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Joined: 22 Jun 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 22 Jun 2007 20:14
Had a friend introduce me to Going tuesday to meeting to find out more. Has anyone been involved or introduced to this business? Can you give you opinion? Thanks
Joined: 26 Jun 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 26 Jun 2007 07:20
Yes, newly introduced myself. You will never know until you go to the meeting went to my first meeting last week and I'm going again this week!! I really suggest you go if you are looking for a change in your life
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 26 Jun 2007 08:56
I recognize the product as a Quixtar energy drink. I know someone who is wildly successful with it, but it is not for everybody.
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 04:34
I agree with Noreen.
XS is a Quixtar product... make sure that if you go that you make your decision based on facts and not emotions.
I see so many people make business decisions based purely on what they feel rather than using good business sense.
It is easy to do when they get you in the hyped up atmosphere... not saying you can't do well with it, but just make sure you ask questions and have all the facts before so you can make a smart and educated business decision.
Best wishes... Brian
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 13 Jul 2007 08:17
I started my business through the team about two months ago after contemplating it for a month and a half. I was in the tool & die trade for over 22 years when the bottom droped out of that trade. I found that I was left with two choices, work for another company for alot less than I thought that I was worth because the market was flooded with people that was in the same boat as me, or start a new career. As a middle aged man I really wasn't happy with neither. Eventually one of my close friends approached me about the team and I was no less than receptive. Me, being the analytical and practical scientifically minded person that I am was not willing to be open minded, but my circumstances gave me little choice. I always believed, and for the most part still do, believe that if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. However, I have found this to be an exception to that rule. the application, the numbers, and the system makes sense. I have always thought of myself as a honest person and a man with integrity, I would not lie to people especially my friends and I have never been a salesman, and with this I don't have to. Truth is that I see it working for me with all the help from the Team, and I really feel like I am helping everyone that I can sign up. The only cautions that I can put forth is that this is a business and the way one works it reflects in the results. Some do it faster, some do it slower. And too, that it can be very difficult because everyone that I have encountered believes just like me or worse. But the effort will be worth it.
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 18 Jul 2007 02:53
You are correct freespirit that it does take some work to be successful as does any home business.
What I look at with Quixtar is the comp plan comparably to other MLM's it is about 8% below on Average paid out by MLM's.
Now, I know that the compensation plan isn't everything, but it is a very important thing when joining a business and something that you are going to commit too.
It saddens me to see the amount of people that get involved with their company and don't even know how their compensation plan works.
To your success...
Brian McCoy McCoy Marketing Group
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 20 Jul 2007 14:48
Well, we were involved in TEAM ( for about a year. We worked aggressively, were power-players, consumate IBO's, on full System, spoke at Tuesday Night Opens, walked stage at national convention for recognition...
and lost $5,000.
I learned an awful lot in that year. Here's one thing. I advise people to ask themselves some simple questions when they're considering any business opportunity...
Ask yourself...
1. What is the actual risk to get started (both in time and money)? 2. What is the ongoing risk to continue (both in time and money) ABOVE my present time/money budget situation? 3. What is the potential to help others WITHOUT[b][/b] hurting them financially? 4. What is the potential to help yourself financially assuming questions 1-3 are answered satisfactorily?
Lastly, you should take a customer's perspective on a potential business and ask yourself "What advantage is there to being a customer and what will it cost them in extra time, money or effort?".
Answer these questions without rationalizing to yourself. I would not recommend saying things like "Well, every business requires an investment of money." or even "So what if you have to pay a little more for the same products. If you can make money and help others make money, that's all that counts.".
If you have to have discussions like that with yourself, you're likely in a ship with a big hole in it convincing yourself the water in your room feels good on your feet! If you don't have to rationalize, and your answers are favorable, then you have something there!
Also, it helps if your business has a long reputable history, an unbeatable product line, and appeals to the masses in both quality and economy.
If you can find all that, then you've got something!
Resting in His provision,
Joined: 21 Jul 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 4 Aug 2007 03:59
Can anyone recommend a site that will generate quailified traffic to my site?
