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Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 12 Jan 2008 12:31
I just recently learned about a guy named Frank Kern. He is the guy who made millions writing campaigns for very successful pre-launches like Well, I guess he decided to share a lot of his knowledge.
He recently put out a video showing people how to make lots of money themselves. Well this video got so much attention that they stopped letting new members join so he had to update the video to show a work around.
Anyway, this guy really impresses me. Anybody else heard about his "Mass Control" program?
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1508
# Posted: 13 Jan 2008 02:31
$23.8 million in 24 hours? $12,000 a week? Pretty non realistic for most people...
Joined: 3 Oct 2007
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# Posted: 13 Jan 2008 05:59 · Edited by: examiner
Yeah. I have got 2 e-mails promoting this "'mass control' thing" from a guy who also happens to promote 'bum marketing'. I have not tried it.
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1508
# Posted: 13 Jan 2008 06:50
BUM Marketing is acutally a really good course - I don't agree with everything Travis promotes, but he's a really good guy, and for free courses, its hard to beat BUM Marketing.
Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 13 Jan 2008 10:57 · Edited by: sdcindy
getagrip -
My impression is that Frank is telling you how much money he was able to generate with his techniques as a way to let you know his background. I checked out StomperNet. Pretty impressive, but the membership is closed now.
I signed up for more information on Mass Control. I have received two videos so far - one on how to make money with a program called Hydra and another 90 minute video I just got that I haven't viewed yet.
Personally, I would be happy with a small fraction of what he made.
As I get more videos, I'll let you know what they are about. I haven't spent any money yet, so what the heck.
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 252
# Posted: 14 Jan 2008 10:04
not heard of him but l will try to check him up
Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 363
# Posted: 14 Jan 2008 11:12
Frank Kern is well known in Internet Marketing circles and other niche markets as a powerhouse marketer, and he is very good at what he does. He's also a down-to-earth, regular, good guy who gives away lots of valuable information because he really enjoys doing it.
His Internet Marketing courses are not cheap, but you can expect him to over deliver on content and keep his word or whatever promises he makes. You can learn so much from just reading one of his emails, or studying the sales copy from one of his web sites.
I would describe his marketing style as hype-free, relaxed, laid back and subtle... but enormously successful.
Frank Kern is my #1 reluctant guru.
Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 14 Jan 2008 11:31 · Edited by: sdcindy
Thanks for the info. Frank's free material does impress me, so I'm sure his classes would be great. I found out he lives near me in the San Diego area which is a plus for me, although I understand he will be offering a video course so it doesn't matter where you live.
Joined: 27 Jun 2006
Posts: 317
# Posted: 21 Jan 2008 16:16
Frank Kern is recommended listening. He's a very good marketer and you can learn a lot from not only listening to him but (as with all the marketing Gurus) actually studying what they are doing to promote their stuff - things they don't mention.
Its about reading between the lines, as they say.
Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 22 Jan 2008 11:26
Totally agree malibumentor. I have learned a lot by watching his free videos. He just sent another one last night. Also, I see he gets a lot of good press at Warrior forum.
Anyway, Frank will be inviting people who sign up for his free videos before February 1st to his marketing course. His prior courses have had great reviews. So if you are interested in learning more about internet marketing from one of the "masters", I would recommend you sign up for his videos before the 1st.
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 210
# Posted: 22 Jan 2008 13:08
I heard about it too but can't afford to try every $60 or $30 or $20 dollar wonder cure for low sales. To me it's all about finding something that works for me - and then getting better at it.
Joined: 27 Jun 2006
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# Posted: 22 Jan 2008 13:57
Just so you know Markteck, Frank doesn't offer a wonder cure for $60.oo - his stuff costs thousands. BUT he does put out a lot of high qaulity information for FREE.
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 22 Jan 2008 16:48
If you just follow the free stuff he offers and the vids, you can make money without spending... As he says he doesn't do seminairs cause it would only take an hour
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# Posted: 22 Jan 2008 17:02 · Edited by: sdcindy
Yeah, I wonder what kind of course he is creating? He is giving away so much free info, I can't imagine what he will reveal during his course. He must have something good up his sleeve 
Joined: 24 Dec 2007
Posts: 67
# Posted: 22 Jan 2008 23:54
YES i agree Frank Kern is a Rock-star Marketer.....
I found some incredible Bonuses Given to buy his product by many other Internet marketers on the Launch day... well, it will rock many Email- inboxes.
cool guy.. and cool stuff....
Joined: 18 Jan 2008
Posts: 9
# Posted: 23 Jan 2008 00:32
I purchased Frank's course the first time he promoted this. That was a few months ago.
You learn the tactics he uses to form relationships with his list thus turning prospects into customers. It's the whole building trust and relationships so people will want to spend their money with you (or for anything that you're promoting).
The free info is just as valuable. If you can't afford the course, USE the free info...It's Gold.
Joined: 6 Mar 2007
Posts: 67
# Posted: 23 Jan 2008 13:59
Frank has come out with some pretty good stuff. I like the videos
Joined: 6 Mar 2007
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# Posted: 31 Jan 2008 03:38
Anyone watching his mass control deal? It's pretty interesting becuase it's really pretty simple. Everyone learns differently and if you touch everyone with a taste of everything than you cant lose.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 800
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 07:53
His program is WAY to expensive.
Heck you can get an already optimized blog for less and a totally optimized website for less you will get massive traffic and once you monetize your sites you will start to make money by driving even more traffic to the sites.
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Posts: 16
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 08:13
Wow. I'm glad I decided to visit this thread. I've never heard so many good things about someone selling a "making money" system. I've been getting these email messages about this "Mass Control" and have watched one of the videos. I had pretty much dismissed this as just another "get rich quick" scheme. In fact, I just today unsubscribed from the email list because I was getting so many messages from the guy. Perhaps I should reconsider?
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Posts: 16
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 08:16
Darn, I wish I had visited one day earlier. Looks like I missed my chance to see the webinar.
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# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 11:29 · Edited by: sdcindy
Frank does charge $1997 for a 4 week course which includes an in person seminar. But I don't agree with anyone making a general statement about his program being Way too expensive (implying for everyone). Frank Kern is one of the most respected marketing gurus around. Google him and see or visit the Warrior Forum.
Just look at the free content he offers. He is known to over-deliver. Certainly his course is not for everyone, but I haven't heard anyone who attented one of his courses complain that they didn't get the value for the money - in fact they usually say they got A LOT more.
I believe Frank's course is for people who want to move up to the next level in marketing. They are probably not satisfied with they money they are currently making and know they can do a lot better. That's all.
Joined: 2 Feb 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Feb 2008 18:50
Hi there,
Figures my first post would be about Kern.
I was in the original Mass Control that cost 3grand. Worth every last cent, and then some. I have bought courses that cost more, and didn't have half of what Frank delivers. If you got in, count yourself lucky.
His blog has all the free stuff
His methods work best for those that already have products. But I found ways to leverage it with other peoples stuff.
He is the real deal though. If he ever sells it again, jump on it.
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 00:50
Hi Cindy,
I agree that Frank is easily among the best. Still, the average joe can't afford what he sells. Major bummer since his stuff is worth it if you can dish out the cash.
Always glad to see you post. You have a good head on those shoulders of yours 

