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Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 24 May 2008 23:54
That's a good question, as far as I'm concerned Passport is still alive and kicking. This is one of the best forums out there period for finding info on stuff. I've had alot of people go here and then directly to my link without posting in here lately. It's been kind of funny. Feel free to call me and ask me any questions or contact me. I'd love to talk to you just to find out what it is you're truly looking to get accomplished, so I can help you get your goals met! In order to succeed in life, you must first help others. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care and God Bless Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 27 May 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 29 May 2008 06:32
Hi to you all, all of you in passport to wealth must be familiar with my internet business the new venture with Darren, I am very interested in joining, please can someone let me know if i am doing the right thing. x thanks
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 29 May 2008 18:55
Stuck, weather or not your doing the right thing is not a yes or no question. There are plenty of people in P2W that are still bringing in sales and also MIB (not Men In Black) LOL. It's up you you and how much time and effort your willing to put in. If you're planning on joining and not putting at least 1-2 hours a day into it, save your money. But if you are ready to invest the time that it takes to get this started, then make the decision and join. I'm in FL. the next few days, but if you'd like to talk still give me a call. 314-440-3889 or 314-761-6643. I'll tell you what's working for me and if you decide to join, I'll get you started right away and help you with your advertising. I hope that answers your question. Take care and GOD Bless Jason
Joined: 27 May 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 30 May 2008 00:39
Thanks Jason, will work at this 5/6/7/8 hrs a day to get it up and running, I am very serious aout making it work. Thanks again for your help, I have a sponsor to join with I just wanted to know if anyone on forum was doing well as there are no mentions on here and joining at platinum is not a small amount to pay, fair to say I am a little nervous, have to prove it to myself and also my very sceptical if not a little annoying husband, will kick his butt and show him who is boss x enjoy FL best wishes from sunny Spain
Joined: 7 Jun 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 7 Jun 2008 11:47
Congratulations on joining an excellent program, Stuck .... with all the help and advice that is available with MIB, you're going to have to change your name soon!!! 
Talking about husbands, I went ahead and joined PPTW and only told him about it the day before I knew my first sale was on its way in. So I got about half a day of "This is never going to work - what were you thinking??!!" before it all changed to huge smiles when my first sale came in later that night, and then my second came in just days later!! He is now one very happy chappy! 
Of course I am now with MIB - it is absolutely brilliant and I wish you every success.
From not so sunny UK!
Joined: 27 May 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 9 Jun 2008 11:52
Thanks Marion, he has now given his ok when he saw how informative everthing was and the backup given, am taking my time to set everything up but looking forward to wiping the floor with him and then maybe he can stop working. now you know why i left uk, sun is still shining and so its nice to sit on the terrace doing my bit. Success to us both x
Joined: 15 May 2008
Posts: 195
# Posted: 9 Jun 2008 13:18
I'm glad to read that you're taking your time. With you doing that and remain positive, you'll go far.
To your massive success, Michelle
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 9 Jun 2008 21:40
That's the one of the keys to this whole thing, if you believe and know that you will succeed, YOU WILL. I just got another sale last night and any time those come in I look at them as miracles from GOD. I know that this will continue to work. If anyone has any questions, I'm here to help  Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 15 May 2008
Posts: 195
# Posted: 9 Jun 2008 22:18
Jason, I'm with you on that one as well. GOD is a part of my life each & everyday. Without the power of positive thinking and GOD, I am nothing. The home business that I do, is for me & my family. I get great pleasure in helping others in this business. Thank you for the reply. I wish you many years of success.
To your massive success, Michelle
Joined: 13 Jan 2008
Posts: 57
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 10:24
Ok, I feel like my bubble has been burst. I have been spending time researching Passport to Wealth and looking at a few different teams that I might like to join. Then, playing the "devil's advocate", I decided to go to Ripoff Reports to see if there has been anything said about Passport. I was disappointed to see it reported that once you pay the $997, that there are more set up fees, domain fees, and a recommended advertising package to pay for. It was also reported that the ebooks are out of date and that it is hard to cancel the $29.95 a month because there are no email addresses or phone numbers given to call.
Could some people who are active in this shed some light on these allegations and possibly rebuke them? I was all fired up but now am filled with doubts.
Also, I understand why a sponsor would mentor someone underneath them because of the 2 $997's being passed up to them. But once those are passed up, what benefit is it to the sponsor to remain loyal and keep on training and mentoring? Are you not then in competition once those monies have been passed up?
