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Joined: 2 Mar 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 2 Mar 2007 06:14
hi everyone, I felt like i was on a rollar coaster reding all the reports about Agel success and failure stories. I have my own Agel story and it's simple and sincere. I began my Agel journey almost a year ago and got really excited one weekend and joined up 5 people, woo hoo! Then life got in the way for a while so I didn't really do anything for about 10 months. I decided to change my autoship to another selection and to my delight and surprise found that over 80 people had signed up underneath me! I imediately rang my sponsors who explained to me that while i was busy (doing nothing) those who were above me were busily signing up people underneathe me. It was then when i decided that Agel did in fact work (even if you don't) my disclaimer being that it probably depends on who you signed up underneath. Also what sort of marketing do you promote youe Agel business with, because I combine another website (email me if you want the address) with the Agel website. Anyway, my question is this: Would Randy Gage, Eric Wore and Rob and Nicky Horkings (of Usana Fame) get involved if Agel wasn't worth getting involved with? I don't think so, Agel has worked for me
Joined: 3 Mar 2007
Posts: 5
# Posted: 3 Mar 2007 10:14
I would like to try a sample of this agel product everyones been fusing about on the net lately..
Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Posts: 34
# Posted: 5 Mar 2007 07:53
Email me and I will send you out a sample.
[email protected]
Have a successful day! Bob Gallo
Joined: 19 Mar 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 19 Mar 2007 11:30
Wow Wow &nd *%$ again, I have read the entire thread of this conversation, Just finished robert ludlum's the prometheus deception. Can'not figure out which gripped me Most  sorry,I too were approched by Agel in the uK But to this day i have declined there best efforts,Now please understand me when i say"agel is a very very very good product". The problem i had (was way back in Feb2006) I knew notheing about MLM.....Now How ever after many many many ����'s spent I do have a modicum of knowledge in MLm'�6,250+ to be precise, Every one has made a very very valid point(some more than others)But the thing is ? untill you understand In marketing you will never sell a thing to any body. "Sack the boss" you realy need to learn the basics of marketing. "A bird in the hand, makes it hard to blow your nose" Paul Cooke
Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Posts: 34
# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 19:11 · Edited by: promagi
I'm re-reading the above statement idbubble. Still not sure of the underlying message of your post But it seems you enjoyed the thread nevertheless which is a good thing.
So after reading it, the next thing you need to do is contact me so we can get the ball rolling! 
After all, it's the Law of Attraction, you declined the people in the UK so you can join my team and have an "International Presence!"
All The Best, Bob
PS.. I agree about the bird thing....
Joined: 21 Mar 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 22:21
Hi everyone,
Have enjoyed this thread very much. I, too, am enjoying rapid success with Agel. I have studied many mlm opps., and swore I'd never, again, get involved. In fact, one year ago this month, I skimmed an Agel website and didn't, quite, dig deep enough to expose this gem for what it seems to me; truly, a once in a lifetime opportunity. I must have been 'asleep at the wheel!' Anyway, I am happy to have surfed in, and I am impressed by some, obviously, fine people. To our success, Scott
Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Posts: 34
# Posted: 31 Mar 2007 17:24 · Edited by: promagi
This has been an absolutely incredible month for me.
Overall I have had 76 people join my organization from all parts of the globe. I have rank advanced and a good portion of my team will be going to Orlando in June to see and meet Robert Kiyosaki who will be a keynote speaker along with Paul Zane Pilzner at the Agel Mastermind event.
Agel is rocking beyond belief.
Joined: 1 Apr 2007
Posts: 9
# Posted: 1 Apr 2007 11:51
Wow! I just read through all of these posts.
I can see that there are so many varying opinions.
As far as comments on pyramids, I have found that if one can make more than the person above him/her, that works far more effectively than a regular "job" where the majority of people are not going to make more than his/her boss.
As a single parent striving to provide more for my family and wanting to be available more, I have continued on the journey with ongoing education and with seeking something that would help meet the goals. My full-time "job" was limited and after spending thousands on obtaining additional credits beyond a Master's degree in order to go to the next level which included additional income - under $2,000 more a year - I fortunately read a book that helped me to have a paradigm shift.
