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Joined: 24 Jan 2008
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# Posted: 24 Jan 2008 14:46
I like many have come across the ccp system and have looked at all info on the page, the only thing that has stopped me signing up is a page I read slating carbon copy pro, giving information about how it costs approx $10,000 to get this thing going, and how a lot of money is taken from what you earn, is there anyone that could send me some information about this being true or not, from the uk, and would appreciate some truth on the matter as the net is flooded with various systems, my email address is [email protected], i am looking for a business in which i can earn at least �1000 a week to start as i need the money, many thanks, charlie
Joined: 24 Jan 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 24 Jan 2008 19:50
Hi Everyone. This is my first post to the forum. I hope someone can answer my question. Can anyone tell me approximately how many hours per week you need to dedicate to contacting your leads to be successful. Everything I've read about CCP is positive. I'm very close to joining the team. Thanks for any help.
Joined: 28 Dec 2007
Posts: 15
# Posted: 27 Jan 2008 05:40 · Edited by: brightstar
Hi Zanik, Great to see you on the forum. In regards to how much time is required calling and following up leads really depends on how many leads you are generating.There are a few turnkey solutions available with carbon copy for getting leads and then the system comes into play at sorting the serious from the not too serious.The serious people who fill in the application form are then called on 2 occasions from carbon copy themselves and you will find many of these will sign up without you even talking to them.It is recommended that you personally call these prospects within 24-48 hours of them submiting the application form just to introduce yourself and get to know them.Remember this is not cold calling.These people have already filled in an application and spoken to a carbon copy member and they will be happy to hear from you. Hope this helps Your friend Adrian P.S I'm a plasterer from the UK and carboncopy is working for me.....If I can do it then anybody can
Joined: 28 Jan 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 28 Jan 2008 17:06
Hi Adrian, I am very new to this site and therefore I would like to say hi to you and to everyone. I am seriously considering CarbonCopy and I would appreciate a chat with another UK resident. My Number is 0776-9833144, if you send me your number I will then call you, alternatively feel free to call me. Thank you.
Luca Senatore
Joined: 28 Dec 2007
Posts: 15
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 12:26
Hi Luca, Adrian here........I tried to call on your number you gave but it was the wrong number.I have sent you a personal message with my contact details if you still need help and advice. Have a great day Adrian
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 18:57 · Edited by: Mark_Worthen
Quoting: Zanik Hi Everyone. This is my first post to the forum. I hope someone can answer my question. Can anyone tell me approximately how many hours per week you need to dedicate to contacting your leads to be successful. Everything I've read about CCP is positive. I'm very close to joining the team. Thanks for any help.
I recommend that you commit to 15 hours per week for all business activities, e.g., placing ads; individual and group coaching calls; communicating with Applicants; and learning how to become an expert marketer via the abundant training offered to members for free.
If you simply want to buy leads and let the system follow up with them for you (the system automatically sends emails to your leads and experienced members call your Applicants on your behalf), you can do that and you'd probably only need 5 hours a week or so.
I assume most people want to make as much money as possible, which is why I recommend the additional 10 hours for your personal follow-up with leads or Applicants and for taking advantage of all the free education and training, which would cost a thousand or two dollars a month if you sought it on your own.
All the Best,
Joined: 2 Feb 2008
Posts: 16
# Posted: 2 Feb 2008 19:47
Hi, I have a question, is the product that is being promoted by CCP GRN? And are many of you still having success with this? I just saw an ad above (google add, not a post), well here is the add Carbon Copy Pro Scam Don't Fall For The Biggest Scam On The Net. Earn Legit 10-15k/mo w/RFS Aren't they promoting the same company, I know a different team, it seems kind of low to me though.
Joined: 28 Dec 2007
Posts: 15
# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 12:22
Hi Tiegal, No that ad is for reverse funnel system which promotes global resorts network,and is totaly different from the carbon copy system,which promotes an entirely different company. That ad is very typical of the internet,search any good online company and you will find another company slating it to try and get you into their program.
 Have a great day Adrian
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 13:35 · Edited by: Mark_Worthen
We have a policy within CarbonCopyPRO to not conduct negative ads.
We lose some business to reps from other companies who take advantage of people's vulnerabilities with their "[Name of Competitor] is a Scam! Make millions with my company!" ads but I'd rather lose a few sales than engage in that kind of advertising.
If you believe in the Law of Attraction, you have to ask, "What kind of people and events do you invite into your life when you use negative advertising?"
