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Joined: 21 Feb 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 26 Feb 2008 19:06
Hey Dave let the truth be told. Just shows we are not the team to talk negative about we help everyone on our team succeed that is willing to follow our steps........Mentors4u Team leader Stephanie
Take charge of your future and we will show you the way!! 919-816-9081
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 27 Feb 2008 14:01
You've hit the nail on the head, Stephanie. Success is experienced by those that are willing to follow direction of those who are already successful. Many will join a "successful" group expecting that they too will experience immediate success - yet are not willing to put forth the time or effort required to make themselves successful. All one can do is provide the resources, tools and mentoring to encourage a successful business - it's up to the end user to make something of it.
All the best, TerryG
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 10:07
This is a VERY important announcement if you're even THINKING of joining Passport to Wealth!
Let it be known that the creators of P2W are also unveiling a brand new home business within weeks called "My Internet Business". It looks like a VERY amazing home business opportunity, and provides REAL TANGIBLE training materials and PHYSICAL products (such as an internet marketing "board game" - like Robert Kiyosaki's "cash flow" game)!
Anyways, the beauty here is that all current and up to date Passport to Wealth members will be given a FREE MEMBERSHIP in the new business - which provides an amazing opportunity to provide choice to your customer! As you see in my sig link, having a few different priced choices opens you up to a much wider market - based on budget and attraction to the product.
If you're ready to jump on board, do it now! If you're thinking about it, time is running out - do it now! We will be your P2W gurus and have already been researching and mastering the new business - which we plan on leading right out of the gates! Join us for the ride, or watch from the side - the choice is yours!
If you'd like more info about P2W OR MyInternetBiz - please PM me - I'll be happy to help you!
All the best, TerryG
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 1 Mar 2008 13:02
FYI - P2W members MUST claim their free position in MyInternetBusiness by MARCH 5th, 2008! All current P2W members, and of course any new members will be required to purchase their membership.
Ger 'er done!
Best, TerryG
Joined: 28 Nov 2007
Posts: 17
# Posted: 3 Mar 2008 13:39
Quoting: Chopper have been in this business now for 3 months and I haven't made one sale, now all I have done is free advertising, but I've done all the big free advertising places such as myspace and youtube, craigslist and others but these are the three biggest that people will recognize, anyway even using these three giants to advertise and all the smaller places I've put ads, free advertisng has done absolutly notheing for me,
Chopper, Don't get discouraged. It isn't how you start but how you finish. I had a slow start too. But just continue to be consistent. Maybe try some of the low end leads to ad to the free forms you are currently doing - Sign up for things like that teach you how to build your own leads. Don't give up, your success might be just around the corner.
Joined: 21 Feb 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 6 Mar 2008 11:16
Hey Dave let the truth be told. Just shows we are not the team to talk negative about we help everyone on our team succeed that is willing to follow our steps........Mentors4u Team leader Stephanie
Take charge of your future and we will show you the way!! 919-816-9081
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 6 Mar 2008 17:43
Hey Stephanie,
Is there a reason that you keep repeating the same post? I don't see anyone here talking negative about your team.
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 12 Mar 2008 16:22
Hello , i see that you are offering advice on the pptw site. I am new to all this and im looking for an honest answer .. Does this really work.I have the start up fee but i need some info on this before i consider parting with it. Im not a marketing guru or anything near but do learn quickly. Is it worth having a shot at or would you advise me to scratch up on my marketing and sales skills before i consider this? Also the site has been running for a whil have i missed the boat on this one or is there still a market for this?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 15 Mar 2008 23:54
The #1 thing I would recommend is to get started as soon as possible. These businesses come and go and the sooner you start, the sooner your going to accomplish what you need. Make sure you get all your answers, talk to everyone you need to, and feel comfortable with who will be mentoring you before you join. But get the answers you need asap so you can start your path to success. Too many times people sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else pass them by. I am not a marketing guru by any means but I joined and started to figure things out as I went. NO SUCCESSFUL PERSON got that way by sitting on the sidelines. Just do you due dilligence and make the decision. And remember, you might have to fail several times before you succeed. If you never start, you'll never succeed. Good luck to you and God Bless
Joined: 15 Nov 2007
Posts: 5
# Posted: 24 Mar 2008 23:54
I love my passport to wealth business, Im am doing great with it and have a great group of leaders mentors4u
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 25 Mar 2008 00:41
gallaco, I'm not sure I'd recommend joining the managed marketing campaign. I've never heard of anyone doing good at it. Check with your team and see if they have any other lead sources that you can use, if not PM me and I'll give you some of mine. I think your $500 can be better spent at targeted specific leads. Good luck to you Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 4 Apr 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 4 Apr 2008 03:44
hi guys im from poland. have few questions for forumers. someone keeps sending me mails with Passport2Wealth opportunity. to join it cost $997. is it worth to spend that money? (in poland thats alot of money) does P2W realy work? did anybody made and havent made money with P2W? I welcome any comments guys. thanx marek
mariusz gora
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 9 Apr 2008 02:05
Marek, I joined on Oct 21st 2007 and since then I've made 14 sales. Passport to wealth works if you put the time and effort into it. You must have a great team (which we do) that will mentor, support, and train you so you will be successful. Our motto is "No one gets left behind". We strive to make sure that EVREYONE makes money! It may be a lot of money, but the rewards far outway the risk! This business has completely changed my life and it can your too! Call me if you have any questions Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 10 Apr 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 10 Apr 2008 21:09
Hi, Can you tell me any information about the new business products from Passport to Wealth? What team are you on? I am looking to join but need a good, experienced sponsor.