Real estate investing was something that I could see I could do and did have success with one property, a condo, that I chose to purchase with a business partner - another mom I had met in one of those college classes. Within three months the condo doubled in value and the amount was equal to more than my full year's salary! Of course, there were some glitches with the delay in getting a tenant and having to switch management companies (but we took advantage of the delay by using the property and enjoying the three community pools and ocean beach). However, when you look at the bottom line, it was well worth the challenges and taking out the time to research and learn how to do it.
My first serious exposure to MLM was when I joined a company for the services related to real estate investing and finances in general. I learned after about the business opportunity and was truly impressed! I felt it would be less risky and thought it would be less time consuming. The investment was much lower. Similiar to a positive cash flowing rental property, it offered a monthy residual income. I spent 1 1/2 years working it, having to go to business presentations and although there was some growth, arranging babysitting regularly and being away so much was opposite my goals and was draining.
I wanted to learn more about cold market marketing, but my upline and the trainers at the local trainings I went to stressed "cold marketing doesn't work". I didn't want to believe that as I had already spoke to those on the family and friends list and brought many to presentation meetings - I needed a larger market!
Although still using the services to this day which I find are useful, and making approximately $100. more than my monthly membership fee, I found Agel. I joined with someone I found online. His sponsor is Rob Horskings and his is Randy Gage so I felt the top training would be in place. The market is huge as Agel is in many countries and my direct upline believed in and used cold market marketing methods! The pay plan did strike me as very appealing. It was something I could truly do from home. Although my direct upline was available and fast to respond to my questions and requests for three-way calls, I found it was still very time consuimg being on the phone doing lengthy three way calls with my director and prospects (as I still was not experienced in selling!). It just didn't seem to be a fit for me and the growth just wasn't happening as I had planned. Again, I'm stressing that it wasn't for me as obviously others have found ways to run their Agel businesses with much success! Also, I was able to learn a lot and the monetary expense was still less than what I had paid on graduate courses where I learned skills that provided limited financial growth.
Finally, I found a business that works for me as far as the tools in place do compensate for my limited time and limited sales experience plus it is in many countries, etc. I was very skeptical of trying yet another home based business venture, but finally decided that I would enjoy the product regardless and would certainly learn more from the leaders in the business. Plus, I no longer could settle for the alternative "job" choice. I needed to take another chance and I'm so glad I did.
My long winded point is that anyone who wants to have more freedom and choices, will a traditional "job" get you there? From a book, I remember learning and realizing that if I could replace my income by working from home, then there would be so many more choices available - the choice to be able to participate more in my child's life by being able to easily go to school events and chaperone on field trips. The flexibility of scheduling "work" time is huge! Then there is the option to be able to continue to create even more income beyond the limits and ceilings in the traditional workplace. The ability to work from home is powerful!
Yes, it may take time and it is so important to research any company and make sure it's a fit. Looking at your short term and long term goals and combining them with your values then match them with a company may help to find a fit where one can more easily experience success.
As far as the comment on having to use a credit card or other borrowed funds to get started, I have to admit that I find leveraging other people's money a positive way to get started. A majority of people purchase a home using a mortgage which is other people's money - yet it's not an investment that can pay you back unless it appreciates and you sell it, but then you need to invest more money or borrow for another place to live. (even if you rent, it's taking money away). With a home based business whether it's MLM or some other direct sales business that includes a component for exponential income and growth, after the initial investment and start up costs (which are generally far less than any franchise even) to get it up and running, you can get paid back far more than you put into it. After building your business, you CAN receive an income that continues to grow based on the efforts of those on your team despite your own effort.
Persistance, belief (Was it Ford that said something like, "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're right."), purpose, ongoing education and learning with ACTION = success.
Can anyone here recommend a health insurance company that provides group discounts for the self-employed group? Thanks!
To Everyone's Success!
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 999
# Posted: 2 Apr 2007 02:14
This thread is closed. Please discuss more about Agel in the Agel forum.