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Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 1418
# Posted: 19 Oct 2007 20:15
Quoting: cuddlescanada I see Newbie you are having great sucess getting others in your downline would you care to share a little marketing tips with us?
Hi cuddlescanada,
I just chat in a couple of forums while using my sig. People click on it and they sign up. I mostly chat in this forum.
That's all I have done and ever intend to do. I am going to ditch my MPM sig before the end of the year. I am working on some new projects right now. I may or may not link to them via sig. I may even go back to not having a sig file.
Newbie Shield
Newbie Shield
HTML Squidoo TricksSquidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)
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Posts: 60
# Posted: 20 Oct 2007 00:15
Quoting: asebf promote the idea of having the church members remember to do their shopping at the mall instead of at "the mall". If someone tries this - let us know how it went.
I think recruiting non-profit organizations is a great idea. There is a complete section in the back office specifically dedicated to that.
I had a very religious upbringing so I'm afraid to step into a church now for fear I may burst into flames. I do plan to locate some other groups. I have a friend that sells fundraising candy to schools. He seems to do all right for himself.
I will post my results here once I determine the best method to contact them. I may go by the concession stand at the local ball field and give some business cards to the team moms.
I like moms
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 20 Oct 2007 07:35
Hi I am new to this forum and thread  I have been with My Power Mall now 5 weeks and am enjoying the business. This company and plan is a longterm one,the income will kick-in with a huge downline. Once we get to level 4 we are starting to generate some great income.
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 20 Oct 2007 18:46
Ok I'm in =). Signed up under Shield. Now time to spam youtube and myspace...hehe....
Joined: 1 Oct 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 21 Oct 2007 17:17
Hi Mystikskye
So where do I get 'My Power Ball'? 
Sounds much more fun than My Power Mall! Sounds like a superhero type thing.. Or maybe just something for laundry... domestic chores never far away!
Just Kidding x
I signed up with MPM about a month ago but didnt really do much about promoting it as it seemed so US based.. but posts and others online here have persuaded me to take another look and see what I can do with it... 
So I will have to see.. maybe be a bit more creative.. good luck anyway x
Joined: 18 Oct 2007
Posts: 56
# Posted: 21 Oct 2007 18:22
southbank63 - in one of Ginny's recent newsletters she listed the 10+ people (for those of you who don't know, those are people with 10 or more people under them) and I saw people from Malaysia and other countries!!! I was like "if they can do it, I should be able to do it here in the U.S.!!" So I don't think there are any limitations.
I had someone sign up last night... my first person that I don't know. I'm so excited!
Joined: 21 Oct 2007
Posts: 36
# Posted: 21 Oct 2007 22:16
Hi all!
I'm new to your site here, but was thrilled to see a thread on mpm! I really enjoy being a part of mpm. It attracts a lot of great people who really care (building orphanages, helping children, taking part in communities... it's wonderful!).
After you have read all those training letters and listened to the teleconference recordings, you can really feel the sense of "family" mpm holds.
I enjoy talking to people about mpm, because I know I'm not setting anyone up for a scam. Sure, this is not something that gets you rich over night ... not even close, but you can sure see the potential it has! I'm very happy to be a part of it!
Very glad to meet you all!!
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 07:28
Yes this really is a global company and as Ginny herself stated,she doesn't view the company as an American company(though based there)she views it as a global one which has enormous potential to reach millions worldwide. I am in Italy and its going great for me,I have 36 on my team and growing. It is also important to make sure your frontline are enabled and ready to show their members how to build. Build a great frontline and they too will build on and on.
Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Posts: 29
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 09:56
The training info is realy great, I downloaded it so I could go through it all, although you do get step by step guides every day. The manual is great, cuts to the chase and no BS Ginny is straight to the point on what the MPM is as is not. Great Info Ginny.
If you have not signed up yet, then I would recormend you get in there, you have nothing to loose but lots to gain,,,its a no brainer.
