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Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 3 May 2008 15:51
Did you hear the conference call today? New tool--the freebieforce max marketer
other big companies are using it --awesome tool like tahitian noni, sun microsystems, young living, zinja and zango
tool will be available by the end of the month!!
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 3 May 2008 15:56 · Edited by: freebieallthewa
New tool for Freebieforce
the freebieforce max marketer
it rocks!!!
Joined: 2 Aug 2007
Posts: 30
# Posted: 4 May 2008 18:47
I am getting loads of free items from FreebieForce. I am definitely a Freebie Force junkie! this Freebieforce max marketer is optional right?
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 4 May 2008 19:24
Yes FreebieForce max is optional it, but they are claiming it will improve your close rate by 4 times your current amount.
But be that as it may it is still only optional, only people who are agressive in building a business will pay the extra for the Maximizer
I will be doing it as I'm trying to get this business going, so far so good.
"May the FreebieForce be with you"
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 6 May 2008 07:49
I think its a great tool to be added,look at some of the other companies using it and performance results! I predict we will see many members taking it up as they see their levels filling and want to maxmize profits.
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 11 May 2008 09:35
Well it looks like the infomercial will start on May 16 airing on the CMT network first. We will know more as the date gets closer
I can't wait!!
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 14 May 2008 06:30
I want to welcome Mgan and Christine to FF! Infomercials! Are we all ready?!!
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 16 May 2008 22:19
Well I just heard from Seth (president of FF) that the infomercial will air in LA and Phoenix tonight May 16th at 11:30 Eastern time
Whoo Whoo
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 17 May 2008 13:35
Yes!Its ready to rock! And the new sites look great!
Joined: 15 Dec 2007
Posts: 21
# Posted: 17 May 2008 15:22 · Edited by: familymoses
You all sound really excited but I must be missing something important in the concept.
If I have to pay *anything* for something it is not free. It might entitle me to one or a bizillion trial offers at no additional cost but it is *NOT* free.
And if it were truly free, where are your commissions coming from? My guess is other people's $9.95 membership fee they pay.
Sorry to be a wet blanket, but if you think this is free, you are fooling yourselves.
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 18 May 2008 05:12
We are talking about a member site whereby you pay $9.95 a month to access a huge database of free ,quality(and I am not talking those 'sample'freebies either)products. To gain and amass that amount of free products you would have to be online searching a LONG time,and I don't relish that thought 
The membership/monthly fee encompasses a business opportunity attached as well. We have a 5x7 forced matrix payplan which pays out $1 a referral and as we are finding is proving very profitable and duplicatable. We have people who are joining and maybe not interested in building at first are finding they have overspill fromtheir upline in their first couple of weeks and so start to build their business in turn.
Also to note,the freebies aren't trial offers,granted an occasional one is ,but the vast majority(95%)are genuine,high quality free products from big reputable companies with free shipping the majority of the time.
The concept is very simple,its mass appeal and that can be testified by the numbers of people joining daily
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 424
# Posted: 18 May 2008 09:39
Very good explanation. I for one would not have the time nor want to take the time to find all of these offers individually. That is the beauty of it.
It doesn't take that much time to find the ones you are interested in as they are right there organized in the different sections for you so you don't spend a lot of wasted time looking at offers that don't interest you.
Joined: 17 May 2008
Posts: 185
# Posted: 18 May 2008 11:16
sounds like a good program .. il check it out soon
more programs more money much better
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 18 May 2008 16:05
Seth: sounds like a good program .. il check it out soon more programs more money much better
Yes there are many programs/businesses that pay more per referral or per sale for example. But you will find that this will reap the money in very fast for you due to the high appeal it has. Its low cost (appeals to many) The product-who doesn't love free stuff-and unlimited?! The payplan structure-its designed to help everyone out and is already working for many of us!
Joined: 20 Feb 2008
Posts: 214
# Posted: 21 May 2008 09:43
Is anyone earning more than a $100. a month on FreebieForce? I like the concept, and was in early, but with the hundreds I have gotten to register, only 15% upgrade to paid member, even for one month, and this I found to be amazing given how easy the plan is to market.
I have certainly saved more than I have paid over the past five months or so, and this is what is important to me, value, not so much the income as this will usually follow if the value is obvious. It just amazes me how few are upgrading, anyone else see the same results, or should I say, no results?
Good luck to all, Mike
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 21 May 2008 14:41
Hi Mike, I have been in about 3 weeks now so I will say I am not earning $100's yet monthly  I do know someone on another forum who is,and others who were in before I was who are well on their way there.
