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Joined: 19 Feb 2007
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# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 17:53
Hi all we are about to take some of the vacations and use the free vouchers shortly here. Will report on how well that works out. I have read several testimonials regarding using the vouchers as well as the condo resorts.
Level one is a great place to start to check it all out and see if it's all it's cracked out to be before jumping in to deep.
And earning a $1,000 plus two sales generates a very good income not to mention the fact that it is not an MLM makes a lot of people happy to join.
I like the WCYS call center and the training they offer in the back office. It is well worth the $700, so the pkg for $1295 plus the $700 is a bargain at that price. And the fact that CV has been around a long time!
I know there are a lot of good directors on this forum but give us new kids on the block a chance, we are experienced in the travel industry,and we can give you the benefit of our years of experience in marketing and travel. As a business owner I know what it takes. And along with the training you receive from WCYS it is a unbeatable combo.
Thanks, Dan
When you succeed we all succeed!
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# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 18:33
Quoting: JNS Travel 2. How doe the call center know which director the prospect is responding. The web site all look the same for each group using a call center, I didn't notice any like pin# to tell which director generated the lead by the web sit. Joe
Joe, each of us have our own ID code my husband's is 4351DW. So you give your prospect the 800# and tell them to give the ID#.
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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 09:33
Quoting: driver I am concerned with spending a fortune on marketing with no return.I do love to travel and it would be great to do something you have a passion for.
Driver your concern about marketing is justified. I work with several marketing companies and I have talked with SEVERAL Coastal members who wanted to make Coastal into a business, but their director did not have the knowledge to help them do it on their budget. There's alot of useless information flowing around that REALLY does not help someone get things going. One group advertises they have 100+ marketing, a bit of research shows that what they've done is simply did a search and made a list.
I'm successful with Coastal because I have a passion for travel. If you love to travel - get started and be sure to introduce yourself at a Coastal training seminar.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 09:44 � Edited by: jnapier
Quoting: tomcha If you know what you are going to say, then the voice seems to be the most powerful, accurate and even sometimes quickest (by avoiding miscommunication) way to exchange info.
Hi Thomas,
I totally agree....The phone is a better way to communicate.....AND, when you have a successful team of directors you work to provide every team member with the support they deserve.
Let me give you an example. Let's say you've got 30 people on your team and all of them decide they could use 30 minutes of your time. NOW - you've got to schedule your time so you have time for things like eating, sleeping and showering.
One of the MAJOR benefits of working with a successful directors is you learn how to keep your phone line open and schedule your time so you can balance you team time with your family time.
I'm one of the few award winning Coastal Level 3 Directors who would even share tip with new Coastal Directors on a forum like this. I'll be celebrating my 19th year as an entrepreneur this year. There are skills I've learned over the years that MOST Coastal Directors will never learn.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 09:49
Quoting: susaneng You can choose to either pitch the sale yourself
Wow...Now that sounds like SALES! I don't pitch ANYONE ANYTHING! I'm here as an executive tour guide. I provide information so you can make an informed decision about Coastal.
As a home business coach, I use my 18+ years of business success to help people who want to be successful working from home.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 09:56
When it comes to training and support, it's important to work with the best to get the best results. As a leader with the Coastal Synergy Group I've had the pleasure to participate in the process that CONTINUES to put the CSG ahead of any other group. The CSG continues to set new standards in this industry and with Coastal.
This business is ALL ABOUT training and support. Our Las Vegas training event will have the largest turn out of ANY Coastal seminar ever.
Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 15:47
Jay, you know, of course, that Susan is using "Pitch" as a figure of speech. One GREAT thing about our call center is that we have the choice of doing business the way you do it meaning the traditional way by closing all of the sales yourself or business the easy way by letting the call center handle everything except training for us. We make that choice. We are available for questions if a prospect wants to speak to us personally but we can let the call center ask them for the money because that is what they do so well. We are the number one selling team in Coastal and it is because of the call center and our leaders like Jeff Mills and Dean Marino. You can say that all you do is act as a "tour guide" but you still ask them for their money and you always will unless you start using our call center. We level the field for ordinary people who might not be so great at talking to people or asking them for money. I am not saying that doing Coastal the traditional way is not a good way. I plan on doing some retail sales myself but as far as getting people in the business the WeCloseYourSales call center is second to none. For proof of that, just look at this forum. Roger, Dawn, Susan, Thomas, Beckie, Silvana, Dan, I think Terri is with the call center too. Sorry if I missed anyone. We have revolutionized the way Coastal is done and we are the number one team because of that. We also recognize that there are other great teams like Lora's team, Coastal Wealth Builders and CSG.