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Joined: 11 Jun 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 10:48
mellin: Ok, I feel like my bubble has been burst. I have been spending time researching Passport to Wealth and looking at a few different teams that I might like to join. Then, playing the "devil's advocate", I decided to go to Ripoff Reports to see if there has been anything said about Passport. I was disappointed to see it reported that once you pay the $997, that there are more set up fees, domain fees, and a recommended advertising package to pay for. It was also reported that the ebooks are out of date and that it is hard to cancel the $29.95 a month because there are no email addresses or phone numbers given to call. Could some people who are active in this shed some light on these allegations and possibly rebuke them? I was all fired up but now am filled with doubts. Also, I understand why a sponsor would mentor someone underneath them because of the 2 $997's being passed up to them. But once those are passed up, what benefit is it to the sponsor to remain loyal and keep on training and mentoring? Are you not then in competition once those monies have been passed up? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I believe this whole system is a bit out of date, in my opinion there are much better opportunities that are more current and still "new" enough to make people money. Some may take a bit of work, but the work pays off.
Joined: 7 Jun 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 10:59
Hi Melissa
Passport to Wealth is a great program - I am just surprised your sponsor didn't tell you about these other charges up front.
There is a monthly administration fee of $29.95 which is for the various administrative charges, the hosting and maintenance of your website, etc. It is very easy to cancel this if you ever need to - all you do is go into your back office and tell them you want to stop - your payments are stopped instantly.
You do need to buy two domain names. This is your way of branding yourself - absolutely essential if you plan to build your business. Both domain names will cost no more than $13 for an entire year's subscription.
You will also need an autoresponder system - this will cost you $29.95 per month - and is another essential tool to move your business forward.
These are all business related set up costs, Mellisa. It would be unrealistic to expect anything else - I just wish your sponsor had explained things to you to begin with - or maybe you don't have a sponsor as yet - in which case I hope this helps.
The products are updated pretty regularly - but with things changing so rapidly, some ebooks do not reflect the current situation. For example, craigslist changed the way they accept advertisements only two to three weeks ago. Therefore, the related ebook is now out of date. I am sure it will be upgraded soon.
You ask a good question about the incentive for sponsors to be loyal to those they sponsor into the program. Unfortunately, as I discovered to my cost, not all sponsors have a conscience. It is important you find a team with good track record. I found one and it made all the difference in the world to me.
Having said that, I moved over to PPTW's sister company (still within the same team) because Darren Gaudry had restructured it's compensation plan by eliminating the 2 pass up plan to allow you to earn right from your very first sale. There is also one level of override commission to your sponsor - which encourages sponsors to be more involved in their team's success.
I hope this helps clarify things for you.
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 13:17
Mellin, your concerns and questions are very valid. The one thing that you have to make sure of is that you have the right sponsor with the right team. it's essential, otherwise you will fail, 97% of the people do and that's why. You do not have to spend anymore money other than the monthly admin fee if you don't want to. I advertise for FREE and have gotten all 16 sales through FREE advertising. Much like a computer has to be updated to keep up with the technology changes, so do the e-books. Some are updated reguraly and some are never updated. It's like buying a best selling novel, there may only ever be 1 version of the book because there's no need to write another one, but some are so good that they are constantly updating and improving them. Slow down and take a deep breath, do what makes you feel comfortable not what you feel like you have to do. I've been in this since Oct 21st 2007 and have been successful in it and I know that our team is the best in terms of mentoring, helping, tools, support, and making sure that you're comfortable before you jump in. If there's ever anything I can do to help in any way, regardless who's team you're on, just let me know. Take care and God Bless  Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 25 Jun 2008 01:38
Hello everyone, I'm not sure if you knew this or not but He's coming back! Darren Gaudry is coming back to Passport To Wealth. Just do a youtube search for Darren Gaudry and you'll see that he's left MIB to come back to passport to wealth. This should tell you guys something, he's really going to kick P2W into High gear. NOW is the time to get in, before he rockets this to the next level, you can be a part of the NEW passport to wealth and finally become financially free. You have to make a change if you're ever going to get ahead in life. First and foremost, give all the glory to God, without him none of this would be possible. Take a look at your situation, and ask yourself if you keep doing what your doing now, will things ever get any better? You can always call or email me anytime if you have any questions. Take care and God Bless  Jason 636-978-7089 314-761-6643
Joined: 7 Jun 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 25 Jun 2008 05:52
Hi Jason
First of all, it amuses me that you refer to Darren as He - with a capital "H" and to God as him - lower case "h" !! 
