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Joined: 14 May 2008
Posts: 99
# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 02:55
What did I miss? your second line says this:
"Though I made around 10 new friends during my first 3 weeks of marketing, a couple who are"
Hey friends are great. Glad you have that in your life. How much money are you making?
Jaime McCarley
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
Posts: 72
# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 02:57 · Edited by: glitch00
glitch00: Thanks Silverstone I expect everyone to laugh at me or throw tomatoes at me, but zero too haha I won't lie :P
Weird I'm surprised that didn't popup but there you go. ZERO
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# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 03:02 · Edited by: Silverstone
So, all BS aside, exactly how much MONEY have you made?
Jaime McCarley
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
Posts: 72
# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 03:06
Like I said $0 said it over and over hehe.
Maybe I should put the number instead of the word. Sorry
So yeah again, $0 the people that are in the Phase 2 right now will be my first if they completed the process. I will update if that happens.
No BS there, I just put zero instead of $0 and I guess it threw you off. Sorry.
It's actually easy to tell how much money they made because they have a public list of who's getting paid. Not the kinda thing you would wanna lie about because the payout list is public.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 03:22
yeah, and that public list shows me at $0
Judyp also has $0
We both worked this system, marketed it and made a big GOOSE egg, for our efforts.
Thanks for trying to convince others to follow.
That shows your true colors, as one that wants people to join you, even though it will not work in the long run.
Keep up the good work, glitch
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
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# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 03:44 · Edited by: glitch00
Yeah, but I won't consider it a goose egg yet till I reach the 90 day claim and still earn nothing. As I've stated I'm only on like Day 35. The 90 day limit I know is a safe number to say because it gives the assumption that the person has little time to spend on with marketing.
I'm well aware that some would say 30 days to see results, 60 days to earn results and so on. It all depends on really how much effort you put into it. I felt good with the 90 day thing and I really joined FOCS to test and see if 90 days will really get me somewhere. With that set, I also want to ensure people under me will do the same. My sponsor had good confidence in me and I should have confidence in them as well.
And it is a bit more difficult for me since I'm all the way out here in the Philippines and some of the classified ad sites I can't use because I'm not from around. I'm taking these factors in, but still try to work things out. Though I haven't made anything in my first 3 weeks, I did make the most out of it in learning what to do and what not to do so that I can make the remaining half of my quest worth it.
As for the true colors part, I will never intend on asking people to join me on a system that doesn't work in the long run. For me I define the "long run" as 90 days, because that's exactly what they ask the person to do in order to be "Qualified" - A 90 day commitment with the system. Anyone who beleives in committing to the 90 days are exactly the people who I want to get in my team.
I will post my total earnings here when I reach the 90 days. The good news is though, is that after you do these phases, you are a member for life, so I won't stop after 90 days anyway hehe
My attitude with this as a summary though is that so far 35 days has passed. Again I made some friends, I got around 7000 visits to my site. A pretty good amount of opt ins daily and I can just imagine what would happen 35 days later since I set a foundation. So really thats why I am impressed with FOCS even though I earned nothing from it. The live training calls provide new information week after week too so it seems nearly sure that good things bound to happen.
Reason why I'm wording this out is that having a positive attitude like this can help anyone who's in any program. Just like you in Zero2Riches. Keep up the good work as well.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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Posts: 7
# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 05:45
Hi glitch!
I just joined FOCS, and am only in my first week. Im from the Philippines too!
I believe too that 90 days is a good way for one to prove one's efforts in a program, and fairly see the results it could bring. In fact, my sponsor left FOCS and I had to be transferred to another sponsor.
Did you also sign up with Apollo Hosting and Supersponders? Maybe we could exchange notes here so we can both progress somehow. I found a way to advertise in US-only sites even if youre in the Phils.
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
Posts: 72
# Posted: 20 Aug 2008 05:57
Hey deloons! Yeah some people did leave so thats what happens when sponsors leave.
Yep I signed up with Apollo Hosting and Supersponders. Feel free to PM me and I'll gladly exchange notes.
And yeah there are a few workarounds to advertising in US-only though it doesn't work in a couple sites.
I wish you the best deloons.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 00:41
deloons: In fact, my sponsor left FOCS and I had to be transferred to another sponsor.
hmm, now I wonder why they would do that... Maybe (and I'm just guessing here) they weren't making any money?
Jaime McCarley
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
Posts: 72
# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 00:56 · Edited by: glitch00
Nope, I'm pretty sure his sponsor is the Tom the Furry Hat Guy, top earner of FOCS, he is no longer with FOCS and is doing his own Fury2Wealth program. So all the people under him had to be transfered to another sponsor.
I believe the rest of Team Fury went with him as well. Fury2Wealth don't have good international support so I'm still staying with FOCS. It's nice to see more legit programs out there though.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 01:54
I have heard of members of z2r program who are also former FOCS members, and they believe FOCS is a good program. In fact, this person is also helping me succeed with FOCS. I prefer not to go into specifics. It just proves to show that FOCS is a real, working program. Whether one makes a lot of money on it or just enough.
Tom the furry hat guy DID make a lot of money on FOCS, as payouts are public. I guess he has his own reasons for moving on. FOCS is also supportive of the international audience which attracts a wider spectrum of people, and is a main reason for my joining.
Ive only been marketing my FOCS site for 2 days and already have 3 opt-ins. Wish me luck!
