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# Posted: 1 Mar 2009 10:13
I have been working MOIS for 10 days now, and I can say that with a little investment of time and brainpower it can be a very valuable tool. There is very minimial actual start up cost and no re-occuring cost to bleed profits down the line. As with any business oppertunity, online or "brick and mortar', it takes effort to prime the pump; once it is primed however it keeps streaming profits with minimal maintenance.
Plan the Work, Work the Plan...Succeed
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# Posted: 4 Mar 2009 14:32
I would like to update a little on MOIS.
The program has been added to by MOIS2. This is an excellent addition that helps you to learn how to develop your own product. You actually develop one when while you go through the learning process. Afther having done that, you will have the information you need to develop countless other products. You will also learn how to become a vendor yourself.
To get My Online Income System 2, however, you have to sign up for My Online Income System (1). Part of the reason for that is that if you don't have the foundation that is presented in MOIS1, you will be completely lost when going through the plan for MOIS2. The programs together are like a "premier" version or VIP upgrade. The best way to do this is to order MOIS and upgrade by purchasing MOIS2 at a discount when you order the first one. Then when you finish the 60-day action plan for MOIS1, you will be ready to go right into MOIS2, and you will already have purchased it at a discount.
MOIS is going through some transition with its free website offer. It now offers a completely free website that does not even require hosting fees. However, you get what you pay for. It is not customizable in any way. Still it is something that could be used as the learning tool for MOIS.
The other website option does require a domain name and monthly hosting fees of almost $20.00. Don't run, though, when you hear that $20.00. That plan will allow you to develop up to five websites that are completely customizable, and that option actually makes the webhosting figure out to about $4 per month, which is quite competitive with other hosting companies. So, you can work the program with either option--one that is completely free, or one that is reasonable if you take full advantage of it.
As far as the typing, spelling, and grammatical errors. There are some (several) in MOIS 1. Many less in MOIS2.
Now, MOIS1 is being revised and the new MOIS1 should be available shortly, probably sometime in March! It, of course, looks to be even better than the original.
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# Posted: 9 Mar 2009 21:02
Further to rcarney's post above, MOIS1 is now newly available!
I'm very new to it all but I'm confident it's taking me along the path to success. I had done actions 1-12 but then I logged in a couple of days ago and they'd rejigged the content so had to start again! (it's all good though).
The updated MOIS1 takes into account progressions made in the online money making world. The structure is fairly similar to before except now the website partner they recommend you set up with has developed their tool and hope to develop it even further in the near future.
There are also exciting new features such as in-house competitions (with great prizes!) simply to test how well you're getting on with the course material - talk about win-win...
And they've also enhanced the forum... which I'm sure will be a great source of knowledge in days to come.
Can't wait to complete MOIS1 and get started on MOIS2!
Keep the faith everyone - it really does pay to do so...
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# Posted: 10 Mar 2009 02:29 · Edited by: Robert79
I feel there are many business opportunity to make money online faster. Finding the right one is never an ending search. Making money online is chiefly about taking action and is not a difficult task, but it requires proper knowledge and timely effort. I am actually planning to join some business opportunity. Anyways thanks for sharing all your tips.
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# Posted: 10 Mar 2009 20:59
11 Mar 2009 06:28 - Attached on merging: New MOIS website
Hey All,
Just wondering if any of you have seen the new MOIS website update. I think that it was just updated in the last couple of days and is on freaking steroids! I wish it was like that when I was starting!!
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# Posted: 11 Mar 2009 01:20 · Edited by: 040107
TshirtFrank: Just wondering if any of you have seen the new MOIS website update. I think that it was just updated in the last couple of days and is on freaking steroids! I wish it was like that when I was starting!! Actually the old MOIS website has been updated to reflect the changes that were made to the the new MOIS website a few weeks ago.
Now both sites show the same design and content. But I don't see how that makes any difference to your progress as a MOIS member.
Unless you're talking about the member's area being updated?
If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
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# Posted: 12 Mar 2009 17:29
Hello Everyone at the Work at Home Forum.
I am an official representative of My Online Income System.
Up until now we have let everyone at this forum talk about My Online Income System and we have not gotten involved. We are thinking that the topic is getting a little off based and so we have joined in order to clear up all issues and answer all questions. We should have joined earlier but you can guarantee we will be around now.
First of all, I would like to say thank you to the Work at Home Forum. They have provided a means for people to and get advice and information about our course.
Second, I would like to say thank you to all the members that have joined and enjoyed My Online Income System. We continue to come up with new ideas and information to provide to each and every one of you.
