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Joined: 14 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 14 Mar 2008 23:24
Terri, I don't understand why you didn't get paid on the other sales. I thought you only gave up your first sale to your sponsor, at least that is how it worked for me.
Bob Devitt
Joined: 6 Feb 2008
Posts: 34
# Posted: 17 Mar 2008 13:07
Generating leads for this business is NO PROBLEM. You just dont know how to present. This product that retails for 2995 WILL save the customers TENS OF THOUSANDS over a lifetime. Heck it might save them close to 3k on their next vacation. It is the PERFECT downsell to those that cannot afford the 20k+ for a timeshare. I teach my people how to not only make retail sales but to find those that have existing customers who are interested. I have designed an amazing Sales Letter that attracts professionals into this business and now they are starting to duplicate. It is very exciting.
99% of people anyway join at platinum. But once you make that platinum qualfier you are good for life. This business is the real deal. It is so refreshing to actually market a stand alone product that sells itself. You just have to learn how to present it right! Success to all!
Joined: 6 Feb 2008
Posts: 34
# Posted: 17 Mar 2008 14:35
Yeah I have been involved in this industry for 5+ years now and lead generation is NEVER a problem. There is no shortage of people out there looking to make more money or educate themselves in how they can. With things like Bear Stearns and Countrywide happening out there the ONLY WAY to be secure is to learn how to make 6 figures for yourself. Luckily we have been able to do that. When you have the right stand alone product, plus an automated system, and a lucrative perpetual leverage comp plan you then have the RECIPE FOR SUCCESS.
Joined: 23 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Mar 2008 16:07
I have been really interested in GRN. Doing research for a little over a week and have just came upon something very interesting that I havent heard mentioned yet.
GRN is growing fast. And tons of new websites are popping up. The product can only be spread so thin, no? At some point they will run out of those resorts so that not everyone can be going on vacation. And this is only a membership, you don't own anything.
Can anyone explain this?
Joined: 6 Feb 2008
Posts: 63
# Posted: 25 Mar 2008 04:34
Bastian: I have been really interested in GRN. Doing research for a little over a week and have just came upon something very interesting that I haven't heard mentioned yet. GRN is growing fast. And tons of new websites are popping up. The product can only be spread so thin, no? At some point they will run out of those resorts so that not everyone can be going on vacation. And this is only a membership, you don't own anything. Can anyone explain this? Hi Bastian, I understand your concerns. The membership has been sold for over 21 years so it is a rock solid company. There are over 5000 resorts in 70 countries and more are added all the time. This marketing arm is pretty new still and will be here for a long time. As far as not owning, many are coming to me everyday from ads in timeshare sites. They are tired of the hassle of their one week of timeshare. You could make far more at this than trying to sell your timeshare in a industry swamped with timeshares. 1. Having a good stand alone product is a great key. 2. A great system. While personally getting your name out there with personal branding you need a system that will do the work for you while you learn. I am personally using a new system called GRN Team Builder that has virtual assistants call your prospects back for you. There a couple other that I am using as well. 3. Great Training. I owe a lot of success to my mentors Mark Hoverson and Jamison Herdrich. These are two of the top earners in GRN. Mark makes over $16,000 a week. Mark is hosting the first Global Resorts Summit in Phoenix AZ. He will be speaking with the founder of Global Resorts founder AL Morales. You will access to his live trainings when joining with me. We also show our partners how to generate quality traffic right out of the gate. We also believe in training before you join. If you would like to attend one of our great trainings just let me know. 4. Great promotions passed to our partners. We have great ways to generate traffic. I actually have a promotion that will not be around very long. I actually have the last ticket to this life changing Global Resort Summit at a beuatiful Phoenix resort. I will be giving this away to a lucky new GRN partner that starts.
take care. Dan H
Joined: 6 Feb 2008
Posts: 34
# Posted: 27 Mar 2008 02:00
This marketplace WILL NEVER EVER get saturated. Do you know how many resorts there are in the world that GRN could easily parnter up with. That is what I LOVE about this industry. The market is recession proof and the industry never gets saturated. There is never a shortage of people out there looking to make cash flow. That is exactly what we teach. ROCK SOLID strategies and game plans that work. Sure you tube and my space are all great but I am interested in fishing in a pool where there are sharks that will duplicate, I am not looking for the weak. We teach exactly how to find big hitters. THIS IS AWESOME
Chris 877-776-7503
Joined: 6 Feb 2008
Posts: 34
# Posted: 27 Mar 2008 15:42
Web 2.0 is great and everything but that is getting oversaturated. Listen to make big money here you need to attract people that already have done the work for you. And those that have lists of people begging to buy this. When presented properly a 2995 timeshare membership blows away a 22,000 timeshare "investment" The sooner you learn how to attract these people the more and more sales you will make
Forget about buying leads of broke people, go fish in the pond where the sharks are and catch a couple. You will get ten sales in no time!
When you are serious about treating GRN like a business and not a hobby give me a call.
Chris 877-776-7503
Joined: 15 Jan 2008
Posts: 24
# Posted: 8 Apr 2008 20:57
I thank everyone who contributed to this and the other GRN threads with their comments and valuable feedback. That helped me and I'm sure would also hope others in having their questions answered and joining the team and or mentor best suited to their personalities, goals and ambitions. I have got to know a couple of very nice gentlemen, first Joe (Jaxman) then Chris (grnwealth) whom I joined with this past weekend. I am amazed at the incredible system that we have at our disposal, specially the GRN Team Builder and the product itself is simply fantabulous!
I'm very very excited. Today, I had the hardest time at work focusing on my job.
For anyone still unsure about whether they should join GRN, it really is a no-brainer. The product is out-freaking-standing. The system is second to none and this is the best shot for anyone at not only making it online, but most importantly, at creating the lifestyle one can only dream about while most importantly having fun and helping others.
I'd be more than glad to help anyone wondering about this business. I took 4 months researching it before I joined. Anyone still unsure, feel free to contact me to help you answer your questions. Worst worst worst absolute worst case scenario, even if I don't make a penny (which by the way would be very very hard as the product sells itself), I'd still have an amazing product. I'm thinking of taking my parents and 2 younger sisters to the Bahamas this summer for 2 weeks. On Expedia, for 2 weeks, for the 5 of us it would cost us over $4K per person. With my GRN Platinum membership, it would cost the entire family for 2 weeks a whopping $600. Just on this vacation alone, with GRN, I'd save at the very least a cool 20 grand. Need I say more? 
Payman Lorenzo.
Preferred Member
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 577
# Posted: 25 Apr 2008 12:06
Yes, it's true! It might freak some on you out to see, me, a staunch Coastal Vacations member, saying this, but I have joined GRN to be able to offer more options to my team and future team. I asked Vishal to make a section devoted to GRN and he was kind enough to do so. THANKS VISHAL!!! So, if you are a GRN member or you are looking into the GRN opportunity then COME on over. Just look on the main forum page and you will fine the Global Resorts Network section. Hope to see you there!!