Joined: 12 Aug 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 12 Aug 2007 03:24
ORRIN IS A HERO CHRIS IS ALSO........They have help so many and then you have to go and say that on this post. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You might want to change your personal interests.....Christ should not be one of them if you are willing to lie about 100's of 1000's of people that are putting America back in America. ITS CALLED GUTS.
You did not go power player and you did not lose $5,000 bucks quite telling things that are not true about the TEAM .......You know nothing. GARBAGE is what you speak.....spreading lies so others will not live their dreams.....You QUIT on your wife and your kids too.....
After you get off from working a hard day go in and look at your children and tell them daddy gave up on his goals and Dreams. Daddy is a loser who posts false information for those to judge others by his falures so they will not have their daddy at home either.
Oh and by the way $5,000 is what you lost mean you did not file a 1099....its called business expenses. Have you ever been is real business.....if you had $5,000 would be a 1% of your Loses.
Sincerely, Matthew Olin Day..... [email protected]
Joined: 15 Aug 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 15 Aug 2007 00:04
I have to say MatthewTEAM, DRINK THE KOOLAID! Wow, have you listened to yourselves? I have gone to a Tuesday meeting. I have listened to SO many people that have gotten involved in this, and you know what? It's nothing unlike ANY other pyramid scheme, and it won't bring you riches unless you're willing to invest a LARGE amount of time and money, and even then, it might not. For you to drag out someone's personal business (Which I don't even consider as the truth considering I don't know if you even know this person) is just wrong and totally discredits your business in the eyes of so many of us that have read this. You people are making this whole thing seem like some Koolaid drinking, killing for your master, all the women sleeping with one man, brainwashing cult. Going to a meeting was like walking into a fanatical, drop to your knees crying, hollering and waving your arms in the air church service. I was completely creeped out and turned off. Maybe it's that I am not co-dependent and I don't feel the need to be a part of something to feel better about myself,and I know that as long as I make wise decision in my business opportunities, I will be just fine. However, THE TEAM, as a business, may work for some... the people as a whole are fanatical and bordering creepy. Good luck in your ventures, but the next time someone wants to voice their personal experiences for others to consider, don't drag them through the mud. It only make you look bad.
Joined: 16 May 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 15 Aug 2007 02:39
Speaking of Woodward and Brady, an interesting article here about their new ventures. There's a war about to happen between the Team founders and Quixtar. Anyone know anything else about this?
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 15 Aug 2007 12:47
I couldn't agree with you more about Orrin. Infact, I emailed him a letter of support and prayer. In it, I outlined the influence he has had and continues to have in my life and the lives of my family. I find him a fantastic leader. I prayed for him last evening. I hope you've done the same.
But no matter how good a captain you are, you can't pilot a boat made of lead! He was right to leave Quixtar. But how many lives have been sacrificed in the last few years he's been trying to change the system. Mine was one of them
I did not quit. I presently run a successful home business which we started after I left TEAM. TEAM is not the only vehicle. In fact, if you ask yourself the questions listed above in my previous blog, it's not a great one. My children and wife are very proud of their dad/husband.
Ironically, Orrin has left Quixtar on August 9th for the same reason I did over 3 years ago. That doesn't make me any smarter than him. I just realized there had to be other ways to accomplish my goal. Here's a direct quote from his resignation...
Today, August 9th, 2007, eight current members of the IBOAI board from North America, representing a combined average experience of twenty seven years in the business, approached Quixtar/Alticor to express deep concern with the current condition of the Quixtar business. For years, we've all been concerned that Quixtar's products have been hopelessly overpriced and were virtually not retailable. Quixtar has known this, too, because over the last few years we have repeatedly informed them of this fact and have literally begged them to correct the problem. They did nothing...
What I'm saying is not garbage. It is the truth. I understand your loyalty to Orrin. My loyalty to him came second to my loyalty to God and family. My original response was in direct response to BikePilot's question. If you go back and read it, you'll find nothing slanderous. Just truthful information. I mentioned nothing about Orrin or Chris.
Yes, I was a power player. Yes, I did lose $5,000. Yes, I did itemize it.
...No, I couldn't afford to lose it.
I'm wishing you well in your journey. In this case, there are many routes...Choose wisely.
