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Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 28 Oct 2008 09:32
Here's a very quick and easy idea for people, to get them started quickly and productively.
All that it takes to duplicate this well and successfully is to contact everyone in your downline by email, the day they join, offering them additional help and advice on free promotion, suggesting the ways that have worked best for yourself (easily done because you get from AlertPay the email address of everyone who gives you a $5 gift, and you just have to have a standard "thank you and would you like some helpful suggestions?" email ready to send out to all of them).
Many people in my group have done the same sort of one-page blog I use myself, as a "pre-sell", to very good effect. I keep all the text to hand in an email, or in 10 minutes I can put up a copy of my blog for them, changing a few words as appropriate for them, which is really very worthwhile. That way they get some of it done for them and all they need to do is find some traffic for their one-page blog.
I get a far higher follow-through rate from people who've seen my blog than I do from people I simply refer to my company website page. Once you've done the work for it once, it's almost effortless to do this for people, and makes a huge difference.
Joined: 28 Oct 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 28 Oct 2008 15:36 · Edited by: arabic
Hi alexa i have been watching this site and all the help and advice u give. Is there any chance we can talk by phone privately?
Thanks, Heather
Joined: 28 Oct 2008
Posts: 13
# Posted: 28 Oct 2008 16:26
Yes, I am a member of Epic Wealth and it's been working for me. I've tried one other cash gifting program. Of the two this one was the best because there are several levels you can enter, starting with $100 dollars. How about you?
Discover How to Harness the Power of the Internet and Make a Fortune!
# Posted: 29 Oct 2008 13:41
I joined TCLN because it's $25 one-time, so who cares?
If it works, great. If not, at least I didn't spend $49.99 on a bottle of juice, or $1,500 on self-help CD's, you know?
All this talk in USA about the "terrible economy" and "tough economic times" - TCLN is the answer.
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 29 Oct 2008 17:58
arabic: Hi alexa i have been watching this site and all the help and advice u give. Is there any chance we can talk by phone privately?
Glad to be in touch with you now, anyway. (I think first posts here don't show up for a while until they're seen by a moderator or something?)
I think Doug, in the post above this one, has it exactly right. People join it because they figure, just as he says, it's only $25 and they may as well give it a go. And when they find the back office looks very well-run and professionally managed, they decide to give it "a better go" and then others join them for the same sort of reasons, so the whole thing just works.
Cash Gifter
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 31 Oct 2008 22:59
TCLS is a great program. It is important to research, but $25 isn't a lot of money these days. Look beyond the investment and focus on the reward, the "what ifs". I've been involved since Aug 8 08, which was the launch.
The real secret to building this community is traffic.
Why would anyone join TCLS via you? What are you going to do to make their experience better? That is the real secret to success. Seek ways to make your community successful and people will come to you!!
Good luck and go for it!! America's Hottest Cash Gifter
When Giving Produce More Then You Expect
Shelly Allen
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 27
# Posted: 1 Nov 2008 14:24
Hi Harold,
Your initial post was quite some time ago but I will add my two cents.
I tried a cash leveraging/gifting program. Within a year it changed it's name three (3) times. That was the first of many red flags that I won't get into but I must say from personal experience that there is nothing better than finding a legitamite company with great products and/or services backing them so a nice residual income can be earned for you and your family over time.
I wish I had been directed to this link prior to my short stint with cash leveraging, but hey, if I can pass it on and help someone not to make the mistake of getting sucked into the unreality of getting rich quick then it was all worth it!
Wishing you all the best! Shelly
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 1 Nov 2008 14:47
Shelly, if a nearly nine-year-old page from an FTC website that doesn't apply in any sense to the Cash Leveraging System anyway is the best you can come up with to disparage our program, I can't see that people will be taking too much notice of your negative posting here. What you may do, however, is attract negativity to yourself and the opportunity you're promoting here, because tearing other things down (especially as inaccurately and inappropriately as that) is a very poor way to do it. Ever heard of the Law of Attraction? 
I wish you well, and look forward to seeing more positive posts from you. Have a great and successful weekend!
Shelly Allen
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 27
# Posted: 1 Nov 2008 16:03
I am very sorry you feel that way.....I was simply answering a post asking the question, "Has anyone tried the "Cash Leveraging System?"
I did and my reply was based on my personal experience with cash leveraging/gifting.
I'm sorry if I hit a tender spot and that you feel the need to try and disparage me based on my own personal experience.
And yes I have heard of the Law of Attraction, that's why I believe in stating my honest opinions! What comes around goes around....
Good luck to you and your endeavors! Shelly
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 1 Nov 2008 16:26
Shelly Allen: I am very sorry you feel that way...
