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Joined: 10 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 10 Oct 2008 09:02
Hallo Everybody,
I thought I might start my membership of this brilliant forum with some experience I have gained on Google Adwords.
As members have found, you cannot use a redirect url in your advert. You have to set your redirect url to go to a Landing Page first, which I think could also be a blog page, which is free. You can then show a link to your affiliate page, either with a 'pre-sell' message or something simple like 'Click here to continue...'
Of course if you have a landing page you can also include a sign-up box for your own autoresponder series of messages. That does tend to reduce the number of people who continue though - many people will click away rather than sign up for more email messsages.
Another strategy is to give a free report if the visitor signs up to your list, and make that optional: they then have the choice of going straight to the original destination or risk getting sidetracked by your free offer!
It all seems to be trial and error really, so if you find a system that works, stick with it and repeat it!
Hope this is helpful!
Brian UK
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 10 Oct 2008 10:21
Cjay: I'll tell you what, that yellow banner, the "turn $25 to $75,000" is easily the program i see "out there" the most, when i'm out doing my promoting thing at various places.
Cjay, if that's so, those are useless places to promote it, because of all that competition.
I'm sponsoring plenty, and the only place I have ever seen that yellow banner at all is on my own one-page blog.
Joined: 10 Oct 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 10 Oct 2008 20:01
First of all let me say thank you for the time you have all taken to develop this thread as it has been very helpful.
I am currently researching TCLS. This sounds like an amazing opportunity.
I am finding a few red flags though and would like to know if anyone here has information on the following:
Has anyone ever heard of Alert Pay other than through TCLS? The Alert Pay website displays the BBBOnline Reliabilty program logo, but when I go to BBBOnline, they are not listed as an approved safe shopper site, nor are they in their data base.
There is an Alert Pay Inc. listed in Virginia, USA but they are not appproved and the file has information associating them with one of those scams where you go cash the check(which is from Alert Pay) and send 90% overseas and keep 10% for yourself. This does not mean Alert Pay is a scam but rather confirming it must be a legitimate site if someone is trying to pass off their checks.-Just like those companies that do scams using PayPal. For my research though, I want to be able to validate Alert Pay as a real company by someone other than TCLS. I took the time to read all the posts from the beginning of this thread and was a bit concerned to hear that Alert Pay wants you to send in 2 forms of ID. Can anyone vouche for this company beyond the last few months?
I sent an email to the BBBOnline asking if Alert Pay is an approved site, just incase I was looking in the wrong place or on the wrong site. Apparently they are in the process of changing the logo that a site displays. I have not yet heard back from them as of this posting but, will post their response here so that others researching can benefit from knowing the legitimacy of the company.
A second area of concern I would like to share is that no where on TCLS website do they say who they are. Is this revealed in the back office once you are a participant? Reading the FAQ's they say "we are a community of" I went to WHOIS and looked at the information there and it gives a name, Aaron Chang and an address that cannot be found using google maps in Mahe, Seychelles off the East coast of Africa. I looked up Aaron Chang, and it is a multi-million dollar clothing line. The IP or something like that run from Hong Kong. I am not calling this a deal breaker, I am just doing my research. I would not like my personal information displayed for the world to see, but I think it only costs a little extra money to privately register the site. The risk that is taken by not giving correct information, is that the website can be shut down.
Any information anyone can provide is welcome. The site is so well written that it is obvious the person behind it is good. I just need to know if they are a good person or a good scammer before I offer this opportunity to others. Thank you.
Joined: 6 Oct 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 01:21
Big T I am loving your diligence. If it makes you feel better paypal asks me for 2 forms of documents as well. I cannot vouche for alert pay but, I'd be glad for you to fill us in. That is those of us who aren't shills for the company.
Alexa thanks for the clarification as well.
Joined: 5 Oct 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 02:24
I really want to try this cash leveraging network and I'm nervous cause I got ripped off by a system.I'm very down and out and want to give it a try.I'm not working so I want a honest answer please.Just very serious at this moment.
Joined: 5 Oct 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 03:06
have you made any money with tcls since
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 05:53
BigT: Has anyone ever heard of Alert Pay other than through TCLS?