Thanks, Wendy
Joined: 28 Nov 2007
Posts: 17
# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 18:25
Hi Cindy, I'm not sure about the others but the particular team I'm on is the Blessings Unlimited Team. I was very skeptical in joining passport, but gathered my money together and decided to take a leap of faith. I have to say I was very impressed by the informational call and that was a big reason I joined. I have never been disappointed. The training and support has been awesome and I've learned so much.
Just talk with some of the members here. I believe most every one sincerely want to help others be successful. I agree with Heistheanswer - contact some of the member here and join with the person that you feel the most comfortable with. After all you'll be working very closely with this person.
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 16 Apr 2008 12:31
Hello everyone Just want to share an update with you, In my last post, as you know, I mentioned I've had 14 total sales since joining Passport To Wealth on Oct 21st 2007. That's not entirely true, I actually have 15 I made another sale last Friday night. I tell you this not to brag, but to let you know that P2W is going strong and it does work! As long as you put the time, effort, and belief into it, AND have the right support system, YOU CAN'T FAIL!!! This has truly been a blessing for me and my family and I can honestly say that without Passport to Wealth I would be in a much more difficult situation financially. I only hope that the success that I'm having will continue to be a blessing to others in my team as they move forward. That's the wonderful thing about this, you get to meet all kinds of wonderful people from all over the world. It's neat to learn different cultures. Feel free to contact me with any questions and have a blessed day, and remember, "Opportunity doesn't stop knocking, it just goes to another person".
Joined: 13 Apr 2008
Posts: 31
# Posted: 16 Apr 2008 21:06
Hi Wendy-
I agree. I've been looking into this opportunity but haven't found a great sponsor until now. But I would be interested in seeing what Passport To Wealth has to offer. Let me know if you find out any information on this.
Joined: 17 Apr 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 17 Apr 2008 14:43
I just want to tell you Rome wasn't built in a day. You hang in there because good things is going to happen to those who wait. It has happened to my friends and it is starting to happen to me. Sometimes we just get alittle too impatient for our own good. You don't know, your first qualifying sale might be the very next person. Try doing a combination of things, not just one avenue. As the cat holding on the pole, "hang in there baby". Jay
[Link removed - Admin]
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 18 Apr 2008 02:40
Ownyourlife, I like the name you have there. It's about owning our life and enjoying wht God gave us! Not one of us out there should be suffering right now, that's not the way it was intended to be. I believe that's why he put the internet here for us. The economy is totally crappy, BIG businesses everywhere are cutting employees, corners, and costs. The mortgage business is in the dumps and will continue to go there. The only thing that will remain strong is Internet sales and marketing. Think about it, there's billions of people out there right now looking for a homebased business just so they can pay for their gas to get to work. No one has time for a 2nd job. Passport to Wealth has been that vehicle for me to be able to enjoy life a little more. There are countless ways to make money online, you just have to go out and DO SOMETHING. If anyone would like to see my youtube videos, just PM me, take care and God Bless. 2008 is going to be AMAZING!!! Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 23 Apr 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Apr 2008 21:23
Maybe i am little slow here but,,, What does PP2W actually sell?
What is the product? People pay in so they can turn around and get others to pay in behind them? When you say you made a sale what are you selling?
# Posted: 23 Apr 2008 21:32
I totally agree!
