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Success isn't always about business

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Joined: 15 May 2008
Posts: 195

# Posted: 28 May 2008 11:00

Success can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different
people...but something I have realized is that often times when
we reach some "Goal" we had set out in our head, it's only
satisfying for a moment before we need something to satisfy
ourselves again.

You see it time after time after time again...where people who
make and have an enormous amount of money are just never satisfied.

And then we think, "Oh, if I only I had this amount of money
then I'd be happy! And all my problems would go away..."

It's a crock of crap.

Money will NEVER bring you true satisfaction in and of itself.

No matter how much money you EVER make...You Are Still Yourself.

And if you don't like yourself...then you will never be satisfied.
So many people miss the boat on this one. So many people are
thinking that their satisfaction in life is going to come from
all these 'Exterior' things like Money, Love, Relationships,
Nice Things...

And it couldn't be farther from the truth.

The satisfaction you get from ALL of those things...will only
be temporary. You may feel elated and satisfied for a moment...
and before you know it you need something else to satisfy you

I am VERY VERY lucky I have learned this at an early age.
One of the reasons I am so lucky is because I have had some
true *Mentors* that have taught me things worth more then
money ever could be.

You see, I KNOW that when we are inherently satisfied with
ourselves and who we are FIRST...then all else just falls into
play in our lives with so much ease.

We walk with a bounce, we have huge radiant smiles, and we
are satisfied no matter where we are or what we are doing.
On top of that, success in business just happens so much easier.

When we Like and LOVE ourselves in a true makes us
a giant ball of 'Magnetism' which attracts people to us in
this industry.

When we care for ourselves...then we can really care for other
people. And trust me, human beings can sense that!

Human beings can sense when someone really cares for them
or is out for themselves. And it OBVIOUSLY would be an important
factor I would take into consideration when choosing my business



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# Posted: 28 May 2008 21:24

This is very true. It is the same reason many lottery winners lose all of their money in such a short period of time. Their circumstances changed but their mindset had not so everything shifted until it matched the persons mindset. Success comes from within. You must have the right mindset if you want the greatest success possible.

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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 637

# Posted: 29 May 2008 00:12

Our society mistakenly embraces the perception that he (or she) who has the big house, fancy car, money in the bank, paintings, expensive jewelry and so on, is a smashing success. While these items may suggest a level of accomplishment, they don't reflect success in its totality.

A person can own all the above and still have a life that is empty, lacking in love, friendships and people who care. What's the point of having lots of goodies if you don't have anyone to share them with? What's the point of having lots of goodies if your attitude is sour and nobody wants to be around you?

There are many "successful" people who are miserable and would gladly give up all their wealth for things money can't buy.

When we Like and LOVE ourselves in a true makes us a giant ball of 'Magnetism' which attracts people to us in this industry.

Touche! And that's true about life in general. We attract to ourselves people of like mind.

Success comes from within. You must have the right mindset if you want the greatest success possible.

Indeed! It's your attitude that determines your altitude. Everything starts from within. And if you create the right mental image of yourself, it will eventually be reflected in every facet of your external life.

For me, happiness is the true currency of wealth and success!



Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 00:32

Yes, i agree.

I just get my 1st cheque last month. It is only a small amount. But i feel so happy. I know my effort finally produce some results. And i am on the right track.

Beside having the money, i get to learn a lot of internet marketing skills.


Joined: 4 Jun 2008
Posts: 43

# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 02:27

Great post! The greatest success comes from knowing we had helped others succeed


Joined: 15 May 2008
Posts: 195

# Posted: 16 Jul 2008 21:35

The check that you got, was something that you worked for. Big or small, you achieved a goal. Keep up the great work!!

To your massive success,


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