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Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 3 Oct 2007 09:36
Matthew Olin Day...
How to Win Friends and Influence People The Way of the Shepherd
Two excellent books on how to lead and relate to people.
The 95%ers...I'm thinking, atleast when I was in TEAM, that these were the people who had no dreams to better themselves, no dreams to make a difference in life, no dreams or goals or aspirations to make an impact.
They were the people who were negative all the time...the naysayers...those afraid of harvesting in the fertile ground of failure. They would spend time accosting with words, undermining with actions the efforts of those looking to achieve greatness and excellence in life.
I never got the idea they were the people who just disagreed with my viewpoint.
I can wholeheartedly agree with Lorijeanne and can relate with her, being a hard working person supporting my family of 5 children while building our own home business. TEAM is not the only way, nor was it the right way for us and many others when I was associated with it. That takes nothing away from the quality of leadership of some of your leaders. But, you have to admit, it seems you hitched your wagon to the wrong horse with Quixtar.
I'd challenge you to look back on any of my posts and find anything that was not truthful and point it out to me. You certainly can't argue with my personal experience. I'd be interested to see your argument against the 4 questions I listed above that you should ask yourself for ANY business.
Look, your loyalty is admirable. It really is...but it's seriously tarnished with your abrasive, generalistic, close-minded tone. Lift yourself up brother. Let no unwholesome thing come out of your mouth brother. If TEAM is your vehicle, then, instead of running us over with it a couple of times because we happen to disagree, why not pull up beside all of us poor "95%ers", open your door in compassion, and invite us in with truth.
TEAM is right! Why???
TEAM is the best vehicle! Why?? Where is your proof? What is your standard you're comparing it by?
Are there any drawbacks (I've listed a few in my personal experience) to your business?
That's what the author of this blog is looking for. They want to know how it compares to what's out there. I'd encourage you to dig into your business with your eyes wide open. Look for reasons people would want to be associated with you rather than some other business. Don't ignore why they wouldn't and address them.
Seek first to understand. Speak the truth in love.
Blessings Brother.
Levi (Paul)
Joined: 17 Sep 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 4 Oct 2007 12:18
I did not post my comment to promote a business either. I am a mother concerned for her child and the effect that this Business has had on on the relashonship with he and his father,or should I say the lack there of. Since he was sucked into it he has no time for our son. His top priority is The Team! I think if they told him to drink poisened koolaid (Like Jonestown). He and the other addiment members probably would if they thought they would get money for it. People....yes life is easier with money but there is more to life than money.Cherish what you have dont take it for granted. Be thankful. Your children will be grown before you know it. You cant take money with you when you die...but can leave your family with the fact that you made them first in your life. The team uses that idea to make money....the only ones who make money are the ones who started the Team. It is too bad that in todays society worth is measured by how big your house is, how expensive your car was, etc. and not by how much you are loved as a person by the people around you, and what you give back. I am pretty sure that taking from the people around you does not bring the same result.It will only result in your children growing up with a false sense of worth and without integrity. The one thing you guys talk so much about. I want my child to grow up to be kind to others, to work hard for the things and the people he loves and to appreciate the things he does have. The longer he is exposed to this through his father i fear the farther he will be from that ideal. I just hope any of you who read this will think twice about whether or not the end result is worth the risk.
Joined: 28 Sep 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 4 Oct 2007 15:28
Nicely said. Family is so much more then what money can get you, when we look at our 2 boys, (they are 9 and 2), the love in their eyes for us, and the simple things that we can do for them by simply taking them for a walk in the woods or to the parade, little things, the TIME that WE spend with them and not the babysitter while we run to a house plan or tuesday night meeting or seminar..that time is priceless. I am sorry that he is so sucked in and spends so little time with his is to short and you will only have regrets for the time missed. The Team does not tell you that, instead they play on the emotion and make you think you will have more time...what a delusion. If he was to sit back and look hard at how the team works, he would see that. My prayers go out to you and your child, but mostly to your husband in the hopes that he comes to reality and uses his time wisely and enjoys what GOD blessed him with in your child. Lorijeanne
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 5 Oct 2007 11:51 · Edited by: Levi
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14
Amen to the last 2 posts! Our family practices the noticing and pointing out of the simple wonders the Creator has provided for us AND giving all the credit to Him. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Created to do good works...but we had nothing to do with that! He did!