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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 15:56
Of course Jay knew what Susan meant. I think he was using that to make a self-promotional point for himself (never misses to point out the 18+ years). But I do think that is a very good mindset to have as a Coastal director.
But I also agree with Harold that no matter how you look at it, you need to ask for the money unless you have something like our Call Center behind you. You'd only be lying to yourself and others to think otherwise.
So while the traditional method might work very well for some, it won't for most. That's why the Call Center is so successful.
It's the great equalizer for the rest of us.
But credit is due where it's due. Jay, your point is well taken.
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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 16:57
As we all know the CSG, Call Center, CWB or what have you, they are all only as good as the individuals who make up the group. You will find really good Directors like myself in any group you join, just like you'll get your not-so-good Directors within the same group. It boils down to a few things, leadership being one of them.
I believe we all get into Coastal (at least I did) to help people as well as ourselves, thus creating a win-win situation which is how business should always be conducted. It also comes down to personalities because regardless of how successful you are does not mean the person you've brought in will be equally successful if there is a mismatch in personalities!

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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 17:05
Exactly! Well said Roger. Especially the point about personalities.
Everyone has different learning style and work style, as I tend to put it, and this makes a huge difference on how well you learn from your director.
I come from a teaching background so I tend to think in terms of learning styles, but I guess personalities is equally descriptive.
Even if you have the 'best' (however you describe it) director, you won't learn much if he can't teach it to you in a way that you can understand.
Remember that there is no bad student. Only bad teachers. (ouch)
But please no finger pointing. Teachers, for the most part, teach the way they were taught. That's why it's very important for you to seek out the director that meets your needs and personalities (style).
And this goes much more beyond mere number of sales or how much money they make or even what level they are.
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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 17:48
You're right Thomas and as they say, just because you speak English doesn't mean you can teach it.
We think alike, you must be Canadian or something?

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# Posted: 20 Feb 2007 18:59
Quoting: hsimpsonjr We are the number one selling team in Coastal
Really - Can your prove that? Seems the HYPE machines go rolling on when it comes to "some" with the call center. I also seem to remember a "Host" for a board of directors regional event in LA, but when I made a call to a board was not the case.
but you still ask them for their money
That's interesting because I don't ask for the money! Perhaps you have bought into the ad copy that has been writen for the calls centers. I'd also be willing to bet that you spend money on advertising. I do not have to.
We level the field for ordinary people who might not be so great at talking to people or asking them for money.
Again - Great ad copy. You see it in ads for seminars, ebooks and many other online training programs from gurus.
IWe have revolutionized the way Coastal is done and we are the number one team because of that.
Again, great ad copy. You should consider looking into the TRUTH behind that. CSG had over 200 people in Nashville Feb 2-4th. The leadership regional training event was a great success. Can you even find 200 call center members who'd even make a trip.
How many of you have USED THE MEMBERSHIP? If your not using the membership....Why are you even boasting about the call center.
Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 01:44
Jay, I don't understand why you are so negative and hostile to everyone else. If that how you were trained? To try and cut everyone else down so that you can shine?
And since you go on and on about looking into the "TRUTH behind that" I find it curious why you give the example of 200 people in the Nashville event. So what? What does that prove?
Maybe you should look into the "TRUTH behind that" as well.
What I am saying is that it doesn't matter. Who cares how many people went to the training? If it was successful, great. If the attendees got great training, that's great. I mean, that's the purpose of the event, right?
It did what it was designed to do, so enough said.
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# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 01:49
Quoting: roger You're right Thomas and as they say, just because you speak English doesn't mean you can teach it. We think alike, you must be Canadian or something? Yes. I am Canadian! (inside joke) And as a matter of fact, I did teach English to students in ESL classes (English as a Second Language classes).
I like to think that I did a good job teaching those kids. And if I was, what made me effective in teaching them was the fact that I myself am a first generation immigrant.
Having learned English as a third language (had to learn French first when I lived in Quebec, before moving to Ontario), I knew how to convey some of the messages that some of the first generation ESL teachers didn't know.
In a way, having gone through the hardship made me a better teacher because I understood.
This just fits nicely with my belief that everything happens for a reason.