And you'll doubtless be even sorrier (but hardly any more surprised, I think!) to find that everyone else who's posted in this thread will obviously also feel that way too! 
Shelly Allen: I'm sorry if I hit a tender spot and that you feel the need to try and disparage me based on my own personal experience.
You have no experience of The Cash Leveraging System, Shelly. You are not a member. All I did was point out (quite correctly) that the "authority" you adduced here is (a) out of date, and (b) completely irrelevant to TCLS.
You posted in the wrong thread, here. I'm sure we'll all get over it, and I'm sure you'll have the good grace to bow out of the conversation now before you do yourself and your credibility on this subject any more damage. As everyone can see for themselves, you are the one who was disparaging, here, not I - so let's not pretend otherwise, please.
Joined: 28 Oct 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 2 Nov 2008 09:09
Hi to everyone here, I thought i already posted a message last night but i do not see it now so i will ask again? I am new to tcls and would like to ask for some helpful links, websites or ways to advertise for free. I have been searching online and found a few places but i did not know if anyone had a better suggestions or may know where the hot spots are to place an ad. Any help to get started fast would be appreciated.
[Link removed - Admin]
Shelly Allen
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 27
# Posted: 2 Nov 2008 09:45 · Edited by: Shelly Allen
alexa: You have no experience of The Cash Leveraging System, Shelly. You are not a member. All I did was point out (quite correctly) that the "authority" you adduced here is (a) out of date, and (b) completely irrelevant to TCLS.
I am new to forum posting and I want to apologize for my post. I see what you are saying now.....Harold was specifically asking about your system 'the cash leveraging system' I did not initially understand that, I thought he was just referring to them all in general.
I was really burned by another cash gifting program and I lost thousands of $$$. So that was what I thought I was posting about....again sorry, I was not intentionally bashing your program.
I will definitely pay more attention to the questions before I answer!
Regards, Shelly Allen
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 2 Nov 2008 15:00 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
Shelly Allen: I am new to forum posting and I want to apologize for my post. I see what you are saying now.....Harold was specifically asking about your system 'the cash leveraging system' I did not initially understand that, I thought he was just referring to them all in general. I was really burned by another cash gifting program and I lost thousands of $$$.
Hi Shelly, I had to take notice of your recent post and the FTC link you posted earlier. I don't know why you now think your post needs an apology but I think you are mistaken in that regard. The FTC link you posted is extremely relevant in my opinion. It points out the problems with making money with cash-gifting, and the fact that cash-gifting is hardly a 'gift' in any way, shape or form.
If that FTC link is irrelevant, someone will have to show that to be a fact. The age of that FTC advise has nothing to do with anything. 9 years in itself changes no law that I am aware of - but for a provision built into the statute itself. Murder, treason, theft, kidnapping, assault, are all crimes that have REMAINED illegal, for thousands of years after all.
I too promote TCLS, though I am hardly worried about doing time as a result - I seriously doubt the feds are going to be breaking down my door because of the few bucks I might make with TCLS!
But the thousands you lost with cash gifting Shelly, is the rule not the exception. THAT is the problem with 'cash gifting', and why it's illegal.
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 2 Nov 2008 20:01
Shelly Allen: I was really burned by another cash gifting program and I lost thousands of $$$
Wow, really? I'm sorry to hear that - and a bit shocked - and sorry if I came across as hostile. TCLS has a one-time set-up/entry cost of $25, you know!
TJamMoneyMan: the thousands you lost with cash gifting Shelly, is the rule not the exception. THAT is the problem with 'cash gifting', and why it's illegal.
With respect, TJam, what's legal and what's illegal is in no way dependent on the amounts of money involved! The point about TCLS is that it's not a "business opportunity", in fact as it goes to some lengths to explain on its website, it's not a business at all and it doesn't pretend to be. That is why it's legal.
Shelly Allen
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 27
# Posted: 2 Nov 2008 23:36
TJamMoneyMan: I don't know why you now think your post needs an apology but I think you are mistaken in that regard. The FTC link you posted is extremely relevant in my opinion.
Thanks TJam! I feel a better now....Like I said, I wasn't intentionally bashing TCLS, just stating what I knew of a personal experience with another program. I actually liked the concept of cash leveraging but had an extremely bad experience.....I'd like to learn more about TCLS, maybe you can 'pm' some info. I'm always open to learning about new things!!!
Joined: 3 Nov 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 3 Nov 2008 11:32
I have not used this specific Cash Gifting System but I am using PFG. My experience with Network Marketing (6 MLM's) is that if you invest a little then you only receive a little. Since I got involved with this Cash Gifting Program I have brought in 10K in about 2 months. The great thing is that this system does most of the qualifying.
