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Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 531
# Posted: 23 Oct 2008 14:00
myriadofopps: ... Anyway, I'm definitely leaning towards promoting GDI, and as I learn my way in the IM world, I can learn the skills to set up the kind of friendly and personal and hype-free capture page that you've set up for your leads! Exactly. There are very few opportunities out there that allow you to do this so cheaply while requiring you to invest money (which imho keeps you focused) you'd be amazed in the difference in effort someone will put forth with even a simple $10 investment vs. a free program.
GDI is a great starting block for several reason...some I've already given. Many "groups" use GDI as a funneling tool into more expensive programs. It might be that you find success with promoting GDI, and once you've shown people you can make them money then showing them a more lucrative opportunity.
Numbers are very easy to use to show people what can be. I've seen the "and if only half of this happens you're still making xxx" used many times. The reason I like it with GDI is that really the goal for the month should be 1 person. IF everyone in GDI had that goal we could all go home.
Joined: 27 Oct 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 27 Oct 2008 20:03
Hmmm ... I am trying to complete my setup in SWM and I am having trouble with the Commission Junction part. For some reason the characters you have to type in the box are not appearing. I am in Canada so I do not have the 2 tax type numbers ... any one ahve any ideas?
Joined: 27 Oct 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 28 Oct 2008 19:50
OK, so no response to my last message ... anyone out there?
Now I have another question ... what am I supposed to do with all the DirectMATCHES emails and contact requests?
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643
# Posted: 28 Oct 2008 21:51
give it time Anne, it's only been a day 
first off, the best person(s) to contact are your upline members.
And you'll need to specify things for them. What browser you are using is one factor.
I don't know what kind of emails and CR's you are getting but it sounds like regular connection communications that people will definitely send you when you join these social networks. Sounds like all you need to do is reply with a 'hi' etc. and accept them as part of your contact list.
GDI is the only real moneymaking stream to pursue for now, unless you are ready to start SPENDING!
good luck, tjmm
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 531
# Posted: 30 Oct 2008 12:21
Hi Anne, You'll have to forgive the delayed response. TJ gave you a dead on accurate response though. For the commission junction box it might be a browser issue, if not try contacting someone at Commission junction. Most of the time they'll also place a little speaker next to the box for the visually impared, try that.
As for Direct Matches, I've never personally had much luck with promoting on there...though i didn't try to hard. I found most of the people on Direct Matches were already in a business and were there to try to sell ME something.
There's two ways you can take that. 1. The market is flooded 2. EVERYONE there is a good potential lead because they are business minded.
I ran with 1 just because I didn't have the time to invest in another social site...this one is good enough for me right now
I definately saw the potential in working the market there though. If you responde to the 100's of emails you get with somethign along the lines of. Hi, thank you for adding me as a friend and taking the time to email me. I've taken a look at your site and it's pretty cool, but right now I'm focused on [YOUR LINK] which you might find interesting, check it out and let me know what you think.
The thing that I love most about it is that it's only $10, not $399 like some other programs.
Talk to you soon, Anne
I'd be willing to bet you'd get at least some clicks with that. Cultivate those relationships a bit too and you might be surprised, I'd probably be doing the same right now if not for other projects.
IF this is oyur first stint at internet marketing be prepared to learn Anne, that's the single most important thing you can do is learn, learn, learn, be patient as well, Rome wasn't built in a day and if you're looking for instant riches then you might want to take the $10 a month and invest in lotery tickets
best of luck and if you have further questions don't hesitate to ask.
Joined: 27 Oct 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 30 Oct 2008 17:58
Thanks fellas!
I'll definitely look into the browser thing, and the response thing to all these emails (116 and counting lol).
This is me learning!
Joined: 22 Oct 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 30 Oct 2008 22:42
opendomain: Hi, thank you for adding me as a friend and taking the time to email me. I've taken a look at your site and it's pretty cool, but right now I'm focused on [YOUR LINK] which you might find interesting, check it out and let me know what you think. The thing that I love most about it is that it's only $10, not $399 like some other programs. Talk to you soon, Anne
That's a great suggestion! I was looking for something constructive to do with the flood of messages and business opportunity invitations from members on DirectMatches. Now I have it, thanks to you.
Good luck with your SpiderWeb system, Anne!
