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A few paid survey sites that I found to be good

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Joined: 8 Jul 2008
Posts: 5

# Posted: 8 Jul 2008 02:14

Several paid survey sites I have found to be good in that they offer cash (no points or sketchy sweepstakes) per survey and send a decent amount of surveys per month:

Survey Spot - They have sent me a lot of surveys, usually at least one per day which is pretty high for a paid survey company.

Mindfield Online - I can usually complete these surveys for the amount and sent about 2 or 3 surveys a week.

Treasure Troopers - They aren't a true survey company but offer two paid surveys per day on their site (which offer $0.75 and $1 as an incentive) but do offer other ways to earn money throuhg all sorts of offers and trials.

The link below is to join Treasure Troopers as my referral. It helps me and you.

Treasure Troopers, fill surveys and complete offers to earn cash

Joined: 11 Dec 2007
Posts: 271

# Posted: 8 Jul 2008 13:06

Treasure Troopers - They aren't a true survey company

I am happy to see that people are acknowledging that treasure trooper is not a survey site but a GPT site.

but offer two paid surveys per day on their site (which offer $0.75 and $1 as an incentive)

The surveys that they offer are not surveys which they conduct rather they are surveys from other survey companies and every time that you complete a survey they take a piece of the action. You would be better off signing up with the survey company directly and get the full compensation as opposed to partial compensation for the survey.

The Only Directory On The Web That Has Only Cash Paying Survey Sites. Go To: Cash Surveys Only Today!
Five Secrets To Finding A Great Paid Survey Directory

Joined: 3 Jul 2008
Posts: 71

# Posted: 8 Jul 2008 15:24

Maximum Paid Survey is another great company to be in. =)



Joined: 11 Dec 2007
Posts: 271

# Posted: 8 Jul 2008 17:03

Maximum Paid Survey is another great company to be in.

The site in question is not a survey site, it is a paid survey directory.

The Only Directory On The Web That Has Only Cash Paying Survey Sites. Go To: Cash Surveys Only Today!
Five Secrets To Finding A Great Paid Survey Directory

Joined: 31 Oct 2007
Posts: 49

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 18:52

I have made most of my money with....

- Opinion Outpost

These are both great companies to be affiliated with.

Advocate of free offers, sweepstakes, and survey sites!

Visit Survey Inferno for a complete listing of Free Paid Surveys!!!

Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1627

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 19:20

Do most of the survey companies pay by Paypal


Joined: 11 Dec 2007
Posts: 271

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 19:42

Do most of the survey companies pay by Paypal

No. But there are some which do.

This thread is about survey sites which pay with pay pal.

The Only Directory On The Web That Has Only Cash Paying Survey Sites. Go To: Cash Surveys Only Today!
Five Secrets To Finding A Great Paid Survey Directory

Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 6 Aug 2008 05:40

can you explain please?

Thank you!

To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 11 Dec 2007
Posts: 271

# Posted: 6 Aug 2008 16:39

can you explain please?

What do you need explained.

[Highlight some text then hit the quote button and it will show up in "Your reply" box below, and it will show the person that you are quoting and then people will understand what you are asking, hence they will be able to help you out.

The Only Directory On The Web That Has Only Cash Paying Survey Sites. Go To: Cash Surveys Only Today!
Five Secrets To Finding A Great Paid Survey Directory

Joined: 6 Aug 2008
Posts: 97

# Posted: 6 Aug 2008 23:46

Can you explain below please?

Several paid survey sites I have found to be good in that they offer cash (no points or sketchy sweepstakes) per survey and send a decent amount of surveys per month:

Survey Spot - They have sent me a lot of surveys, usually at least one per day which is pretty high for a paid survey company.

Mindfield Online - I can usually complete these surveys for the amount and sent about 2 or 3 surveys a week.

Treasure Troopers - They aren't a true survey company but offer two paid surveys per day on their site (which offer $0.75 and $1 as an incentive) but do offer other ways to earn money throuhg all sorts of offers and trials.

CashSurveysOnly, thanks for the explication. Now I feel I'm not a newbie anylonger, but newbie+1.

What do you need explained.

[Highlight some text then hit the quote button and it will show up in "Your reply" box below, and it will show the person that you are quoting and then people will understand what you are asking, hence they will be able to help you out.

To be or not to be, Smart!

Joined: 11 Dec 2007
Posts: 271

# Posted: 6 Aug 2008 23:52

CashSurveysOnly, thanks for the explication. Now I feel I'm not a newbie anylonger, but newbie+1.

I am happy that I can help good luck.

The Only Directory On The Web That Has Only Cash Paying Survey Sites. Go To: Cash Surveys Only Today!
Five Secrets To Finding A Great Paid Survey Directory
Barb Thornback

Joined: 25 Apr 2008
Posts: 74

# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 17:37

As you say Maximum Paid Surveys maybe a Survey Directory, but it has a very good reputation.


Joined: 3 Nov 2005
Posts: 166

# Posted: 5 Dec 2008 11:18

Barb Thornback:
As you say Maximum Paid Surveys maybe a Survey Directory, but it has a very good reputation.

Personally, I again would reiterate that any company charging you to join to get a list of surveys or the surveys themselves is not a good company to be with. It can all just as easily be done for free and you stay in charge of who you are with, what information you give them, etc.

Survey sites that have PAID me:,

Joined: 18 Nov 2008
Posts: 35

# Posted: 5 Dec 2008 15:20

The best paying survey site is Cashcrate. I get paid every month on time and is easy to do. Thats how I make my extra income and never pay a thing

Please visit my website to see how to make money online for free

Also my squidoo,

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