At the end of the day, it is a huge blessing to spend the time you should be spending with your children, AND teaching them they are fearfully and wonderfully made. Created to do good works. We all have greatness stored up inside of us...God's will for our lives. Follow it in all you do...and you achieve success in His eyes...not the world's.
Our duties in this world involve bringing glory to the Creator in all that we do...everything. (Eccl. 12:13-14)
Think of where we'd all be if we chose to live that statement in all that we do -- in the time we spend and the money we earn -- chosing to do the difficult, the remarkable, just because we were supposed to...because it inspires others (including our family)...because it points others to Him...because it brings glory to our Creator.
Is it possible to do all this...and still have your own business?
Yup! If it isn't, then you're in the wrong business!!
(sorry for the sermon! Seeking to encourage)
Joined: 28 Sep 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 5 Oct 2007 11:58
Never apoligize for speaking from your heart.Honesty and speaking the truth about what you believe in are wonderful things to be able to do.
Joined: 17 Sep 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 9 Oct 2007 19:24
This is a reply tio lorijeanne.Thank you for your support,understanding and prayer. Unfortunetly all I can do is hope my son's father sees the light. He is my ex-husband so there is not much I can do in regards to influencing him to give this up. My new husband and I make sure we spend all the time we can with my son and our 11 month old daughter. I just hope it makes a difference.
Joined: 12 Oct 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 12 Oct 2007 00:18
Some/Most Network Marketing ...
Firstly, I want to make quite clear that I am not opposed to network marketing in its true definition!
Secondly, it must also be understood that the never wavering character of human nature is a critical component of what is discussed here. In our past, present, and future economy of the United States and many parts around the globe there will always be capitalism. I endorse the free and profitable enterprise of such a system. Carry on and do the good work!
CERTAIN/MANY ORGANIZATIONS ARE FLAWED- the human nature character of exaggeration and intense false promotion
Some network marketing organizations and specifically some of the speakers at many congregations tend to foster a culture that promotes and stirs a most prominent frenzied activity of incessant desire to profit financially. This frenzy cultivates a desire in many to participate and indulge in excess without regard for practice of common sense. Many internet bloggers who have been members of said organizations report that they have fallen victim of their own desire. This desire stems from the prominence and pressure of the dogma illustrated at the many meetings. They also report that there is peer pressure stressing your certain failure if you do not purchase the tools "If you do not participate in all the meetings or srminars and annual events you are not putting your all into the effort, you will not do as well as you could, or you are a looser".
However, there are some who have come to realize that their choices have brought them to an undesirable character and financial flaw. Also, some have righted their approach toward financial responsibility and correctness.
Additionally, some have reported that after spending more or less than a decade in "the business" they decided to quit. They state that they "have come away with a more thorough understanding of themselves through the exposure to the tools" that they have so heavily invested. They also exclaim that they have made many great contacts and associations in the process only to be extinguished by the simple fact that they have decided to "quit" the business. Their understanding of "content commerce and community"-Michael Dell, may have been broadened during their time of exposure but some information and dogma was stretched beyond a realistic outcome. Their choice not to participate any longer in the organization in which they were affiliated produced a negative opinion of the network marketing system. This extreme contrast that I have described here is what is believed to be the most prominent stigmatism in the general publics understanding of network marketing.
In closing I have come to understand that in the network marketing arena there is oftentimes more emphasis to over spend time in the accrual of recruits and the many meetings prescribed that there is little balance regarding the many facets of designing a persons life. There have been many prominent and successful network marketers that have publicly professed that they regretted spending unbalanced time in their responsibilities to their usual vocations, spiritual service, and refreshment and repose.
There is nothing wrong with hard work and diligent service to any endeavor but it must be in balanced contrast to all facets of ones life. Are you blessed with a full understanding of the noble concept?
