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Team Beachbody Business Opportunity

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# Posted: 21 Feb 2009 20:17

Hey Piggy,

You will love all the programs Beachbody has to offer no matter which one you choose to do. They are a lot of fun and their is a great support community.

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# Posted: 22 Feb 2009 20:49

Another celebrity has discovered the power of the "X." From David Akers, kicker for the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles, to Jason Scheff, one of our very own Coaches and lead singer of Chicago, to rocker Sheryl Crow, this program is hotter than ever. Could it be P90X's popularity is growing throughout the high-profile sports and entertainment industries? All we can say to that is, Bring It! This is such a great program that high profile stars promote it without being asked to.

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# Posted: 23 Feb 2009 18:47

Just thought I'd share this to all the current coaches out there. You can find some great tips in your back office under

Fit Club
By Monica Ward

Weekly Fit ClubI'd have to say that the most effective practice my coaching team and I have implemented into our business is our weekly fit club. Fit club is a time we commit to work out together once a week. When we started coaching, I tried to think of a way I could add that special customer service to my business. We all agreed that working out with people using Beachbody� products, even if the group workout isn't on the customer's program schedule, would keep people motivated from week to week. We just try to pick a cardio workout that requires no equipment other than a mat. Although weight loss tends to be the primary goal of many of our participants, we feel that calling it a fit club is less threatening or embarrassing.

Fit clubs cover multiple purposes:

* A regular customer gets a weekly opportunity to reconnect with their coaching team.
* It keeps our customers accountable and results oriented.
* The Coach has a weekly venue to introduce workouts to new customers. We don't just tell them how a Beachbody program works; we actually Push Play and sweat with our customers.
* The prospective Coaches are encouraged to attend our workouts. At our fit club, the prospect can visualize how this business would fit into his or her life.
* Oh, and we have fun!

I'll give you one example of how this might work: One of the Coaches I regularly talk to figured he sits at his son's soccer practice for over 1�1/2 hours. One day he brought his portable DVD player and completed the P90X� Chest & Back workout using the monkey bars at the park. He encouraged other moms and dads to try the workout the following week. Five parents joined him and his fit club was born.

Monica WardI have committed to work my business two nights a week. I am a busy mom and I live for bedtime stories. In other words, my time is precious, as is the time of my team. Therefore, we choose to use the fit club as a substitute for the home party and the opportunity presentation.

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# Posted: 25 Feb 2009 14:44

The "3 R's: Retailing, Recruiting, and Retention,"; are the foundation of a strong business. From there, the sky's the limit.

Michael Neimand, Vice President of the Beachody� Coach Network, helps you master the basics of the 3 R's in this short video.

This small investment of time can yield big rewards. Watch it now.

Some good tips for all us coaches out there.

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# Posted: 10 Mar 2009 23:55

see a great future for this opportunity. The company is great, and I love the CEO, Carl Daikeler. He's a very down to earth guy, but also a tremendous business person. The coach network is just in the beginning stages, but Beachbody has been selling products through infomercials and the internet for 10 years.

Hello Judy,
I was recently introduced to hearing about this program. I'm beginning to be a bit interested, however, I've been in a few MLM programs (as thousands of others), and am honestly turned off and very much burned out from them. I would like to find out some details on this particular opportunity however--since it does involve getting into shape, etc.

Here are my questions/concerns below:

* To actually begin as a QUALIFIED "coach", I understand it's roughly $130 (for kit & website, club membership and nutritional products)? Plus--are you REQUIRED to sign up TWO "coaches", who must also pay the necessary fees? THEN--Are you REQUIRED to purchase $50 of products monthly, in order to be a QUALIFIED "coach"?
* On the above --are these the requirements in order to receive customers which are to be sent/given to you from the infomercials, etc?
* From my research, you are to pay $15.00 monthly for your website?
* From what I've been reading on various Team BB sites, as a QUALIFIED "coach"will you be required to actually 'coach', manage and assist others with both being a coach and their fitness?
* Can you explain the pay structure?
* What happens when later a person you've signed under yourself as a "coach" quits? Are you no longer a QUALIFIED "coach" until you get a 2nd person?

Appreciate your time!