Also, to anyone who's figuring out what to do at DirectMatches, I would probably advise against doing something I did prematurely: I actually upgraded to a $10 "customer" membership just to increase the size of my DM message inbox to give myself more time to figure out what to do in response to the huge number of people who had left me messages, before the system deleted the messages in order to make room for new ones. (The free membership has a very small inbox size.) But there's no need to spend that money. If your inbox overflows and messages get deleted before you can respond, you still also get notified at your email address anytime someone has sent you a message at DM, and that email will tell you the name of the DM member who left you the message. If you look for that message in your DM inbox and find it has been deleted, you can still type a new message to that member�and if it's helpful, explain that the original message they sent you got deleted before you could respond to it.
350+ recorded training calls and 10 live calls every week. Why you may not know about why more people aren't joining you in your business and what you can do to change that. All FREE - click here
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# Posted: 31 Oct 2008 13:19
personally to tell you the truth. I never really understood it besides viewing like 22 videos. sorry.
# Posted: 4 Nov 2008 18:31
ok....I just ran across this spiderweb today. I have signed up for the system, but not yet signed up for any of the programs. I just wanted to get in and see what it was about. So now I've seen some of the videos explaining how it all works, and it sounds great, but I came here to see if there was a thread on it, and here I am. You guys, well, some of you have had SOME luck, but it doesn't sound like there's alot going on with it. I've never done any MLM or anything. The only system for making money that I've actually tried is project payday. It has worked for me, but it's not producing much income yet.
My questions are, what are the chances of someone who has never done any marketing, and never done any MLM's to make money with this spiderweb system? Do you think it would be a good kickstart into internet marketing? Is there any cost other than the $10/month for the GDI? Thanks for any help you guys mi9ght have.... and by the way, thanks for this entire forum. So far this has saved me tonms of money, since I've been looking for ways to make money online, I can read up on every opportunity I've seen here. This place is letting me know which programs to avoid. Thanks!
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 531
# Posted: 5 Nov 2008 10:25
Here's what I would say. Stay clear of adwords till sometime later. It CAN work, but realistically you're not going to make what you put in until WAY down the road.
That being said SWM, I'm coming more and more to believe, is a good program for showing you many of the things you CAN do and should do. Building lists Following up Finding a method of promotion.
If you're looking to us SWM then I would market through a more traditional method ... Article, Forum, Blogs, free classifieds.
Beyond that as a system, unless you're going for the black widow program I would say NOT to jump into paying for anything beyond the GDI portion of it until you've tried it out for yourself.
Good backoffice and METHOD behind what they do, but as for
puckjr: My questions are, what are the chances of someone who has never done any marketing, and never done any MLM's to make money with this spiderweb system? Do you think it would be a good kickstart into internet marketing?
Well I would say this. As an educational tool SWM is great. As a marketing tool it's actually something I would recommend only after you've educated yourself...which truthfully you can get most of that from this forum in a month or so.
# Posted: 5 Nov 2008 11:16
Thanks man...I'll look a little deeper into the forum here for marketing strategies. Also, I think I'm going to go ahead and get going with Spiderweb. If I'm going to do it, there's no point in waiting.
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643
# Posted: 11 Nov 2008 22:42 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
opendomain: Beyond that as a system, unless you're going for the black widow program I would say NOT to jump into paying for anything beyond the GDI portion of it until you've tried it out for yourself.
I concur.
And that's the FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR Black Widow Program by the way! (as if Black Widow isn't scary enuf!!)
# Posted: 11 Nov 2008 23:36
TJamMoneyMan: And that's the FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR Black Widow Program by the way! I noticed that. That's not exactly what I had in mind for a "FREE" marketing program, but on the brighter side, I signed up for everything on there that is free, and that's quite a few things. The GDI I will pay for, just so I have a website, no matter what happens with SpiderWeb. I do have two good downline prospects already, and I'm following up with them. I'm using the surf for credit traffic exchanges and getting some real traffic, but like I said only 2 have actually taken the bait of the capture pages out of about 1000 visits to the pages. <---It is like fishing, isn't it? lol
I have a plan to keep in contact with anyone that might join under me, and tell them exactly what I'm doing to gain traffic so they know how to do it too. I want anyone under me to be successful, which in turn makes me, and my upline successful. I can see the potential of this, but it's more work than what they tell you at the beginning. I'm willing to stick it out and see where this can go at least until I get my GDI paid for. But I guess if it get's to that point, there's no reason to stop.