Millions of network marketers have been using it successfully for many, many years, simply because PayPal doesn't allow network marketing payments to be processed through their service.
Over the last few years AlertPay has gradually been improving, getting better reviews and comments about it, and become much more widespread in its use by other businesses as well.
Given the way the reputation of PayPal seems to be gradually deteriorating and that of AlertPay seems to be gradually improving (as a look round the "AlertPay threads" in 100 different forums will show you), I'd suggest that it will be between one and two years from now that AlertPay will have overtaken PayPal to become the "primary payment processor of first choice".
I don't quite understand the second point in your post, I'm afraid, or why some people might think that that's a "red flag" (I appreciate that you're not saying it necessarily is!), so I will "pass" on that one.
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 05:56
amelovey: I really want to try this cash leveraging network and I'm nervous cause I got ripped off by a system.I'm very down and out and want to give it a try.I'm not working so I want a honest answer please.Just very serious at this moment.
Hi Amelovey, I'm happy to offer an honest answer to anything you want to know about this program. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, though.
You won't get ripped off by this system. But if you join it and then don't do anything at all (as some people do) you'll obviously be $25 out.
You're welcome to send a p.m. if you have any specific questions.
Joined: 11 Oct 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 08:07
Awesome thread guys, thanks a lot for sharing all these info...
Joined: 17 May 2008
Posts: 187
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 10:17
akcalo: I'm thinking of starting this but a question about signing up for the Alert Pay. Which one do you use Personal Starter or personal pro thanks
I think you need a Personal Pro or a Business Account or you will be subject to a monthly income limitation which will prevent you from receiving large amounts of money.
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 12:23
Seth: I think you need a Personal Pro or a Business Account or you will be subject to a monthly income limitation which will prevent you from receiving large amounts of money.
You don't need a Business Account (though it would be fine, of course). You need Personal Pro. The reason is much more significant than just a limit on receiving, though: if you don't have Personal Pro, people are not allowed to pay you by credit-card at all, which would be the end of your prospects with this system (as many have found).
Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to send proof of identity and proof of address documents by mail to be verified for Personal Pro, you can send them by email, and it's quick and easy.
Joined: 10 Oct 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 14:22
I don't quite understand the second point in your post, I'm afraid, or why some people might think that that's a "red flag" (I appreciate that you're not saying it necessarily is!), so I will "pass" on that one.
Thanks for your input on Alert Pay Alexa.
My second point is that it is important to know who is behind this program. Are they setting you up for identity theft? Are they honest people? By not registering the site with a proper name and address it means tomorrow you could wake up and your site has been shut down. It is illegal to give false information for the owner of the site. The penalty according to Go Daddy is the disabling of the domain name. I did not dig deeper to see if there are other consequences. The web owner has an option to privately register the site so that their personal information is not listed publicly. I believe it is under $20 to do so.
So my concern is why is there bogus information listed for the owner of this site? Is the owner inexperienced in this area or was it planned that way?
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 16:32
Thanks, BigT.
BigT: Are they setting you up for identity theft?
Again, I'm afraid I'm not with you at all. They have no details of anyone's identity other than their email address, which doesn't really give anything away, does it? How was this possibility raised in your mind?
BigT: my concern is why is there bogus information listed for the owner of this site?
Sorry, I don't understand this point at all. Do you actually have any evidence that the site doesn't belong to a Mr Chang who lives in the Seychelles? If so, then let's see it, by all means. But if not, you seem to be making a very serious allegation here, if I may say so. I hope you can back it up with something considerably more than what you've mentioned above, which I wouldn't imagine most people would even consider "grounds for suspicion" at all, would they?!
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 17:13
alexa: Thanks, BigT. BigT: Are they setting you up for identity theft? Again, I'm afraid I'm not with you at all. They have no details of anyone's identity other than their email address, which doesn't really give anything away, does it? How was this possibility raised in your mind? BigT: my concern is why is there bogus information listed for the owner of this site? Sorry, I don't understand this point at all. Do you actually have any evidence that the site doesn't belong to a Mr Chang who lives in the Seychelles? If so, then let's see it, by all means. But if not, you seem to be making a very serious allegation here, if I may say so. I hope you can back it up with something considerably more than what you've mentioned above, which I wouldn't imagine most people would even consider "grounds for suspicion" at all, would they?!
much ado about nothing folx...