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# Posted: 26 Mar 2009 16:10

If you are doing type 2 michael make sure to keep us updated on your progress. It is a great program form what a few people with typr 2 have told me. Stay active.

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# Posted: 26 Mar 2009 16:14

Yes Von all that you have stated is true. If someone quits thatyou have personally sponsored you will need to sponsor someone else as you need 2 active coaches to stay emerald. You should be shooting for diamond so hopefully your 2 will come easily.

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# Posted: 26 Mar 2009 22:21

Thanks for your reply! I'm hoping there is good marketing material provided in the back office, in order to gain your 2 coaches at least.

Yes Von all that you have stated is true. If someone quits thatyou have personally sponsored you will need to sponsor someone else as you need 2 active coaches to stay emerald. You should be shooting for diamond so hopefully your 2 will come easily.

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# Posted: 28 Mar 2009 16:56 · Edited by: jeffathome

Yes Von there is are great material in the back office. If you want more specific details feel free to PM me and we can set something up to talk.

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# Posted: 7 Apr 2009 22:16

Shakeology is here. What a great product from Beachbody. This meal replacement shake is a hit.

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# Posted: 15 Apr 2009 16:09

I just joined BeachBody, and it totally rocks. Everyone is so motivated to help you succeed in both your health/weight loss goals (if you have them) and your business. I've been a part of the team for just over a week and I'm surprised at the results I'm seeing. Plus, I was already familiar with the products, so it seemed a natural business for me to join. I'm very glad I did. I've already lost 5 pounds with Yoga Booty Ballet, the slimming supplement and the shakeology meal replacement plan, and I'm already half way to my first goal--after 1 week! Granted, this may not be everyone's experience, but what a great one to have.

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# Posted: 4 May 2009 20:53

Welcome to the Beachbody team Clawrence. So many people are finding a great home with Team Beachbody. It is so hard to find customers with most companies. It sure is nice to be able to put millions of dollars of infomercial advertising to work for us and get free customers from the company. Set your sites on emerald so you can start getting free customers and then diamond to get coaches placed on your team.

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# Posted: 4 May 2009 21:38


There was a discussion of BB on another forum. It was stated that with the company coming out with the business opportunity infocomercial that too many of the customers they already have are going to become coaches and others will sign up as coaches instead of becoming customers. That the amount of customers they are giving out per week, per coach will go way down and with that their original business model will suffer. In other words, there won't be enough customers to give to all of the coaches. Everything is working fine now, but what about in a year or 2 or 3?

Has anyone here analyzed this? What do you think?


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# Posted: 5 May 2009 08:31

The health and fitness market is HUGE! With so many of the challenges we all face to stay in shape, it's not surprising companies are jumping left and right to sell products and services aimed to losing weight, staying in better shape, etc.

The key is to find products that ACTUALLY WORK and don't have a ton of negative side effects!

I'm a soccer coach and personal trainer, so I'll have to check this beachbody stuff out.

I've been promoting my chocolate business with good success, so this might be a great compliment!


Lose Up to A Pound A Day Eating Healthy, Delicious Chocolate and Earn Money! For more information, go to Be sure to listen to 2-Minute Sizzle Call at 512-404-1223!
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# Posted: 5 May 2009 10:37

Right now I average about a customer a day. Could this go down? Maybe? Could also go up. If Beachbody comes uou with more products and runs more infomercials then we could be getting more customers. All I know is there is no other company out there that give free customers.

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# Posted: 5 May 2009 10:39

Hey Tim I have a document on how personal trainers benefit from Beachbody and I can send it to you if you like.

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# Posted: 5 May 2009 17:22

Sounds like a really interesting program . How do I get more information?

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# Posted: 5 May 2009 20:43


Your reply seems reasonable. I have another question. This same person said that it's very hard to make good money in a binary. That if one side grows and the other doesn't, you won't be compensated well for all of the people that are in your downline. She also said that the payouts aren't that good, because they are giving you free customers. She said you will make as an emerald from $300-500 per month and only $1000-1500 per month as diamond.

Also, when are they bringing out the business infocomercial in all states?

I'm looking into many businesses right now and am considering this one, so I'm trying to look at all sides to make a good decision.

What is your opinion of what I brought up here?


