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Checklist helped me!

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Joined: 9 Apr 2009
Posts: 39

# Posted: 18 Jun 2009 00:33

When I start a week which is the time frame that I plan for, I follow a checklist, not slavishly but the best I could. I always hang the 'carrot' higher for the 'donky' so I feel challenged. Hope this helps!

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# Posted: 18 Jun 2009 02:05

That's a good strategy - when you write out a list of the things you need to work on, and cross them off as you go, you can get a lot acconplished IF you stick with your list! This is a strategy I hope to start using soon - thanks for the reminder!

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# Posted: 18 Jun 2009 09:56

I know - a checklist helps me a lot... for those that are wondering how to make a checklist... Here is an example.

Weekly goals:

Build three new SBI pages
Post at least twice to all my blogs
Write two articles
Forum posting.. day as I am hopelessly addicted
Add a Squidoo lens to one of my campaigns

Some weeks you will get it all done plus some and then some weeks you won't but at least you have a goal and in this type of work at home stuff, it takes all the little things to add up to a big thing.

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# Posted: 18 Jun 2009 14:06

i do checklist too, but i am still dont know why i cant follow them all. maybe 1 or 2 thing i do, but some not..

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# Posted: 18 Jun 2009 16:04

Hi Roseanne,

Glad it's been a helping factor. Any sort of project management usually helps.

Once you get used to it, try tracking it - especially in regards to what you spend the most time on each week. See if you can figure out which things are most productive. Spend the most time on the things that have the most value and cut back on the time-wasters.

It may take a couple months to have anything of a profile but it'll make you more efficient. It's an 80/20 rule thing.

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 21 May 2009
Posts: 9

# Posted: 18 Jun 2009 21:55

Oh , I know a Checklist Would Help me.

I have been not using one lately, and it shows.

So Thanks for the Reminder. I have been doing so much lately. And a Checklist would help so much!!!


Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 664

# Posted: 22 Jun 2009 03:08

Checklist is a good way to monitor what have you done.
For me, i have a daily schedule of tasks that i need to do everyday.


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