2007 02:12
Hi Chena,
Although I don't hav anything against Costal Vacations, I don't think it is a good idea to invest thousands in your conditions. And I suggest you put that on hold for the moment and search for something that doesn't coast that much to start. Sure if you follow the instructions you'll succeed, given that every thing around you is stable (economically, politically, your health and your children's, the company itself and the owner(s)) ... so many variables that you cannot control. So there is some kind or risk anyway, and if I were you I wouldn't invest thousands in a business given that I am a beginner. Instead I would invest 50 bucks at most until I gain experience in marketing.
Good luck
Joined: 19 May 2006
Posts: 121
# Posted: 9 Feb 2007 04:09
It must be very frustrating to call all those leads and not get a single sign up. Have you thought of advertising through newspapers or online? It might be a better way to find people who are interested in your business. Perhaps you could change your lead company. Just some suggestions.
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# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 01:31
If it's to be it's UPTO ME!
These are famous words and I've found them to be Very True.
I have team members who get their directors release in less than 7 days and I have team members who never make it...they just give up!
A Very Wealthy man told me...and I remember his words to this day NEVER LEARN TO QUIT!
It can be done - If you're having challenges it may be your approach to the business, It may be the team your with, it could be the marketing your doing...but I must say it COULD be you.
Jay NaPier
P.S. - I offer my team members who ask a personal coaching and 1 on 1 phone coaching that has been very successful. Voice Quality is something that helps
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 18:59
I beleive that the best way to start is with Level one package. It's more affordable that way and you can use money to invest in advertising, marketing, and business costs.
Yet you still generate a good income $1,000 to $3,000, so for those of you who are cautious start out with the Level one pkg, that's what we did and intend to work our way up to platinum as we want to travel back to Italy and England. We traveled last year to England and Italy before we purchased the pkg but as a travel agent I was able to get us good rates.
Just my humble opinion. Terri
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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 13:42
As a level 1, you'd get $1,000 per sale after you pass up your two training sales. As a level 2, you'd get $1,000 or $3,000 per sale (passing up the two level 2 sales to get the $3,000).
If you are level 2, then you can earn $1,000 on level 1 sales even before you qualify.
I only mention this because I thought I remembered you saying that you bought the level 1 package and here you mentioned earning $3,000 per sale. As a level 1, you can't earn $3,000 per sale.
If I'm mistaken, my apologies for the confusion.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 16:39
Correct Thomas I was referring to the fact that after you become Director you than receive the 2 sales, or $2,000 plus $1,000 for each retail sales.
I guess it's 6 of one half dozen the other.
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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 17:07
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# Posted: 12 Mar 2007 14:57
I would say it is very possible to make your goals BUT not extremely likely.
Yes, this is a REAL business, yes we make incredible commissions. BUT everyone IS unique!
The "average" time it takes people to be released is 8 weeks. I admire your reason for wanting to start your business (mine was the same!) but I think you are setting yourself up for failure by putting yourself under too much stress.
It is really hard to judge- you know YOURSELF best! I know that CERTAINLY people HAVE done it. But, as often is said it is the turtle that wins the race!
I commend you wisdom for seeing the very great advantage at starting at the highest level you can afford. BUT, for the reasons I have outlined above I do recommend that anyone starting this business have budget set aside to run their business for 3 months if at all possible. This takes A LOT of negative stress off peoples minds and knowing you can give yourself a very fair chance makes a huge difference.
There is also a learning curve in this and ANY business! The training in MOST groups and with MANY directors is exceptional but it does take time to go through it all! Really reading and listening is one thing, but when doing it different people go at different rates.
If you remain coachable and follow the instruction of your hopefully supportive and knowledgable director, you will BE FINE! Just follow whatever system your director and group has in place. You will find with time and experience that you develop your own style, while hopefully still following that system step-by step!
If I were you.. I would NOT wait. I would however come in at the L1 first and put the remainder aside for your operating expenses. Sure, it will cost you more in the long run, but you will be giving yourself every chance to reach your ultimate goal- staying home with your precious children. I say not wait, because once you have your technique and the system down pat the sales do tend to come and come and come.. those $1000 are nothing to sniff at. People have qualified in 3 days, others have taken longer. But EVERYONE who remains committed and coachable DOES SUCCEED!
I hope that helps!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG