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Anyone heard of Lawn Chair Millionaire?

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Joined: 1 Dec 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 01:36 · Edited by: teydean

I'm just wondering if any of you guys have heard about Lawn Chair Millionaire? The name kind of threw me off because it sounds like one of those get rich schemes, but I've seen quite a few of the internet marketing Guru's promoting it like crazy.

It just launched on 12-6-07 and I've been seeing it everywhere since. It seems like one of those programs that if you get in early you can make a substantial income. I'm extremely close to joining, but I just wanted to get some input before I take the plunge.

They're saying it's suppose to be even better than Giblink and I've personally made some good money with Giblink. Now it has me thinking....

Any info would be appreciated.


Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 08:12


I joined this yesterday, please pm me for more details, it is still very early in its launch but at least I can provide details for you what is inside, this will give you more information before you make a decision to sign up.



Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 08:31

Quoting: maricel

I joined this yesterday, please pm me for more details, it is still very early in its launch but at least I can provide details for you what is inside

Why not post some "details' right here? There's certainly enough room in this thread for some detailed and useful information!

I too am considering 'Lawnchair Millionaire'.
When I go to the lead capture page, it says my email address is already registered but I can't find any emails sent to me OR my spam folder regarding LM.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 08:50

I'd REALLY ike to know EXACTLY what this site offers for the $50 set up fee and $30 per month membership cost.

Plus my usual questions: HOW MUCH MONEY after the setup costs and membership fees are required to make money?

How much time is required to work this system?
They claim "A shocking system that requires your time and attention ONCE per MONTH... and can make you THOUSANDS of dollars in less than four hours!"

Any guarantee? And if so, what are the conditions?

Their lead capture page is filled with typically hyped comments like the above quotation, but no real substance.

I am trying not to be turned off by such excessive hype because I dearly want a program that simply delivers on it's advertised promise.

Anyone with detailed INFORMATION about LM?


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 08:56

From the LM lead capture page:
The SOONER you join the MORE money we hand you at midnight tonight! Join right now and watch your shares EXPLODE!

Here's a hyped up statement that should be ez to clarify: How much money were you (new member) 'handed at midnight'?

And what 'shares' are they talking about?
And how much does THAT part of this plan cost?



Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 10:15

Hi TJ,

I only joined yesterday (only launched yesterday) and have been a bit busy since, I will look through the site and try to answer some of your questions, please be patient. BTW careful of the 2020 and I4Beg prograqmmes they are causing paypal accounts to be cancelled.



Joined: 1 Dec 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 12:09

I decided to join and I have to admit....I'm very impressed with the back office and all the tools they have in place. I honestly believe this is a legitimate company/business. I talked to a friend of mine that joined yesterday and his money pool share was $22.83 at the end of the day. Which is not bad IMO, and they say your shares get larger each day.

You can also make money by referring people. Every time you sponsor a new member you earn a $20.00 Fast Start Bonus that gets allocated immediately when the sale is made. You also earn a $15.00 Referral Bonus each and every month that your personally-referred members stay active by maintaining their subscription to The Vault.

IMO and this is just my opinion, the people who get in early are the ones who will really benefit from the Moneyline. Either way, in order to ensure you will make a decent income you have to go out and start sponsoring people. The good news is...they have all the tools in place to help you get started.


Joined: 1 Dec 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 12:42

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
I'd REALLY ike to know EXACTLY what this site offers for the $50 set up fee and $30 per month membership cost.

Hi TJ,

I'll try to answer some of your questions.

The $49.99 one time set up fee (which is non-refundable) is to set up your account, website, and all that. I also believe this is money that is put into the money pool to be distributed amonst the members. That's where the SHARES come from.

The $29.99 per month is just your typical monthly fee. It's said to be your subscription to the Vault, which is another income source, but you have to pay that fee in order to remain active.

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
Plus my usual questions: HOW MUCH MONEY after the setup costs and membership fees are required to make money?

That's completely up to you. There are a ton of free advertising resources out there, but it may take a little more time than it would just paying for advertising. You don't have to pay for advertising, but you will be exchanging money for your time. Again, that's completely up to you.

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
How much time is required to work this system?
They claim "A shocking system that requires your time and attention ONCE per MONTH... and can make you THOUSANDS of dollars in less than four hours!"

It depends, do you want to go out and bring people into your business or do you want to sit back and collect the residual?