It is my desire to find what might be a best definition/example of good moral, precise, and upright practice of network marketing without the spin and disregard for the individual or persons that are approached by this prospect of "the business ".
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 14 Oct 2007 16:33 · Edited by: BizPro1
MATTHEW WOW That is all I can say..... I think that in light of your comments you are very defensive and sensitive. If you look closely, most of us were commenting about situations seen PERSONALLY with members in the "team" Yes, I said members.... not owners or founders. That would have left you open to state that the comments we have made about certain situations are NOT what the team is really about but that there may be some misguided individuals out there who have portrayed the group in a bad light. You accuse me of being "in the democratic, socialistic cheese line.." The fact that you think you know my political views or my reason for being here on this board surprises me. Let me make this CLEAR. I am for the dream... I am for the employee becoming the owner.... I am for self employment.... I am for business.... I am for MORE.... I don't like to see someone give up.... I don't like to see someone complacent.... I don't like someone who doesn't want more for their family and themselves...... I don't like 40 hour work weeks with a simple paycheck..... It is very simple. As a self made business person, I have succeeded. Was it given to me? No Did I quit when things were slow? No Do I understand and promote what perseverance is? YES, but there are limits. Do no harm to yourself and others. Success can be a struggle, but there are limits you need to set for yourself. How many a successful and happy man stands up and says "Boy, it was hard, I lost my wife, kids, car, home, retirement funds, but now I'm really making it!" Not many I'll bet and the ones who can say that can't be all that happy with themselves and for the harm caused to others. 9 times out of 10 that man will be working a meaningless job trying to get out of the debt he created and wishing he wouldn't have tried at all in the first place. See, now we have a broken person. I wish people do try and set their limits and if it doesn't work, try something else, but keep trying. Matthew, I never once stated that I hated what the Team created. I never stated that "money doesn't make you happy" I may be crucified for this, but money does make a complete person "happier" you bet! In all honesty the original concept of the Team is great by a business man's view. The money is in the marketing right? Not so much the products. The concept of taking something to another level and creating wealth is what we are all chasing right? Why are all of the "get rich, by selling this to others who want to be rich" doing so well? Everyone wants more and there is a neverending supply of people who are willing to pay to try it. No harm in making money this way is there? I wonder how many people have stated that they wish they had thought of the concept of the team. Alot I'll bet. I have heard the phrase cult and brainwashed way too many times with Team. That has been the biggest public gripe of others right? Hmmmm Seems to me that the Team has the same problems as many businesses do.. public relations...and social responsibility... Get a bad reputation for something, make some changes and address it. Appear socially responsible. Don't attack others for their opinions. It won't change their mind.[i][/i]Cheese line? I think not...I am a motivator who wants people to do more, not be given more....... You could have changed my mind on the team so easily with a proper response. Just think of how many others you could have affected as well.
Joined: 16 Oct 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 16 Oct 2007 13:25
For a year I've been silently watching all these posts against TEAM. Levi, I spent 9 hours a year ago reading some forums on bad press about TEAM and I saw your name come up. I've even contacted you about your own home business. It was not for me, but good luck with your venture!
On this current discussion, I've been with TEAM for a year. I'm quite dismayed at the replies I've seen from people ON the TEAM and not on the TEAM. First, lets define "cult" (per cult �noun 1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies. 2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult. 3. the object of such devotion. 4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. 5. Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols. 6. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader. 7. the members of such a religion or sect. 8. any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific.
Someone mentioned the meeting they went to people were fanatical and waving arms, etc. Well, do they not do that at sporting events? (thus "fans") People paint their faces, take their shirts off, scream yell and clap for their favorite team. They are 'devoted' to that person or team. Some religiously follow all the stats and scores and throw things when their team loses. Are sports fans in a cult? Nothing wrong with being 'fanatical' about sports, everyone is entitled to their own lifestyle, but what about people? What's wrong with cheering for people in their personal growth and success? In my opinion, nothing. It feels great for people to SINCERELY be interested in me, not just themselves for a change.
As I said, I've been in it a year and have had more personal growth in that year than in 5 years. I have made money through the business and I plan to make more. However, if I never made a dime, the quality of friends I've made and my growth have made it worthwhile.