All the Best,
P.S. I have a section on my "FAST FACTS" site re: the results of my due diligence research that demonstrated that our business is not a scam.
Joined: 2 Feb 2008
Posts: 16
# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 23:24
I agree with you Mark. I think that is a good policy.
Joined: 4 Feb 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 4 Feb 2008 21:35
With so many others jumping in, is it a realistic investment for a web oppty or are too many others already out there.
Newsppr Ads are pretty dead right now and post cards generally get tossed.
Any upper levels in the group (or members in general) that have any thoughts?
I want to RUN to the nearest credit card and join, but wondering if it's already Too Late??
Joined: 5 Feb 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 5 Feb 2008 12:49
Hi. I am new to the forum and have been doing a lot of research on Carbon Copy Pro. I have been in a few businesses and have made money, but have also lost a LOT of money. I've spent thousands starting businesses and also hardly anything. Success, in both cases, has been about the same. Anyway, I got a post card for CCP and was interested in what it had to offer. I have a few questions and would love someone to cover them for me... 1- At this point, I don't have $2500-$3000 to invest, but, should I still sign up at a "lower level" to guarantee a spot? Can one change their status later while maintaining their location? is their any money to be made without spending thousands- realistically? 2- Is it too late to start? I am very aware that timing in these things is a key component. I do wonder if it's too late to start this and still have great success. 3- What kind of money, if any, can be made by someone who doesn't spend thousands coming in? What are the levels one can start with? 4- What company is being marketed?? I noticed everyone talks about a "company", but what is the company? I've been involved with marketing systems before and have found that the products you are marketing do make a difference. Can anyone spill this information?
I am very interested in this, but need to do some due diligence because I am SICK AND TIRED of losing money in businesses that you spend countless hours, months, years working on (and LOTS of $$) and then you lose everything you worked hard for almost overnight. Can this truly be different??
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 159
# Posted: 6 Feb 2008 11:14
We have an application process as you already know. The postcard you received was from a specific consultant. I t sounds like you havent taken the next step and submitted you application. This will allow you to see the complete system and the parent company we work with.
In order to complete your research you really need to see the whole system in detail. You can then speak with someone who is already experienced in making money with our system. They can answer any and all questions you may have.
As far as timing goes, that is irrelevant. We are constantly signing up new members and our growth will not slow. There are so many opportunity seekers, we will never run out of quality prospects.
I suggest you take the next step and speak with your personal sponsor. Good luck!
Astral Highway
Joined: 18 Feb 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 18 Feb 2008 19:47 · Edited by: Astral Highway
Hello Everyone ,
Just joined this Forum and am looking forward to sharing and discussing ideas and concepts re: Home Based Business. Am very interested in investing in the CarbonCopy Pro system and am currently putting together a $5000 capital along with around $25,000 of online marketing/training material (which i managed to get for nothing! Shhh! )
What I would really like to know, before I send off my $49 later this week, is can this system be successfully operated and managed from abroad? I am in Melbourne, Australia and would like to focus my online business on a solid, well performing marketing model.
I am currently doing a Small Business Management course and am looking at various affiliate marketing programs. I am a qualified digital artist and have 15yrs PC experience and 3yrs as a trained SEO consultant/IT Support officer.
Thanks guys!
Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 159
# Posted: 19 Feb 2008 21:46
To answer your question, this opp can be operated successfully from abroad. There are many consultants that live and operate abroad.
Hope this helps. Good luck!
Joined: 8 Jan 2007
Posts: 6
# Posted: 24 Feb 2008 11:34
Quoting: web20mentor Carbon Copy is a competitive business model. What do I mean? At some point, the winners will be those that are willing to spend the most and the quickest. Period. That type of system will work...but the time MUST come when it prices the average guy out...or the overwhelming amount of banners and reps that is circulating will simply thin out the possible income. And I am hearing from some that it has already happened.[u][/u] You got the top earners telling you to join them and learn how they did it but they are doing it by simply spending the most to advertise. I am speaking to a guy right now that just got into CCP and I just text him and asked him "so how is CCP going?" He text back "I have made one sale (from the initial batch of leads I bought and cold called) and none since then...I need LEADS!" He went on to tell me that Jay actually says in the training that if you don't have a ton of money to buy leads, that you should go put business cards in books at the bookstore!!! LOL! See, he doesn't have $5K per month to advertise. So his upline simply says "go read the training". THAT is what a competitive business model is. Money and timing are key parts of the success. In a creative business model, money and timing do not matter. ANYONE can be successful even if they cannot pay for expensive leads or Google adwords. Hi Danny -
As one of the newest members of CCPro's "Mastermind Group" -- and someone who does NOT throw money at advertising, I have to take exception to what you say about this not being a "creative " business model.