I honestly believe the claim to be true if you're one of people that get in early and or run a perfect Google Adwords campaign. Adwords takes no time at all if you know what you're doing.

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
Any guarantee? And if so, what are the conditions?

There is a guarantee.....I think 30 days, but only for the 29.99 not the $49.99

Don't quote me on that, I don't have the terms in front of me right now.


Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 12:54 · Edited by: Bigrich

I got in on launch and have made money in the pool, and also once in you have opportunities to use the vault, investments, sports, e trade. There are alot of opps here that others don't offer there is nothing to sell and you don't have to recriut with all the opps in the back office. The site is easy to navigate and according to my compesation future ratings i should hit 3k in less than 30 days.
That's if I do nothing else.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 16:50

Quoting: teydean
Hi TJ,

I'll try to answer some of your questions.

The $49.99 one time set up fee (which is non-refundable) is to set up your account, website, and all that. I also believe this is money that is put into the money pool to be distributed amonst the members. That's where the SHARES come from.

Well thanx teydean for at least addressing the questions I posed.

Please don't think I am picking a fight here, or disrespecting you in anyway, but I find your answers to be quite lacking.
So, hoping you won't take things personally, and realizing that this is a BUSINESS discussion, I'll make some comments regarding your answers to my questions.

I'll recognize that you at least answered ONE question directly, about the $50, albeit quite incompletely since I have no idea what "all that" refers to.

I won't even go into how it shouldn't cost ANYTHING to simply "set up an account".

How can it cost $50 to set up a website?
Especially when everyone probably gets the same/similar website!
That must be one HELLUVA website!!

This should be a completely unambiguous response to a direct question:
What does the $50 cover?
How much per - website, shares, and "all that".

Would you buy anything in a store for $50 and not KNOW for SURE what is 'in the box'?

Would you expect someone else to?

It's OBVIOUS that the $30 a month is a "typical membership" fee, I wish you would elaborate, or show me where to find the details as to what this "vault" is all about.

As for the "how much money" question, it most certainly is NOT 'up to me' but up to the amount of money I have to work with.
Perhaps you or SOMEONE could answer that question more thoroughly.
Like what kind of success could you have spending $50 a month, $100 a month, etc.
Or what kind of advertising budget would you have to FUND?
What monthly budget AMOUNT could you plan on setting to be successful with LM.
I think everyone who has done ANY online business research realizes that 'free' advertising means spending your ever shrinking resource of God given TIME on earth for results that are of questionable worth.

As for "how much time", I for one would be completely happy to "sit back and collect" a residual that amounts to "thousands of dollars...
for less than four hours work... ONCE per MONTH".
Who wouldn't?
Doesn't sound like it's true though - judging from your non-answer.

Finally, I can't find terms of ANY guarantee ANYWHERE on the website.
I wish you would have gotten the information you needed to answer my questions.
I would have given you time to do so!
You are a customer/promoter of this system, didn't you investigate?

Again teydean, please don't take my comments personally, I think if a program is indeed valid, it should withstand a sincere query. That should actually HELP to promote a product that is good and solid.

I just wish I could find an answer to simple direct questions without having to buy into a 'free trial period', or actually PAY for a plan in hopes of getting reimbursed via 'guarantee', should I come to find I am dissatisfied with the offer.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 16:54

Quoting: teydean
IMO and this is just my opinion, the people who get in early are the ones who will really benefit from the Moneyline.

The problem with that is, the plan will become increasingly hard for the downline members to profit.
Given that reality, who would want to join up, as more and more time goes by?
That is what the people I have to sell/recruit will be thinking.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 16:55

Quoting: Bigrich
The site is easy to navigate and according to my compesation future ratings i should hit 3k in less than 30 days.
That's if I do nothing else.

That sounds like a definite plan, care to elaborate?


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 16:59

Quoting: teydean

I decided to join and I have to admit....I'm very impressed with the back office and all the tools they have in place. I honestly believe this is a legitimate company/business. I talked to a friend of mine that joined yesterday and his money pool share was $22.83 at the end of the day.

Again teydean, sorry to be picking on you, but you are the only one who has addressed all of the questions I presented.
So once again, this isn't personal, it's BUSINESS!

YOU joined, how much money were YOU 'handed at midnight'?

Do you have any way to prove what you were 'handed at midnight'?


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 17:07

Quoting: maricel

Hi TJ,
I only joined yesterday (only launched yesterday) and have been a bit busy since, I will look through the site and try to answer some of your questions, please be patient.