Mentors: Some stated that they convince you to sell your car, house, 401k, kids (just kidding lol) to make the business work. My leaders have NEVER said that to me or any of my teammates. I think the right mentor REALLY makes the difference in your experience. Just as in any job. You could work at Company A digging ditches and have a horrible boss. Go to Company B, have a wonderful boss who guides you and suddenly you're the best ditch digger there! Great leaders have powerful influence and since no one is perfect, leaders (TEAM mentors) have flaws too. I would encourage anyone looking at TEAM, don't knock it until you get the real facts from those who have been in it awhile.
The system ("tools") and all the other leadership education I get is priceless to me. They have made me a better person in my regular job and I've been able to stay away from the drama and negativity an office can bring. They've helped me improve myself.
All that said, TEAM is NOT for everyone. These are ALL my personal opinions and experiences and I tend to be a choleric that likes to be pretty straight forward. I was a TOTAL skeptic when I was presented with this business. I was still skeptical when I got in, but I decided to try it for awhile to give it a fair shot. So far, I've seen nothing wrong with it. The top leaders are making very positive transistions right now and they've never proven themselves wrong in my eyes. So, I guess we'll just all have to see where it goes, huh? It's kinda like religion. Religion is faith-based. No one can really prove where you'll end up in the end, but if it's not hurting you and only helping you, I say, why not?
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 17 Oct 2007 18:33
A well thought out response.
I appreciate your position. My position deals with the 4 questions I presented early in the blog.
You're right. TEAM is not for everyone. But that doesn't make them losers then (not that you said that!). Infact, many leave TEAM and go on to be quite successful when they weren't successful there. When we started with TEAM it was all we knew. Therefore, it was the best. The more we learned, the more we struggled.
All of my comments came from my year working aggressively on my own TEAM business. They are 100% true and hopefully thoughtfully framed without bitterness or subjective emotion.
While you've not said to the contrary, it bears mentioning that principles of leadership and personal improvement is not confined to TEAM. Great association is not limited to that business. You are totally right. Your business experience there depends greatly on your mentors and leadership.
The system is of great value to you. You have a good basis to keep it up then. We did not see the same value in the training system and were already transforming ourselves with a system before we started TEAM. I've continued training myself and do see the value in that. I simply prefer to select my own materials.
I removed our family from the TEAM/Quixtar business as it did not make economic sense to continue. Ironically, Orrin has now separated from them after years of battling the same obstacle. Apparently, he also struggled with the pricing of the product from Quixtar for years, yet continued to build the business and talk about the great opportunity...often down playing the price of the products and the value of having a marketable product that the masses will buy. There was great emphasis put on the system and it's power to transform people, marriages, lives. In some cases it others it has not. Again, as the transformational aspect of the system had little value to me, and the products were too expensive, there was no value to continue.
I also struggled with the doctrine of saying one thing (this is the greatest business out there) and knowing something else. It wasn't the greatest business out there to me, based on the total package...economics of the product line, the system, the association, the format of the business.
That does not discount the importance of the transformation I have, and continue to go through to become what He has created me to be.
Lastly, I left due to the idea that I could benefit while hurting someone entering the business, either in a financial way, or by not disclosing all the information that I wish I would have had disclosed to me when we started. It may benefit me, but a true leader is looking to help others at sacrifice to I'm sure you already know.
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 17 Oct 2007 18:38
P.S. Did we actually go over our specific business information online with you, or discuss it generally via phone? I'd be interested in knowing.
Glad you're seeing success with your business.
Joined: 16 Oct 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 19:41
Hi Levi About your business, you know, I can't remember about how I go the details. I think I got a phone number, but I remember a few emails and seeing a website. forgive me, I can't remember all the details as it was a year ago. Hope that helps.
You're right, I did not convey that people who are NOT on TEAM are losers, you're also right that I didn't say TEAM was the ONLY leadership system out there. Thanks for understanding my words. I'm the type of person that can have a strong loyalty and belief in something, but it doesn't mean I have to insult any other ventures out there. Hey, if doing Avon or opening a McDonald's was for everyone, then they'd all be doing it, right?? Not everyone wants their own business either.