Paul [Link removed. Please update profile to include signature - Admin]
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 15 Aug 2007 12:50
Well said Paul!
I agree there are so many ways to make an income from the comfort of your own home.
In my humble opinion, there are so many better ways out there than the Quixtar business.
Best Wishes,
Brian McCoy McCoy Marketing Group
Joined: 15 Aug 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 15 Aug 2007 22:52
Quoting: MatthewTEAM LISTEN UP THE TEAM IS RIGHT ORRIN IS A HERO CHRIS IS ALSO........They have help so many and then you have to go and say that on this post. You should be ashamed of yourself. You might want to change your personal interests.....Christ should not be one of them if you are willing to lie about 100's of 1000's of people that are putting America back in America. ITS CALLED GUTS. You did not go power player and you did not lose $5,000 bucks quite telling things that are not true about the TEAM .......You know nothing. GARBAGE is what you speak.....spreading lies so others will not live their dreams.....You QUIT on your wife and your kids too..... After you get off from working a hard day go in and look at your children and tell them daddy gave up on his goals and Dreams. Daddy is a loser who posts false information for those to judge others by his falures so they will not have their daddy at home either. Oh and by the way $5,000 is what you lost mean you did not file a 1099....its called business expenses. Have you ever been is real business.....if you had $5,000 would be a 1% of your Loses. Sincerely, Matthew Olin Day..... [email protected]
LMAO...are you for real? PYRAMID PYRAMID....AMWAY ALERT!
Do you enjoy your pep rallies? *That is not our goal. Our goal is to be stay at home parents*
Yeah my brother and sister-in-law got sucked into this cult-like brainwashing scheme too...they're gonna make millions I'm sure...HAHAHAHAHA
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 27 Aug 2007 18:24
brainwashing? Brainwashing to become a successful business owner? If that is case then my brain needs a washing.
You obviously don't know much about this. You may want to get the right information first before you make a comment like that.
Joined: 8 Sep 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 8 Sep 2007 20:24
You guys do not fully understand this Team business at all! The Team is a relativelly new business people seem to think that the business is based on getting others to join the business! no nothing like that, yes we do like to bring people into the business but this business is based on consumerism if you could buy products from yourself and save yourself from going to the store every Day, week, or month that in turn saves you money that is why Chris and Orrin have tried to get quickstar to lower their prices. Quickstar did not like this because the guy's on top of their spider web business model were making more money then the rest were of course they would be offended they dont like the Idea that someone could make more out of the business they created. The Team does this for everyone in the business you could make more than Orrin and Chris these guys looked at every business model and implemented ideals that work to make a system that would make a passive residual income. to make EVERY available dollar go to the IBO's. But It takes time it's a 2-5 year success plan. The hardest part for people to understand about this business is that yes you have to work it. it may be rough starting out but you will get to the point that if you work it right, you can quit your nomal crap job and enjoy life. the whole PYRAMID PYRAMID thing is wrong aparrently you dont know our business model. The funny thing is in the industrial age every job were there are employee's it is a PYRAMID SCEME. Dont believe me OK think of factory work you have employees then what team leaders, then group leaders then what, production managers then what, plant managers, then you have District managers and then possibly control managers, then CEO's right. Well if you look where we started lots of employees all the way to the big top Ceo. and guess what he is making the most money right because he's on top of that PYRAMID business. In The Team there is no top and there is no one at the top. Problems is that there is a top that is what we call the industrial corporate ladder. We all or the majority of us grow up with the general "grow up get good grades work your way up the corporate ladder". and it's obvious that everyone is just scared of change. "Chris Brady once said that this country was built by entrepreneurs" and he's right IBO's built this country and They "Chris and Orrin" are just trying to make this country great agian. We build leaders in this business. Leaders get what they work for if they do the right things. But the Average man achieves Nothing thay are stuck with a 45 year plan life that amounts to Nothing and if thats what you want you will achieve nothing and have wasted your life. To work the last of your days at walmart or McDonalds like the rest of the old folks are left with. John Barrymore wrote "A man is not old until his Regrets take place of his Dreams." What will you regret in your life, for most it will be not enjoying life to it's fullest and spending that life with family enough and this business is One that will give you those dreams it just takes time and effort. Too many people want instant success and believe me I would like it too, but in the long run my efforts to build a great business and to change peoples' lives would create a better lifestyle for me and my family and ultimately make me feel better about my life and the things I have done! That is true success in my opinion.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 276
