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What is you're STORY and where do you see yourself in the next 5 years

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Joined: 25 Nov 2007
Posts: 5

# Posted: 25 Nov 2007 22:17

Hello everyone, i tryed to find a topic where online business owners would post their storys. I personally believe that if someone has a real goal in business, it is almost impossible for one to fail. Now I'm sure that my story isin't really that different from the rest of the entrepreneurs but we all have different experiences and having different point of views could help many of the starting up new business owners with the difficult choice of which business is best for their needs. Everyone and anyone, please enlighten us with your success story and give us an idea of where you will be in the next 5 years. Thank you for you're help and time in advance.

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Patrick Barbeau


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Posts: 185

# Posted: 29 Nov 2007 10:00

in 5year l hope to be less work with my biz


Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 45

# Posted: 29 Nov 2007 10:56

After 2 years of floundering around on the internet in scams and some that were not scams but not knowing what I was doing, I have finally found a solid company and a great sponsor teaching me how to build a downline without scaring my friends and families,

In 5 years I hope to have my home biz to a point where I can do less work and also since I care about referrals to be able to say that they are doing well also.


Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 82

# Posted: 29 Nov 2007 18:29

Well, now, let me see.

I've been self employeed for almost four years now as an independent insurance broker. It's just like any other business, there is a lot of work involved to keep it running smoothly and to be successful.

I've really been searching for something for about 30 year in which I could be self employeed. My background has been in retail management and it seems that the past few years has been really tough on the small specialty shop industry...especially when you work for a larger corporation. It seems like the only way for a corporation to cut costs nowadays is to cut labor costs because they have already cut everywhere else. In the small specialty shops that leaves the manager having to work extra hours to get everything done because he/she is the only one on salary and they can't work anyone else more hours because the corporate office won't authorize the extra payroll.

Wow. that was a mouthfull, wasn't it. So...I hope you can see why I have been searching for so long for something that I could do that I would enjoy to be sefl employeed and not have to come up with a very high investment funds. You see, I grew up in a poor family and coming up with the capital to open most businesses was not an option for me.

Now, I'm doing wlll with my insurance business, but it's getting to a point that it's taking more of my time than I really want to devote to it because my wife and I are ready to slow down in working so much and enjoy life a lot more.

I unintentionally came across a company that I found very intriguing and thought that just maybe it would be the very thing that I had been looking for for about 30 years.

I did extensive research on the company trying to find the "catch" and any negatives I could find. I couldn't find a catch and I couldn't find any negatives.

So, I've been working in this new homve based business for the past month or so while still working my insurance business. The big difference is that as my insurance business grows, it creates a lot more work for me. However, as my new business grows, it will DECREASE my work load and eventually I'll be able to back off of my insurance business and reap the benefits of the residuals from that insurance business...and my new business will increase in profits while the work load deminishes.

So, where to I plan to be in five years? My wife and I plan to be semi-retired (retired more than we work) if not fully retired and we'll be living in her hometown of Cuernavaca, Mexico caledl the "City of Eternal Spring" because it's the weather there is like springtime year round.

Sound like a good plan to you?


Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 441

# Posted: 30 Nov 2007 09:32

Quoting: mikepressnell
we'll be living in her hometown of Cuernavaca, Mexico caledl the "City of Eternal Spring" because it's the weather there is like springtime year round.

Now THAT sounds nice!Especially since it is 0 degrees here in MT this

As far as my story as an entrepreneur...I got started about a year ago and my goal at that point was to bring my husband home as we have 5 children and he was gone ALL the time as a trucker...About 6 months after I got started , that goal became reality so now we have set some bigger goals and that is to be able to travel as a family and do ministry....(I can take my business with me as it is ALL contained in a 3 ring binder and my laptop...)

We see that goal becoming a reality in the next two years or so....and are excited about that.Our goal is to be totally debt free within the next year and then buy a nice motor home for the travel part.

Being in the home based business industry has totally changed our lives in the fact that we can dream again - Yes, it takes work the first years but , oh so rewarding to be in charge of our own future!

Cheers to all!


Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Posts: 15

# Posted: 5 Dec 2007 09:46

I have had my own online book business for the last four years which has allowed me to work from home and make a decent living which has been great but I began having serious burn out earlier this year. The stock required to keep my income at a decent level began making my house look like the inside of a Barnes and Noble so I began looking for alternatives earlier this year.

I have always had a passion for fitness and have been a home exercise junky for years so when I discovered Million Dollar Body's business opportunity I jumped at the chance. It has been just awesome combining my love for fitness with my own successful business. MDB has been nothing but supportive and being able to take part in their customer lead program has been nothing short of amazing. The money is great but it is also totally rewarding knowing that I am helping people improve their health and fitness levels! It is amazing to see the difference a little support and motivation can make in peoples lives

Right now I am preparing to become certified as a personal trainer and I really look forward to helping all of my clients both online and in person. Life is good!

Happy Holidays and a Great New Year to Everyone!

Coni Constantine
Independent MDB Coach


Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Posts: 15

# Posted: 5 Dec 2007 10:02

Just realized I didn't answer the 5 year part-Oops

In 5 years I expect that the online portion of my business will have grown to the point that will allow me to no longer worry about bills or budgeting for the things I need or want. Based on the growth of it so far I believe that will easily attainable as long as I maintain my current level of commitment. I expect to be able to travel more and to stress less. Finally, I plan on using some of my earnings to start a non-profit that focuses on animal rescue and placement. Financial freedom is definitely what I was drawn to when I started and right now I am watching that dream turn into reality, the next 5 years is going to be amazing!

Coni Constantine
Independent Million Dollar Body Coach

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# Posted: 5 Dec 2007 19:10

I'm stuck on the third rock from the sun like everyone else.

I take pride in my ethics and my daily productivity efforts.

I am unattached to the result. What ever will be, will be.

I sleep well.

In all seriousness.

Newbie Shield

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