I can say I'm a person who values their character and integrity HIGHLY. I have many friends and family who have MUCH trust in me and I strongly conveyed that to my leader. I don't take things lightly and I'll be darned if I (and people I love) get into something that's not helpful for them. In the short year I've been with TEAM, I've seen marriages be saved, friendships rekindled and a dysfunctional family pull together with more love and understanding. This opportunity is GREAT for many, but not for everyone. As with any opportunity, you have to be smart in how you invest. I wouldn't sell my house and all my stocks to invest in a franchise. Some may, but not me. That's my choice. So, I do feel bad for those who went "all out" by sacrficing EVERYTHING (time and money) to do the TEAM and later regret it.
As the great philosophers always said "Everything in moderation". I also know long-tem thinking (and some sacrifice) DOES lead to lifetime results.
Again, my opinion.
Joined: 23 Oct 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 11:57
I have been a member with TEAM for just over one year, when our organization joined with The Team... I feel it has been a very good thing and I really found the way The Team does business commendable and I am proud to say I am associated with them.
Matthew what you are doing by ranting at others on this form does not help, I believe that if you want people to see that The Team is different than how some people think or feel about it all you need to do is go about your business with Character and integrity... if all people involved with The Team did this you would not need to be yelling at them for their opinion. So just love them where they are at, and let your actions show them that you and The Team are different.
Morgan from Nova Scotia
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 12:01
I understand what you mean about integrity and people trusting you. I also conveyed that to my leadership. My personal integrity was leveraged to build my and other's businesses. In the end, I stopped because I could not, with integrity, continue showing a plan where there was no explaination for overly high priced product coming down a more efficient distribution chain. My leadership was either unwilling, or unable to address those specific concerns I had 3 years ago which seem to have driven Orrin out of Quixtar. It was not valuable for me to share a plan where money was being made by some unnecessarily at the expense of others.
Glad you've seen positive benefits from TEAM. I saw some, but, as I said, also so the converse of that as well. I've seen marriages made better from good, solid biblical counseling as well from our church. The point is I would never get involved in a business to make my marriage/relationships better, although, it's an invaluable side benefit. Businesses don't do that...a renewed mind does that. Information can not change us, only we can change us through right action following absolute principles. In regards to "moderation", that's a great rule...with the exceptions of truth, grace, love. Those should never be moderated.
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Nov 2007 13:08
The team is a leadership development sevice profider which can help you to become more successful in whatever field you are currently working in. It has helped me in all areas of my life, family, finances, faith, and even fitness by teaches principles of success that will work when applied to any area. We are self employed and have implemented it as a continuing education for are employees as well. We are not affilated with any specific product business.
Joined: 4 Nov 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 5 Nov 2007 07:38
I just went to Men's leadership in Flint, MI last Fri. and Orrin was there speaking. The TEAM is very focused and their ideas seems very clear. Family, Love, Team approach, and Desire to the very best no matter how many times you fail. The problem I have is that I don't see the business end of all that. Where can or does the newbie IBO make money from all that? The TEAM leaders make the money from the CD's, Books, Meeting Fees, Conference Fee etc...They say they are in a 6month "Non-compete" with their website product because they have a 47 page lawsuit against Quixtar high priced products. Therefore, even if the bulk of the money I were to make was from those commissions, that won't be available till at least Feb 9th 2008. Can anyone shed more light on the TEAM (
Money Making Need extra Money
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 5 Nov 2007 19:00
We were approached about the team right after my husband and myself lost our jobs. The person that approached us new of our situation and was using that as a factor to join. This person also stated that in the future they wanted to be able to be at home with their kid and not have to worry about expenses.
I found this quite ironc as both him and his wife hosted a meeting at their home, took three days off from work, and left their 3 yr old child with a sitter so they could drive throughout the night to attend a two day conference, which was considered to be the norm not to mention the numerous late night meetings with future prospects, additional cell phone expenses, and travel expenses However, during the meeting there was no mention of convention attendence (required), reading materials (required), video materials (required).