I don't really know where to start with this topic so I am going to cover as much as I can right now.
The first thing I would like to talk about is business practices of our program and others on the internet.
I'm sure you all know that there are many scams on the internet. Many programs and courses on the internet do not care about the well being and education of its customers. They will do whatever it takes to take your money and basically provide you with a bunch of junk. The business ethics, and practices of these programs gives everyone a bad name and unfortunately, teaches people the same bad business practices. Most of these people are lazy and do not care about their members and customers. Where these businesses have failed, My Online Income System succeeds.
My Online Income System takes a lot of pride in our course and we stand behind it 100%. We are constantly trying to bring the best ethics, business practices, quality and satisfaction to every member that wants to try our course. We also update our course so that we continue to make each and every member of My Online Income System happy. It is very hard to find any business based around making money on the internet that holds the same values and integrity that My Online Income System has.
To all current members, we will continue to hold our values at the highest possible level and increase your satisfaction in the process.
To all new members, we will make sure to do our best to make you just as satisfied as every other member of My Online Income System.
Now, let's talk about My Online Income System.
My Online Income System has recently been rebuilt as of 3/7/09. Keeping our information up to date is a practice that we continue to follow in order to provide the best possible information to our customers. In fact, since the release of My Online Income System we have rebuilt the system 3 or 4 times and we currently have people scouring the system looking for problems, gramatical errors and other things. Many programs on the internet do not do this and is one reason we think our program is better than the rest. Other programs are flat out scams and there is no way to know if you can trust them or not.
Now just so you know, My Online Income System is in no way a job (Like you go to every day) an opportunity like and MLM or any other thing of that nature. My Online Income System is an educational course which will guide you through starting your own online business. We have taken proven techniques to make money on the internet and compiled it into a detailed course which will guide you into making money online. The techniques that we teach in this course have been proven over and over again and many people use them daily to make an income from the comfort of their home. Now one other thing we must cover is that success does not come over night but, it will come as long as you dedicate yourself. Many people were upset with the length of our course but this is crucial to teaching you the right way. We have taught many members and we have had many success stories with our course (You can see them too inside the program). We have heard of many members that have made money based on the course material we provide in My Online Income System.
Even though success does not come over night we want our members to start making money right away.
Because of this, we have recently added a section to the course to give you a shot at making your money back right away and possibly much more before you even start learning the course material.
Why did we do this?
For one (as we already said) to give you a shot at recovering your investment of the course and make some money before learning anything.
And two, to prove to you that what we show you in our course really does work and you can make money on the internet as long as you take it seriously.
My Online Income System consists of a step by step plan of action. Half of the course is dedicated to teaching you how to make money online and the other half of the course gives you direction so you know what to do. Once you have learned our course and start making money, it will open you up to many new ideas that you will think of on your own and run with.
My Online Income System provides the support that each and every member needs. We saw a topic in this forum about someone couldn't get our support team and I am going to make sure to provide everyone here with our support information at the bottom of this post. We have 2 different means of support. An email address that deals with billing and technical related issues and the My Online Income System forum.
The My Online Income System forum has been a very great tool for us and for our members. We use this forum so that members can get all their questions answered about the course material. It has also been useful because My Online Income System members can go chat and contact each other about ideas and general information about the course. The members of the forum are very polite and helpful to each other and this forum has been talked about on many websites on the internet. On top of that, we have people in the forum that work for My Online Income System to assist you. These forum moderators have gone through the course, made money from using the learning material, and are inside the forum to help you as well.
Many internet based money making programs will not give any support to customers which we do not agree with. This goes along with the good business practices of My Online Income system I mentioned earlier. Helping you is a major priority of ours and our forum is the number one source for helping each and every member.
Our support team is usually available 5 days per week. We hope to add more support to My Online Income System in the near future. They are not always at their computer but we do hold them accountable for taking care of each and every member and their concerns. We do ask that you be patient with our support because we will get back to you.
With the new release of My Online Income System members area, we are implementing some new features. Some of these we are still working on and others will start this month (March 2009). In particular, we are starting some contests. These contests will be held in order for My Online Income System members to prove the skills they have learned in our course. Basically, we are going to start rewarding people for doing a good job at building their business and learning the material. These contests will benefit your business and we have many great prizes lined up.
Another thing you must know is that once you join My Online Income System, you will have everything you need to get started. It does not require anything else in order to start implementing the techniques and information we provide.
