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Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 11:37
Quoting: roger Another thing potential Coastal members should consider is value for money. Training is very important to your success and, as noted all groups offer that, but I can't justify paying as much as $1700.00+ a year for a CSG system - what's up with that? I'm sure someone will tell me how much value there is but I don't see it.
I just wanted to clear this doesn't cost you that much unless you work your business, and don't sign up a single person in 1 whole year!!!
The CSG Mac system costs between $89 - $149 per month, and less each month.....With CSG your businesses expenses decrease with every team member.....until there are none!!
My director no longer pays for advertising in any way, nor does she pay for her Mac system, and she makes 5 figures amonth!!!!
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 11:41
Lindsay, Is that from signups for the Coastal Business or do they have to subscribe to the mac system to count?
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 13:42
The Mac System pays on top of Coastal, so it is with the system....
We earn $10-$15 per month per person signed up under us ($10 if you are a basic system user, and $15 if you are a pro system user).....if you have 10 teammates, your system is now paid for...... if you have 12 you make an extra $20 - $30 a month and so on!
Plus we have a high-5 program, if you sign up 5 people in 1 month, you get all sorts of prizes, and VIP treatment and things like that....
Hope that helps Lindsay
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 13:58
The MAC system is on an affiliate program. For each person that signs up, every month that they are a subscriber you earn $10 or $15 per month depending on the system they choose.
My MAC system not only pays for itself already but also gains me a small residual income. VERY small, but growing!
My director is making upwards of 4 figures a month after 3 years in the business.
I think that the value that system provides is outstanding. Roger, I was not "bashing" anyone and YES, I did investigate other groups and directors before I joined myself. I think that is fair and sensible to do.
You have your experiences and perspectives. I have mine. BUT the CSG does NOT do a comparison of our business to the call centre in their information gathering process. That some leaders when ASKED will give their experiences and insight is fair, IMHO. We don't go around call centre bashing. BUT it IS TRUE that there have been several call centres that have stolen sales. Yes, I understand NOT YOURS and there are several individuals and call centres that DO in fact imply it is a hands free business directly or indirectly. The reason call centres are often grouped into a bad lot (and yes I realize that is unfair) is because of the marketing and promotions its leaders have decided it use. Your intro movie IS in fact a misrepresentation of groups like wealthbuilders and CSG's model. NO WONDER we don't like it! I'm not "envious" of the call centres success, and frankly if someone chooses a call centre over me or my system, I wish them the best. Bottom line is, I could not have helped them ANYWAY if that is their attitude, their perception of themself and their ability and their choice. I don't convince or pursude. IF they do not see the value in myself and my business model- fine. At the end of the day, they joined Coastal Vacations. THAT is ultimately what matters, and for my part in that, I have done the right thing.
I respect the fact that you clearly do not mis-represent to your clients that work is actually involved. I think it is great that your team is unique and innovative and also provides value to its members. Absolutely, keep doing what it IS you are doing but do not tell people that the call centre is "better" because you don't have to pick up the phone, buy leads, chase people or close sales. I don't do those things either, and I'm sure that many others here will agree!
TELL your clients who YOU are and what YOU do. It is YOU that should matter to them. NOT the group! ALL of the groups have successful people in them and proven systems. THEY ALL WORK! That will define their success is YOUR ability to lead them in the right direction and smooth their way to success, not down the garden path of "us" vs. "them".
Anyone considering this business in my opinion would be well advised to search for their DIRECTOR primarily and examine the system secondarily. Do not forget that there are also very successful and competent independant directors who have NO group or system and also produce and lead successful directors. It is that director who will provide that personal mentoring and support that really does make all the difference in the world at the end of the day.
Joined: 19 May 2006
Posts: 121
# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 00:38
Has anyone been to Harv Ecker Millionaire Mind Intensive? It is a great free 3 day intensive. I highly recommend it. I believe if you google his name and the event you can find information about it and which cities he is in. By the way, I believe he is Canadian
Best of success to everyone!
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# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 01:43
I love T. Harv! Unfortunately, as my daughter is still very small I will not be able to attend until most likely next year! I actually often purchase my new team members a copy of his "secrets of the millionaire mind" on audiobook as well as "the secret" movie to get their pd library started!
I had NO idea he was Canuck! WOO HOO!
Thanks for that!
btw.. I know he is due in Montreal this spring. Are there any other coastal people out that way? I'm moving very near there this weekend! I would love to have other coastal people around to actually hob nob a bit with in the flesh! Coffee and brainstorming ideas to further the revolution anyone?
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# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 11:08
My friend swears by T. Harv.....Susan he'll be in your neck of the woods, sort of, in June but I guess you know that....Montreal, a fantastic city, one of my personal faves.

Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 244
# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 13:41
I love his secrets of the millionaire mind book.
He was here in Ft Worth a few weeks ago but we were on vacation.