# Posted: 9 Sep 2007 11:46
Quoting: MatthewTEAM LISTEN UP THE TEAM IS RIGHT ORRIN IS A HERO CHRIS IS ALSO........They have help so many and then you have to go and say that on this post. You should be ashamed of yourself. You might want to change your personal interests.....Christ should not be one of them if you are willing to lie about 100's of 1000's of people that are putting America back in America. ITS CALLED GUTS. You did not go power player and you did not lose $5,000 bucks quite telling things that are not true about the TEAM .......You know nothing. GARBAGE is what you speak.....spreading lies so others will not live their dreams.....You QUIT on your wife and your kids too..... After you get off from working a hard day go in and look at your children and tell them daddy gave up on his goals and Dreams. Daddy is a loser who posts false information for those to judge others by his falures so they will not have their daddy at home either. Oh and by the way $5,000 is what you lost mean you did not file a 1099....its called business expenses. Have you ever been is real business.....if you had $5,000 would be a 1% of your Loses. Sincerely, Matthew Olin Day..... [email protected] Your a disgrace Matthew too come on this forum & make personal attacks against hard working decent people who are just telling it like it is in relation too your so-called money making scheme or as I would put it SCAM, There are millions of people out there who are just wanting too do one thing & that's too start up a genuine home based business.
Matthew I don't know how you can even sleep at night knowing that people are getting sucked into SCAMS like the one you are operating, I have always believed in karma & one day you will be made accountable for your actions.
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 12 Sep 2007 02:19
Oh Boy, Here we go!!!! Let me explain my take on "THE TEAM" prior name "TEAM OF DESTINY" I am a CPA and I have seen it all......... TOD was started as a "normal" IBO of Quixtar and went into their own thing. Anyone who has been to a meeting will tell you it is not about the products you can sell for Quixtar to make a profit, but the profit you can make signing up others. TOD will deny this, but what do they make from the product line in sales/profits? VERY LITTLE, from what I have seen. Their money comes from 1> MANDATORY MEETINGS 2>Success Tapes "tools"(some are given out to attract new people)You got to load up your trunk so you always have them. Oh and they get outdated too. 3>Conference tickets I view the system is a way to make money from others desire to get rich. Hmmmmm think about this, why do they say that the process is a 2 to 5 year one? How much will you spend if you stick with it for that time? Why do you need to continue to spend and spend during this time with perhaps a 2% return? Hope to get rich? Its just right around the corner? Your not working hard enough? You are not listening to the tapes? What? It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when I see client after client sign up and be taken over by the hype. Most people who sign up are on the verge of loosing their job or are on unemployment. I personally know unemployed people who were encouraged to cash in their 401ks in order to "build their business" NOTE: I am not stating that that was the "teams" doing. But maybe a misguided Upline. I have seen banruptsy, divorce, and complete breakdowns. I have seen people on the edge of a divorce state that they can't get a job, it will take away from their time to talk to prospects! I have heard them say that "In order to be rich in this, they have to act rich, I can't work a job for 20.00 an hour" Above posts mention a 5,000.00 loss in the business. HA, I have seen 5 FIGURE LOSSES from people who barely make 5 figures at their current jobs. $23,000.00 Loss with earnings(gross earnings before expenses) of 1,800.00. Currently their loosing their home.
Now I ask you all, IBOs have mentors and they go to meetings, right? As a human, if you knew these people wouldn't you pull them aside and encourage them to call it quits or focus on something else? So why is it not done in this Tem-world? I know I could not watch these people suffer and still tell them to spend more and more.
Max that credit card, refi the house, borrow from family and friends, the INCOME is right around the corner.......