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 5 Nov 2008 17:27 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
alexa: With respect, TJam, what's legal and what's illegal is in no way dependent on the amounts of money involved!
But the amount of money and/or damage you are doing folx, has everything to do with how much trouble some legal entity is going to go through in prosecuting the case. AD SURF DAILY anyone? There are still more sites like that UP AND RUNNING, than ANYONE can count!
Also, you can go to just about any HOME DEPOT in PHILADELPHIA, PA at least, and see undocumented aliens hanging out around the contractor's area. There, they offer their labor for money to anyone who will pay. And from the prices they demand for their labor, they certainly seem to be doing quite well!
All illegal too! (do you think ANY taxes are being paid?)
And I know these folx include illegal aliens because I know people who hire them!
I have NOTHING against immigrants, undocumented or otherwise. These are just the fax!
Less than totally legal operations go on everyday.
Whether or not they are PROSECUTED or at least STOPPED, has everything to do with MONEY and POLITICS, as well as law.
But you guys KNOW this don't you!?
Joined: 3 Nov 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 6 Nov 2008 00:31
I have reviewed multiple Cash Gifting Programs and I can honestly say that this one makes you money and the system works great. Just call this number and you will see what I mean. 214-261-5587
Joined: 7 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 7 Nov 2008 01:34
hi alexa i would like to join under you but i had a few questions. will you be able to help me promote this online cuz i really dont know much about online andvertising/promoting. or am i just gonna be given some advice and then cut off ? how can i talk to you in private ?
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 8 Nov 2008 02:14 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
CommonTone: Although it's very exciting to dream of 100,000 people promoting TCLS on the 5th tier and earning me $500,000, I would personally be happy with the $14,000+ in income for my first 6-month tenure in the system, considering I only gave away $25 and possibly invested some money in advertising. And it may be more attractive to people in general, and therefore easier to get people involved, if it feels that much more attainable. (How many people can even conceive of themselves getting paid $500,000 by 100,000 people in 6 months or $75,000 by 15,000 people in 5 weeks through any leveraging system, for the $25 they give away?)... For me personally, this other way of looking at it opens up a whole new world of optimism. Just a thought....
I am a TCLS'er so don't take this as a TCLS bash. But let's get real!! There are only so many folx on planet earth after all!
THE MATH: That one person has 3,125 members but what about those 3,125 members? 9,765,625 I believe after you multiply each of those folx by 5, 5 times! 5 more times and you surpass 30 Billion!
Never mind that you will NOT get 3,125 members under you in 5 weeks! But even if ONE person could, the rest would soon run out of human beings, to say nothing of internet marketers willing to drop $25. ESPECIALLY, if this is supposed to take place in 5 week intervals!
Promote TCLS, make some money. Don't believe tha HYPE!!
but good luck with TCLS!
Joined: 9 Nov 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 9 Nov 2008 04:53
I think you will be dissapointed if one of these two things happen :
1) You have unrealistic goals 2) you got caught up in the Hype.
Working in any MLM business is actually easy if you have realistic goals and work towards those goals. I think working alone can be very demoralising. Most people join with very high expectations and when they do not seem to making any progress, usually quit.
I work with a Team, it keeps me highly motivated and we feed off each others success. I dont aim to be an internet millionaire with this. Its fun and gives me chance to meet, advise, motivate people to do something on my own.
People expect do to the same things again and again and expect a different result. To get somewhere in this business, you need to do things differently. STAND out from the crowd.
I focus on the Return on Investment (ROI). How fast am I going to be able to recover my investment. If I have recovered my investment, anything I gain over that is pure Profit. I treat this as a Business.
Keep it Simple, it actually is easier than you think. You are in the best business in the world.
Do Cash Leverage systems Suck??!! Read the real truth at :
Cash Gifting
Joined: 11 Nov 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 11 Nov 2008 09:15
I too have heard about this opportunity, TCLS. I'm very happy and successful with the program I'm already in but reading some of the posts here has piqued my interest.
I know that many on line marketers build multiple streams of income but I take a different approach. I stick to one successful program and go with it. This has allowed me to offer personal, direct one on one help to those who join with me.
I will continue to read the posts here and research TCLS further. Perhaps it will be a good addition for me and my team. I started my work from home activity to become financially free. A big part of that is having plenty of free time. I have the income and free time but I don't want to offer so many programs that I end up diluting each one while working crazy hours to balance them all.
Working from home allowed me to leave a job where I worked 80 hours a week. That is not a typo, I actually worked 80 hours. That's 12 hours/day, 7 days/week. I once did this schedule for an entire year without a day off. I never want to go back to that. Every day I thank God for work from home opportunities and forums like this one. They have allowed me to have my life back.