If you come into ccpro with the intention of using the turn-key marketing and operating it on 5-10 hrs per week -- yes, definitely throw money and buy the turnkey advertising (which works, btw, usually giving a ROI of at least 2:1).
On the other hand, I have never spent over $1k/month in advertising. This is where the creative part comes into play.
There are many, many ways to advertise -- IF you can get creative at it AND are willing to put in the time (yes, it does take a LOT of work if you want to do low cost advertsing).
One of Jay's suggestions (which you laugh at) is to put business cards in books in the bookstore . Putting a business card in a self development book is actually targeted marketing -- getting your message in front of someone who is looking for what you have to offer.
Also, you seem to have a problem with the upline telling someone to "go read the training". With 10's of thousands of dollars worth of free training in the CCPro back office, this seems like a reasonable suggestion to me. After all, this IS a business, and there IS work involved.
Other ways are blogging, videos, article writing, social networking and TARGETING advertising. Last week, I had over 10 applications and 2 signups from $300 in advertising.
THIS is creative marketing in action. BUT, it takes work.
And, as far as "money and timing" being keys to success -- there are over 79 Million people who plan to start a home based business in the next 3-5 years.... and only about 6,000 in CCPro's partner company.
This number of new entrepreneurs will only increase as the global economy continues to increase. So, I really don't think you need to try and scare people by telling them the market is saturated.
So, anyone looking for a valid business model where you can make a significant income by selling an ethical (and much needed) product, should definitely check out CCPro.
Joined: 4 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 4 Mar 2008 16:06
Hi, I am new here I have been looking at CCP and I appreciate all of y'alls insight. I am a little hesitant. In all truthfullness how long does it take to start making money.
Thank you
Joined: 19 Feb 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 4 Mar 2008 19:19
I've heard alot of good things about carbon copy pro and im very interested in a home based business. Im new to all of this and im wanting to find a legimate opportunity. I dont really have the money at the moment to start a home business, but ill have money soon. I'd love to find a opportunity that works for me, this one could be it, sounds pretty good.
Joined: 9 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 9 Mar 2008 11:08
Dear all
Its good to see you in this info.
iam yougster from india i need ur help to get start ccpro info.
can you give me more info on carcopypro?
I much moneu i should have to get start the business?
Joined: 9 Mar 2008
Posts: 14
# Posted: 9 Mar 2008 17:20
I heard about this program through a post card sent to me about 2 weeks ago. I hadn't heard anything about them until today through this thread. Thanks for the heads up with Carbon Copy Pro. I know a little more now that i have heard from people who are actually involved in the business.
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 16 Mar 2008 12:22
Hi Danny,
I'm not going to flame you; I'll simply respond with my viewpoint in a polite, respectful manner.
Quoting: web20mentor Hi guys In my line of work, I speak with a handful of CCP reps every week. And I participate in a mastermind group with one or two of the CCP affiliates who are commenting on this thread. Here are my 2 cents: Carbon Copy is a competitive business model. What do I mean? At some point, the winners will be those that are willing to spend the most and the quickest. Period.
Certainly, the more money you have to advertise, all other things being equal, the faster you can grow your business. That is true for any business.
Quoting: web20mentor That type of system will work...but the time MUST come when it prices the average guy out...or the overwhelming amount of banners and reps that is circulating will simply thin out the possible income. And I am hearing from some that it has already happened.[u][/u]
This is the "saturation argument," i.e., that you can't make money in a network marketing or direct sales business if the market is "saturated." The problem with the saturation argument, at least as you are applying it, is that you are looking only at one narrow spectrum of potential customers or business partners: the Internet marketing crowd.
Internet marketers are a small percentage of the potential market for this (and other) home businesses. One of the mistakes inexperienced marketers make is that they do what everyone else is doing and then come to the false conclusion that the market is too saturated.
For example, they do some PPC advertising via Google Adwords and see lots of ads for Carbon Copy Pro and they falsely conclude that "the market is saturated." What they don't realize is that there are dozens of different ways to advertise (including other PPC programs), some of which are underutilized and therefore present a great opportunity to reach a targeted market without much (or any) competition. These alternative advertising methods are also less expensive.