Please feel free to sign up through my link I have no problem with
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 528
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 10:12
So results from MPM so far??? Anyone have anything more than a downline?
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 266
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 10:19
Quoting: opendomain So results from MPM so far??? Anyone have anything more than a downline?
Good question - NewbieShield - got any beef yet?
Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 82
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 11:32
Ron, let me know what kind of response you get from schools. I'd love to sign up some local schools and help them get some money back, but I'm not sure how to do it....walk in, mail a letter, etc..... I'd love to hear your experiences and outcomes from the non-profits.
Joined: 21 Oct 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 13:14
Just recently signed up with mpm, Sounds like a great opportunity to make some income. Heard and read all the info given to me. Great info. Does anyone have any other ways to promote mpm that may not have been told by Ginny?
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 15:52
I haven't made significant income to shout about yet-but there is some ! Remember I am only 5 weeks in and a downline of 36 but the income is only going to grow. To fully work this business I shop for all the things I need to buy from my mall-its a double sweetner;I get to shop and get paid for doing it! Everyone needs to shop within their malls. Nobody shopping=no money. Debit cards 2 days away-there is simply no excuse to fail here!
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 1418
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 20:02
Quoting: asebf Quoting: opendomain So results from MPM so far??? Anyone have anything more than a downline? Good question - NewbieShield - got any beef yet?
I just joined on Oct 1. I quit promoting it Oct. 17 because I have enough in my downline to fire and forget. Power Mall just got launched in March of this year.
I've heard of people making between $60 and $300 per month so far. It takes time. It isn't a quick thing. I expect to get a baby check in December or January. Then it will probably grow each month.
I just jumped in and out to build an additional income stream for free and because I knew it wouldn't take long to get a good downline that would build itself.
I changed my sig file yesterday to promote dirt cheap web hosting. It's the best deal on the net and it has tons of bells and whistles to boot.
Newbie Shield
HTML Squidoo TricksSquidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)
Joined: 18 Oct 2007
Posts: 56
# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 21:42
Holy cow Newbie! You've built yourself a satisfactoy downline in 16 days???!!! I've been at this since August and am quite discouraged b/c it's taking so long to give away a free win/win opportunity. I've even wasted my money doing traffic ad campaigns.... I simply don't get why people aren't jumping at this opportunity! I keep seeing the number of members going way up... it was 27,000 when I joined, and now it's over 60,000 and I keep thinking only a couple of those are mine and everyone is going to join up and no one will be left for me go sign up!! Ha ha... but really, that's how I feel.
Also, I'd settle for $60-300/mo! I have a tiny amount of money in my account, but not even close enough for them to send me a check yet. Having a downline and people shopping is necessary for that to work though.
I do have faith though that it will work out over time and with persistance.
Joined: 23 Oct 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 01:28
I guess that not only the affiliate makes money, the purchaser saves money. A portion of all the money helps one child at a time, from around the world, that has a specific need. That could be anything from a life saving operation to any deserved service that could not be provided on their own.
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 06:57
That is another great aspect of MPM ,knowing we are also helping whilst building our own businesses. I have used only free advertising resources and have gotten great results with 23 on my frontline and more under on levels 3 and 4. I am going to build this deep and wide
Joined: 18 Oct 2007
Posts: 56
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 11:03
cybermommy - how long have you been with MPM? What have you been doing to promote it?
Yes, there is no other company and opportunity out there like MPM. Help ourselves while helping others. Definitely a win/win program!
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 11:33
Hi moneyforgreene,I have been with MPM 5 weeks and used only free advertising methods;forums,craigslist,backpage,adlandpro etc as well as posting to blogs and squidoo. Its working very well and my team is growing well because of it
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 1418
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 12:21
Quoting: moneyforgreene Holy cow Newbie! You've built yourself a satisfactoy downline in 16 days???!!! I've been at this since August and am quite discouraged b/c it's taking so long to give away a free win/win opportunity. I've even wasted my money doing traffic ad campaigns.... I simply don't get why people aren't jumping at this opportunity! I keep seeing the number of members going way up... it was 27,000 when I joined, and now it's over 60,000 and I keep thinking only a couple of those are mine and everyone is going to join up and no one will be left for me go sign up!! Ha ha... but really, that's how I feel. Also, I'd settle for $60-300/mo! I have a tiny amount of money in my account, but not even close enough for them to send me a check yet. Having a downline and people shopping is necessary for that to work though. I do have faith though that it will work out over time and with persistance.