We do understand that some people might not be interested or happy with the course for whatever reason even though we try our best to bring satisfaction to each and every member. There is always a someone unhappy with any business no matter what it is. I want you to know that every member has the right to a refund and we take this VERY seriously. We want everyone to be happy and we plan on My Online Income System being around for a long time.
We really do hope that we can make you happy. When our members are unhappy, we are unhappy with ourselves. We take care of all concerns, problems, and issues that are within our power and will continue to do so in order to provide you with the quality that you need and deserve.
We are going to be an active member in this forum now and I am going to start going through every post in this forum and sending personal messages to take care of each and every one of you.
We hope that this information we have provided here today gives you a better outlook on what we are about and what we are doing. We are not like the other programs on the internet and we will continue to try and be #1. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to send me a personal message.
I want to thank each and every member of My Online Income System, those who have continued to support My Online Income System and the Work at Home Forum.
Thank you for your time and we will see you inside My Online Income System.
support: [email protected]
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# Posted: 13 Mar 2009 16:34
I've read some of this thread but not all of it by any means. Most of the people seem to be pretty happy with their online income system. I have a few questions which I would really rather have answered by someone unbiased who is just using the system rather than someone involved with mois.
Is this a good program for beginners and I mean total beginners that really DON'T know ANYTHING about an online business, website building or marketing? My daughter is looking for something she can do online and so am I.
Do you have to use Google for advertising once you join in order to make money? If so, how much of a budget would you need for that? That can get expensive.
So basically what I need to know is can a total newbie and I mean total newbie do this with no more cash outlay than what the system itself costs.
Please only honest critiques. Thanks.
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# Posted: 13 Mar 2009 19:31
Hello mapiklfish,
My name is Floyd and I am happy to answer all of your questions.
First, I'd like to let you know that I am successfully using My Online Income System and what you read in my post here you and your daughter can take to the bank.
I have been trying to make money online for about 5 years with no success and found that a lot of programs are really incomplete or just do not spell everything out that needs to be spelled out or are just to advanced for any intermediate marketer let alone for a beginner.
I was just about to throw my hands in the air when I found Kimberly Hoffman and her system, My Online Income System. What she said really hit home to me and I decided to give it one more go.
The first thing that really had me smiling is that she has written everything at a level that even a 12th grader can read and understand.
The second is that she has given you a 60 day business plan, (action plan,) that you follow every day so you will have a solid foundation that you can grow your business on that will give you the knowledge you need and the success that you wish for. Every lesson that is taught is very simple and can be done in about an hour every day so whether you work or go to school you can still complete this course in 60 days or less.
The whole system has been upgraded and there are many new features that I am very impressed about. One of the new features is the MOIS contests, Prove the skills you have learned while at the same time building your business and win great prizes like a brand new laptop computer. A great teaching tool that I have not seen in any system that I have tried.
I would recommend this system to anyone that is new to Making money online and anyone in the 12th grade or higher.
As for money to be spent after you buy the system, you really do not need to spend any more money, but you get a free website that is already made for you so you can learn the process of working online but you will have to have it hosted and MOIS has a great deal through DotComLLC. I have only spent $10.00 a month for my hosting fee through MOIS's recommended hosting.
So in total I spent less than $40 bucks to start my online business venture and I am now making $500 a day.
I have not used Google Adwords to do any advertising with MOIS yet so I can tell you that it is not necessary to use Google Adwords or recommended for beginners.
I hope that helps you.
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# Posted: 13 Mar 2009 20:21
Hey mapiklfish,
I am a total beginner - I signed up just over two weeks ago.
1. It is a good program for beginners - as long as the beginner is keen to follow the action plans (one each day for 60 days but you can go at your own speed)
Note: it is more about online business and marketing than website building (unless they cover website building in the latter part of the course - which I haven't covered yet).
2. You don't HAVE to use Google advertising. It is simply mentioned as a method some people use. From what I know, MOIS explains the various ways in which you can derive some form of income. And they explain everything you need to know.
MOIS involves a one-off payment (when you purchase the product). Buying a domain and signing up for website hosting is recommended BUT you don't have to do it - you get a free website anyway.
In short, you only pay once and no futher investments are required to see real results.
My approach? Only using MOIS until I complete it. There are plenty of other very tempting offers but I'm ignoring them - they would only be a distraction.
You're doing thorough research which is exactly what you need to do - that's how I ended up choosing MOIS.
I have no bias towards MOIS. I just know it has sound principles and it does have good customer support (I used it successfully a week ago). They are also making a [u]conscious effort to improve customer support[/u] service as outline in their post above. This has been evident in their communication with me - and the new MOIS forum will play a key role in this.
