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Vishal P. Rao
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 01:16
Discuss about the Fun Time Vacation Club ( business opportunity here.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 13:21
I tried to get on the call but it was full. What was the official word?
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 13:26 � Edited by: luvtravel
Harold all Al said was that There is no "merger" with FT /Coastal It's a partnership like they previously had with FT and all the other vendors in Coastal.
Al wouldn't say anything more than that the announcement would be made at the seminar and not before.
There will be new vacations and cards but that's all he would say.
Guess we still have to wait till the announcement at the seminar.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 13:48
I'm still on the call right now - Al just came in and said that everyone in Coastal will be a member also of Funtime via a new card. Details will be announced on the 16th in Las Vegas.
I don't know how this impacts the lead program, etc. I guess we'll find out.
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 14:01
So does he mean entry fees are waived? Are there monthly fees?What does being a member of funtime mean and entitle you to?
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 14:05
Basically Al neither confirmed or denied anything, and he did not also disclose any ANNOUNCEMENT, but only to say, at LAS VEGAS an announcement will be made... so...
we wait.
Many questions people, I'll be in Las Vegas reporting the chnages and proceedures through podcast so people who did not get there can get the skinny.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 14:06
That's what we don't know yet - he was very clear that they will make the official announcement in Vegas.
I wish it was right now!
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 14:09
Excellent Jeff!
My son enrolled in an advanced mathematics summer school program. I'm very excited for him, but listening to the call, I was wishing I didn't have that preventing me from attending the seminar...
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 14:14
I was on the call and it sounded to me like Fun Time is a MLM......I am going through their website for more info as I type.
Kim Newell Level 3 Director
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 15:02
It's definately MLM. No question about that. I finally got on about 1:20 after the bulk of the presentation. One thing I was disappointed about was the simple fact that there was a limit to how many people could get on the call. A call that is supposedly this important I would think would be worth using a service that could handle more than 100 people. Also, What I took away from the call was that NOTHING would change as far as the way we do business in either group. Coastal stays the same- Funtime stays the same. What this seems to be is simply an endorsement of Funtime by Al and the BOD. We still have to pay the same prices any joe shmoe would pay to get into funtime from what I can tell. I am not saying that I wouldn't try the lead and autoresponder portion to see if it works but I would ONLY promote Coastal through it and not Funtime.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 15:13
Hi Harold,
I'm betting that there might be a small discount with the new card since Funtime and Coastal are now "partnered". Probably not on the lead system, though.
But, if I understand correctly, there will be no option to only promote Coastal via the lead program. They will be filtered through both by virtual of the autoresponder system.
Adam can probably elaborate...
Another note - if it really is to become a Coastal membership card, let's keep it positive. and focus on the added value. We all know how the negative things can come around to bite, and if it truly is part of the Coastal program now, we should be willing to promote that aspect positively.
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 15:21
Tonya, I talked to Carole who is a funtime member and she is using it to promote her Coastal business exclusively. She said she only wanted to focus on Coastal and that was how she would use the leads.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 16:16
This is crazy. Lot's of people joined Coastal just because it's not MLM! I think BOD will do a big mistake with this. Pretty much handling over they Coastal Funtime have income right away...
Just think about how can screen people for both programs?? Fun time --MLM, Coastal is NOT, Fun time cost $59.00+up, Coastal $1295 min.
My group, CB -United we have our OWN LEADS and for FREE ---- provided to us...Why should I pay $300-$400/month?? Don't get it...
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 16:48
I think the big thing was to emphasize that it was not a merger. That Funtime is a vendor in Coastal's package just as they always have been.
As I said (as I typed during the call) there will be new cards and vacations from Funtime in the package. BUT that was all Al would say.
Rusty spoke after Al did and he eluded to the many benefits of being a FT member which I am assuming we are not going to be with the cards in the package???
Can someone tell me again how we can get all the new additions to the Coastal package, cards and vacations since the March seminar??