Good to connect with a fellow Canadian, Roger. (eh?)
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
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# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 18:13
All right guys, I hate to jump in and play ref, but You guys are making it really hard for Coastal Vacations - or did you forget about that?
It doesn't matter what group you are with, every person has their own choice, and if they come here, they will know about the different groups......
Each one has their advantage, they all have their "Buts" to....
For example The call centre groups have a call centre to close their sales - BUT - you have to do your own advertising
CSG doesn't do own advertising, we have companies to do it for us - BUT - we must close our own sales.....
Their are advantages of all groups, but the product is the product, and the opportunity is the opportunity.....
I have pointed prospects here and to other forums to look at what people are saying, to see the talk to real people....but instead they come here to see Childish "mine is better than yours"
Quite honestly - I am a member of CSG and have gotten along quite well I like to think with other groups - it is a matter of respect - at least that is what I think.
And Roger and Thomas - I am Canadian (haha) can I ask you guys a question - do you have options for people to purchase right off your website? Do you have a merchant account? (Questions directed to canadians - please help)
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# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 22:50 � Edited by: roger
Quoting: tomcha Yes. I am Canadian! (inside joke)
I miss those commercials, felt like singing the national anthem when I heard it!
For the record I knew you were a Canuck, eh.....
I feel the teaching profession is not respected enough but I'm happy to say my five year old is blessed with a great teacher who inspires her; SHE wants to be a teacher because of her. Obviously that may change in the years ahead but the positive influence Megan McBride has had on my little girl is heart warming, especially when my daughter wakes up every morning looking forward to going to school. It's nice to know there are really good teachers out there like Ms. McBride.
Sorry, got on a bit of a soapbox but I wanted to say it....
Lindsay (I didn't know you were Canadian!), a merchant account is something I wish I did have and it's not from a lack of trying. Card Services Int'l doesn't work for us or any other US merchant account provider, there's Paypal as you know. I've tried this Canadian company: but they haven't returned my repeated calls! Not sure what's up with that?? If you get in touch with them let me know what happens.

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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 11:03
Didn't know you were Canadian either.
Quoting: jlDunn do you have options for people to purchase right off your website? Do you have a merchant account? (Questions directed to canadians - please help) For the time being, the best option is to call the Call Center's number 1-800-378-1169 and give the person's ID number.
From there, the sales rep can take your credit card info or work through other options (e.g., PayPal, cheques; this is how we Canadians spell it by the way).
Quoting: jlDunn Childish "mine is better than yours" Ok, I am guilty of this, I admit. I got carried away at some of the comments and couldn't refuse. Thanks for reminding me of what's more important Lindsay.
Thomas *Did you get my email? I'd like to compare some notes with you about Coastal. Email me and we'll go from there.
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 11:19
Quoting: roger Obviously that may change in the years ahead but the positive influence Megan McBride has had on my little girl is heart warming, especially when my daughter wakes up every morning looking forward to going to school. It's nice to know there are really good teachers out there like Ms. McBride. Obviously Ms McBride is doing something right!
I'm so glad to hear that your daughter has such a great teacher. A great teacher can make all the difference in the world.
Personally, I loved teaching and the kids, but couldn't stand the bureaucracy and the politics that went on in the schools.
It would do well, Roger, if you have the time, to talk to Ms McBride and find out what she does that motivates your daughter so much. Sometimes parents need little more objective look at their kids. Teachers can sometimes see the obvious that parents seem to miss.
That way, you can use the same tools that Ms McBride uses for a lifetime. And you can aide your daughter if and when she comes across a teacher that is less than inspiring. Unfortunate thought, but it does happen. I've seen too many teachers who are in the profession for the pension and not for the kids.
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 12:15 � Edited by: roger
Thanks for the insight, T and I think you're right about teachers knowing more about our kids at times, particularly in a social capacity because of the interaction with all the other kids
The advantage of being home full time running my Coastal biz is I get to see my kid A Lot more than most parents which I know I'll never regret!

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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 12:42
Hey guys, I just talked to a fella from Sirqa Merchant Account Services and they actually deal with merchant accounts for Canadians at a half decent price....I did find one other - Chase Paymentech, but they are really pricy....
Be careful if any of you choose to use Paypal - they have a whole part in there "Acceptable Use Agreement" about using paypal to accept payments for MLM, Pyramid, and some other ones - and just so you know they condsider Coastal in that category....And there exchange rate changes just about daily.