So anyway, do you guys know of any successful tactics for traffic exchanges? Or maybe just some good free places to market this stuff? So far I'm using TrafficG, Traffic Swarm, and
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643
# Posted: 12 Nov 2008 00:40 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
puckjr: I have a plan to keep in contact with anyone that might join under me, and tell them exactly what I'm doing to gain traffic so they know how to do it too. I want anyone under me to be successful, which in turn makes me, and my upline successful. I can see the potential of this, but it's more work than what they tell you at the beginning. I'm willing to stick it out and see where this can go at least until I get my GDI paid for. But I guess if it get's to that point, there's no reason to stop.
Good goals. I don't wanna rain on your day but I think you'll be lucky if your downline communicates with you! This may be something about FREE programs, and it may definitely be partially about the way SWMS is hyped. But folx get in, expecting to spend NO MONEY, and make $500 in their first week. The ads pretty much tell you that will happen too! At least they produce many testimonials that imply so.
I think this produces a particular type of downline. Folx who expect to make hundreds of bux with this, without any investment of time and money.
And yes SWMS is presented as a FREE MARKETING SYSTEM. Which it is. But of course, it takes money (and/or lots of TIME) to market just about ANYTHING. Online or off.
Without realizing these things though, you are bound to become disillusioned and eventually, disappointed with the results. I've been there myself!
Frankly, I don't think you are going to see much in the way of 22 streams of income without a SERIOUS marketing campaign. One that will cost time and money, and plenty of that most illusive resource - SKILL!
I think for the newbie, you may want to consider how much time and money you are willing to invest in marketing SWMS. The typical NEWBIE profile rarely boasts much in the way of internet marketing SKILL!
I have had some success with SWMS by promoting it passively - sig lines, rotators, low/no-cost traffic systems. Just getting the word out and letting the SWMS capture page do the rest. Over a period of time, folx will start converting, but you won't get the 'typical testimonial' type results unless you have your marketing thang 2 GETHA!!
You can build a downline with SWMS but I think it's better to go the slow and EZ route. Safelists, Traffic Exchanges, and other credit based ad resources are terribly time consuming in my opinion, and rarely worth the hours you'll spend engaged in such activities. But there must be something to them since so many folx 'waste' so many hours with them!
That said, anything you do to promote SWMS will be teaching you the internet marketing biz. And that will only do you good eventually.
BUT I would rather follow a comprehensive marketing plan that would TEACH me everything I need to know. Which is more of a long-term process of course.
Black Widow claims to be such a plan, and promises much quicker results. But FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!?
Purty expensive for a plan you thought was gonna cost you NOTHING isn't it??!
SWMS is a good plan. And yes, it is FREE - the SWMS downline bulider and videos are very useful and educational as well. And there are ways to learn Internet Marketing without dropping half a G!! For now, I'd concentrate on GDI, and the many marketing plans out there that will TEACH YOU how to promote GDI. You can use those same techniques to market your SWMS system, which will ALSO build your GDI biz.
Personally, I like the SWMS idea, and think one day all those streams are gonna be truly valuable, each in their own time. For right now SWMS is a great way to build your GDI downline. My eye for the future is on the SELF-BANK stream - I think that's a great idea, though slightly ahead of its' time maybe.
So SWMS can truly be a valuable asset. Just don't fall 4 tha HYPE!!
# Posted: 12 Nov 2008 02:48
I totally understand. I'm not expecting any overnight riches from any program out there, and certainly not from SWMS. I do however feel like in the long term, this could eventually be doing well. I look at it this way...
If I can get 5 referrals in a year, that's OK with me. If those 5 ref's stay with it long enough to get 5 ref's, and down through 2 more levels like that, there's the $3,000+ per month. That's better money than I made at my last job, which brings me to my next point.
I have nothing better to do with my time. I was laid off from my job because of the crappy economy. I live in a small town, and there's not much employment available here, especially right now. So I have to do something. Everyday I've been spending the early hours reading the paper to see if there's any new jobs listed, then I follow up on applications I've been placing. Then I have the rest of the day to promote my capture pages. I have been using traffic exchanges and surfing for credits. I also found one that I can run overnight while I sleep. These have generated over 1000 visits to my pages in 2 days, and 2 people have filled out the form and have watched the video. The SWMS back office will tell you how far they have gone in the system, and 1 guy has gone to step 3, although that's no more than watching the first videos and filling out the personal info. I think after 2 days, that's not bad. I think if I don't have 5 ref's directly under me in at least the GDI in a year, and them have a few ref's under them, then it's something I'm doing wrong.