When I asked specific questions, I was given text book answers (I mean right out of the book written by Orrin). I did ask for some reading material so that I could take a further look. The book read just like the meeting. No mention of of your expenses, your losses, but just what you could gain within the 2-5 year plan. I did have to pay a $15 holding fee, but that will be all I contribute. Now if Orrin wants to pay for all of my start up necessities I might give it another look, but I don't forse him comming to my house any time soon.
Look before you leap, some pits you can't get out of.
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 6 Nov 2007 08:39
Pretty close to what we experienced in the year we worked with TEAM. We learned a bit, lost quite a bit, and got out of the pit. (wait a minute...that rhymes!)
Long story short, there was great emphasis on the possibilities with downplaying of the responsibilities and expectations (both time and money). We lept before we looked because of our dream. We made the mistake of not asking basic questions like monthly overhead/expenses, value to us and others, risk to us and others, stability of the biz over time, etc.
Still, a valuable journey for us to take so that we could get to where we are today...apart from TEAM. The lesson learned...Your dreams are achievable. And TEAM is not the only way.
Joined: 10 Nov 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 11 Nov 2007 00:03
Team is a consortium of leaders. They are banded together under one common brand...Team, in order to take advantage of the benefits of economies of scale, geographic efficiencies, and shared best practices in becoming great leaders and developing other leaders.
Team's leaders come from across North America. We have spent years studying and refining business principles in such areas as leadership, mentorship, process duplication, ethics, teamwork and goal setting.
These principles are important to me personally and professionally and have been integrated throughout the Team. They are intended to assist people in influencing others in positive endeavors whether in family, business, church, job, or service in their community. In fact, I consider them to be foundational with regards to my success.
I use the team to help build my 2 business [Links removed - Admin]
I sincerely hope you find this information informative and leave you with this quote from David Rockefeller; "Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you're not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great as they ever were."
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 11 Nov 2007 18:46
We were with Team since the spring, our sponsers are great people and we met some great people who were all trying to get the same things accomplished. I feel bad for those who stayed with Team and are now trying to get back with Quixtar. Even though it was there choice.
I would not go with team because they are embrassing methods of the past, past technologies, past ideas, past myths.
Question. How does the payout now work with team? what products? what is there bonus system?
Quixtar still remains to payout the money. Our upline is now the remaining one since team left. Our sponsers and myself and wife decided to remain with quixtar and renew because of information provided to us.
Our Upline decided to not run to the next materials provider because they are going to provide us with a way to do it from home, like it is supposed to be. No more being away from home and spending all your money driving here and there, and on seminars, and other materials, and babysitting, some of you know the routine.
YES QUIXTAR IS AMWAY. Let us not forget that. Lets ask our selves a question. How long has AMWAY/Quixtar been around? longer than I have been alive. That would make it not a pyrimad scheme. The products offered by quixtar/AMWAY.......HUH, I will let you guys research them. Check them out. Just for everyone who doesn't know, they searched out quixtar, not the other way around. So the credibility is there.
I suggest to anyone to really research and investigate into what MLM, or TEAM, or whatever they get into before joining. I recommend the quixtar way based on the products and future goals.
Someone else may chose something different, different strokes for different folkes. I want to make a comment about the TEAM Biz. I met a guy who was all trying to get me to join based on emotions, and no facts, I felt he talked to me without respect more than on one occation. This guy up above calling people idiots? come on.
Joined: 23 Nov 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Nov 2007 21:31
Take people as they are. Nobody truly knows the people they are talking about. You can achieve at anything you do in life except if you quit or never try. Sounds to me we have a lot of quitters on this page. I was always told if you cant say something nice don't say anything at all. But if I was Quixtar and I have been around along time, why not just let them go. They should not have anything to worry about. [b]Or do they?[b]
Joined: 5 Nov 2007
Posts: 83
# Posted: 24 Nov 2007 22:54
Hello Everybody,
I'm not associated with Team nor with Quixtar. I'm only a work at home business person.
But....may I please attempt to bring this forum back around to what I think it's intended for? I believe everyone here should bring positive comments about their businesses and not talk so negatively about what might be working for the others.