Dedicated To Giving You FREE Make Money Online Marketing Secrets for the highest converting home based opportunity I have ever seen.
Joined: 28 Oct 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 11 Nov 2008 14:57
Hi guys, i am in need of some help getting started. I have been trying to reach my sponsor and she has not been available for some time now to help. I am new to this kind of stuff and would like some direction from those that have had progress of what to do. I would appreciate any help from anyone on this matter
Thanks in advance, Heather
Joined: 5 Oct 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 14 Nov 2008 23:13
hi is anybody on right now cause i started tcls and when i start advertising and clicked on my site and couldn't ever get on the says inter your sponsor id ,i did and still wouldn't see the home page
Joined: 20 Mar 2008
Posts: 41
# Posted: 19 Nov 2008 22:51
Haven't seen Alexa on for awhile.... maybe I can say something slightly off key without getting slapped up side the head for it .
Somebody HAS to lose at this little gifting game, there are always losers.... has to be, mathematically..... PERIOD.
Why not just go out there, gather yourself up a couple hundred people, hold out your hand and "Tell" them you want 25 green backs, kick 'em in the boys after they give it to ya, laugh hysterically and walk away, cause that's basically all you are going to end up doing, albeit the folks your kicking will be nameless and faceless, but the fact is that's what you do.
I'm impressed with how you folks involved with this "Opportunity" as you call it, have brought your level of human stewardship to such a high standard..... Keep up the good work!!
By the way Shelley Allan I see you are involved with Trivita.... now THAT is truly a class act business opportunity Shelley!! Trivita has treated me very well, I hope the same is true for you! Take care All
Shelly Allen
Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 27
# Posted: 20 Nov 2008 18:33
Hey Scott!
Hopefully you won't get slapped upside the head like I did! LOL! Live and learn!
Anyway, yes, TriVita seems to be a class act. I'm fairly new with them but no stranger to network marketing. So far, so good! I like everything I have seen to this point!
Take care! Shelly
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 144
# Posted: 21 Nov 2008 15:02
Back again! "You just can't beat the person who never gives up" -Babe Ruth
Update: I am still averaging over $1,000 a month in TCLS.
The thing is that I haven't even sent out any emails or anything about it now since the end of September. Not because I don't love the system but because I don't have to.
The $5 payments keep coming into my AlertPay account on a daily basis, while I can focus on other projects. This thing could go on for years...
When I decided to join TCLS, my goal was to at least make back my $25 and make a profit by getting AT LEAST 10 people.
As long as I make more money in return, the business is a success in my opinion and you never know then if it is going to keep going strong or fizzle out but as long as you make money back than you put in then it is always a success.
And you're going to always learn more things along the journey whether you make a ton or not than can help you in your other areas of business.
But anyways from the group of people that I sponosored using nothing but free email ad sources, I am still getting an automatic $1,000 a month coming in.
So that is a great return. 
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 144
# Posted: 21 Nov 2008 15:10 · Edited by: TheChampion
"THE MATH: That one person has 3,125 members but what about those 3,125 members? 9,765,625 I believe after you multiply each of those folx by 5, 5 times! 5 more times and you surpass 30 Billion!" Excerpt from TJamMoneyMan above....
Yes, that is true (TJamMoneyMan) but that is also true in all businesses.
But TCLS also makes you re-sign up again after 6 months if you want to continue sponsoring new people to help out with that problem.
Anyone who has made good money in TCLS or eProspectFinder or these type of things will gladly pay $25 again to sponsor more people.
And just to be absolutely clear, if you don't sign-up again after 6 months you still keep receiving payments from everyone in your downline. The payments never stop.
But if you want to continue to sponsor new people after 6 months you have to pay $25 again.
At least that's what it was when I joined. I haven't logged into my TCLS back office in a while so I'm assuming that is still the same.
And TJamMoneyMan, I love your posts in this forum. You add a lot of great insight and value.
And how did you upload your avatar. I've tried so many times to upload my avatar so people can see my face but it never works for me. I keep getting an error saying my file type is not supported. All well.
Champions Never Quit! Victory!
Joined: 23 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 01:28
I just never understood why people join cash gifting programs where NO product or service is passed through. Just join a company with a great product like GRN or Ibuzz Pro and give people value and you will make money then you would in some cash scheme.
How to make sales in GRN
Joined: 18 Oct 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 24 Nov 2008 15:11
Hi Everyone,
I joined in the beginning of Oct., 3 in down line but no alert payments . My APay account is all set up correctly, have contacted support many times, but no reply. It's not only me, there are a lot of people with this problem. Some have over 50 people in down line and got only 5 gifts. Don't know what's going on with TCLS, anyone know?