© Newbie Shield ©
Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 11:09
Hi Newbie,
Long time no see. I am trying to decide on a niche or product to focus on. I have learned how to market using a combo of Frank's free stuff and I am taking a StomperNet class on Marketing with Web 2.0. It's very good.
Anyway, I wrote my first Squidoo lens. It is a work in progress, but I had a goal to publish something by last Friday (part of the class). I decided to write about something I know without regard to thinking about products (although I did add the eBay module just for kicks). It's not as good as your stuff, but I am happy with it as a beginner.
Let me know what you think.
Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 11:13
By the way, I like your informative HTML How-To Lens so much I would like to recommend it as a resource to my StomperNet group. Would that be okay?
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 4 Feb 2008 07:25
Hi Cindy,
Your lens is very good. I really like it. I rated it, joined your fan club, favorited it, and signed your guestbook. Nice job.
Thank you for the compliment on my lens. Yes, you can use it as a resource for your Stompernet group. You can refer anyone you want That's what it's for. I hope that you and your group find it helpful.
PM me if you like. You can ask questions about Squidoo or share your experiences with Frank or Stompernet. Enjoy your education and have fun with Squidoo (it's very addicting).

~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86
# Posted: 5 Feb 2008 00:40
Thanks Newbie. I did the same with your lens. BTW, the Stomper group loved your HTML lens.
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 5 Feb 2008 14:20 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Right on 

~Newbie Shield~
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# Posted: 23 Feb 2008 14:54
I like Frank's stuff. My only concern is that he is WAY BEHIND the curve with it all. Dennis Karganilla with MLM Goldmine was teaching this stuff in October of 2006. Now Frank has got people thinking it's new. It's not. And guess's old news now. There are emerging trends that are about to blow this Web2.0 stuff out of the water. I am sure a year or so after it comes out that Frank will throw out some videos...claim ownership and get millions.
It's like taking stock tips from the guys on TV. Keep listening to the "BIG DOGS" and you will be broke.
Find out where the information is originating and align yourself with it. Stay AHEAD of the market so that you are positioned to DOMINATE...not just "keep up".