Joined: 9 Oct 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 11 Oct 2008 18:07
Hey guys, love the honesty of those who have taken up TCLS. I just started last week and am clueless as to what to do next! Can someone point me in the right direction as to where is a great free place to advertise.
# Posted: 15 Oct 2008 12:55
I signed up and also had a problem with getting in touch with the admin after I had followed the directions on setting up AP and submitting confirmation of gifts. But I did get an apologetic reply with a link to my website which I then linked to my domain. It is early days for me yet but I was impressed with the whole operation and for the price of a round of drinks I thought it worth a go.
Joined: 17 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 17 Oct 2008 21:30
Hello! I joined The Cash Leveraging System on Wednesday and today I have been unable to login. Can't get my password emailed to me either. I keep getting an error message that I got the wrong email and password. Does anyone have a support email that I can try? Thanks for the help. Lisa Gentile
Joined: 18 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Oct 2008 10:22
I'm new to The Cash Leveraging System.
Getting in I realize that, an investment of $25, a domain name, some ambition to succeed, dedication, and effort does as with anything pay off nicely.
What are your thoughts about this?
Joined: 18 Oct 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Oct 2008 22:09
Hello TheChampion I just had a ? about the Free Text Ad Exchange is there a certain one you used and also after u sign up for an ad, at the end they tell u to get the code and paste it to you page ' what page ? Am I suppose to set up a page somewhere to help bring traffic If any one can help thanks a lot
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 19 Oct 2008 06:17
pauli5787: I realize that, an investment of $25, a domain name, some ambition to succeed, dedication, and effort does as with anything pay off nicely.
Very good and fair comment! Welcome.
Joined: 2 Sep 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 20 Oct 2008 12:55
Hey Guys, This system is great, if you know how to market it you can easily establish a nice income with some work. I'm having a very nice time with this easy and simple system.
Joined: 22 Oct 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 22 Oct 2008 11:09
Hey all,
I'm going to sign up today based on the reviews. Hope to be making more money online soon.
Thanks to all for the great comments.
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 22 Oct 2008 19:34
lgentile: Hello! I joined The Cash Leveraging System on Wednesday and today I have been unable to login. Can't get my password emailed to me either. I keep getting an error message that I got the wrong email and password. Does anyone have a support email that I can try? Thanks for the help. Lisa Gentile
check out this thread.
others have had the same problem, and a solution...
good TCLS luck!
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 23 Oct 2008 09:05
TJam, when I clicked on your Cash Leveraging System link, it said "This site cannot be accessed from here".
Just to let you know that it's a broken link for some reason.
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 24 Oct 2008 04:27
daylyn33: TJam, when I clicked on your Cash Leveraging System link, it said "This site cannot be accessed from here". Don't know what to say about that. I have heard someone else say that but I never have a problem myself.
I have 6 and 7 offers in my sig line (using a rotator). There is NO TCLS link! I use a rotator, which either takes you there, or does not - if there's a problem.
Thanx for pointing it out to me, but I just clicked on my 6 and 7 offers, and all seemed to be working.
oh well!!
Joined: 22 Oct 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 24 Oct 2008 06:42
Quoting Angelina54 from a post in a different thread:
"I checked the cash leveraging system out and it looks good. Its easy to set up and simple to use, but the hard thing is that you have to get 10 members to join with you."
I think it's fairly common for people, myself included, to feel daunted by the challenge of finding 10 people to sign up, and expecting that each of them would be able to do the same. Especially people with little internet marketing experience and/or limited receptivity from our warm markets. TCLS has its own forum, and there are a lot of people who seem to be struggling to get 10 sign-ups and becoming discouraged. ... And am I right in my understanding that the 10x10x10x10x10 duplication ALL has to take place within 6 months of signing up in order to maximize the group structure they illustrate on the website? (because after that your downline is taken away and you start again from scratch--maybe I'm misunderstanding that part) That's a whole lot of duplicating to take place in 6 months in one's group, amid a growing sea of online advertising from different people promoting the same system.