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 16:48
I guess that's the good thing about it. We decide if we want to use it or promote it. If we don't then we just keep chugging along like we are.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 17:27
I hope this helps clear some things up regarding Funtime and Coastal
 It's Not a Merger - it is a partnership. Coastal us using Funtime as one of the Vendors for Some of the vacations - they may be using MORE of the funtime vacations certificates - because so far the Funtime office has been a good source of Certificates for Coastal Vacations. (they have worked well) The thing is - that Funtime has been a good vendor and it happens to be set up a little differently than the other vendors. Basicly - it has some additional things to offer - that may be good options for your Coastal Business - it's just up to you to decide - and you can decide - what - if any of those options you may want to use IF they benefit you.
Vendors come and go and as we all know - with the Coastal membership. That's just the nature of the travel industry - will always be changing, and the Coastal membership will always be growing, changing and evolving. So - Coastal is always in need of good stable Vendors who can provide vacation certificates that people will use and enjoy.
I have used the Funtime certificates for a year now and have used them successfully - so I do like them Some of the differences w/ Funtime are: that you can SELL their certificates (for a profit if you want) and you can also get activation fees for yourself on their certificates when they are redemmed and then in addition - Funtime also have a lead generating program's an affilate program where you can make additional money from it IF you choose to particate and promote it. so......ultimately you can get Free leads, make some extra money and have their autoresponder system promoting Coastal for you. can particate in and of the Futime options or not - it's totally Optioinal - it's just an addition - if you want to take advantage of it. and........when you think about it - there ARE creative ways to use Funtime to Promote Coastal and Sell more Coastal memberships I know - because I have done it. (And that's where the REAL money is - in selling the premier and platinum Coastal memberships)
So - it doesn't have be something that takes you away from Coastal - unless You let it. Can it?.....WEll Yes - of course - if you lose your focus on Coastal. Don't do that!!! I suggest - Focus on coastal and make funtime work as a Tool for help you promote Coastal. It can be a good thing.
I would suggest that you look at it carefully and see if there are ways you can use - (that you actually will do )- that will work for you. Then - if you see that there are - then spend a little time learning more about it. They have several options
I'll tell you one way you can use it for example: (and this would be only the basic membership - lowest price funtime option) - Make copies of flyers - 2 to a page (to cut costs) that tell of a vacation certificate you want to give away - Give those out (at any function - say a kareoke night somewhere) put your phone number on them (give away as many as you can) - when people call to get the vacation - you can then povide it for them (you purchase from funtime - I'll explain) - when they redeem it online they pay a $45 activation fee (prices can vary - this is one particular certificate I happen to like and use a lot) and YOU get $25 of that fee - there is a very detailed website - that Funtime has you can send them to - so they can see ALL the details - I always direct people there - it's the same place they go to activate the certificate - You buy them from funtime for $10.00 - in increments of 25 each
Now,,,,, - if you want - you can introduce these people to Coastal, You can also offer a way for people w/ no money to earn money by selling certificates - they can sell them through you - if you have an IATA card you don't need a license - as I understand it.
So that's just one of many ways - the thing is - Be Smart - look at ways that will work for you ...then the Key is to Make it work by using it. It will make money for you - IF you put it to work, represent it for what it is - no more and no less.
ONe more thing - The owner of Futime -is of course is excited about - guess what... Yes - he's very excited about Funtime -that's His thing - so of course he's going to want everyone promoting Funtime (so don't let that surprise you) He also understands Coastal very well and knows of some good ways you can use funtime to make you money with Coastal My thing is Coastal - but I'm not against the extra money I get from Funtime too and I'm always open to looking at things that I think can help my team. I hope this helps.
Carole Gardner Level 3 Director Coastal Vacations 828-582-1965
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 17:47
Thanks Carole, we may be turning to good folks like you who are willing to share how to use the "partnership" to further our Coastal businesses.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 18:06
Hi Harold,
Hm, that's interesting. I spoke with Adam last week to ask him about that very question (I was curious about the leads).
I specifically asked him if I would be able to promote only Coastal and exclude the Funtime aspect. If I understood him correctly, he stated that the autoresponder was for Funtime but that if I wanted to also promote Coastal, then I could do so.
Carol or Adam, can you clarify please? Did I misunderstand?