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# Posted: 5 May 2009 21:32

When you are emerald you could make up to $760 a day just from cycle bonuses. At diamond you could make up to $3750 a day and this doesn't include your personal sale commissions, the matching bonus you receive and at 2 star diamond you share in a diamond bonus pool. If you are getting spill over in one leg then that is a good thing since you only have to build half your business. If you can get to emerald with this business you will see profits. You're not going to get rich over night since this is a real business but your business will grow every day.

They are constantly testing the business infomercial to make it the best show it can be. When they get the numbers they are looking for I'm sure they will release it everywhere. Right now they are still test running it I think.(Don't quote me on that)

It is hard to get customers in any business. With Beachbody, as long as you can maintain emerald, you will get customers to market Beachbody products to. This is not a cure all but it sure does help. Another thing Beachbody has is a great team community. Everyone helps everyone.

I guess it all depends what you are looking for. If you are looking for a magic pill company then Beachbody probably isn't what you are looking for. If you are looking to take a proactive approach to your health and fitness and enjoy helping others to the same then Beachbody is the only company to look at.

If you have more detailed questions Ren feel free to PM me.

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# Posted: 5 May 2009 23:01

Seems like the weightloss industry is really booming with these types of products. That is really great! I am looking to lose a few myself lol.

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# Posted: 6 May 2009 00:36

I wonder why she said a person would average what I wrote in the other post. So, what is the discrepancy? Maybe how much all of your customers order in a month?? Guess it probably is different each month...

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# Posted: 6 May 2009 10:39

That very well might be average. I am just telling you what the potential is. If you have a lot of team volume the number will be higher. If you have little team volume then the number will be lower.

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# Posted: 11 May 2009 20:27

I LOVE BeachBody products... I have been a TBB coach since August '08 and it has got me to focus on getting fit and eating healthier. I am currently in my 7th week of P90X, Tony Horton is awesome!

TBB business model is definetly one of a kind - I don't know of any other business that gives you FREE customers or even a chance to win FREE cash prizes everyday just for working out!

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# Posted: 13 May 2009 14:06

Hi Sandi. Just started p90x myself and loving it. Using muscles I never knew I had. I thought I was in pretty good shape with running and weight training but p90x has shown me different.
Bring it.

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# Posted: 20 May 2009 13:43

Team Beachbody is 20,000 strong. Just 2 years ago the coaching program was born and now Team Beachbody boasts over 20,000 coaches spreading the "get healthy" message. What a great system. If you are in another business how are you getting your customers? Beachbody gives me my customers for free via $90 million spent on infomercial advertising.

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# Posted: 29 May 2009 02:51

I was told that it costs more than $14.95 a month. I was told by a coach that there is a quarterly fee of $40 and a monthly fee of $60 for buying more products.

Is this true? If it is, what is the $40 for and how can someone keep buying $60 worth of products each month? Wouldn't a person buy all the products eventually?

Thank you, I have been wanting to ask these questions for too long!

Aimee Mortimer
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# Posted: 31 May 2009 18:04

Hi Aimee,
The $14.95 a month is for you website. If you just do that you will make 25% off of all you sales and 50% of club memberships. To be active and qualify for FREE customers you have to maintain 50 volume points a month which is about $50. Also to get free customers you need the club membership which is $38.87 a quarter.

Beachbody just doesn't have workout dvd's. They have a whole line of supplements as well. Most people just set up an autoship for our core nutrition pack which is Activit multi-vitamin, an omega 3 supplement and a calcium supplement. Personally I get the Shakeology every month which is $89 and I love it. Gives you everything you need in 1 shake. They also have protein bars which I also buy, pull up bars, meal replacement shakes, weighted glove, resistence bands, protein shakes, P90x recovery drink and so much more.

Hope this helps. If you have more questions feel free to send me a PM.

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# Posted: 9 Jun 2009 15:49

Well, hopefully the new Team Beachbody site will be up and running tomorrow. They projected the 10th of June to be back online with some great upgrades but you never know when it come to this type of stuff. beachbody is really doing some great stuff.

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# Posted: 19 Jun 2009 21:20

If you haven't checked out the new team beachbody site you should. More interactive and has more functions. Great upgrades.

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# Posted: 28 Jun 2009 00:27

How can I get more info on promoting BeachBody Products?

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