I like the Science of Getting rich even more, which a free book.
cheers maria
Joined: 19 Feb 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 14:56
I went to the MMI in Atlanta in December and loved it! The experience is completely different than the book. The book is good, but the seminar doesn't really compare to the book. It's like nothing you expect. I really enjoyed it! I'm going back to the MMI again in June, and I do plan to start doing some of the workshops as well although they can get quite expensive. Anyone in this business (or anyone period) should go to an MMI. There were lots of people who brought their kids along too and the kids loved it.
I'm going to Dani Johnson this weekend (in a couple hours)...
Joined: 19 Feb 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 15:16
Quoting: matiasmommy TELL your clients who YOU are and what YOU do. It is YOU that should matter to them. NOT the group! ALL of the groups have successful people in them and proven systems. THEY ALL WORK! That will define their success is YOUR ability to lead them in the right direction and smooth their way to success, not down the garden path of "us" vs. "them".
I agree. I would like to see less of the arguing amongst groups - it's really not necessary. We are all a part of Coastal Vacations - we should support other Coastal people regardless of the group they chose. I venture to say that quite a few people came into Coastal having investigated several different groups first, and all of those people (myself included) chose the group they did because it appeal ed to them the most. All of the groups are offering the same product - the only variation is they are being marketed SLIGHTLY differently. So it isn't necessary to disparage other groups because that just reflects poorly on Coastal Vacations as a whole.
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 18:05
Well Said!!
Coastal has a great product, the one thing we all have in common....
Joined: 19 May 2006
Posts: 121
# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 19:37
I definitely agree that each group is a well run and I believe no matter which group one joins you will be successful. I think one needs to look at the approach to the marketing and figure out what works best for them. There are many successful people in each group and lots of training and support. It is because of all these tools and people willing to help that make Coastal Vacations so successful. The product is the same. If it wasn't a quality product it wouldn't last. The people make it happen.
I wish I could make it to the seminar this weekend. Please let us know how it went. I plan to attend the one in Sept.
Best of success to all, Susan
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# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 21:45
I agree Susan! People really need to take a very close look at the marketing. It must be both effective and ethical.
I really think though, at the end of the day it is the director you wish to stand behind that will make the difference. Our product speaks for itself. The groups all have duplicable systems and successful people. Chances are, the if the director is honest, open, understanding and dedicated the system they put their name behind is too.
I'm dashed that I'm not able to be at the seminar either! I'm sure there will be lots of updates on team calls though. I had actually booked to go using the Disney vacation and extended it, but then my daughters passport did not come through. That is a real STEAL of a deal for those of you who haven't checked it out yet! I plan to re-order and keep some on hand to give away and get to enjoy it myself finally too!
Turns out for the best, though! I was able to change my moving date a week forward and saved a ton! Plus, my girlfriend gets to go to Disney with her son and save a bunch of money. That is great, because its March break and she is a hard working single mother. They couldn't have afforded it otherwise.
Gee, its STILL expensive to move though! Too bad we don't have a discount card for that! One can always dream...
I'm really looking forward to hearing and learning about all the new upgrades and releases though! That BOD never lets us down!
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 244
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 11:21
I recorded the call that was this Monday, with all the updates post seminar.... If you want to hear it, just click on training on the site below.
hope this helps maria
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 11:31
Thanks Maria! You ROCK! If you have a minute sometime, I would love to speak with you!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 244
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 14:44
Hello Jani
you are welcome to call me anytime, the number is on the site.
 have a great one
Cheers Maria Porter Level 3 Director
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 15:22
Thanks Maria!! That was great!
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 244
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 21:03
wow girls
you are so welcome 
I will be recording tonights call as well, so check back tomorrow if you don't have a chance to listen to it tonight.
cheers maria
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 22:06
Again Maria- you ROCK!
Thanks so much for taking time to speak with me so openly today. I really appreciate it! I hope you were not late to gather your son!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 244
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 22:12
you are welcome no...i was on time
I emailed you a goody from your website
cheers maria
Joined: 17 Jan 2007
Posts: 36
# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 08:00
Hi all! I'm going in too! Learning a lot from your posts and getting a sense of team work...great!... I'm so relieved that Coastal is for real and not a scam. NOW, I need some help: I hear from you experienced folks, that getting a "good" Director is vital, right?...well, how can anybody from the outside choose one? By the D.'s success?, length in Coastal?, word-of-mouth? asking around, say, to you posters?, what can you recommend?
You all seem enthusiastic and good people, your help will be appreciated, and by many!
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# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 08:12
Sometimes it just comes down to your gut. Here are a couple of posts from the past that relates to your query. I hope it helps you!

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# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 08:13
Joe, excellent questions, interview a few of the Directors to see if you both seem compatible with each other.
As to length of time or how many people the Director has signed may not be as important as to their experience in marketing and advertising.
I know some new directors come in with fresh ideas for marketing and may be able to offer you fresh, new ideas. It seems marketing and advertising methods must be updated often as some may lose their appeal.
Look at what system and what groups they belong to, there are many different systems from call centers to automated systems etc. And believe me when I say it makes a whale of a differemce as to what systems you choose, or as I call them what tools you will be exposed to. So length of time in Coastal as to length of time marketing and advertising should be considered.