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 20:29
Thanks to all that attended the call today. Let me see if I can clear up any questions that have been posted today. Sorry all for the delay but as you can imagine ive been busy today. Ok as for a discount to be part of the Fun Time Leads program I havent heard of anything of the sort. Al was a bit cagey on the announcements but you all must understand he does have regional in a few days and the impact will be better there. He is promoting his event and thats only right. Let me answer the auto responder question first. There is a Fun Time campaign that runs for all of the leads. You can also create you own campaigns and put the leads in that campaign as well. I took letters from my CSG MAC system and made them my own and now my leads are getting those letters. Also the Fun Time campaign is for a business opportunity in the travel industry and you can link your movie site on the letters so they get directed to your presentation. I love that feature.
Now the MLM question. Hey I like MLM I did very well as a 20 y/o almost 20 years ago in Amway. The idea is great. In Fun Time as a super elite distributor I get paid 5 levels down. This creates a residual income that is incredible. I dont know about you but 10 years from now I dont want to still have to be calling people. Residual is about retirement.
Quoting: decker2006 So does he mean entry fees are waived? Are there monthly fees?What does being a member of funtime mean and entitle you to?
The fees to be a Fun Time DIstributor ( every one is a Fun Time member as its part of the package) range from $39 a month for the basic package to $299 a month for the super elite. Thats it. You can check the website for details. The link to my site can be found on the my personal site in the signature line of my post.
cgardner1 did a great job of explaining the program so look over her post as it really gets to the heart of the matter. I can see cashwealths point as in their system they get so many leads and their system is so inexpensive it doesnt make financial sense. Now for the others of you that spend more than $299 a month for less than 40,000 then you do the math.
I look forward to further questions and hope to see you on the Fun Time opt calls on tuesday and thursday @9pm est. I actually co-host the call thursday night so I look forward to seeing you there.
Any of you thats have talked to me personally you can email or call me for further details.
Joined: 4 Jan 2007
Posts: 166
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 20:48
Hi Adam...this is all very interesting to me.
What is your sales ratio on those 40,000 leads? Cost per sale? (You've been doing this awhile...I'm sure you've worked the numbers.)
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 21:15
Actually Dawn I havent crunched the numbers yet. In the summer time I rarely make alot of calls. Most people are out enjoying the great weather. What I have focused on is the residual income part. Now I have teammates that are having great success with the leads and I will get some numbers for you all. I spend my summers doing retail and b2b as I like to be out in the public. Now im not sure of your question of cost per sale. Can you clarify a bit. Now I have only been in Fun Time for 2 1/2 months now but doing Coastal for over 2 years. I have created a residual income in the thousands in those two months and am loving it. Hope I was helpful and look forward to answering anymore questions.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 22:00
Thanks for the info, Adam.
Can you provide a link to your travel website (for bookings) so I can look at what is offered and at what cost? You can pm me if you prefer.
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# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 22:41
I am very surprised that Coastal would partner with an MLM company... are sales not good enough from Coastal?
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# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 01:48
I am ceratinly game for making multiple streams of income and regardless of how you feel about Funtime or Coastal or Inteletravel for that matter. By having all three I have a well rounded business that provides something for just about everyone I talk to. I am now able to help people....All people....People with enough money for Level 3 and people with little to no startup. Thats why I got into this business. To help people change that, if they truly had the desire to do it. I have been with Coastal for over a year.Inteletravel for about 6 months, Funtime less than two months. And in the last month my systems (Coastal and Funtime), All of my leads about 60, 000 per months, and all costs in running my business have vanished. I make residuals, commissions, activations, affiliates and am now tapping into 29 different streams of passive and active income. Thats the kind of business I set out to have thats the kind of business I run now. I meet people every day that I get to knowand help in some way. I suggest you look at Funtime as another leads source if it bothers you to look at it as a business or MLM. It just so happens that it is both. And Darn good at both. I am available to answer questions and hold forums to discuss solutions for all business owners.
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# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 06:44
Hey TopMentor,
I was not on the call, but my understanding is that we are NOT talking about a partnership. Coastal will have more vacation vouchers offered by funtime and will be "members" of funtime, but that is strictly optional. For people who want to branch out in their business. Take it or leave it so to speak. Personally, I am interested in the online booking feature, but I am very cautious about everything. I am going to wait for the dust to settle. If it is a good opportunity now, it will still be a good opportunity in the future.