However, on a serious note, I must say I am extremely concerned about something that no one else seems to have noticed. Everyone is jumping up and down with excitement that Darren Gaudry is "coming back" to Passport to Wealth. My question is, WHEN DID HE LEAVE????!!! 
Implied in the announcement from the Support Office of Passport to Wealth that Darren Gaudry is returning to PTW is the fact that he first left. We were never told this. We were always told PTW had a secure and solid future. As Darren is the sole owner of PTW - how was its future going to be secure and solid if he had left it? Had he simply left the entire business to run on autopilot - thus condeming it to gradually fizzle out?
Now it seems like the secret is out. Darren actually left PTW in order to focus on MIB and is now returning simply because something didn't quite work out at MIB.
As an active promoter of PTW - I am not happy at this revelation. It gives me no confidence that he won't go off again and develop something else. I personally like the guy - he has charisma - I'm no longer sure he has the staying power to focus on one thing without getting bored.
Anyway - that is simply my feelings about all this hype.
On another note, all the improvements he's talking about implementing into PTW are already at work in MyInternetBusiness - so at least we know what to expect there!
Sorry to rain on everyone's parade!
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 25 Jun 2008 09:33
I can understand your frustration, but let me just say this. He never gave up an Passport to wealth, he simply ventured out to try something new and different just like a lot of us out there that join something then go look for something new because we get bored, aren't making money, or just need an extra stream of income. So in that regard I don't blame him for wanting to look at other options while still keeping passport going. I can tell you that I know from a personal friend who spoke with Darren that he left MIB for good reasons, not just because it didn't work out. I think it's a great thing that he's decided to put more of his time and effort into P2W. This may not give you confidence but I believe that it's renewed confidence and it will make Passport even better than it already is. Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 7 Jun 2008
Posts: 11
# Posted: 25 Jun 2008 10:13
I'm not frustrated - I'm just skeptical about all the hype of Darren "returning" to PTW. If, as you say he never left in the first place - then he can't be "returning" now.
And, I'm sure there had to be extremely good reasons for Darren to leave MIB just two days after posting a video on UTube telling the world exactly how wonderful MIB is and of his total committment to it. What those reasons were can only be guessed at by the likes of us. I do know that the decision would not have been taken lightly by any of the parties involved - so I don't have a problem with that at all. What is also nice is that the two remaining partners are dealing with things in a very dignified manner and are openly expressing their appreciation for all Darren's contribution to MIB. We are all big boys and girls and we know these things happen in real life.
What does leave me quite unsettled is that PTW Support inadvertantly revealed the true position when they billed this situation as Darren leaving MIB and returning to PTW. You can't return to something you haven't left in the first place.
I think all this excitement is a bit of misplaced hype on our parts and a bit of shooting themselves in the foot on theirs.
Anyway - onwards and upwards - I am sure both businesses will do well and continue to be the huge blessings they are.
Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 27 Jun 2008 04:55
Hi all, newbie here, just stumbled onto the P2W thing and was wondering if it was for real or not. I am extremely skeptical about these types of things and probably wont believe %1000 percent of your answers as you never know who is actually writting things on the net. None the less, i would like any and all information you can give me on the system. thanks
Joined: 25 Jun 2008
Posts: 19
# Posted: 27 Jun 2008 08:16
Perseverance and hard work will get you through
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 27 Jun 2008 10:12
Goldentee, I can certainly understand your skepticism, I was exactly that way too before I joined back in Oct. last year. If you want to see proof you can visit youtube and check out my Passport to Wealth payment proof video. It's me showing you my back office and when my sales came in. Just do a search for 07Hawk25. In terms of P2W and what it can do for you, that depends really on you. I've seen people come in and do nothing and therefore they make nothing. You have to treat this like a business, weather it's full-time or part-time. If you look at it like a business and put in the time, effort, and desire, there's no way you won't make any money. I looked at it this way, if I kept doing what I was always doing and didn't make any changes then nothing would ever change. Is it a risk, sure it is, but everything in life is a risk. You take a risk when you drive down the street, or take a walk in the park, or invest money in the stock market, or whatever it may be, but the challenge of a risk is getting to the rewards. No pain no gain, no risk no reward, it's unfortunately not just going to fall into our laps. Passport to Wealth is a system that was designed to be a plug in and win system. All you have to do is advertise your business to as many people as you can weather by FREE advertising or paid. You pass up your 1st 2 sales to your sponsor and that is what gets you qualified to make 100% of every $997 sale from there on out. Every time you get another sale, that person is going to have to pass you up their 1st 2 sales so they can get qualified. Then those 2 become 4, then 8, then 16, and so on. That's the power of leveraging. This is what Trump and Kiyasaki both preach about. Our team has everything in place for you to succeed in this, you add the effort, time, desire, and belief that you are going to make it work. It's really that easy. That I hope answers your questions. I'm sure that you'll have more and feel free to call me anytime, I'm here to help regardless if you join my team or not. You can also get more info by visiting my site. Take care and God Bless  Jason 636-978-7089 314-761-6643
Joined: 15 May 2008
Posts: 195
# Posted: 27 Jun 2008 10:26
Hi Goldentree, I personally never heard anything bad about P2W. Really lookinto it, if it's something you want. I did that with the business that I'm in. I'm not with P2W, but I actually took a whole year before I started. Did I wait too long? Yes, I did. But, that's ok. For me it was anyway. You'll find a great deal of information on a lot of home businesses on this forum. With you looking into the one that fits you best, you'll do great. Ask questions, we're all hear to help eachother out. Good luck & many years of success.