Please, home businesses are great, but there should be SOME reward for your hard work. If you are doing it part-time, you can afford to stick with it for a tme, but PLEASE PLEASE know when to call it quits, you will be the winner in the end and it won't take away your admirable desire to make something better of yourself. And you will
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Posts: 10
# Posted: 12 Sep 2007 02:43
wow I must admit you got heart. I have a friend who is involved in the team business and is trying to get me involved as well but after doing my research and reading many reviews I think I am going to stick with affiliate marketing. It's been working great so far. Good post !
wealthy affiliateWorking from home and loving it. from free web hosting, to forum/personal support and even job spaces for all members, Wealthy affiliate has it. Peace and prosperity.
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 12 Sep 2007 02:52
I agree wholeheartedly with your choice!
Best wishes in your affiliate ventures!
Joined: 8 Sep 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 12 Sep 2007 20:53
Well how much money you spend is entirely up to you. you skeptics want everything instant, intant success, instant fast food, look at Ray crock people like you said he was crazy and stupid for franchising McDonalds. Well what happend, He kept at it no matter how the many skeptics criticized him. But He sold a couple of businesses and He even made 8 business owners Millionaires before he drew his first check from the McDonalds corporation. They have never erected any statues to any critic, not even one! Lets think about why that is, Critics criticize people for things they dont have the guts to do themselves. Instant success businesses are there but lots are scams. And thats good for you guys what ever. The Team is A Leadership Development service provider. The money you pay for books and cds are all legal tax Deductions along with gas and any expenses in pursuit of profit. But hey Think about this Our Economy is hurting real bad and we are going into a depression you may not think so but it's happening. It started with Automotive industries first because those are running the tightest budgets. Then it hits housing, how many foreclosures have happened this year. As we go into the information age you will see the previous age before it Dissapear, and thats the Industrial age. Our industries will move to other countries that are just begining to become industrialized. mainly because of low labor cost and cheaper suppliers they can thrive now! We are leading a new age now The information age. Robert Kiyosaki said " This depression will completely erase the middle class in our ecomomy," so what you do will either get you to the upper class or you'll be forced into the bottom class. The only way I see the industrial age staying around for a long while is if the national Debt was erased and the inflation rate was reduced to 3% which is average pay rate increase,but you also have to understand this is only up to a certain point and then you'll get no more pay increases and you'll retire with about half to a third of what you were struggling with in your job. But everyone knows that the national debt will not be erased and the inflation rate wont lower because lets face it those big companies that make everything we use love that money they wont stop marking up products ever. gas wont stop going up I heard it was 15 dollars in europe, I'm not sure but we'll get there. Now Hybrid electric/gas cars are out but you will have to pay alot more for one of those vehicles. the funny thing is there are Hydrogen powered cars out there and our government Buys rights to those so they wont be produced. That would hurt profit from oil sales. Plus the Ideal of being able to travel from New York to California on about 22 gallons of water is just not an Idea they like, Mainly because you wont be spending what 40,50,60,70,80 Dollars for every fill up on gas. The average vehicle on a full tank of gas will go what 300-350 miles, so New york to Califonia is what 8-10 times filling up gas. WOW. according to them your not paying enough to have your fun. Our Economy is based on money. And we fight over it like as if we cant breathe without it! well that's just how it is and we cant change that but what we can do is work for something better in life. The Team will help you Define what you want in life, Help you understand that the American Dream is no longer to get good grades in school and get a good job with benefits and then they'll take care of you for the rest of your days. It used to be that businesses cared about people and how they were living, but not any more. They dont care anymore, your replaceable We know that they can find someone else to do your job probably for cheaper pay too! With one person it's not alot but with 500 or 5000 getting paid $2.00 less than you they save alot of money doing it that way dont they! The American Dream Is now the American Nightmare because we get into debt and get stuck in Dead end jobs that dont help us do anything but scrape by. I know I'm doing it to. I'm just a normal worker bee just like everyone else. But If you haven't been a part of the Team or you're not in it then honestly you have no place to judge them and how they do business. I'm not trying to make anyone mad I'm just expressing my own personal Opinion about this matter!
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 21:57
So... what'd you end up doing? Did you join TEAM?