I have also had a few pre-enrollees who have failed to upgrade. I find it baffling considering how easy this is to market-and it is. I consider it to have mass appeal.
Though it is early days,people are more cautious nowadays of getting burnt by anything and so sit on the fence more. As it gets established I believe we will see it blssom further.
Did you see the stats from the infomercial airing? 88,000+ pre-enrollees!
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 22 May 2008 02:01
I don't want to be a wet blanket either but, I joined FF, and I have yet to find ANYTHING worth the $9.95 per month.
Now before I give up on what I personally think is a waste, I would welcome someone pointing out even ONE thing that would be worth the $9.95 in a month, AND what all else would be worth the near $120 per year this would cost.
Like I said, I don't want to rain on the parade, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. It just doesn't seem like any 'free offer' on this website is worth $120 per year.
If someone can show me otherwise, I'd love to hear about it...
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 22 May 2008 06:22
Hi,if you came over to I am sure there are a lot of members there that would politely disagree  Alot of the ladies there are receiving freebies daily,and not 'sample' freebies either. Dinnerware sets,bleutooth headset,cell phones,2 nights in Vegas,free cash,clothing,cosmetics,fragrances,jewellrey,food,restaurant vouchers ,flight tickets and much much more.
They are also building a very strong team and most of us are earning right from the get-go.
The monthly fee is including not only the access to the daily updated freebies ,but also your website,splash page,autoresponder and the business plan attached which I am sure you know about already  Compensation:
5x7 Forced Matrix
Each level in our 5x7 matrix pays out at $1 per person, per level. The math is easy - tell ten people about this program, and you will see a $10 check every month in a program that is already saving you hundreds of dollars!
There are no sponsorship requirements to get paid on your first two levels! That's $30 per month even if you never sponsor anyone. (assuming you are receiving spillover from your upline) So your membership is paid for PLUS your $20 ahead - not to mention ALL the FREE stuff you're getting.
BUT, if you simply sponsor 3 people (ever) you get paid on everyone in your entire matrix ... up to $97,000! With ONLY 3 people sponsored!
As mentioned, this is a forced (spillover) matrix which means when your upline fills their first level (5) matrix positions, their next recruit 'spills' over to the people below them and fills their empty spots!!
Freebie Force also has a bonus pool that you can qualify for from advertising revenues generated from our Google sponsored Freebie Force tool bar - up to 56%!
Paydays are on the first and third Wednesday of every month. Commissions are paid via company check (U.S. members) or Global Exchange (non-U.S. members) The stats from the infomercial and level of interest in its first airings are also excellent results and 88,000+ pre-enrollees at this stage.
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 424
# Posted: 22 May 2008 10:11
I received $25.00 cash my first week. So I would say that is real value.
I agree 9.95 for the website, autoresponder, splash page, etc., is a great bargain in addition to the freebies you receive. Even if you are not interested in some of the items given they would make great gifts to others.
I am planning on donating some of my toiletry items to homeless shelters for others to benefit.
So I definitely think $9.95/month is an awesome price and value.
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 22 May 2008 21:30
I asked for an example. I have looked for something good for ME for $10 a month. So far, NADA!
Now don't get the wrong idea here, I would LOVE to find something worth the $10 a month. (I am aware of the matrix plan - I have enough matrices to promote for now, thank you very much!)
IF Becky, you are referring to the $25 you get for joining TRME, I have already gotten that, BEFORE joining FREEBIE FORCE.
Like I said, I am not trying to be a wet blanket. It seems like many people here got something worthwhile for their involvement. I would like to also.
I have looked, and found nothing worth the trouble AND $10 a month. For ME.
Before I quit on this, I was just trying to get a second/third opinion...
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 22 May 2008 21:35
Now one thing I got from a fellow who got me involved with FREEBIE was an IDEA.
I have some very good business opp.s that I give away for free, to members of my downline, and to those that get involved in some of the plans I am promoting.
THAT has helped me because people are really glad to get an entire biz opp. for FREE when they join one of the programs I sponsor.
THAT was a FREEBIE inspired idea (I GUESS) but otherwise, I am still looking for something of value to ME on the FREEBIE FORCE website.
Joined: 23 May 2008
Posts: 120
# Posted: 23 May 2008 16:28
I joined Freebie Force about a month ago. I don't have anyone in my downline, but when I click my "Earnings" it shows I have made $8. How is that?!?! I have read that there isn't a bonus pool anymore, so I am not sure where this money came from...Not that I am complaining! 
I definitely think it's worth the money, even without a downline. I only visit the site about once a week (but I need to start doing it more because I have missed out on a couple of good freebies that ended because of the response), but I have gotten 2 free dinners, a 2GB memory card, a bluetooth headset, 2 totebags, about 10 free samples, and tons of coupons. Not bad for one monthly fee, IMO!