To your massive success, Michelle
Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 28 Jun 2008 03:26
Thanks guys,
I do have some tons of questions about this stuff. My main one is, what is the business selling? I guess i dont really get it. i have watched the videos and listened to the audio and dont see what this business is selling.
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 145
# Posted: 28 Jun 2008 03:46
Goldentee, besides selling an opportunity to become financially free, your selling down loadable digital software and e-books in a entire package. In other words you aren't selling them individually, although you can also do that too, but the basis behind it is to sell the entire package for $997. You have over $75,000 worth of software and e- books. There will be some changes coming soon to P2W as well, GOOD changes. Once you become a paid member, you'll have access to all the software and e-books you want and have unlimited copies of them as well. So if there was something you wanted to sell separately in your paper or an event in your town, you could do that. Once you've qualified, you'll then receive 100% of the $997 for every sale that you make. So in summary, the product that you are actually selling is an entire package of e-books and digital software, TONS OF IT! I hope that answers your question. Take care and God Bless Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 42
# Posted: 23 Aug 2008 17:32
I joined PTW in October 2007. It took a while, but I finally became qualified in April of 2008. Then it stopped. I joined MyInternetBusiness because I was able to do so free, since I was a PTW member when it launched and the free membership was offered. I also was able to join LGN free, because my team leader struck a deal with the LGN CEO. I was lucky.
I was fully qualified in each program. However, after a few months of paying the monthly admin. fees ($29.95 for PTW, $59.00 for MIB, and $19.95 for LGN) and autoresponder fees (Aweber $19.95), I decided that I just couldn't afford to keep all of the businesses going. I definitely wasn't earning enough money to pay all of these admin. fees! And, it was extremely difficult for me to effectively market all three systems....since I still worked full time outside of my home. There is only so much a person can do in one day and still have a quality life! I had to keep the full time job, because it paid the bills.
After much thought, and some discussions with my husband, I decided to cancel my memberships to PTW and MIB. I decided that I gave those programs enough of my time and money. I had to plug the money drain. I truly felt (and still feel) that LGN was the better program, providing better support. The sign up fees and monthly admin. fees are much lower. And, I feel better about promoting it to others because I know they aren't draining their bank accounts to become and stay business owners. My personal integrity and ethical standards are important to me.
Good luck to those of you in PTW. I know that some people are making just didn't happen to me.
Robin Edwards (505) 470-5929 I went from unemployed to self-employed. Let me help you be successful. Click here.Who is Robin? Watch video.