One general caveat to bear in mind when researching - some sites posing as 'scam busters' are writing reviews that promote products they haven't tried and haven't even researched on the web - they just pick out stuff from the product's website.
I pay more attention to forums where you can see a number of posts representing a spectrum of opinions - and there's going to be some people who have actually used the product. There are also some good genuine blogs - in fact, it would be good if you set up one to chart your progress should you choose to buy MOIS.
Good luck,
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# Posted: 13 Mar 2009 23:26
Thanks for the input Floyd and IP. It was helpful. I have noticed the "scam busters" sites that are only advertising other programs while writing not as positive reviews on what I"m looking for. That's why I'm here in the forums, hoping to get more honest reviews and opinions from people that actually bought the product and know what it is.
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# Posted: 14 Mar 2009 04:17
Any time Linda, Always feel free to come back as ask question here on this post if you do decide to go with MOIS and I am sure that one of will be happy to give you the best information and answers that we can.
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# Posted: 14 Mar 2009 22:35
Thanks, Floyd. I just wanted to say that I did order the system and the $27 upgrade, although that could have waited. I've been reading through and much of the stuff I already knew but it would be great for my daughter who knows nothing about affiliate marketing, so it is geared for absolute newbies. I must say I was a little disappointed when she started talking about writing articles because I am not a writer but I'm going to go ahead and follow the plan and give it a fair shot. I have read of each of these ways to market a website but I have never really sat down and made up a daily plan and followed it so this is good. I am pleased so far with what I've seen. I've visited the forum and have read some of the successes so I do believe, if I follow the plan, I should be able to make some money with this.
I think you and IP gave me an accurate and honest evaluation of the product and just wanted to say thanks for that. There is just so much hype and dishonesty on the web it's hard to trust what anybody says about anything.
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2009 00:16
You are most welcome Linda. Without trust and honest, accurate answers and information your business will go nowhere. I rely on this more than anything.
Also you don't need to be writer to make this business work, you just have to be able to get your message across to others that read what you write. From what I see you write well enough.
If you run into any problems or need help you can send me a personal message through this post and I will be happy to help you.
I wish you all the success you and your daughter can achieve.
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2009 14:31
You're welcome, Linda. I'm glad you chose MOIS.
Remember to always keep your guard up - there may be some tempting offers coming your way but always approach with caution and ask yourself if you really need them or if you're just being greedy!
And, like Floyd, I'm happy to offer my two cents worth if you have any questions about other programs etc.
And there'll be plenty others on the forum who can do that too... so just keep posting!
Best of luck,
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# Posted: 15 Mar 2009 15:52
Have you guys not heard of Clickbank and Google adwords? MLM Sucks!
# Posted: 18 Mar 2009 05:19
I have been doing, and following their 60days programs.
It seems like working so far. At least it is not a scam.
What they are doing is give you step by step lessons that
you will be knowledgeable for Affiliate Marketing.
Trust me It's working as far as I am concerned.
Just one thing before convince you,
You should be familiar with GOOGLE TOOLS, GOOD ADS.
I will provide perfect site to learn and start internet business
Good luck to you~^^
# Posted: 19 Mar 2009 03:15
Just try first, You will not regret.
All you need to spend is $47 for Great program~
No further payment is requried.
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2009 06:45
Hey everyone, I've been researching MOIS for a couple weeks because it is the first work at home product that I've found without any real complaints against it. Before I go any further, I have a couple questions concerning the MOIS program.
What exactly does it teach you to do? I've seen lists of what MOIS isn't, but have yet to see a definitive answer to what it actually is.
How do I get paid? and do I need a Paypal account? I've had an account before and someone tried to hack into it so I canceled it.
Do I need to keep track of tax deduction for every payment?
Finally, are there requirements for what kind of computer I need to operate a website? I use a 2g laptop, do I need something more powerful?
Thanks to any and all responses.
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2009 13:57
I too am following the MOIS training. That is how I come to be here today having just joined.
Part of the course as you know is the need to join a forum like this, so here I am!
I am in the process of filling in my profile, and am stuck on having my website address in the signature box "clickable"
Have tried the code shown, but just read about a "little link icon at the top of the posting area"" which is said to do the same job.
Do you know what this refers too?