I am brand new to this type of stuff, but I feel that I'm fairly intelligent, and at least as trainable as a chimpanzee, so I should be able to figure out some good marketing techniques over time. I know some people are making money, and it's extremely rare that people are actually getting the results that those "gurus" keep saying we will get, but I believe with patience and some acquired skill over time, this can and will work for anyone who is willing to stick it out and learn.
I spend a lot of time reading about marketing on the internet also. There is a lot to learn, and it seems that some methods work better for some than they do for others. I'm starting to see that there is not one certain way to do it, but rather many ways and some may work better for you than they do for me. But in turn, some may work better for me than they do for you!
Anyway, it's fun for me!
Thanks for your posts!
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643
# Posted: 12 Nov 2008 03:00 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
puckjr: I am brand new to this type of stuff, but I feel that I'm fairly intelligent, and at least as trainable as a chimpanze
LOL of course!!
All that you say is good and true BUT, you should do MUCH better than 5 SWMS signups in a year. Even with passive promotion!
But if u have time and really want to make a livable income asap, like within weeks, go to (RP4L). Anyway, I think you'll make the fastest money online with THEM! With only the smallest costs involved. (less than $20)
AND, if you get with them NOW and go to this Wednesday's conference call - via SKYPE, you can get in on a special NOW income producing deal. You do NOT have to promote to earn money - up to about $50 per day. BUT, they are also offering a COMPLETE web marketing course to teach those who want to make MORE, how. You'll learn thoroughly how to EFFECTIVELY market anything online.
All you really have to do is follow their step by step plan. Being at least chimpanzee trainable, you should do well 
If you SKYPE me (tjamman is my skype address) I can send you Monday's conference call that tells you eggzackly whassup... That will get you on board with everyone else - this all only just started MONDAY!
Since you have the time, you should really look into this NOW. (and take a BREAK from all that profitless safelist/TE surfing!)
You'll make a LOT more money a LOT faster than via Safelist/TE surfing - and that's 4 CERTAIN! (there is actually a $500 guarantee that you'll make at least $1000 in 30 days with RP4L)
good luck 2u!
Joined: 21 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 21 Nov 2008 15:19
Hey everyone.
My name is Jodine. I recently joined the spiderweb marketing system. i was wondering if anyone could give me any ideas on how to get any leads. i have no idea how to. I have sent some messages to people on yuwie and directmatches. how do i get leads for gdi. If anyone can help me, i would really appreciate it!
Thank you Jo
Joined: 22 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 22 Nov 2008 16:21
I had signed up for SpyderWeb Marketing several days ago and have yet to complete the signup. The reason for this is because my referrer said that he hasn't had time to complete the website because he was busy working on another business. I had contacted his upline, posted on the forum and yet to receive any replies. I'm still trying to complete everything, but I'm still stuck. Is there any way I can cancel that account and sign up under someone else? I'm sorry if this in an inappropriate post, but I am getting frustrated.
Every human being's essential nature is per"fect and flawless, but afters years of immersion in the world, we easily forget our roots and take on a counterfeit nature." Lao Tzu
Joined: 12 Apr 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 04:56
Im pretty sure you could cancel your account, but i havent looked into it. For my experience i havent promoted the program at all and i have got a few signs up also, maybe from there tools like social networks. I think its a good program, you just have to put some time into so it well come out great from it.
Joined: 23 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 05:28
I am new to tthe forum. However I was reading the posts about GDI and SWS. I have joined both systems. My success has not come yet. I have great hits with no buys. I am planning on hanging in there to see what happens.
I have unlimited streams on income... So can you.... Check Out:
# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 05:37 · Edited by: puckjr
As far as traffic, I'm using the free traffic exchanges, and some safelists. Are we allowed to post ref links here? I have a great 1 stop site for those 2 methods, and it's totally free. if I can post my ref link you guys can go to it!
oh yeah.... PM me if you want it! duh..... Sometimes I am an idiot! lol
Joined: 23 Nov 2008
Posts: 81
# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 22:10
I joined just to check out the Spider Web System and spent at least 6-8 hours straight just getting through all the different things it wanted me to sign up for that were NOT free!!! I did not like anything I saw and thought it was so very complicated because they show you so much all at once and want you to get into all these other programs like accepting and doing offers and buying into finacial things that I have no need for at all. It was a total waste of a whole entire day for me, all for nothing.