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# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 07:41
The other thing is it sounds like Funtime is working with all the travel companies...GRN, YTB, there is no exclusivity with Coastal. There could be lots and lots of people giving away Funtime vouchers.
I am interested in seeing the online booking search engine, too. I hope someone will stop in with a link for us.
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# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 09:18
My main interest is the leads at the moment. If they generate COASTAL sales and if they can be targeted to COASTAL alone then I will be interested. If they focus on funtime first and Coastal second then I won't be interested.
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# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 15:40
A lead is a lead is a lead. Thats been my motto. If you guys dont know all the lead providers basically get what are surveyed leads and then "scrub" them to fit into different categories. I used to spend $10 a pice on Coastal Specific Premium leads only to call people that said they had just filled out a survey and wanted their *free* ipod. I used to hate that. Now I get 40,000 for $299 and I even offer them a free vacation voucher (I even make a commission when they book) to look at my Coastal business. All of the leads are business opt seekers anyway so It works for me. Now Dawn asked about the booking agent and how that works. Remember that Fun Time sells mostly vacation vouchers and that isnt dont electronically but we do have a booking engine on all of our sites. Dawn if you go to the website on the sig line of my post you can see how to contact me so I can show you how to look into that. I look forward to seeing if I can help you out a bit.
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# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 15:44
Quoting: decker2006 Hey TopMentor, I was not on the call, but my understanding is that we are NOT talking about a partnership. Coastal will have more vacation vouchers offered by funtime and will be "members" of funtime, but that is strictly optional. For people who want to branch out in their business. Take it or leave it so to speak. Personally, I am interested in the online booking feature, but I am very cautious about everything. I am going to wait for the dust to settle. If it is a good opportunity now, it will still be a good opportunity in the future. Noreen
Thanks for that Noreen!
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# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 18:52
That is great advice Noreen but id like to add this. Opportunities that are good stay good look at Microsoft. But id say how much better is it to get in at the start? Id wish id invest in Microsoft in the beginning. Let's look at some of what is being said. Okay Al Romine has basically endorsed Fun Time. Yes he was cagey and reserved in his announcements. But hmmm he does have a big training in a few days so thats why he is waiting a bit for effect. But nevertheless he did strongly support Fun Time and say its one of the best vendors in the package. So credibility is there. Next point most of us other than maybe one person I can think of uses leads. So 40,000 for $299 is a good deal. Plus your team needs leads as well and when they buy them you make a residual income. Now many out there have dont like that word residual income. It reminds too many of them of the old MLM days. I for one actually like some of the things I did learn from MLM. In this scenario I see it as most of the people you train are buying leads. Why not make an income from this? Especially just enough to get you expenses for your own leads paid for. The bigger picture is seeing the potential of residual income. Working all the time isnt healthy. How about enjoying the vacations in your package a bit as your residual grows? The opportunity is there. Not to mention the vacations. Now alot has been said about the vacations. Are they good? Can I sell them? Those are just a few of the questions. Now the best way to get the answer in the home based business arena is to either go to that person's website, maybe call them if they have contact information, or get on their live call. Get the facts. You can go check out the information on my website on how to learn the facts about Fun Time Vacation Club. Look on my signature and find my number and either call me, email me or even better still come hear me on the thursday night Fun Time Call as I co-host it. Come follow one of the most well rounded teams in the home based travel industry. You know our story. Come get your questions answered and jump on one of the hottest products on the market. You get to actually run and manage a business that cost you at most $299 a month to operate but has unlimited earning and residual earning potential. Now thats alot to say. But lets just say it makes enough to pay for your leads that feed your other business. Then it makes sense. Maybe it keeps a few team members in the game. Thats why we got them in business we told them they could make money. So now lets give them the tool to do just that. Talk to you all soon.
p.s. To this day I dont have stock in Microsoft and im still kicking myself for that. Hey any of you have a investment banker I could talk to, im in the market.
Adam Frederick Coastal Level III Director Fun Time Super Elite Distributor