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 24 May 2008 16:01
So, can anyone pick out a SPECIFIC example?
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 424
# Posted: 25 May 2008 00:07
I just printed a coupon off for FREE Office Depot Brand DVD+R MEdia 10-Pack, $9.99 Value!
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 25 May 2008 00:13
I was thinking about joining FF, but was also curious what you all had gotten for FREE. Any personal examples of what you've received. Funny how we want things for free and yet we still want to make money. It'd be nice if you could just put $100 somewhere, let it sit for 8 years and it build to over 2 million, wouldn't it? Hint Hint Hint......... Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 424
# Posted: 25 May 2008 08:59
Hey, its Becky West. I have joined Freebie Force a month ago. In one day I sent away for items that are at least $100.00 with no shipping included. I also received $25.00 cash. So my first month was already paid for. Now I have sponsored some and my second month will be paid for plus all the Freebies. Its fun and it doesn't take that much time. Most people can afford the $9.95 a month so it is easy to promote.
Here is a short list: Free Soy Milk - regular size, not sample Free Box of healthy cereal, regular size, not sample Free 10-pack DVD from Office Max
Those are the items I received. I still have tons that will be coming in the mail in the next week or so.
Jason, this is the perfect addition to my other business which I use to advertise Freebie Force for F.R.E.E.
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 25 May 2008 12:15
Hi Jason, I see this program as a perfect one to run alongside my travel business. Some items I have received:bluetooth headset,pj's,$25 cash,$25 amazon gift card,31 piece emergency roadside kit,perfume,food,dinnerware service,toys ,antivirus software,premium business cards,telephone fax machine(which I sold on Ebay) and lots more.
Some of my team were also able to take advantage of 2 nights in Vegas ,as well as some taking the free domestic flights in Florida.
Too many here to list,it really is a case of checking back office daily for freebies updated!
I am finding this is very marketable and having mass appeal given the freebies and the business and payplan attached to it.
I also like the fact that it is so simple a system to get up and running. You can build your teama nd they in turn duplicate it and you find it grows easily. A good growth of income that grows almost by itself.
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 25 May 2008 19:53
Thanks for the info guys, I'm going to take a harder look at it. It sounds cool especially if you get FREE stuff. This sounds like something my dad should do too. Take care and God Bless Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 26 May 2008 00:17
WARRANTIES4LESS: Curious,Is anyone earning more than a $100. a month on FreebieForce? I like the concept, and was in early, but with the hundreds I have gotten to register, only 15% upgrade to paid member, even for one month, and this I found to be amazing given how easy the plan is to market. I have certainly saved more than I have paid over the past five months or so, and this is what is important to me, value, not so much the income as this will usually follow if the value is obvious. It just amazes me how few are upgrading, anyone else see the same results, or should I say, no results? Good luck to all, Mike
Hi Mike I have been in FF for about 2 months now and I now have 98 people in my downline. I have only sponsored about 12 personally but work with my down line to help them and only have about 3 people who have got very many people to sign up My conversion rate is great only 1 person has pre-enrolled and never went on to member and only 1 person has droped out. Now these are numbers from my own web page and ones I have directly sponsored. I have a friend who is working it as a business and he advertises on google and other places and he will get 50-250 hits on his website each day and maybe 10-30 people a day to pre-enrolle and out of all that only one has ever upgraded to member and they droped off in about 2-3 weeks. His problem is the people going to his webpage are not looking for a business program they are just re-directed to his page or are paid to pre-enroll in peoples business. So his hits are not pre qualified. Now for me I have had 3 people who read these kind of posts and clicked on my signature and signup up and put in their real phone numbers and email address and I call them where as my friend won't call his people even tho he is paying for the advertising?? It was through this type of advertising that I got somebody else that I called and emailed and they never responed back and they droped off in about 2-3 weeks. I hope this all makes sense.
Also I have something else most people don't have and that is Seth's cell phone number, As he is my wifes cousin's husband, which really helps out with questions or cutting through the red tape knowing about things faster than a email to the whole of FF would take etc.
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 26 May 2008 10:23
heistheanswer: It'd be nice if you could just put $100 somewhere, let it sit for 8 years and it build to over 2 million, wouldn't it? Hint Hint Hint.........
You mean like a BANK account? What a novel idea! (not that you'd EVER get $2mil. from a $100 bank account of ANY type!!)
But I'd put $120 in a year's worth of compounded interest up against a year of 'free' stuff (that actually COSTS $120) any day! Matrix or not...