We are ALL a part of this organization we call the human species and we should all respect others. What is right for you might not be right for others.
I love what I'm doing and I hope that with my home based business, Together We Can Change the World.
Please, let's all step back, count to 10, take a deep breath and start treating each other with respect.
Thanks for listening to my 2 cents worth.
Mike Pressnell
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 25 Nov 2007 21:20 · Edited by: Levi
It's a great idea to be positive and uplifting, but a business needs to be able to stand on its own merits.
The original question of this thread asked about whether anyone had been involved with the TEAM and our opinion. It has to be possible to comment truthfully on that AND also list unfavorable or negative aspects that may have been personally experienced. Truth expressed with grace is always the best information.
Looking closely at the postives and the negatives is what we should be doing when deciding whether or not we should be entering a business. Any viable business should have far more positives going for it than negatives.
At the end of the day, I think it's a huge advantage to be able to offer value to people whether they decide to build a business with us or simply be a customer. Imagine a business where it's a total advantage for the customer to be a customer!! That's a foundational principle that is without comparison and makes building a business much more effective.
With that said, it is well known in business that while anyone could do our business, not everyone will. Still, if they chose not to, it's nice that it's still such an advantage and valuable for them to be a customer! But there's always HOPE there waiting when the time is right for them to partner with us!!
Joined: 7 Dec 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 7 Dec 2007 15:18
The is all about a group of people trying to "get together" to learn how to be leaders of a "new internet revolution" of trying to get people together to buy products and out-do wal-mart. It seems to me that it is really about paying people to tell you "you can be rich" and to come to thier "secret" meetings without actually getting the buying power together for people to "out-do" wal-mart. If you check out the web-site all it is is praise to the authoors of the book.... seven years strong saying they are "getting it together" helping people build web-sites.... where are they? where is the network? I would be more interested in spending my money at the local co-op. When the shit hits the fan -you better know your neighbors. If you want to be part of an internet revolution, it's already happening.......
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Posts: 6
# Posted: 13 Dec 2007 14:38
I prefer to get my advice from people who are where I want to be... Yeah, there is no business at the moment, but if you don't think these guys have a brilliant plan.. well... Here's some commentary on Orrin's book "Launching a Leadership Revolution" by some fairly influential people. The book has been #1 on WSJ and USA Today Money best sellers lists. "The major themes and recommendations in Launching a Leadership Revolution rung true based on my personal experiences during 40 years of wearing the USAF uniform. This is an excellent primer for aspiring leaders and a great review for those who are experienced. The book is also an excellent tool for those who are mentoring emerging leaders. It was an easy read and quite enjoyable." William J. Begert, Four Star General and Commander, Pacific Air Forces (USAF, Ret.); current Vice President of Military Engines, Pratt Whitney
"A terrific new approach to how you can dramatically improve your leadership skills." Donald T. Phillips, Bestselling author of the classic Lincoln on Leadership
"A Home run...a significant contribution to the field of leadership and leadership development. This well-researched book will become a staple in the library of any serious student of leadership." James Hunter, Author of The Servant and The World's Most Powerful Leadership Principle
"One can't become a good leader until they take their God given talents, learn the basics of leadership, and practice, practice and practice. Launching a Leadership Revolution helps provide a roadmap for that kind of leadership development." Dick Posthumus, President and CEO of Compactico Inc., Senate Majority Leader of Michigan 1991-1998, Lieutenant Governor of Michigan 1999-2003
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 14 Dec 2007 13:42
That's a good start getting advice from those who are where you want to be. However, we'll all be held accountable for our own individual thinking. So, I'd encourage you in the principle of getting information and then making the right decision in every area of your life. Many huge movements are marked by people getting advice from leaders and then not thinking for themselves. That just ends up in a mess. (Not that you're doing that! )
TEAM has changed dramatically since the origin of this thread...markedly because of it's severance with its distributing "partner" Quixtar. We'll just have to wait to see where they end up after the 6 month deadline ends in February.