(Please, I would appreciate if anyone would correct me if I'm wrong about any of those statements. I want to make sure I have the correct picture.)
The good news is, there is some nice math that works out to a very substantial income from duplicating 5 sign-ups per person. This is the approach and goal being followed and promoted by at least one fast-growing group of people working with TCLS.
Here's the concept:
If you sign up with TCLS, then you simply set out to make your money back by referring 5 people (well almost, it's $22.50), and each other person simply refers 5 with the goal of receiving enough in gift money from their own direct referrals to (almost) cover the amount they spent on gifts, etc.:
- Your 5 referrals: 5 x $4.50 = $22.50 - Their 5 referrals: 25 x $4.50 = $112.50 (nearly 4x what you put in) - Their 5 referrals: 125 x$4.50 = $562.50 (22x your gift payment) - Their 5 referrals: 625 x $4.50 = $2,812.50 - Their 5 referrals: 3,125 x $4.50 = $14,062.50
The total income resulting from this cash leveraging microcosm would be $17,572.50 ... and anything beyond that would be bonus.
Then 6 months later, you could grow another group with the goal of reaching that same size. If you average it out, it works out to a little under $3,000 a month over the course of the year; and you can do it every 6 month period. (Again if I have a misconception about the 6 month cut-off date, I'd welcome you setting me straight. 
Although it's very exciting to dream of 100,000 people promoting TCLS on the 5th tier and earning me $500,000, I would personally be happy with the $14,000+ in income for my first 6-month tenure in the system, considering I only gave away $25 and possibly invested some money in advertising. And it may be more attractive to people in general, and therefore easier to get people involved, if it feels that much more attainable. (How many people can even conceive of themselves getting paid $500,000 by 100,000 people in 6 months or $75,000 by 15,000 people in 5 weeks through any leveraging system, for the $25 they give away?)... For me personally, this other way of looking at it opens up a whole new world of optimism. Just a thought....
Good luck to everyone
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Posts: 95
# Posted: 24 Oct 2008 07:55
myriadofopps: For me personally, this other way of looking at it opens up a whole new world of optimism.
Yes, I think I see why.
The reality, just the same as with MLM, is of course that some people sign up and apparently do nothing at all (and with the entry-level being only $25 that's not a big surprise really) while others really work at it and quickly have 20 or 30 people joining.
"Finding 5 who find 5 who find 5" is honestly no more realistic than "finding 10 who find 10 who find 10". It's just not as uniform as that.
The thing I've found very helpful, though, is sending people an email the same day you get a $5 gift from them and offering them advice/help in addition to what the company offers. Even just telling people "what's worked best for you" for promoting this is pretty valuable, after all. As long as you know where the majority of your people have come from, it's not too difficult to try to duplicate success rather than duplicating inactivity with this program. And after all, it's only polite to thank people for a $5 gift, isn't it?
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 24 Oct 2008 09:52
TJamMoneyMan: There is NO TCLS link! I use a rotator, which either takes you there, or does not - if there's a problem. Thanx for pointing it out to me, but I just clicked on my 6 and 7 offers, and all seemed to be working. ?????? oh well!!
Hi TJam, That's stranged indeed! Your third link (out of 7) in your rotater is TCLS and it doesn't work for me. Alexa's does though, I checked hers through her site. Anyway, just thought it should be pointed out, since I was going to sign up under you and I can't.
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 24 Oct 2008 12:48
daylyn33: Alexa's does though, I checked hers through her site.
Hi Linda, I think that might mean you'll have a "cookie" from TCLS on your computer. So if your intention is to sign up with TJam, you might want to check the names showing carefully when you actually register, to avoid accidents - "just saying"! You may be able to avoid that problem by clearing cookies and opening a new browser window before joining - I'm not sure - but do check it first because I don't think mistakes can be rectified once you've joined!
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 24 Oct 2008 14:58
Thanks Alexa, we have figured it all out.
Wishing everyone luck with this system!