The saturation argument is often used to persuade prospects to join a "ground floor" opportunity, without mentioning the fact that the vast majority of new companies don't make it beyond a year or two.
The fact is that people join established, long-lived network marketing companies every day and the most committed of them go on to earn a nice part-time or even full-time income representing a company that is supposedly "saturated" with distributors.
I did that with USANA Health Sciences, which I still represent for customer sales only, although CCPro is my primary business (because the commissions are higher and I don't need to manage a huge organization).
Quoting: web20mentor You got the top earners telling you to join them and learn how they did it but they are doing it by simply spending the most to advertise.
I agree with you here, i.e., that there are some successful CCPro members who spend thousands of dollars a month on advertising, make a lot of sales, and may not have much personal experience with low-cost advertising methods.
But that is not true of all successful Consultants. I have a limited ad budget but I'm doing fairly well. I even tell you my exact numbers for revenue, expenses, and profit on my CCPro Blog so you can see what I mean.
And I know many other Consultants with limited ad budgets who have drawn upon their own creativity and drive to become successful (isn't that the way it is for almost all successful entrepreneurs?)
Finally, keep in mind that more advertising = more sales in any business.
Quoting: web20mentor I am speaking to a guy right now that just got into CCP and I just text him and asked him "so how is CCP going?" He text back "I have made one sale (from the initial batch of leads I bought and cold called) and none since then...I need LEADS!" He went on to tell me that Jay actually says in the training that if you don't have a ton of money to buy leads, that you should go put business cards in books at the bookstore!!! LOL! See, he doesn't have $5K per month to advertise. So his upline simply says "go read the training". THAT is what a competitive business model is. Money and timing are key parts of the success.
This is essentially an extension of your argument, which I have responded to above, although I do have a couple of comments.
First, as you know, one person's experience does not predict how someone else will perform. Thus, because the gentleman with whom you spoke was having trouble generating leads, it doesn't mean that all new Consultants will have the same problem.
Second, I wouldn't denigrate "guerrilla marketing" methods such as the one mentioned by Jay. A lot of start-up businesses have flourished as a result of guerrilla marketing. Plus, you mention only one out of many, many free and low-cost methods Jay and others recommend considering.
Quoting: web20mentor In a creative business model, money and timing do not matter. ANYONE can be successful even if they cannot pay for expensive leads or Google adwords.
You don't define a "creative business model." I'm not sure how you can argue it's better when the reader doesn't know what it is.
Quoting: web20mentor That's why I learned how to market BEFORE I did something like CCP.
It's a good idea to learn how to market before and during any business. I don't think that's unique to CCPro.
Quoting: web20mentor I know that CCP reps will flame me but the truth is that it's the same old thing with a fresh new look.
By "same old thing" you mean "it's a business that requires commitment, patience, and persistence" then I would agree because that is true of all businesses.
On the other hand, there are some unique aspects to the CCPro system and I have to give the owners credit for what I call their "continuous improvement program," i.e., they are constantly adding, modifying, and refining the system, largely based on feedback from the field.
All the Best,
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 16 Mar 2008 12:40
Quoting: rameez321 Hi guys .. its good you guys are discussing stuff .. ok i feel the program is not too generous when it come to compensation !! there are others which are offering so much more !!! anyways thats just my view !! tak care !! cheers !! Rameez Blogger- [Link removed - Admin] email - [email protected]Skype- rameez321
Of course, you promote a 3-up system in which you have to give the commission you make from your first three sales to your sponsor.
With CarbonCopyPRO you earn a $1000 to $4000 commission with your first sale. You get paid first, i.e., your customer or new Consultant sends the money to you and you, in turn, send the wholesale amount to the company.
You do not have to "pass up" any sales.