Hi maricel
Like I told teydean, this is business, NOT personal, so please don't take things the wrong way.

SURE, I can be patient and wait, quite a while in fact!
I'll certainly be waiting to get some straight ANSWERS, before I plop down another UNrefundable $50!

But there IS one question you should be able to answer 'off the top of your head', while saving the rest for later, namely - How much money were you 'handed at midnight'?

In fact, that is a very simple and direct question ANY customer/promoter should be able to answer, right here, right now.

Any takers?

Any proof?


Joined: 1 Dec 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 18:19

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
I'll recognize that you at least answered ONE question directly, about the $50, albeit quite incompletely since I have no idea what "all that" refers to.

I won't even go into how it shouldn't cost ANYTHING to simply "set up an account".

How can it cost $50 to set up a website?
Especially when everyone probably gets the same/similar website!
That must be one HELLUVA website!!

This should be a completely unambiguous response to a direct question:
What does the $50 cover?
How much per - website, shares, and "all that".

Refund Policy - Straight from the back office

Lawn Chair Millionaire guarantees a "no questions asked" refund of the first month's Lawn Chair Millionaire Product Fees which total $29.99. A refund request is only valid if the request is received by the Lawn Chair Millionaire Support Team within the first 30 days of enrolling in Lawn Chair Millionaire.

The One Time Setup Fee of $49.99 is a non-refundable expense paid to Lawn Chair Millionaire for the administrative costs incurred for setting up and managing the new member's Lawn Chair Millionaire account.

Refund requests received after the 30 day period will not be honored by Lawn Chair Millionaire. Please refer to the Cancellation Policy for exact details.


Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 18:39


Moneyline Pool Shares

Month 1 $18.58
Month 2 $22.86
Month 3 $27.88

The above is copied from my back office. I am told by the helpdesk that the first payment was available last night, I am currently looking for it. I do not know where the �k claim above came from, the way that I see it is that there is a one time payment on the day that you join which is dependent upon how much is in the pot that day. For me yesterday it seems as though that was $18.58.

I do not think this is paid daily or else this would be unsustainable. Again the way I read it is that there are a further 2 automatic payments to be made which are estimated above.

"Income from the Moneyline Pool that you earned by simply joining the Lawn Chair Millionaire Group!

This income is allocated to your commissions in the Administration Money Manager in three segments during the first 60 days of your active membership."

payment is extracted by way of a debit card which varies in price, see below

Debit Card Fee Schedule
Card Shipping/Processing
Sponsor 0 $39.00 $25.00
Sponsor 3 $29.99 $25.00
Sponsor 5 $19.99 $25.00
Sponsor 10 FREE! $25.00
Sponsor 15 FREE! FREE!

So to answer your question as with all things in life simply sitting back and letting the money roll in is not an option as the monthly fees plus the cost of the debit card are greater than the payments you receive.

The payments roll in from referring others. The $50 is a cost of entrance, I don't think they are allowed to say this so it is shown as a cost of the replicated website.

Will post further once I have digested the guts of the system



Joined: 1 Dec 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 18:40

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
Would you buy anything in a store for $50 and not KNOW for SURE what is 'in the box'?

Would you expect someone else to?

LOL!!!! I don't think it's the same thing. Anytime you join an Internet Business you're taking a risk and it happens to be a risk I'm willing to take. I've failed a few times and I've also had success. Did I mention that I love to gamble....

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
It's OBVIOUS that the $30 a month is a "typical membership" fee, I wish you would elaborate, or show me where to find the details as to what this "vault" is all about.

From the back office...

"The Vault is filled with powerful and unique opportunities to make a LOT of money on the Internet that few people know about.

Nothing in The Vault requires extensive training, knowledge or experience.

Future additions to The Vault will be add-ons to existing Vault features as well as new money-making opportunities. It is therefore critical that all members keep their subscription active at all times so as to not miss out on limited time opportunities that will arise."


Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 18:51

Hi again TJ,

Rather than pick out answers to your questions I have copied and pasted the money share plan FAQ section. I'm sure it is not confidential, like you I like to have the information on a programme before I sign up. The following is copied and pasted from the site, the formatting on the site is of course a lot better, lol. Hope this helps

Details of the Lawn Chair Millionaire Money Share Plan
The Lawn Chair Millionaire Money Share Plan is simple yet powerful, and very lucrative!