Lindsay Thomas - I got your email, wanted to see what you guys had on your website.....what kind of info and that sort of stuff.
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 13:57 � Edited by: roger
Thanks Lindsay, I'll be checking that Paypal, I've heard some stories too but not from anyone I know using it. I run my Coastal business with Paypal and in fact have used Paypal since 2004 with nary a problem (touch wood) to report.

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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 16:26
Sirqa, got it. Thanks Lindsay. I will be sure to check them out.
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 17:46
Wow, what's with Coastal and teachers...yep, I'm one also! And I want to get out for the same reasons as you, Tomcha! It must be that great minds think alike??
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 21:25
Well, what can we say? Smart folks think alike  Are you still teaching or are you out already?
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 04:45
Guys.. I am sorry but I really DO have to stand up for Jay here.
He IS in fact a leader in Coastal and the CSG and DOES in fact have the facts about what he is talking about. He brought in more then 10 new team members last month alone. The man has been around the block a few times. He is a leader. No, he is NOT my director! But I do respect his expertise and his efforts to set the record straight. I know what he says to be the truth.
I have investigated many groups, leaders and systems before I joined the CSG. The call centre is marketing smartly and from what I know it does push a bit too much hype without stats. I have done the research myself. You really can NOT believe everything you hear on the internet and have to look at the motives behind what is being said.
Smart marketing is JUST that- smart marketing. If you love the call centre system, then great! BUT I think it is absolutely wrong to tell people that the "traditional" way of doing coastal (which btw very many people actually still do these days this internet hbb thing is NEW to coastal) does have to involve "buying leads" "chasing prospects" and "closing sales" as the WCYS movie on their websites STATES. That bit about "business 1" and "business 2". It is simply twisting facts and plain out lying to people!
Lindsey, YES the CSG has formed partnerships for coastal and csg specific advertising campaigns with both CEM and Real Time data. BUT you are NOT required to advertise with them or that way! They are simply recommended and promoted because they are well respected and reputable companies tha reliably provide advertising that is simple and effective. NOT MANDATORY! Just like in any other Coastal Group, you are your own business owner and can run and advertise your own business however you choose provided you adhere to anti spam and ethical guidelines put in place by the CSG and BOD to ensure integrity and our reputation as a group.
One does NOT need to BUY LEADS (I just sent a huge list of MORE the 170 ways to market to my own team last week), nobody should be "chasing prospects" and if they are taught to do that, their director is poorly qualified and with the CSG at least from MY experience we do NOT have to CLOSE sales. We have global theatre, live q&a to do that, not to mention our websites!
I have had more then one prospect walk through my system and pay at my website without ME ever even picking up the phone. I make MOST of my sales in UNDER an HOUR of my personal time. I let my SYSTEM do 80% or more of my work FOR me- the q&a and global close my sales for me. I let the system work-and it does because when someone else walks through it they can see for themselves that they can do it too regardless of background or sales ability. If you can read, learn and answer questions honestly, you can DO this. I am not charging over BOD guidelines for Level 1 and I am not giving away a significant chunk of my Level II and III sales so that I don't have to pick up the phone and talk to my prospects. From what I gather, many of you actually DO choose to talk to prospects sometimes anyhow.
The CSG has absolutely, hands down got incredible training and resources for our members. I have SEEN the back offices of several other systems, I have listened to many other groups calls before I got into the business. I am absolutely convinced that the CSG has that training and support piece NAILED. We ARE in fact the largest group in Coastal. Please, check out those facts. There are many good reasons why.
I have watched them make no less then 16 improvements to our system and resources in the past 7 months. There is MORE training and personal development and resources available then any human being can even DO. They regularily send out surveys asking US, the members what we THINK and what we WANT. They bring us industry leaders to train and speak with us on a regular basis.
There are sub groups within the CSG- Product and Retail Education team and Success Team, for example. Tools, tools and MORE tools. Training and training and MORE training. Personal development. You name it, we HAVE it! I have never had a team member sign up for their mac and NOT saw WOW! Even though I try to tell them exactly what it is that we have going for us.
Really, if you use and love the call centre, fine! But just as you can join the call centre if you are a member of another group, you can ALSO join the CSG. Price is MUCH lower, I might add- you just need to sign up for our MAC (marketing and communications system). I don't know of any CSG member that is also going to ask you to give them a commission for the privledge of getting in that back office.