It is amazing the influence Orrin has. He is extremely gifted in that area. What he has done, with the economic climate of Quixtar against him, is a testament to his leadership ability. Maxwell talks about how leadership is influence...period. Orrin certainly is evidence of that. He's a fantastic leader.
I guess I would offer consideration of this refined principle... "Right Leadership is influence...PLUS...right direction...period." It has to be more than just influence. Otherwise we get movements like the holocaust, slavery, and other manmade tragedies based on manmade wisdom!
I wonder about all the thousands of people who took advice from Orrin because "he was where they wanted to be" for all those years and suffered financial loss under the economic nonsense of the Quixtar model. People like us. We resigned from TEAM/Quixtar, but continued to think for ourselves and learned the value of personal improvement/leadership development.
The decision to resign was really quite obvious to us. We needed to concentrate on our personal leadership development -- which really doesn't take being in TEAM to do -- and offer value to others to help them in every area of their life (which we couldn't do with TEAM/Quixtar).
Leaders always have to be careful their intentions and desires don't exploit their followers in any way. We're so thankful we've gotten to the place we are now.
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Posts: 6
# Posted: 15 Dec 2007 14:46
Thanks Levi.. some great points. I wouldn't agree on the one, though, that he ever exploited anyone. Giving people advice they need to hear versus what they want to hear doesn't always go well. There were literally hundreds of new Golds and Platinums ($2k-plus/month) being turned out each month about 12-18 months ago or so, thanks to the Team training system. Recognition at leadership seminars was solid proof of this. However, Quixtar changed the rules on all of its IBOs. They dropped pv/bv (point value per dollar spent) on many items drastically while raising prices. Then, about June of this year, they announced they were changing their name to Amway. So we're like.. "um.. yeah, right! " Can you imagine trying to contact someone and say "Hi, this is ..., and I'd like to come and show you the Amway business" ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) Orrin's mantra has always been to the extent of "if it ain't broke, let's break it and rebuild it better" He knows how to win. Better yet, he knows how to lead others to victory, and constantly seeks to improve in this area. Like you said, We'll just have to wait to see where they end up after the 6 month deadline ends in February. I have a hunch that we're gonna be in pretty good shape. No need to argue the point with anyone, or make boisterous predictions. I can't imagine why anyone would be against what we're doing. Time proves people of integrity right. I'm sorry if anyone takes offense to my opinion.
Take time to give someone a hug today; you'll both feel better
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 15 Dec 2007 17:59 · Edited by: Levi
I'd wholeheartedly agree about those qualities of Orrin. I have high respect for him. He is responsible for a dramatic change in thinking in my life.
Regarding leaders expoiting followers, I was speaking generally and not specifically about Orrin. It's a principle I practice in my own life. When I have a decision to make, I try to ask myself if others will be hurt and why before I make it.
I'm thinking "exploit" may be too harsh of a term, but my thesauraus was in the other room for a more graceful term! My point there was this...A leader has to make sure his leadership does not hurt others unnecessarily. He is the protector of the flock.
I will say that when we were with TEAM and soon after we left, both my wife and I were amazed that a man like Orrin could not see the blatant economic foolishness of the product pricing and how that compromised "The Plan". These were common complaints of the day. And, ways to compensate for or "rationalize" buying more expensive products of no greater value was addressed specifically at Majors, in training tapes and TNO's.
I hate rationalizing my behavior! I do way too much as it is. I certainly didn't need to pay extra money to be trained to do it!!
As it looks now, it seems Orrin must have agreed with us all along. If that's the case, then, there's another issue. You just can't keep doing something that isn't right, with the hope that you can change it some day when you become influencial enough. That's fundamentally flawed principles. Even if your intentions were noble.
Many were hurt because of that decision. And needlessly so. We were fortunate we found what we found and have passed that lesson onto those we lead.
Resting in His provision... Levi
Joined: 16 Dec 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 16 Dec 2007 10:59
Iwill go ahead and try this Will tell you what will happen to me.
Guaranteed money,no clicks needed,just traffic The best converting affiliate program
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# Posted: 16 Dec 2007 18:06 · Edited by: nmdbrian
Like I said, we'll be ok.