Hi Moneyforgreene,
Yep, I did build a satisfactory frontline in 17 days (16 days plus an hour on the first evening). My frontline is over a dozen, which is approximately what I was shooting for.
I joined because it was a great biz op and it was free. It was something I was happy to stand behind. It seemed like an easy income stream to build in a short time - for a mid to long term play.
Just keep chatting in this forum with your mall in your sig and you'll get your downline. Hang in there.
Newbie Shield
HTML Squidoo TricksSquidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)
Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Posts: 29
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 20:31
I see there are still a few who are very skeptick, which I can understand as there are so many offers out there of finding that ultimate online business, I know been there got the T-Shirt, and I bet there are a few of us like that.
Well I did do a lillte investigation work before I did join the MPM, and I have here a link with the review and infact the MPM nealy has a 5 star rating from these guys, who realy investigate things. So dont take my word take a look at the results.
[Link removed - Admin]
I hope this helps you.
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 24 Oct 2007 07:23
Yes there are going to be sceptics,especially when you tell them you want to give them a business-free. To be expected. Its how you handle it that defines you. I have seen my fair share of scams and some that aren't scams in themselves but setup in such a way that only the chosen few at the top generate the big bucks. This time its different,the business model which has traits of both affliate marketing and mlm but has its own unique twist-its not quite either. It in fact combines the best of both and I am very pleased I 'saw' the opp for what it is and joined right away.
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 26 Oct 2007 16:12
Just wanted to ask how everyone is doing with the October target of adding 10 malls? 5 days to go now......
Joined: 1 Oct 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 26 Oct 2007 16:32
still working at it
Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 167
# Posted: 27 Oct 2007 11:43
I got my first memeber earlier this week.
Joined: 28 Oct 2007
Posts: 10
# Posted: 28 Oct 2007 03:17
Ok I'm in I first seen this site a while back and after already having been involved in a free online mall a few years ago that I never made a dime from ever ! . I was skeptical about this one also , but ! I see by the posts here and the increasing number of members that MPM seems to be generating I figure I would give it another shot so today I joined MPM and am still absorbing the information pages I will try to post updates here in the weeks to come
Joined: 25 Sep 2007
Posts: 60
# Posted: 29 Oct 2007 06:39 · Edited by: LuckyRon
I like your website. I'm a Bass fisherman myself. A lot of people don't understand catch and release. Anyone can put a live worm on a hook and throw it out there but learning the proper techniques to catch a fish without harming it is what makes bass fishing so challenging.
Did you know there is a Bass Pro shop in the Power Mall?
You may want to populate your favorite stores page. I use it as the landing page for recruiting because I like people to see the mall before they watch the movie. That way they know what they are getting.
One of the great things about Power Mall is that there are no secrets. You don't have to turn over your email address or a credit card number to find out what your going to get.
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 29 Oct 2007 07:10
Quoting: duckbird I got my first memeber earlier this week.
Well done!I think we are going to see more and more stop and realsie what this can do for them. I also expect a lot of the nay-sayers to come onboard in the future,eating their words
Joined: 21 Jul 2007
Posts: 152
# Posted: 29 Oct 2007 12:21
I have been in My Power Mall now since July 6th. I had set a goal of having a downline of 1000 people by Thanksgiving and am at 916 now, so I may hit it.
This is definitely a long term income program as getting people to shop is harder than you would think it would be. But I do like it and feelgood about offrering it to people as a way to save money and make money in the future.