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I need help...

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Joined: 29 May 2009
Posts: 2

# Posted: 29 May 2009 21:34

Hello everyone,

I am a stay at home mom thats trying to make some money to help out. I came across which i guess is about survey sites. They have listed surve site reviews but how do i know they are leigt?

Can anyone tell me if i can trust that site? Also, if you have any tips and ideas that would help me earn money from home that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks kindly,

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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1761

# Posted: 30 May 2009 12:09

Welcome Mommy of 3 - from Mom of 5

I never had any success with surveys but someone who HAS might stop by soon... in the meantime, do you like to write?

There are a number of us that are doing that.... it is also called affiliate marketing and the way it works, if I can put it into a nutshell.... is .... let's say you like to talk or write about gardening...

You can set up a blog or Squidoo lens and post about a specific aspect in gardening and then there are all kinds of products out there that you can link to where you can make commissions.

You can check for products to promote at places like Commission Junction ( ,,, Clickbank, etc.... which might give you some ideas...

It is not quick money - but then nothing is!

But it does work. And it is legal.

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Joined: 31 Mar 2009
Posts: 327

# Posted: 1 Jun 2009 12:45

hi MommyOfThree,

welcome to the forum. there is many survey site that you can join, but first find out which paid survey you should spend and which you should avoid..

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Joined: 10 Jun 2007
Posts: 143

# Posted: 1 Jun 2009 14:19

I am a stay at home mom thats trying to make some money to help out. I came across which i guess is about survey sites. They have listed surve site reviews but how do i know they are leigt?

Can anyone tell me if i can trust that site? Also, if you have any tips and ideas that would help me earn money from home
that would be greatly appreciated.

Hello MommyOfThree,

Welcome to the forum!

First thing you need to remember is do NOT pay anyone to take paid surveys, it's always FREE to join legitimate paid survey companies and take surveys and get paid.

I checked out that site, I just saw a few survey sites listed "certified".. Well, I have done paid survey for over 4 years and I know there are a lot more legitimate paid survey companies (especially if you live in US) and I have been paid by many.

Also paid surveys is a good way to make extra income, but it might not work well for every body, you have to give it a try yourself to see if it works for you. The key is to join many legit paid survey sites.

Feel fee to ask if you have more questions.

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Joined: 3 Nov 2005
Posts: 254

# Posted: 1 Jun 2009 15:45

First of all, welcome.

I am also a mom to three and also a survey taker (but I have been at this awhile...over 5 years now).

The site you found seems to be in its early stages...several of the links didn't go anywhere for me.

I am with about 50 paying survey sites and would easily recommend any of them (I wouldn't bother with the 450+ other ones I am with that I have never heard from or never been paid by.)

But again, welcome, just right in. We are a friendly bunch and happy to help.

Survey sites that have PAID me:

Joined: 29 May 2009
Posts: 2

# Posted: 2 Jun 2009 00:11

Thank you all so much for your help. I would love to have more information about the survey sites that have paid you.

@Happygal -

Thats great to hear you have three also. I have a 5 year old and twins who just turned 3.

Thank you all for your help!


Joined: 3 Nov 2005
Posts: 254

# Posted: 2 Jun 2009 11:01

Mine are 7, 5 and 1. All boys

And I'll send you a PM with my list of sites...

Survey sites that have PAID me:

Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Posts: 98

# Posted: 4 Jun 2009 09:52

Hello MommyofThree,
I'm a daddy of one. My son just turned 13.
I have been taking surveys for about 3 years now. I only belong to about 20 that have actually paid me. I'm still working on a few others but I will not promote them until I can verify some sort of payment.
I have viewed the page that you were looking at, and I belong to 3 of the certified sited that they list there.
As I believe it says above....... DO NOT PAY!
If they want your opinion and not your money then they will be more than willing to pay you instead.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you need more help.


Joined: 13 Nov 2007
Posts: 6

# Posted: 1 Aug 2009 22:59

It is difficult to sort out the bad apples in the survey business from the good guys. I recommend checking out They seem to have quality reviews one can trust. A good rule of thumb to go by is never pay to get a survey and when signing up for a survey company always use a gmail or yahoo email address because there will be a lot of promotional emails (spam) because some survey companies will sell your email address that you sign up with to marketers.


Joined: 11 Jul 2009
Posts: 7

# Posted: 2 Aug 2009 16:41

There are alot of survey site's out there just do a search for paying survey sites.

1. Don't pay for a list of survey site's I have done this and they are the exact site's you can fine for free.

2. Set up a e-mail address with yahoo, gmail, aol, hotmail.

3. Check your e-mail everyday if not more cause some of the survey's close fast.

Good luck


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