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Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 11 Sep 2008 14:05
I think I may be able to offer a couple of insights into how the owners are going to make plenty of profit out of this program. Firstly, as the founders, they were in at the beginning and promoting it before everyone else had heard of it, so they'll make their share as members. Secondly, if you read all the small-print, you'll see that your website and membership are only valid for 6 months from the date that you join, so they'll effectively be getting their share of membership renewals as well. Absolutely no criticism implied in those comments at all - I think it's an intriguing program and I'm very happy to be doing it!
I know they had a minor, temporary computer glitch 4 or 5 days ago, but that all seems to be very smoothly sorted out now, and my experience is that everything's working exactly as claimed, and very clearly explained, too.
A couple of observations in response to comments made above as well. The gentleman expecting "email support from his sponsor", if he'll excuse my saying so, has slightly missed the point: this opportunity is cleverly designed so that you don't have to "support" people at all: all is explained (and very well too) in your "back-office" website. And to the gentleman who's been trying to promote this only by posting in forums: firstly there are loads of other ways of promoting it, all explained in your website, and secondly you must make your signature file clickable if you want people to click on it, otherwise (to put it bluntly) you're completely wasting your time posting. People won't take the trouble to copy-paste a url into their browser: they really expect to "click and go" otherwise they don't bother. I don't mean to sound rude but I'm really not at all surprised you're finding progress difficult that way.
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 11 Sep 2008 15:51 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
alexa: And to the gentleman who's been trying to promote this only by posting in forums: firstly there are loads of other ways of promoting it, all explained in your website, and secondly you must make your signature file clickable if you want people to click on it, otherwise (to put it bluntly) you're completely wasting your time posting
Ahem, I am that 'gentleman'! And I am not trying to promote 'only by posting in forums'. It's just what I do.
Also my sig. line is quite clickable if you take a look.
I haven't been trying to promote this way, just offer support to those who do, myself included. Getting the good word out on TCLS, as I mentioned. Smart folx will 'google' TCLS, and this forum comes right up on page one of many a google search. BUT I think the first few posters on this thread have done eggzackly that, as many others have - use a forum to promote their biz!
Typically, 'forum promoters' will post once or twice, maybe even thrice(!), and just disappear. That seems to be the case in this topic as well.
And as for 'progress', I have gotten response from forum postings to equal or surpass ANY of my other promo efforts so far.
Two people here have been having trouble getting a response from TCLS support, as I understand it, not their sponsor. I don't think there is a way to contact or even know who your TCLS 'sponsor' is. As you correctly pointed out TCLS is not set up that way.
No criticism, rudeness, or offense implied or intended here either.
Just clarification...
Good luck 2U with TCLS!
Joined: 4 Sep 2008
Posts: 10
# Posted: 11 Sep 2008 18:10
yeah I even test run my clickables and they went through, I just got an email from a guy who does cash leveraging at a higher rate of like $150 he told me that the $25 program you had to get thousands to join in order to make money so he stayed away from it.. I feel you do have to get thousands to join, but my point again is if your email is on the list of someone who claims to be making a thousand off of this shouldn't you be getting something if your email floats on a list where people are paying money. That's what I don't understand as this guy who's my email is on his list is claiming to be rolling in this. I think he's full of crap. That's it, and I do believe you need thousands of people to make any kind of coin on this deal.
Looking for a Way to Make EASY Money? Take a Look at This:
Joined: 11 Sep 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 11 Sep 2008 19:22
Hi, I signed up two days ago and I am still waiting on the information about the website and setup. I sent all of the gifting information that I sent out through alertpay and i am still waiting.
Is there a email address that I can send a message to other then the questions@cashleveraging
Please help! ENB
Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 11 Sep 2008 19:38
Can you tell me of any marketing tips other than forums?
Joined: 12 Sep 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 12 Sep 2008 03:04
How to fund the account? It takes so long! Account always at "pending state"??
What's your experience? Cam you share??
Best, JF2
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# Posted: 12 Sep 2008 05:51
spirithawk: I feel you do have to get thousands to join, but my point again is if your email is on the list of someone who claims to be making a thousand off of this shouldn't you be getting something if your email floats on a list where people are paying money.
I am not so sure it works that way SpiritHawk.
spirithawk: That's what I don't understand as this guy who's my email is on his list is claiming to be rolling in this. I think he's full of crap. That's it, and I do believe you need thousands of people to make any kind of coin on this deal.
He may very well be full of it SpiritHawk, though I'd have to better understand his possible motivation.
As for the 'thousands' of people, I think it depends on what you are trying to accomplish with TCLS. For one thing, you can easily calculate that 'thousands' of people would amount to 5,000's of dollars! (minus processing fees!). What you make with TCLS is going to be directly related to your ability to MARKET TCLS! Nothing else. This will be a learning experience, and it's a good idea for the newbie to start out with only a $25 plan I believe. How frustrated would you feel had you laid out $500 to $3500, like some of these gifting programs would have you do?