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# Posted: 21 Mar 2009 04:55
You must be day 24~25 of MOIS Step by step instruction~^^
I am on same page, I think we can keep up, where we are
I will answer your question [url=Your Website address]Clickable comments[/url]
It will show up Your clickable comments on you signature
Hope it helps
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# Posted: 23 Mar 2009 15:04
It seams good. But if someone can tell me what do you do to get the money? Sell products or something? If someone can describe an hour of their "work time" to me. And what about taxes? Do u need to pay taxes? Thank You in advance. Igor.
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2009 20:11
Is there someone? Please answer my question. I really need answer. Tnx Igor.
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2009 21:31
Hi Igor,
Sorry none of the MOIS users have come along to answer your questions this week. I'm not sure why.
I personally don't use MOIS, so I can only guess what is involved based on the various information I've read in the posts.
It sounds like it's rather like a marketing course that tells you the various ways you can market online to earn money.
I learned through and use SBI (SiteBuildIt) which is quite a bit different from what I gather. It's more focused on teaching you how to build a business website related to a particular topic of your choosing. (My first website was/is about chocolate candy!). 
A "day" for me when I first started (after I had gone through their step by step process of choosing a topic for my site) was to choose a keyword phrase that I wanted to add to my site, like "chocolate truffles" and then write a page about that subject.
The way I make money is to refer people who find my site when searching for that phrase to companies that sell chocolate truffles. I find a company that has an affiliate program that I could join and earn a commission when sales are made through my referrals.
I also allow Google to place related ads (Adsense) on my site and when my visitors click on any of those ads, Google pays me part of the advertising fee they receive.
There are other ways you can make money from a website, but those are the main two ways I use on my site. It's the easiest way to get started when you are new.
Regarding taxes - it depends on the country you live in as to how you pay.
Just keep track of your earnings and expenses and when the year ends, most companies will send you a statement of income that they paid to you for the year and you can then file your taxes accordingly.
Check with your local tax department for details on what is required.
Hope that helps you some until someone else comes along from MOIS to answer more specifically about that particular product.
Blessings, Angie
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2009 21:53
I agree! It is a great system. Very detailed!
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# Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:23
Hello Igor4o,
Sorry that I have not been here to greet you. I have been sick and not on the computer.
But to answer your question, A day in the life of MOIS.
When I started out I was learning how to market all over again because I had some bad habits that I had to break. Than I went through understanding how to work my new free website.
After all that was set up I market my website through articles, Squidoo, Twitter, and Facebook. Then I go to my blog and write another article or post something that is informative for my readers.
Then I go to ClickBank and I look at other products and see if they are worth my time to promote. I research the product through 5 different techniques most know and several others that are out of the ordinary. If I like the product and it meets my standards I write an article about it.
I check my stats for all of my articles, my website, ClickBank, Paypal, PayDotCom.
Afterwards I come to the forums and check my messages and see if anyone needs help or answers like you have asked for.
Then I go to PokerStars and Play Poker. Lol.
Most of what you will be doing is learning how to use free marketing through articles, Squidoo, Forums, Blogs and the like.
You will have a free website to help you understand using websites if you have not used one before and you will be finding other products to market using free advertising.
Whether you are new to making money online or not I really recommend My Online Income System. You will get a really sound business plan that if you follow and not skip anything than you will make money, period.
It took me 5 years to understand what My Online Income System taught me in less than 60 days. I am now making $450 a day, give or take. Some days more, Some days less.
After you have built a solid foundation for your business By All Means try SiteBuildIt. It is another wonderful system.
Anyway I hope that helps you. And I am sorry I didn't answer your question sooner. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask. I will get an email when someone posts to this thread.
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# Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:44
that`s great
[url= ][b]HOW TO MAKE MONEY FASTER [/b][/url]
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# Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:54
i just recently purchased the home cash course and was wondering if it was a smart purchase?
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# Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:59
Hi, I have been MOIS member for 2weeks now,
I have not purchased Website yet, What I am doing is just
Writing posts, right now.
Since I am interested in some of Clickbank product, Can I buy it, using my brother's computer and under my link?
Will I get commission for that? The product I am interested in
is paying me $89 of commission out of $197.
I am going to buy it with other computer clicking my link is it possible? I think yes anyone?
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# Posted: 27 Mar 2009 05:44 · Edited by: happywife
Yes, you can usually purchase items through Clickbank using your own link (even on your own computer), but you won't get paid your commission until you have made sales that are attributed to 5 different credit cards including a Visa and a Mastercard (not including PayPal).
They have it set up that way so that people can't JUST use the CB affiliate program to purchase items at a discount without genuinely promoting CB products.
So, you would get the commission eventually as long as you are able to make genuine sales, too.