Best Regards,
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 16 Mar 2008 14:26
Quoting: rameez321 Ok firstly let me tell you i am not here to debate which program is better cuz it really doesnt matter wht i say .. the decision of the BUYER is wht matters !! so let me tell you about that FIGURE which you showed 1000$ to 4000$ .. if it was so easy making a sale and earn that much then i wouldnt have been 49 dollars !! ill explain exactly wht i meant .. for that figure to actually take effect you will have to be in this program for a good while and promote it !! its not that simple and fancy as you say (1000$ to 4000$) .. also the process has to be supervised all the time you are earning ..m just puttin my views on it as a BUYER !! One more thing as you spoke about my program , ill tell you yes the 1st 3 sales do go to your sponsor .. but after your fourth sale you will not be required to do ANYTHING !! cuz he will make the sales for you and the sales made by him will get theri 1st three sales for you and it continues .. all this with just one direct sale !! Now in this possibility one sale can get you unlimited money !! and getting 3 sales is very easy .. i will NOT have to make any phone calls , nor will i have to learn about talking to people on the phone , nor will i be mailing generated emails like CARBON COPY PRO !! m just puttin my views down !! this will be one on one via mail or chat .. and people who are know wht i am saying would automatically be interested in the deal !! cuz they know the plus points of it !! anyways i am just laying down facts and this is not any debate or competition with your program !! plz dnt get me wrong .. m not in this forum to promote my program .. m here to express my self and share my views and suggestions .. and also help people in the best way i can !! hope i made my self clear .. again plz dnt get me wrong !!! i wish you all the best for your efforts and endeavors !! Regards !! Rameez !!
You say that you are "not here to debate which program is better." However, you said in your first post:
ok i feel the program is not too generous when it come to compensation !! there are others which are offering so much more !!!
I replied to your first post because I felt your claim was both inaccurate and incomplete.
Having said that, I'll take you at your word that you are not here to debate. Therefore, I won't respond directly to any of the comparisons you made between CarbonCopyPRO and your program other than to note that for someone who says he's not debating the merits of his program versus another, you sure make a lot of comparisons between the two. 
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 17 Mar 2008 02:01
Quoting: rameez321 hope you understand that i have nutin against you !! i sincerely wish you all the very best in your efforts mr mark !! warm regards ! rameez
And I wish you the best as well, rameez.
Astral Highway
Joined: 18 Feb 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 17 Mar 2008 23:49 · Edited by: Astral Highway
Hey Rameez,
The NES program you mention certainly is a tempting carrot, though it is most definitely, for me, an opportunity I will look into once I have my CarbonCopyPRO marketing system up and running. For me, CCPRO is the way to go and will be my main platform for online success, though I have checked out the NES website and will definitely consider it as a possible 'future venture'.
PS: Have you started your own thread with NES in this forum? If not, then it would be a great time to start! (Just a thought).
To your success,
Joined: 18 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Mar 2008 22:36
So what is it exactly that is sold with ccp? Is it just the selling of memberships to ccp? I think I am missing something.
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 20 Mar 2008 14:44
stanley: So what is it exactly that is sold with ccp? Is it just the selling of memberships to ccp? I think I am missing something.
Hi Stanley,
CarbonCopyPRO is a marketing system for a leading direct sales company. You do earn some affiliate commissions with CCPro but those are simply to help you offset advertising expenses (the "funded proposal" idea).
If you submit a CarbonCopyPRO application and it is approved, you gain access to a private, Applicants-Only web site that provides the information you are curious about.
Or you can surf around the 'Net and find the answer. But if you are seriously considering the business, I'd recommend submitting an application so you see how the system works.
Best Regards,
Joined: 25 Oct 2007
Posts: 25
# Posted: 20 Mar 2008 23:25 · Edited by: brazilfarmer
Mark_Worthen: Or you can surf around the 'Net and find the answer. But if you are seriously considering the business, I'd recommend submitting an application so you see how the system works. Do you mean you can find exactly the same information elsewhere, for free?
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 21 Mar 2008 00:25 · Edited by: Mark_Worthen
brazilfarmer: Do you mean you can find exactly the same information elsewhere, for free?
No, sorry, I can see how the way I phrased that could be misleading.
What I mean is that if all a person wants to do is find out the name of the direct sales company, you can do some Googling to accomplish that goal.
The point of requiring a paid application is not that the company name is a state secret, the idea is to screen out people who are not serious about owning a business.
As a result, you do not have to spend a ton of time answering questions from people who are merely curious and have no intention to start a home-based enterprise. It's one of many reasons why CarbonCopyPRO is such an efficient, effective marketing tool.
Best Regards,
Joined: 23 Feb 2008
Posts: 34
# Posted: 22 Mar 2008 13:05
If you dont have money to invest in advertising, that is OK. It will force you to learn all the "free" methods of driving traffic to your website. This will make you a stronger marketer. You will be amazed at how many methods that can be used to create leads that you paid absolutely nothing for. In fact, I have money for advertising but prefer to generate free leads. It has become my specialty!