You have to learn how to market, before you will make ANY money with ANYthing online - other than doing surveys (UGH!), or IFW's and other plans that do NOT involve converting leads/prospects.
Start with TCLS and go from there I say! Why not? This will certainly not be the only plan you will get involved with, if you are serious about making money online...
Joined: 12 Sep 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 12 Sep 2008 06:04
ENB - try this address - [email protected]
I had problems getting a response too, but it was due to some server failure which apparently has been sorted out now.
And the response I got was very reassuring and personal - dont give up trying to contact them
I think TJamMoneyMan mentioned before that the lack of contact is usually due to a communication problem between clients and support staff - and this is true.
Good luck
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 12 Sep 2008 06:54
spirithawk: he told me that the $25 program you had to get thousands to join in order to make money so he stayed away from it..
He made a mistake there, for sure. You don't have to get thousands to join at all. That's how these things work, by multiplication of numbers. You can end up being gifted by thousands but you don't have to find them yourself, only a few to start with, and this is the whole point.
spirithawk: if your email is on the list of someone who claims to be making a thousand off of this shouldn't you be getting something if your email floats on a list where people are paying money.
Sorry, I don't follow your logic here at all. What you're making yourself is not connected with what list your email address originally appeared on. It relates only to what you do yourself, and to what those you bring in do. The people who make the real money are the people who follow the simple marketing advice given in their back-office and don't try to re-invent the wheel.
spirithawk: I do believe you need thousands of people to make any kind of coin on this deal.
The same is true of most MLM companies as well (not that I am likening this gifting program to MLM - that would be an unfair comparison in itself, because this thing isn't a business at all!): you need a large number of people in your organization to earn a huge income, but you don't have to find them all yourself, you only have to find a few!
Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 12 Sep 2008 20:57 · Edited by: LuvBNme
Use a gmail or yahoo email address for a response from TLCS. They respond in exactly 24 hours with your website info.
Joined: 11 Sep 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 12:34
Thanks everybody for your help! I'm all set up now, time to start making some money.
If anyone can lend some help with places to promote let me know.
Thanks again,
Joined: 8 Sep 2008
Posts: 95
# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 18:43
TJamMoneyMan: And I am not trying to promote 'only by posting in forums'. It's just what I do. Also my sig. line is quite clickable if you take a look.
I know! I wasn't referring to you, honestly. 
TJamMoneyMan: I don't think there is a way to contact or even know who your TCLS 'sponsor' is.
It's the person whose email address was the one in position number 1 when you joined, I think!
TJamMoneyMan: No criticism, rudeness, or offense implied or intended here either. Just clarification...
No, of course - none taken, or offered, or whatever! And good luck to you also, TJam.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 143
# Posted: 16 Sep 2008 01:00 · Edited by: TheChampion
I've been a member of TCLS for 1 month now and here are my numbers:
I have received 336 $5 gifts for a total of $1680 and after the AlertPay payment processor fees it comes to about $1380 net.
(You know AlertPay is making bank from TCLS.)
Why can't we have a payment processor like PayPal without the problems of PayPal???
But anyways, $1380 net is pretty good for only a one-time $25 gift!
Plus I spent $0 on advertising. I only used free ad exchanges.
And I didn't even actively send out any ads for the past two weeks because my $5 gifts have been coming in on a consistent basis each day.
So I decided to just let it go on auto pilot as I continued to work on some other projects.
And I'm confident that I should receive about $1,000 or more a month for quite a while and who knows where it could go. It definitely has the potential of growing exponentially.
Joined: 16 Sep 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 16 Sep 2008 08:43
Hi, I really would like to join but all the original e-mails I got , the links don't work so the admin sent me new a link and 2 days ago I filled out the form on site but nothing yet and I keep checking my spam and all. Any ideas? I just want to get going...My alert pay is all set up. Thanks, Darlene
Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 16 Sep 2008 09:36
I've been posting "free" ads everywhere I can find them and still haven't seen any results. Guess I'm doing it wrong....don't think so though.
I'd be interested in hearing where your having your success!
Hurricane Ike Got me good and I sure could use some downline member to help get me back on my feet! I'm only looking to get 10 in my downline and hopefully help those 10 in getting their 10 etc.....
Be great to get a 1000 in my downline but I think that defeats the purpose of the system....everyone should be able to benefit from the TCLS system not just me! I wish everyone success especially me!
Joined: 11 Sep 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 16 Sep 2008 11:22
Well I guess i'm jusst like you. I haven't seen must success using the TCLS yet, I won't give up. I just need some help with getting 10 in my downline. Thechampion is doing so good, wish I have gotten in a month ago! Good luck everyone!
Joined: 25 Jun 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 16 Sep 2008 11:39
Just got a new landing page in TCLS - I have some great free resoucres. I have been able to put 10 people in in five days. Not incredible, but working.