Joined: 17 Sep 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 17 Sep 2007 17:28
I am posting this to let every one know my experience with This. My ex-husband and his new wife decided to join and from everything I have seen,He is brainwashed. My son has visitation with him every other day, and almost always his Dad is on the phone having meetings going to meetings blowing money on trips and the products you are suppose to buy. He actually tries to make my young son drink the energy drinks, so he can buy more I guess. Not a day goes by that he doesn't try to preach to me their scam. What is worse is he has been calling all of my friends and harassing them to join. I have to hear from them about it. He makes everyone in his family listen to the tapes all day long , in the car, at home. It is getting ridiculous. He claims he wont help pay for anything extra for our son beyond child support but yet he wastes money in this. My husband is weak minded and i truly believe anyone else that gets suckered in to this is as well....Life is not handed to you on a silver platter. Most people have to work for the things they want in life, why do you people think you dont. Taking advantage and brainwashing other people is not work. My son says almost everyday I would rather spend time with my Dad then have lots of money. That is sad to hear. The truth is he will never make enough money to stay home in 5 years and by then our son will be a teenager and his Dad will have missed out on his childhood. It is not worth it . He has gotten his family to join and they all quit because they lost money. To me that is not integrity that is shameful.To all of you who read this,stay away from this cult, and keep your family together,if you want money go out and do it the old fashioned!!!greed and dishonesty is a sin.
Joined: 18 Sep 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Sep 2007 12:53
what is going on with Tean now?
Joined: 8 Sep 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 12:58
No It's not a cult you guys are idiots. We are now a Leadership Development service provider
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 22:12 · Edited by: Levi
I'm struck by the dichotimous nature of your reply. There's not alot of people who will want to follow a leader who calls them idiots.
That's not a great leadership quality. And, I'm sure you don't want to give the wrong impression. I'm sure you're under a bit of pressure presently, but, if you want your Leadership Development Service to be recognized as one of quality, I'd recommend responding as a leader would.
Its ok if we disagree with you. If you know the truth, simply express it in love (with a smile ) and let us digest it.
Blessings. Seek first to understand.
Joined: 28 Sep 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 28 Sep 2007 19:36
We were in the Team and thankfully found our brains and got the heck out, as well as did most of the people who joined around the time we did. They are misleading and play on your emotions. They promise you more time with your family and you are gone to the meetings and house plans and this and that and never home, the money you have to spend for meetings, seminars, tools, hotels, babysitting, clothes (love the red ties) gas, the list is endless... think hard before you join.
Joined: 20 Jul 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 10:08 · Edited by: Levi
Come see what we're doing as former TEAMers. If you had trouble with the endless costs, going farther in debt, taking all that time away from your family, with no improvement in your situation in sight...
then you'll love what we're doing...without risk...helping others! It makes total sense!
I can relate to the sacrifice of my time, my reputation, my integrity...and the pretending with the red ties!!
What a blessing we've now found! Levi
Joined: 12 Aug 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 3 Oct 2007 03:46
Actually, I have not checked on this post since I posted in August 12th and you people against THE TEAM are the 95% we continue to write stories about.
WOW, Putting down the TEAM to sell your own business Hmmmnn thats a concept......THATS QUICK..... Well, you know I didn't cuss or slander any hard working 95%ers but for BIZPRO, CASPER, SILLYBILLY, PAUL, MORGANZ.......and the rest of the people who are in the democratic, socialistic cheese line....Well, for you people I write NOTHING because that is exactly what you are if you continue to believe everything you read and you don't have the FACTs JACK.
I am done here.. I waste my time reponding....I only tell..... I read books from those who have what I have and you don't.
JESUS IS LORD and Is always first in my LIFE and should be in yours,
Matthew Olin Day
I am not afraid to put my name on the screen hence the rest of you fakers.
[email protected]
Joined: 28 Sep 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 3 Oct 2007 08:27
I only answered a question about the TEAM with my opinion. I am not selling "my business" , in fact, I am a stay at home mom going back to school to better myself. My husband is a hard working factory man who supports his family of 4 by himself. I know how the TEAM works... and it is really sad that you can get all worked up about it when someone has an opinion. There is more to life then defending the TEAM, I hope someday you can figure that 1 out. You do not hve to like my opinion, but I am entitled to write it. 