Also, is Coastal their main focus or are they in several different companies. I have seen many seasoned Directors who are not as focused as some new Directors. They need to be there for you and not consider you to be an imposition on "their life" I know for myself if I have a ques I feel that if I am paying someone $1,000 or $2,000 to train me they better be there for me!!
I consider $2,000 that a Director receives to mentor and coach you a lot of money and you need to get your money's worth!
Good luck in your search and all the best to you!
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# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 10:47
Good point Terri!
When I was seeking a director, I wanted someone who was visionary and experienced. What I noticed is that many of the "big name" directors don't give people a whole lot of one on one time. Not that I think they are bad people, just that they don't have the TIME.
I really think that is vital to people, when they are first starting out they have paid for that intense training. The groups give people lots of suberb resources- but everyone is an individual. Its kind of like calling one of those 800#'s for customer service. Its seems while they have treid to give people great information for general questions and concerns that you always seem to have some situation that is unique. I don't know about everyone else, but when I have a problem I try to find the answer with the resources available to me first and THEN will call the organization.
So, it was really important for me to find that director experienced and visionary enough to give me the tools and take me to the edge but also someone that I could get on the phone with daily one on one for that unique and individual learning and questions that arise that aren't answered by the systems resources.
This is why my goal is to bring quality entrepreneurs into my own business. I don't want to see people not get everything they need on every level to find their own success. Its very important to me to have good relationships and good raport and I want people to KNOW that they can and should pick up the phone regardless of if they have an appointment with me or not. I want to establish long term relationships and have them know that I will be there long after they get their release.
I'd rather have 3 people like that a month then 3 a week. Bring excellent people into this business and never have to resort to forum calls. Right now, I have actually looked at my team and realized that I have quite a few people in that stage one. So in order to give them and thier people the very best of myself and my time I have stopped active marketing and am taking on limited new members on my own efforts. I don't mean to come off as a prospecting snob or anything its just that I am out not only seeking my own prosperity and success.
So my advice to you Joe, is this. Learn all that you can and make a list for yourself of what it is that YOU will require as an individual when you start your business. We call this "expectations management" . Call around and interview directors. Get to know them and thier own philosophy ask many questions about how they run their business and how they envision their future. Listen to thier answers, and see if they meet your expectations for a director that you have on your list.
I would ask things like what are your business hours? How much time will I be able to work with you? What happens if I need you and you aren't available right then? What ways do I have to get in touch with you? How quickly will you get back to me? What is your policy with new team members? What are your hobbies and passions? How many hours do you work a week vs how many hours you are available for me to get in touch with you as need be? Do you have other directors that you work with that I may be in touch with should I need help and you are not available? What are YOUR expectations of ME as one of your team members? How active are you within the leadership of your own group? What are your future plans for your own business? What do you feel are the most important ingredients for success?
I hope that helps Joe!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
(about to pack up the phone and puter and head to my new home! WOO HOO!)
Joined: 23 Mar 2007
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# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 10:50
HI LORA, It's Rene!
I am new to Coastal and am absolutely ecstatic. I would like to publicly thank Lora for all the time she has spent with me. I AM going to see you guys at the TOP!
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# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 12:16
I would also suggest doing a google or yahoo search for that persons name, ie coastal vacation first name lastname to see if anything negative has been written about that person as well.
You may also find some good postive posts, or at least see what they have been up to

The second thing I would do is to call them one by one and see if your personalities click.
Hope this helps
maria Porter Level 3 director
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 14:00
I would agree with everyone!!
It is up to you to interview those that seem your style.....You must "click" with your director, and feel comfortable talking with them. You must feel that they have the time and effort to support you.
Do you have a full time job? Find someone with the same schedule....
Do you have children? Find someone you can relate too...
Ask questions and find the one that suits you best-!!
Joined: 19 May 2006
Posts: 121
# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 15:46 � Edited by: susaneng
Hi Joe, Coastal has many groups within the company, each with their own style of running the Coastal business. I don't think any group is better than another, and there are successful directors in every group. I would suggest that you check out each group and see which one best fits your style, and from there find a director that you can click with. I know if at least 3 groups. wecloseyoursales( of which I am part of), Coastal synergy group, and Coastal wealth builders. You can email me at [email protected] if you want any more information on the wecloseyoursales group. I am sure anyone else on this board would be more than happy to answer your questions about their group.
Good luck with your search, and best of success to you, Susan
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Posts: 244
# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 15:51
Hello Susan
actually there are many groups, more than you mention...I know of at least 15....excluding my own 
but it comes down to support, tools, personalities and advertising.
If you are not taught how to market, how will anyone ever find you.
hope this helps
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 16:17
There are really that many groups.....and here I thought that there were like 5....
The groups (the onces I know of) all have great support, but I believe that it is a personal director you must choose more than a group.....
All the groups have great options, and try to have advantages over one another, but they all offer great support, and advertising ideas....But it is still up to you....
No one can help you if you won't help yourself.....and by that I mean we can't give you answers unless you ask questions!!