Joined: 16 Sep 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 16 Sep 2008 15:16
Hi, I joined the 11th of september. Thanks for listing your advertising secrets. 
<a target="_blank" href="">Unlimited, non-Stop Cash Deposited Directly into Your Account!</a>
Joined: 17 Sep 2008
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# Posted: 17 Sep 2008 01:44
I have been trying to sign up for Cash Leveraging System. I there is anyone out there that can help me I'll sign up with you.
I have reset my security, deleted cookies etc. & still can't get in.
Please contact [email protected] if you can help.
Thanks bunches!
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 17 Sep 2008 18:36
merit3: I have reset my security, deleted cookies etc. & still can't get in.
Try restarting your computer. Try a different browser.
Try a different computer on the same internet connection. Try a different computer on a DIFFERENT internet connection.
And eggzackly WHAT url are you using?
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 14:55
In the last 2 days I have posted at least 50 times promoting TCLS. I still have not been able to get 1 person to join. Ive been posting on forums, free classifieds, and socail netowrks using the free tools the company gives you.
Could somebody please give me some advice on what or what not to do and share what has worked for them?
Thank you.
[email protected]
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Posts: 7
# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 16:03
TJamMoneyMan, I'm new to this forum and am very interested in TCLS. Probably in the next couple of weeks I will sign up. Could you PM me your email? I will join under you, just want to ask some questions first.
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Posts: 88
# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 16:16
I joined TCLS about 7 weeks ago and I'm slowly building a downline. I'm not complaining as I've already made my back my investment. I still haven't found a go-to advertising venue yet but I've been experimenting with as many free sites as I can.
I noticed that someone mentioned ad exchanges. I've been fooling around with those to promote this and other sites that I have, trying not to spend too much time on it. Doing this I've noticed a lot of TCLS pages coming up with an error page reading: "This site is only viewable by invitation," or something like that. I'm not a tech wiz about this stuff, but for some reason the sites aren't coming up in traffic exchanges and people need to be aware of that.
My solution was to create a simple splash page on and replace my domain with that link. Weebly is a simple site allows you to make basic web pages for free if you're not familiar.
I just wanted to make sure people were being wary of using traffic exchanges to advertise and making sure their site loads as I don't like people going through all the trouble for nothing.
Keep rockin' TCLS!
Joined: 18 Sep 2008
Posts: 88
# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 16:49
I forgot to ask a question of all of you. Has anyone tried using pay per click to advertise TCLS and what has been your experience?
Early on I was willing to spend some money to get some good exposure and I used the PPC ads provided in the back office. I used Google Adwords as I was familiar with it and it is was TCLS suggested.
The problem is that every time I would start a campaign it would immediately get disapproved. According to Google's policies, redirect URL's are not allowed and they claimed that my ad contained an "inaccurate display url" as my domain obviously did not match the referral url that you would land on.
I contacted both Google and TCLS about this. TCLS never responded. I suppose trying again wouldn't hurt. I would just like to get clarification or at least for them to take the Google suggestion out of the back office so people don't run into the same issue I did. I've found that Yahoo PPC does work just fine. I'm sure others work as well.
Just giving a heads up and wondering what other people have experienced. TCLS is still a great opportunity and I'm still pumped to get it rockin'.
Joined: 11 Sep 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 19:55
monds6: Just got a new landing page in TCLS - I have some great free resoucres. I have been able to put 10 people in in five days. Not incredible, but working.
Like What great free resouces?
Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 21:14
O.K. It took me a few weeks to get my ten. It was not that easy either! Even if you get ten you have to hope those ten will put in the effort you do to see any return or else you'll just make 50 bucks. I think this is a great program you just have to work at making other people feel the same way. Good Luck to all the TLCS users.
Joined: 12 Sep 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 19 Sep 2008 02:02
ENB: monds6: Just got a new landing page in TCLS - I have some great free resoucres. I have been able to put 10 people in in five days. Not incredible, but working. Like What great free resouces?
I would love to know, too! I am trying very hard, however, have not been too successful yet....
What are the resources?
Joined: 12 Sep 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 19 Sep 2008 02:33
just read a post on gift schemes ( - first page, red letters) - can anybody tell me whether TCLS belongs to this category or not? I am wondering about the legal aspect...
Joined: 19 Sep 2008
Posts: 24
# Posted: 19 Sep 2008 11:03
For those of you having trouble accessing TCLS and have paid. I just sent an email to [email protected] and received word back within 20 minutes or so!
916 Spartan
Joined: 19 Sep 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 19 Sep 2008 17:30
Quick question...
I do not know my sponsor's ID to get back into the website. I looked it over for about 30 min yesterday and now I cant get back into the website without another invite.
I want to give credit to the first person who showed me the opp, but I don't know his/her sponsor ID#. Also, I dont want this to happen to me if I refer a bunch of people and then they can't access the site again and join somewhere else.
Is this clear? Any suggestions?