It is not uncommon for many Group members to quickly work their way up to a part and even full-time income just by sharing their Lawn Chair Millionaire web site with others.

Here are some key points to remember...

You have ZERO COMPETITION when advertising your Lawn Chair Millionaire business because no other program online offers a product remotely close in comparison to The Vault subscription.
You have MASSIVE DEMAND. After all, what do people want from you more... bottles of products each month or access to amazing money-making secrets?
The Moneyline Pool has YOU earning money the day you join, and for months after, whether you refer anyone to Lawn Chair Millionaire or not! No sales = No problem!!
The entire Group is working together in ONE single Moneyline. EVERYONE who joins after you is placed below you in your business!

The simple details of the Lawn Chair Millionaire Money Share Plan are as follows...
The moment you LOCK IN your position in the Moneyline you LOCK IN your Moneyline Pool shares! Your first share is paid to you at midnight the day you join.
Every time you sponsor a new member you earn a $20.00 Fast Start Bonus that gets allocated immediately when the sale is made.
You earn a $15.00 Referral Bonus each and every month that your personally-referred members stay active by maintaining their subscription to The Vault.
Additional daily, weekly and monthly Leader Bonuses are announced by Lawn Chair Millionaire periodically. These bonuses are to compensate those who help their personal members duplicate their efforts.
Additional one time and residual income commissions can also be earned when your personal Lawn Chair Millionaire members purchase some of The Vaults wealth building secrets which are for sale.

The Lawn Chair Millionaire Team


Joined: 1 Dec 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 19:08

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
As for the "how much money" question, it most certainly is NOT 'up to me' but up to the amount of money I have to work with.

Thanks for clarifying that....

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
Perhaps you or SOMEONE could answer that question more thoroughly.
Like what kind of success could you have spending $50 a month, $100 a month, etc.
Or what kind of advertising budget would you have to FUND?
What monthly budget AMOUNT could you plan on setting to be successful with LM.

Maybe someone WILL chime in and answer your question more thoroughly. In my experience, no set amount of money can guarantee your success because the internet has so many different avenues of advertising and some don't work.

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
You are a customer/promoter of this system, didn't you investigate?

I took that personal!!!

I could have investigated until I was blue in the face, but I still wouldn't know the truth until I tried it myself. I'm willing to take the RISK!!


Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 19:37

if you don't like it don't get in, no reason to pick pick pick if you haven't done any research.
The program is not like any other. there is nothing to sell no recruiting unless you want more money. there is training in the investment area that you pay alot more for online anywhere else.
You can cancel at anytime. first 30 days you get your 29.99 back.
50.00 bucks is cheap for the website and the information you are gaining.
I really get tired of those tire kickers,, what if what if but what about.

If it ain't for you then don't knock it...


Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 21:08

Hi all,

I saw there were questions on Lawn Chair Millionaire. I did a lot of research on this program and wrote a blog about it. Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions. And good luck to all.



Joined: 1 Dec 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 21:58

Thanks Cindy, always a pleasure!!

Well guys, I made 2 sales today and I may have another on the way. I can't complain....

Strike while the iron is HOT!!!!

Silver Member

Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 896

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 22:24

Decided to read this thread and see what all the fuss was about.

First of all, I haven't even visited the site or read anything else besides this thread. Based on this reading alone, this is what Lawnchair Millionaire sounds like to me...

Someone came up with the "old" idea of getting everyone to sign up for $50 ($30 to the owner, $20 to the person who signed you up). Then you pay a monthly fee of $30 ($15 to the owner and $15 to the person who signed you up) to gain access to the "Vault."

It sounds like (based on your descriptions and copied excerpts) that the vault is a collection of info on how to get people to sign up and join the system.

Unless you all are leaving something vital out of the equation, it sounds like Lawnchair Millionaire is a program where you sign up to get people to sign up to get people to sign up to get people to sign up... ...until the owners are rich and the market is saturated.

Doesn't sound like anything new or remarkable, more like the same old same old stuff that had me pulling my hair out last year when I was looking for something that made sense.

Just my analysis of this simple reading.


Joined: 28 May 2007
Posts: 86

# Posted: 9 Dec 2007 22:44

Hi Happywife,

I know a lot of programs that do what you suggest. I don't want to give away the goods, but the information in the "Vault" has absolutely zero to do with marketing or getting people to sign up and join the system. There are 3 separate programs in the "Vault", all unique to me - one of which I never even heard of before.