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Posts: 145
# Posted: 24 Aug 2008 15:49
MISongbird, That's the beauty of this country, we have the opportunity to choose what and when we do it. A lot of people that joined passport to wealth have struggled because so many other programs came out that were offering a better system. What it comes down to is price point, in my opinion. If you market heavily a $997 program, you hope to make $997, if you market little guy network, you hope to make $150-$400 depending on the level. I've done well with passport to wealth and now with little guy network too. There are so many people out there that are struggling to make ends meet, that little guy network is more affordable for most. It just comes down to how much you put into it and what you want out of it. Asking someone to join a $200 program is much easier than $1000, but it takes more sales to get the same results as a higher ticket program. Both of these programs, passport to wealth and little guy network are great, you join what fits your budget. The problem that most people run into is that they think they are going to get rich overnight, but that's not the case. If you put work, effort and time into it, you can get rich, but not over night. Darren Gaudry is working on re-vamping passport to wealth into passprt to wealth 2.0 but until then we have to keep promoting. You can make money in both, it just depends on your determination, focus, belief, and drive. Thank God for these types of programs because they sure have helped to bless thousands of people. If your still in passport, keep plugging away if you can, if your struggling to get sales, maybe you should look at little guy network, and if that's not for you, look at other alternatives, but DON'T GIVE UP. I know many many people that are living the life of their dreams by working these programs and it can happen to you too. Take care and God Bless Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 42
# Posted: 24 Aug 2008 18:05
I agree with what you said heistheanswer. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to keep "plugging away" on both programs. There are other financial issues going on in my life. I didn't have the luxury to allow more time. I gave up PTW. I hated to do it, but I had to.
I really like Little Guy Network and I've found that it's the one program that I can back, whole-heartedly, without regret. It's also THE program I can endorse and ask others to purchase without wincing when I tell the prospect how much they have to pay.
Not every program/business is for every person.
I'm happy you found success with PTW. I hope that you continue to experience much success. Success to you also with LGN.
Robin (505) 470-5929
Robin Edwards (505) 470-5929 I went from unemployed to self-employed. Let me help you be successful. Click here.Who is Robin? Watch video.
Joined: 28 Sep 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 28 Sep 2008 23:08
Can you please give me the name of your team? I wanted to join Passport to Wealth and avoid your team leader.
Joined: 29 Sep 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 29 Sep 2008 22:50
Passport to Wealth is a scam in my opinion. We were taken in by all the fancy movies and emails promising 2k a week or more it is just not the case. Before you say we did not market it STOP, we spent thousands in magazine co-ops, leads, emails all sorts of classifieds and banner ads.
The people who say it is working great are just following what they are told to say, face it if someone asked you if you were making money, of course you are going to say yes because you want them to join up!
Joined: 28 Sep 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 2 Oct 2008 07:16
Cody: Passport to Wealth is a scam in my opinion. We were taken in by all the fancy movies and emails promising 2k a week or more it is just not the case. Before you say we did not market it STOP, we spent thousands in magazine co-ops, leads, emails all sorts of classifieds and banner ads. The people who say it is working great are just following what they are told to say, face it if someone asked you if you were making money, of course you are going to say yes because you want them to join up!
I recently join and it is absolutely not a scam there are products to sell, I checked it out myself. The team I joined in is a very caring team, guiding me how to properly market our product and doing proper advertising without costing a CENT. I believe in NO PAIN NO GAIN motto. You can buy all the advertising you can but if you yourself do not make yourself better and invest QUALITY time to grow your business you will never succeed. Did you ever hear of a great salesman only doing advertising and watch their money pouring in NO right it's all about adding personal touch to your business how???? the sky is the have ideas how....implement might say this is coming from a newbie in this business, I don't look at it that way because I have a goal to succeed and if you WILL towards success you will....if you think of only negavity then hey negativity will surround you.
Hooray to all Passport to Wealth member who's really making $1000 to $5000 or more a month to those who fail ask yourself was negativity part of my failure? the answer would be a BIG YES!
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!
Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 42
# Posted: 2 Oct 2008 12:39
Yasnel, I agree with you. PTW is not a scam. However, it is a "big ticket" item that not everyone can afford. Unless it has changed since I cancelled my membership, you also need to pay $29.95 per month membership fees. If you want an autoresponder, you can get a free one. But those autoresponder companies put ads in your responses. If you use a quality company like awebber, you spend an additional $19.95 per month. That's a total of $50 per month.
I actually belonged to a good team. It was called the Blessings Unlimited Team. They have a training website and offer weekly marketing calls. I did not drop out of PTW due to lack of support.
I was involved in too many internet businesses. I wasn't able to focus sufficient effort or attention to any of them because there wasn't enough time in the day to do so. I made the decision to keep one program and drop the other two. The program I kept offered great income opportunity, great support, and great FREE marketing tools. I pay a lower monthly admin. fee and have a free online chat sales person closing my sales. I also have a free autoresponder and free landing pages. I had to pay separately for these items with PTW. My decision was a sound financial decision.
Good luck to you and others with Passport To wealth. Some people are making money. I hope you are one of them.
Robin Edwards (505) 470-5929 I went from unemployed to self-employed. Let me help you be successful. Click here.Who is Robin? Watch video.