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# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 03:06
How much will it cost to get into EDC?
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 223
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 07:31
Quoting: kingme02 How much will it cost to get into EDC? It depends where you want too start you can pay $397.00 for EDC, EDC Gold is $997.00 & Diamond is over $1000.00, You should also take into account that there will be monthly fees plus you will have too pay for a web domain & a Aweber autoresponder service.
Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 25
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 09:29 � Edited by: goodedc
Quoting: kingme02 How much will it cost to get into EDC?
kingme02: Some personal experience:
web domain won't cost you too much, 10 bucks a year, you can almost neglect it. You can even use to save the host fee.
I tried not to use autoresponder service at the very beginning, but found out it's too difficult to get lead, people just won't bother to write you an email asking for detailed information, so finally I was forced to set up a squeeze page and use the autoresponder service. (3 month is around 53 bucks, longer contract, cheaper price) Then with taught IM strategies, I got tons of leads sign in. And the monthly fee is paid to the company, right after I found I did good, I paid the life-time fee (around 300 bucks now) to save my money.
I began with the basic 397 level, still did pretty good, it all depends on your budget.
So, that's basically pretty much the truth. Trust me, you will get everything back in 2 months.
Hope it helps.
Liren Wang
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 10:09
sounds good, thats a pretty big investment though, do most people have success with this? The main way your making money is selling edc memberships?
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 110
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 10:42
check yuor PM's
Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 25
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 11:05
Quoting: kingme02 sounds good, thats a pretty big investment though, do most people have success with this? The main way your making money is selling edc memberships?
Hey, Kingme, seems you already start to work at home like me? replied pretty fast.
Well, I should say the initial investment won't kill you, of course you can hold that money for something else, holiday gifts, a vacation etc. But as for me, I don't want to work for somebody else forever (used to be a restaurant work, that's the pain...), but I also know there is no way I can afford the hundreds of thousands to buy a brick-and-mortar business. So, ok, take couple hundreds bucks from my credit card and give it a try. The worst case will be cancellation of this year's spring vacation. No pain, no gain, that is really true. Except the financial investment, of course you have to invest your time to learn the whole IM from the beginning, luckily, the worthy initial suffer already passed for me.
The way how you earn the money: 1. membership, that's the best way I admit, but pay attention, God will blame me and I will feel guilty if I sell people products worth bullsh*t. Because the ebooks and all softwares included in the package do worth more than the membership fee. I don't mind to give you a longgggg list which products they include in the package, then yourself check on even the cheapest site like ebay, and add one by one, tell me the total.
2. since the software worth something, I tried new updated software (they update the software month to month)on ebay, did well, but since recently ebay increased the fee crazily, forget about it, now I want to try amazon if I have time. Another good way is to pick some good seasonal ebook from the bundle then sell them when the holiday comes, e.g. I earned about 80 bucks this valentine season on craigslist by selling some "romantic idea" ebooks, I know it's nothing I admit, but I just tell people that's one of the ways to make money, I believe some Diamond members are doing better than me, they open individual sites to sell products separately, of course the diamond products are better than my level.
3. I would like not to do this...because ROI is not good. I actually find out I can consult local businesses by offering them Internet Marketing strategies I learned from EDC. But as soon as I found out there will be too much job involved, I stopped. I helped my two friends, they both have website without traffic, drag some for them, get a little bit commission. I don't think it worth the effort. and, I actually printed my business card titling Internet Marketer, and I talked to some small business owners, they seem to have the interests to accept my service. But I realized they at most wish to accept the initial offer of 1500 bucks and 100 monthly hosting, then I gave it up, because the follow-up jobs are too much to handle, you need to at first put up a website for them, then you have to market online for them, Local SEO, updating their website often, blah, blah, blah, just too much to handle except my own EDC business. It will only be my last priority. But I still sometimes go to some local entrepreneur meeting, I just need to talk to people and networking instead of sitting in front of the laptop, typing, clicking...
I am not quite sure the ratio how many members have success, the fact is that you need to take your time to study and improve yourself in a new field. I waited 2 months to get my first sale, think about it. And I believe, a lot of people don't have the patience to wait 2 months, those hype EDC ads (make 15000 in next week etc.) cheated them and they fell in love with it. Right after they found out making money won't be that easy, they declare EDC is scam. Some stupid copies ruin the fame of EDC.
Anyway, without my wish to take the risk and the help of EDC, tonight I would still stand behind the freaking sushi bar and earn my 15 per hour wage.
Hope my information helps.
Liren Wang
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 773
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 17:00
Let me say this I had no quarrel with EDCGold except I joined because some in my downline wanted promoblackbox so I was completely honest with my sponsor as to my main objective with joining EDCGold.
Suddenly promoblackbox disappeared so I quit EDC, again my sponsor was wonderful about it all!
I put it in writing that I am cancelling EDC and to NOT BILL ME MONTHLY!
Guess what happened?
YUP EDC billed me TODAY!! I am very very upset and angry about this!
This is NOT a way to run a business!
I contacted the biling person (they only have one!) when I quit the biz to tell her do not charge me anymore monthly fees.
BE careful when joning a company that charges monthly fees they just won't stop charging even after you quit!
YET I dont believe there is anything they have you sign indicating that you must agree to have the monthly charge taken out is there?
Regardless when I told EDC I quit and told Wendy to stop taking out $39.95 a month she should have followed thru and handled it!!
Beware EDC and monthly fees!!
Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 25
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 17:52 � Edited by: goodedc
Quoting: luvtravel YUP EDC billed me TODAY!! I am very very upset and angry about this! Hi, luvtravel, thanks for sharing the experience. May I ask you some questions: when did you cancel your account? did it happen couple month earlier? then they suddenly bill you again TODAY (Feb. 29, 2008), or you just cancel it last month?
If it is the only trouble you have with EDC, I don't get it how you make a conclusion says "Beware EDC". I purchased some credit protect plan from Chase before then canceled and they charge me again by mistake in the next month. Maybe I should start to tell everybody : "Beware Chase and monthly fees!"
By the way, honestly, your lens is much better than I what have in squidoo, I specially like your logo, it looks familiar somewhere, doesn't it?
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 223
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 23:07
Quoting: luvtravel Guess what happened? YUP EDC billed me TODAY!! I am very very upset and angry about this! This is NOT a way to run a business! I had no problems cancelling my EDC account I just e-mailed billing & they said they wouldn't charge me any more monthly fees, If you are still being billed you should get re-funded for that month it's not like you are asking too have your entire membership re-funded. I am just about too enter a travel program & I'm so excited about it as it's a product that everyone will want I mean who dose not want too travel?.
# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 02:34
you guys sound genuine I appreciate the info. You guys have EDC as your main source of income? no other jobs? I will look into EDC when I have enough money as I'm currently unemployed and very much want to work it out and make a nice income in an online business or money making program.Thats my dream That is why I have been searching the net for answers and there are lot of scams. I stumbled upon these forums and see you guys are helpful. I'm only 19 yrs. old btw.
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 110
# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 10:54
donnamarie, there are alot of software programs in the back office that you can use to set up a site for your ebooks, most of them are even included in the resale rights folder.. just look in the e books you have and see, if not look in the software area and find the ones that state build you sales site etc.
hang in there king,,, You Will Succeed...
Joined: 20 Jan 2008
Posts: 25
# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 18:11 � Edited by: goodedc
Quoting: kingme02 you guys sound genuine I appreciate the info. You guys have EDC as your main source of income? no other jobs? I will look into EDC when I have enough money as I'm currently unemployed and very much want to work it out and make a nice income in an online business or money making program.Thats my dream That is why I have been searching the net for answers and there are lot of scams. I stumbled upon these forums and see you guys are helpful. I'm only 19 yrs. old btw. Yea...I understand, I got ripped off by some online program before, so if you decided to join any online program and not sure whether it is a scam, ask questions in forum here, we will give you some helps.
I know a lot of teenages started to earn money online, you don't need to wait until you graduate from college. If you are short of money, fine, but remember stay tuned with web 2.0 and online business information, keep updating yourself, then one day, if you are ready to go financially, you can easily catch up.
good luck!
Joined: 27 Jan 2006
Posts: 61
# Posted: 6 Mar 2008 22:30
To set a page to sell the ebooks and software you need a html editor. There is one recommended in the back office and its free. Next you will need a hosted account or hosted domain name. Godaddy sells them for $41.00 for a year.
Get a domain name for your software and get it hosted this will cost you around $50-$60 all together.
In your editor you will have to make any neccesary changes to your page. IE your name and a couple of other things.
Make sure you have a paypal account to collect your money. You set the price that you want to sell your product for.
If you need more help click on my link below and find my number to call me.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 223
# Posted: 7 Mar 2008 01:12
Quoting: tonyb To set a page to sell the ebooks and software you need a html editor. There is one recommended in the back office and its free Use Mozilla SeaMonkey that has a html editor.
Joined: 19 Mar 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 2 Apr 2008 23:33
Edc seems great but a lot of companies exist now with the same system
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 110
# Posted: 3 Apr 2008 11:03
Not Really..They tried to copy cat us but we have changed up to keep ahead of the rest.. so there is NO competition out there that does/has the same comp plan or training or software, or wants their membes to succeed more....
Joined: 12 May 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 01:40
I joined EDC about 1 year back and have been dormant for about 6 months now due to personal reasons.I also have not been paying my monthly fees.
I cannot log into my account and am not getting any response from support.
Maybe I am using an old email.Please can someone let me have a current EDC support email.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 223
# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 13:05
Philomina: Hi, I joined EDC about 1 year back and have been dormant for about 6 months now due to personal reasons.I also have not been paying my monthly fees. I cannot log into my account and am not getting any response from support. Maybe I am using an old email.Please can someone let me have a current EDC support email. I can't be sure of supports e-mail address but too let you know that I left EDC a couple of months ago & the only thing I'm getting now is SPAM in my inbox which really shits me.
Joined: 18 Aug 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Aug 2008 10:57
Maybe I missed it but....what did happen to Promo Black Box?
Karen A. Heizer
Grant Wilson
Joined: 21 Aug 2008
Posts: 21
# Posted: 23 Aug 2008 11:20
Well this thread is very long about EDC, I have read posts from people who are happy with EDC and I have read posts about people being unhappy with EDC.
The way I see it with any business Opportunity online you need to research the opportunity before you make any commitments.
The next thing is to contact your potential Sponsor to find out what kind of support they are going to offer you.
At the end of the day what ever your going to do is to invest what you can afford to lose.
I just remembered one more thing that is need to treat your Business Opportunity like EDC as a business and learn everything about EDC.
The next thing is to spend 80% in Marketing and 20% to do everything else online.
Success come to those who are persistent remember your starting a Personal Franchise and that EDC you invest in that you are able to claim on your taxes.
I am not sure from the rest of the world but in Australia you work from home but also do you 9-5 job that you are entitled to claim deductions. Which means that you do not have to work 1/4 of the year for the Government.
This is why I love working at home than for an employer 
Have an Inspiring Day