In my blog, when I spoke of Lawn Chair Millionaire providing a marketing system with autoresponders, that is totally separate than the Vault programs.

Hope this helps and thanks for your feedback!




Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 643

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 00:11

Quoting: Bigrich

if you don't like it don't get in, no reason to pick pick pick if you haven't done any research.
The program is not like any other. there is nothing to sell no recruiting unless you want more money. there is training in the investment area that you pay alot more for online anywhere else.
You can cancel at anytime. first 30 days you get your 29.99 back.
50.00 bucks is cheap for the website and the information you are gaining.
I really get tired of those tire kickers,, what if what if but what about.

If it ain't for you then don't knock it...

If LM is indeed "not like any other" then their website is obviously the ONLY source for researching LM.

It is long on hype, short on information.

In order to know if something "ain't for you", 'you' has to ask questions.
It would be a lot easier if the website did the explaining.

"Tire kickers", if that's how you choose to label some people, also make purchases. You probably won't be reaching that market.

I have about 5 sites I am promoting, so I do more than 'kick tires',
I buy from people who take the time to explain their product sufficiently.

I hope the 'training' you have access to will eventually help you to explain your products more effectively.


Joined: 10 Dec 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 00:18

To start off with, I believe what happywife wrote was a pretty spot on description of the lawn chair millionaire as well as many programs we have joined. I'll admit that I too joined, but after discovering that the income was not passive in nature, immediately changed all advertising to reflect so.

I don't want to mislead anyone to think that you'll make enough money to cover your expenses without sponsering. This is the truth. If you are upfront with others and explain to them they'll need to consitently sponsor people to make money, then all is good.


Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 03:19 · Edited by: maricel

Quoting: TJamMoneyMan
In order to know if something "ain't for you", 'you' has to ask questions.
It would be a lot easier if the website did the explaining.


You are already in my prospect downline, if you have any questions just pm me, I will go through the site later today and try to answer your specifics, at the end of the day this programme is a gamble like most out there (all out there) my confidence in this one comes from the fact that inside there are lists of the main referers to the programme, I sort of know one or two names and they would not normally get into something that they did not think would provide income flows.

Yes the programmes inside the vault are pay programmes however they look very interesting and instead of relying on sign up money they are information systems that seem to be unique to LMM.

You ask many good questions, however in a system like this you need to make your mind up whether it is for you, take the leap and become the expert on the system that people go to for information. If you have the time to do this then you will find that people will sign up under you as they will have the confidence that you can help them with their own queries.



Joined: 10 Dec 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 03:57

I have also joined this site, but have not paid yet. I've read every comment on this site because I myself want to know the truth.

Personally, after everything I've heard, I'll probable just stick to my original plan to make money.

If there is anyone who wants to test it out and can afford it to test it out if theres any challengers. But please, if you haven't joined and actually paid for the "business"



I've heard some comments about the debit card. I don't like the idea personally because why can't they just pay through PayPal? Thats the safest way. Does it seem more legit that way. I heard from one of the replays on the forum that some site caused peoples
accounts to be closed.

I'll say this much, if this was legit, why would they want you to pay for a another debit card in the first place and charge for shipping.

Think about it. Its not nessisary unless there hiding something. If they send the payout though via PayPal it should be that hard even if you money your making (Saying that if you actually make it) is
e legal.

I just wasn't everyone to think about that. Its up to you. And if you do join, please live some GOOD Detailed Comments

Thank you..


Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 07:13

Hi Mass,

If you read through this thread you will see that a number of people have joined including myself. everyone who has joined has attempted to provide the information asked for. Perhaps rather than coming on here and shouting about what you expect everyone to do you should spend more time actually reading the thread.

Just an idea!


Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115

# Posted: 10 Dec 2007 11:15

OK as stated the Vault has 3 opps. with more to be added. They are not getting people to sign up, selling software, or any other products. They are for members that want to invest in other forms of money making, commerce and so on. What they have done is get all the information in a package so you aren't buying a news letter, or alot of other things to learn to do these. You don't have to do any of them but the retirement factor is there. If you want to recriut it is available like any other opp out there. however the info in the vault can make your more, without recruiting. That is where I will surpass my 3K figure in a few weeks. It is a passive type income that inevetably can grow and grow.

And if you are already in some ones downline then you have some access to alot of this information. Please contact your upline and see if they can help.


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