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 25
# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 16:25
There is nothing wrong with FOCS. Some people just don't like all the "hard" work you have to do with it to become a member. Tom is still with FOCS, the reason that he is focusing more on z2r is to actually develop different income streams. Since FOCS has not developed their other, higher, residual streams of income yet. He is using the fact that you do have to do less offers ( a lot less) as part of the reason for switching over. He is trying to make a system to where everyone can make money for free and leverage it into other streams of income and eventually have a nice monthly residual income. How do I know? I am a close friend of Tom's.
Joined: 17 May 2008
Posts: 246
# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 19:42
ljeb: Tom is still with FOCS, the reason that he is focusing more on z2r is to actually develop different income streams.
TOM is not with FOCS anymore and hes not working on z2r . he started his own program fury2wealth......
you should know this because youre his close friend = )
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# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 22:23
I'm not sure what Tom Yatar is doing but if Fury2Wealth is actually different than Zero2Riches, then he has actually stolen Zero2Riches exact method.
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
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# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 23:18
I wouldn't call it stealing, it's simply using a system that works and rearranging it. All the offer based systems have something in common and I know this whole process has originated to years ago.
Anyway I'm excited on what FOCS has in store for us next month.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 23:50
I am quite sure Tom is with Fury2Wealth, as we have exchanged emails about it... and I cant join as they are not yet open to international. Not sure if Tom's on Z2R though.
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
Posts: 72
# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 23:57
It'll be kinda funny advertising 3 programs you are in to the same person.. thatl be like making him complete more than 30 offers and then teach him how to market all three.
Would be wise to stick with one program which I bet he's doing.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 01:55
judyp: I'm not sure what Tom Yatar is doing but if Fury2Wealth is actually different than Zero2Riches, then he has actually stolen Zero2Riches exact method.
He's trying to re-engineer the program, by using step 1 to get in for free, and then using some of his own steps beyond that. One of those steps involves cash gifting, which personally makes me cringe.
The bottom line is, step 1 of zero2riches is where the money is.
Jaime McCarley
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 25
# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 03:34
He IS still with FOCS, just not promoting it like he used to. He is with z2r. Using it as a funnel into his furyous flow
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 25
# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 03:36
I agree with you Silverstone. I'm not into cash gifting and the other "flows"
Joined: 25 Aug 2008
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# Posted: 25 Aug 2008 14:33
Hey everyone. I can say that all the trial offers you must complete to get into the system may be a little discouraging. Especially for someone who really isn't looking to put forth much work. I think this is good in a sense that we don't get as many dead beats. I look forward to see what comes of this program. It looks promising to myself. And if it doesn't work out in a few months, at least I had ZERO OUT OF POCKET COSTS! I have just completed phase two doing the 5.0 credits and have been told that I would be receiving my rebate next week. Also, the support is incredible. I have so many questions as a newbie to the program.
To everyone out there trying to make money, my best wishes.
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 25
# Posted: 25 Aug 2008 14:40
I wouldn't call it stealing, it's simply using a system that works and rearranging it.
He could have at least used a different site for his Step 1 instead of doublecash.zeropricetags.
HOWEVER, Zero2Riches isn't using them anymore! We've switched back to the much easier cash.zeropricetags, which is only 1 credit to complete.
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
Posts: 25
# Posted: 25 Aug 2008 14:44
The bottom line is, step 1 of zero2riches is where the money is.
I kind of have to disagree with you there, Jaime. While it's very tempting to just push Step 1 and keep all the money, getting into the next steps AND encouraging your referrals to do the same is going to make us all a lot more money. And believe me, you don't want to rely on getting people to sign up for offers forever. It wears thin after awhile.
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# Posted: 25 Aug 2008 22:03
judyp: And believe me, you don't want to rely on getting people to sign up for offers forever. It wears thin after awhile. I hear ya Judy... but the money there is real, and it's quick too. I'm still looking forward to taking it to the next level!
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# Posted: 25 Aug 2008 22:42
Tom is gone alright.
"judyp": And believe me, you don't want to rely on getting people to sign up for offers forever. It wears thin after awhile. That's where the multiple streams of income thing kinda starts to play out. It's all about joining the programs that you see works for you and advertising those programs to people you think are suitable for them.
I don't even think there should be any form of competition necessary where in fact you can join them all and promote them all. It just all depends on how much time you have for it.
Different communities, different programs to join. Let's all get along.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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# Posted: 27 Aug 2008 23:21
This one is done, you can put a fork in it.
Trust me.
Jaime McCarley
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
Posts: 72
# Posted: 27 Aug 2008 23:34
Well I'm happy so far with the new changes coming to FOCS. The idea of making money without a referral sounds good to me.
John Team S2S
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz
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# Posted: 30 Aug 2008 02:10
Jack and Glitch00,
Glad to see the support for FOCS. I recently joined and have been impressed with the support from Jah and Keith. The changes coming soon are exciting!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Joined: 14 Jul 2008
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# Posted: 30 Aug 2008 18:42
FOCS is COMPLETELY changing. But now those of us who are already in it will have to fork over $25 to get into the first cash flow stream. I just don't know.
Joined: 19 Aug 2008
Posts: 72
# Posted: 30 Aug 2008 18:50
Well, judyp you don't have to do that, because I'll spend and join it for you and post results immediately if the $25 really yields it. So you have zero risk 
Here's a good tip though, ask your sponsor for the $25. Me, I'm planning to give my referrals $25 so they join for free. That's the duty of a sponsor to begin - with support all the way. Sometimes it's not the program that's the problem, but it's the person you signed up under. I actually don't join a program based on their credibility, but I join based on how the sponsor presents everything to me and if a relationship and friendship will be developed.
Many have heard of it... Some have given it a shot... Few have committed and they succeeded and earn free cash over and over. You can be just like them - - John Ruiz