Do yourself a favour, and check out REALLY check out the other more "traditional" groups. Try it out for a month their system and compare- tap IN and see what we really do have and are all very rightly excited about! Even if you still wish to exclusively let your call centre close your sales and never wish to speak with a prospect the training and pd in that dashboard and back office will help you be that much more expert and knowledgable and in turn help your team be that much more confident and successful when you train them. Put that cheque the call centre sends you into some personal development every month. Check out some other groups from the "inside".
If anyone of you is interested in the Millionaire Mindset Intensive series that has just wrapped up or any other trainings or recordings or information that I can provide, just email me and ask!
These things are SO valuable to your business and YOURSELF as a person. I am MORE then willing to share!
Jani L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 08:39
One thing I can say for Jani, she is more than willing to share! She is just very passionate about CSG and that's ok, in fact because of her giving ways I am considering looking into CSG in addition to WCYS, I say why not??
No reason we can't have both programs is there?
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 10:56
Jani, noone is disputing the fact that Jay is a leader in this business. You can't do a search for Coastal on google without finding several of his sites or press releases. He is doing what so many other of the misinformed leaders of other teams do. He is saying things that aren't true about the call center. It's great that you guys have your website set up to take credit cards. I hope to have a personal site setup with my merchant account very soon but Jay was saying things that weren't true about the call center and insinuating that you should make sure that you join under a level 3 director. That would iliminate 98% of all coastal members right there. I have complimented Jay on MANY occasions and I actually talked to him before I joined the call center but after his display he made on this forum I won't be able to do that anymore. The numbers that I am refering to when I say that we are the top selling group come from Hoyt Farmer. I trust what he says so everyone can take that for what it is worth. Some will believe it. Some won't. It's OK either way. I must say we don't get defensive unless we are provoked. You can look at all of the other posts in the Coastal Vacations section of this forum and see that we are friendly and helpful to everyone, no matter what group you belong to. Jay came in and started flaunting his level 3 status like prospects should use the level of a member to determine if they are worthy to join under. It's great that Jay is a level 3 director but noone should join under anyone just because they are a level 3 director. The level doesn't make the director a good one. I commend Jay on his amazing success and I commend you on yours. I just wish you guys wouldn't say things about the WCYS call center.
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 11:07
Thanks Terri!
My pleasure, really.
I just see marketing as another form of playing politics. I'm all about getting the facts, and I really HAVE done my homework.
I think that each and every group within Coastal has some exceptional and wonderful people in it. I think we can ALL learn from each other and should strive to do so. I am all for having anyone and everyone who wants to be the very best they can be have access to whatever resources are available that speak to and bear relevancy to THEM. Its all about being the BEST coastal director that YOU can be, and growing and learning as an individual. I see it as my greatest work, to help others. I am passionate about what I do and who I do it with- but my true passion is doing my part to contribute.
I so want to see each and very person who wants to take that golden ring that is THEIR own personal version of success! I don't CARE what group you are in or what you choose to believe or remain ignorant to. Everyone makes choices for their own reasons and internal motivation. I respect an individuals right to make a decision of their own and I admire that desire to be successful. However you choose. Just do what is RIGHT for you and be informed as MUCH as you need to.
My background is actually medical ethics, in part. There is a concept when a person presents for treatment you might have heard of, known as "informed consent". This means that the person must be told of ALL the risks and benefits of whatever treatment option/s. The information must be clear and understandable by everyday non medical people and it MUST be proven and verifiable by fact. The other side of the coin is a lesser recognized phenonminon known as the need NOT to know. There are many people, who really don't want all the nitty gritty. In fact they have an implied/indirect NEED NOT to know. Freaks them right out that Dr. Butcher is going to give them a needle, knock them out and cut into thier flesh to dig around and then cut out their appendix. Telling THOSE people the detalils.. It does them more harm then good.
The point I am trying to make here, is that one should be honest and factual based when answering prospective clients questions. These are the people who need informed consent. It is much rarer to find someone who simply wants whatever smartly written advertorial information that is presented on your website and just walks through it and accepts the face value.
I have done my homework, and I am aware that I made the best decision for me. I am a very analytical and tend to be a literal interpreter by nature so I really DID do my homework! I am right now moving and I have an entire BOX of files that I created during my research phase. In fact, I am going to be putting that data in a forthcoming website project.
I think that everyone is entitled to make their own choice, but I do think it only fair that they should get their own facts and FIND OUT for themselves. I don't care what media form you are looking at- the smart consumer must remember that the motive behind ANY advertising or promotions is to have YOU as their client.