Just my take on the system...
Joined: 22 Nov 2008
Posts: 13
# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 23:09
Have heard of It's a safelist that only deals with solo ad advertising. Their opt-in list is over 400K.
Joined: 20 Jan 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 20 Jan 2009 11:20
I just found the spider web system and set it up. Is anybody home? There does not seem to be any posts here since November 23. I set it up. There is no active discussion board, lots of programs don't work anymore including blog, and I actually had to sigh up for 2 GDI domains. Anybody interested i will tell you why? There are realyy only about 12 streams of income not 22. Free system they offer missing lots of features in Back Office. Has anybody invested money to buy the Upgraded system for $497 and $97 monthly? That is my question. Has this worked for anybody yet?
Joined: 20 Jan 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 20 Jan 2009 11:36
Also, another point if you have used other systems similar to these you cannot import/export leads unless you pay extra for the system upgrade. Ouch! Correct me somebody if i am wrong?
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643
# Posted: 21 Jan 2009 03:37 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
hfactor1: Is anybody home? There does not seem to be any posts here since November 23. I set it up. There is no active discussion board, lots of programs don't work anymore including blog, and I actually had to sigh up for 2 GDI domains. Anybody interested i will tell you why? There are realyy only about 12 streams of income not 22. Free system they offer missing lots of features in Back Office. Has anybody invested money to buy the Upgraded system for $497 and $97 monthly? That is my question. Has this worked for anybody yet?
Welcome to Spider Web!!
I'll vouch for it being GREAT for developing your GDI downline. I think that's the THIRD step. You can only go THAT far, and use it for your GDI expansion.
And, it responds very well to guaranteed traffic I have found. Yes, I have gotten quite a few signups for my SWMS, using GURANTEED TRAFFIC!
Good learning for the newbie also.
They need to upgrade their support system of course! BUT, I believe they tell u which income streams are kaput, or haven't launched yet.
You really don't need to go further than GDI, as far as I can see.
Why on earth did you feel you had to sign up for TWO GDI domains?????
Joined: 20 Jan 2009
Posts: 4
# Posted: 21 Jan 2009 15:11
you have to sign up for 2 domains if you want to get paid by pay pal because GDI will only pay you if to their GDI domain that they are hosting even if is parked. Since Spider hosts a domain you cannot set up an email account with GDI. So, you must get a second one or get and just use Spider affiliate links.
They don't reslly tell you which programs are kaput. they are just not in back office.
Do you have any feedback on the Black Widow program? With the monthly upfront fee.
Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 103
# Posted: 21 Jan 2009 17:41
I tried the spiderweb marketing system for a bit and I wasn't too impressed.
I found the videos very irritating and it was like I thought ... too many people advertising the same pages.
I prefer making my own splash pages and there are plenty of good downline builders to help you build your GDI business.
Good luck, Michael
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 00:52 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan
hfactor1: you have to sign up for 2 domains if you want to get paid by pay pal because GDI will only pay you if to their GDI domain that they are hosting even if is parked. Since Spider hosts a domain you cannot set up an email account with GDI. So, you must get a second one or get and just use Spider affiliate links
I have no idea where you got this information. I can assure you, I have only ONE GDI domain. I have been getting paid by paypal quite easily.
I don't know what you are talking about as far as concerns email, but you DEFINITELY do NOT need to sign up for TWO domains with GDI, unless you want to. Which is not a bad idea, depending on what you want to do.
But that is THOROUGHLY unnecessary for SWMS or Paypal.
hfactor1: They don't reslly tell you which programs are kaput. they are just not in back office.
I have been with SWMS for quite a while, and believe me, they let you know which 'streams' were being canceled. During their earlier 'pre launch' phase, many 'steams' were being canceled. And notification of such appeared on the login/home page.
By now though, as far as I know, all the sites with setup vids are AT LEAST, alive.
Again, just concern yourself with the 3d vid setup for GDI. THAT's where tha money is!
SWMS, is very effective for GDI imho.. So are the other GDI downline building teams. SWMS, unlike those others, is FREE, FREE, FREE!
Just do the 3 SHORT video setups at LEAST!
Joined: 31 Dec 2007
Posts: 63
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 02:34
Spiderweb marketing seems to be spending a web around people that get involved with it, cause disappointment. Is spiderweb marketing primarily about getting GDI sign ups?