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My Online Income System

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Joined: 23 Dec 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 23 Dec 2009 16:52

Hi everyone... I'm new here but I have to say that I,m on MOIS now and so far it,s very good for me. Don't hesitate and join


Joined: 24 Dec 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 24 Dec 2009 22:45

I have had some experience with affiliates marketing and I am tempted to sign in the MOIS, but I have couple questions.
I keep on reading that the $47 is the only cost if you go with the free website. Now, I was wondering if there is no advertising involved, no CPC, Google adwords and stuff like that...
Has anyone used the info for different websites, or you are stuck with only MOIS products?
And lastly, anyone who finished the 60 day program, can you realistically estimate your success with MOIS? I have been burned so many times, I need a little reassuring.


Joined: 17 Dec 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 27 Dec 2009 08:47

I am too in the My Online Income System and I think that is great, for me I already learned everything that is in the system from years of learning about affiliate marketing online but I never took action on anything that I learned. This program helped to put everything into place as I am the type of person that works well on a day to day basis where things are laid out for me because I easily get distracted and scattered when working online.

The My Online Income System is excellent for beginners and those with experience, it gives you the right tools and foundation to build a very lucrative online money making business that will work for itself when all things are in place. This program does require you to put in the work to get the results , therefore it is NOT a scam at all.

I highly recommend this program to anyone just starting out and looking for a great way to make money online.


Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 352

# Posted: 27 Dec 2009 18:41

If you could edit a simple template, you could have as many web
sitesas you want. These sites are merely review sites, each with a
niche theme (money making, health, etc.). There are plenty of free
web templates on the Internet. You just have to pay for hosting
which isn't all that much.

Once you learn these essential skills, you'll save a lot of money
over and over again. Plus, you'll have an advantage over those
who buy into a cookie-cutter system because you can be more
flexible and yours won't look like everyone else.

Of course, the hard part is learning it and actually persist at doing it.

If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
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