There are pleanty of clients to go around. Remember, this is the LARGEST industry in the world and its only growing. We do have a product that is both of high quality and integrity. Not to mention proven and established. We have lots of different groups and systems and MORE importantly directors that are either independant or in groups and there is someone for everyone.
I have much respect for many of you on this board. I have read your posts and see that indeed, here too there are some very passionate and knowledgable folks. I think that is GREAT.
I am truly very honoured to share what knowledge I have gained with others because truly my passion IS coastal vacations and I am blessed to know many people in many different groups and situations within Coastal.
T.ogether E.veryone A.cheives M.ore
Everyone can and should win at the end of the day.
ok, off my soapbox!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 11:20
Hi all,
I think Jani has a great point here!!
I went to the CSG University training last night with Erica was about "Dynamic Selling Secrets" and she taught that your biggest secret is you...
There is no one else in this business like you, and when your done, there will never be anyone like you ever again! You are unique, use it!
She also taught that one of the biggest problems people have with selling is that they are trying to get everyone to see it from there point of view.....your point of view may not be what I want to see, my point may not be what your friend wants to see/hear....
People come to us because they are seeking an answer to a problem they have, whether it be finances, freedom, time, family, or whatever, they have a problem, and we have the just have to let your prospect tell you how they want the answer!!
I think that every prospect needs to do their homework, they will then find a group and mentor that THEY like, it may not be the one I like, it may not be the one you like, but as long as they do....
No matter what group you are with, we are all with Coastal Vacations, and that is success.....
All of us need each of us, and each of us need all of us!!!
Hey CSG members, did you know that Nitsa is the top income earner in all of coastal vacations?
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 11:25 � Edited by: roger
As we know success is a choice and ultimately it comes down to the individual and how much they want it. Although we as Directors can inspire and motivate people, we cannot do the work for them. People are not duplicatable, systems are.
Although I'm with the We Close Your Sales team, I started Coastal the traditional way (conference calls, three way calling etc.) and to this day have enjoyed some great success being able to help my family, renovate my home and even take a couple of trips. I've also had challenges too but I can say from experience, the Call Center simply gives you more options. I've been an entrepreneur since I was 17 years old and I've come to know that smart business people understand the power of leverage.
The Call Center gives you that.
It does not mean you do not talk to people, it does not mean you are running a hands-free business; generally speaking given the choice - as people - we will move toward the path of least resistence, it's in our nature.
I've had people join my business without speaking with them until after they came aboard, that never happened when I started the traditional way. I also find that people join us from other groups as opposed to the other way around, in fact I don't know if anyone has ever gone from the Call Center to another group??
With respect to the Millionaire Mindset training I'm also on Annette's list and have enjoyed listening to those calls, the recorded trainings are readily available and I have them as well.
We talk a lot about training when it comes to the traditional way and I've seen the CSG Mac system thoroughly and it does provide a lot of solid training, but it would be remissive of me not to mention the endless hours of excellent video and audio training available in our back office. Anyone who is a part of the Call Center will attest to it.
In fact we offer video training so you can actually see a step by step on how to use your Membership Cards as you anxiously await your Travel Package. It's real information. You will see our trainer actually going online and showing you the discounts available to you. As well, one of Coastal's top income earners does a live weekly training with the Call Center team.
Another thing potential Coastal members should consider is value for money. Training is very important to your success and, as noted all groups offer that, but I can't justify paying as much as $1700.00+ a year for a CSG system - what's up with that? I'm sure someone will tell me how much value there is but I don't see it. At the Call Center we offer fantastic, real world training, both Live and otherwise and you pay $50/mth all inclusive (less your advertising if any, of course).
The CSG, as an entity, is a business and it's smart business to keep your customers buying things from you, I can't fault them for that but I'm tired of all this Call Center bashing from people who have clearly lost sales to our amazing system.
I've been on many CSG calls and heard comments from the moderator saying we are not in charge of our business, they can steal our sales etc, etc. It's a mantra that's preached, it seems. I suppose when you're on top as we are, that's what people resort to. I will add none of those comments hold any truth.
The underlying fact is the Call Center team repeatedly defends itself from envy; I suppose it's not the worst problem in the world to have but you don't hear our team instigating, provoking and bashing other groups. Ask yourself why that is and the truth will surface.
Good luck!