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 24 Apr 2008 02:14
Furias, what you are selling is two fold, 1- You are selling a library of over $75,000 worth of downloadable software and ebooks and 2 is the resell right to the entire business. The American dream is to be able to own your life, not have life own you, this is what Passport is doing for thousands and thousands of people out there. Once you are a member and you become part of our team, you'll see what I'm talking about. Anyone can do this business, it just takes a little time, effort and belief in yourself. We are a Christian team and believe that EVERYONE should prosper. I hope that answered your question. If not feel free to contact me. Take care and GOD Bless Jason 636-978-7089
Joined: 25 Apr 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 25 Apr 2008 00:26
I see a problem with te way this site outlines the payouts. Seem's rather misleading to me.
The way it is actually described on the website is as follows.
My intial payment and first to sales go to my sponser. Which I understand this 2 up system.
Sponser ^ Me & My first 2
But then it goes on to say that on my third sale, my lines begin. So starting on my third, I get the initial payment, and their first 2 sales as well (jack and bob)
The site also describes that I recieve Jack and bob's payments, WHOM I DID NOT RECRUIT.
So through all this, everyones inital payment of $997 is being paid directly up to their sponser, yet somehow is also going directly to the sponser of my sponser..
I'm failing to understand how my initial $997 payment is multiplying itself into two peoples pockets.
So far my reality of this system is a very small pyramid scheme... Reaching only as far as your direct referrals, Turning each recruit into a nearly $3000 profit.
I fail to see how any payment below a direct referral leads to me, and I don't believe that is do.
So is it safe to assume that my initial payment of $997, on my third sale will basically break me even, and have potential to $2000 profit.. And therin each sale afterward make me a total of $3000?
Just trying to set the story straight, and if that is how it goes, hey, I'm fine with that.
Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 17
# Posted: 25 Apr 2008 07:20
There are a number of companies out their like Passport 2 Wealth, EDC GOLD and Big Ticket To Wealth all selling ebooks.
These businesses are primarily driven by recruiting and membership sales.
Therefore, you buy a membeship that allows you to sell a membership to someone who can then go out and sell a membership and that person can sell a memberhship ... evey member can sell an ebook that everyone just loves to buy and everyone gets rich.
Oh, By the Way .... it is not a pyramid scheme [i][/i]because it is legal.
Warmly, Jeff and Sandi
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 25 Apr 2008 09:00
In regards to Snaketeeths response/question: Each time a person joins they have to pass their 1st 2 sales up to their sponsor. Once you have passed your 2 sales up you move to the side and are now qualified. The first 2 sales that you just passed up have to pass up their first 2 sales to your sponsor, then they move to the side, and then so son and so on. Now you're qualified, you have Jack come in directly under you, so Jack pays you $997, Chaching$! 100% profit for your efforts. Now Jack wants to get qualified so he can make 100% profits, so he finds Pat and Mary. He passed Pat and Mary to you, $997x2 to you Chaching$! Another 100% profits for you and you didn't do anything to recruit Pat or Mary. This is the beauty of the system. Now Pat and Mary are directly under you and have to pass their first 2 sales to YOU. $997x4 and it goes on to infinity. Everybody is using the power of Leverage. Why make 100% off of only your efforts when you can make 100% off of everyone else's efforts too. It's not illegal or a pyramid because 1- there is a product that is being sold and 2- you can always make more money than the person who directly referred you. But then again, isn't corporate America a big huge pyramid, President, CEO, CFO, Managers, etc... all making money off of people underneath them from their efforts? A sales man is never going to make more money than the owner because the more they make, the more that owner will make. This concept has been around for ever, it just wasn't presented to us in the right way for us all to ACHIEVE what we really want, we've been dupped so to speak, but no more. We can now all win with the Internet. By leveraging our time and money, EVERYBODY WINS! If you need a better explanation you can view the comp plan at my website under comp plan. I hope that answers your question, feel free to call me anytime  Jason 636-978-7089 or 314-761-6643
Joined: 25 Apr 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 25 Apr 2008 11:42
aye, so my first two paylines are all paying up and ahead of me, that's all fine.. but every payline after that is all pointing to me then? My third fourth and fifth sale.. their first two go to me, who's first two go to me, who's first two go to me..
if this is what's going on, then I can definetely see why having 30 paylines can definately payoff well.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 274
# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 00:30
andrewblackwell: Passport to Wealth is a total Rip Off of EDC GOLD. The owners of Easy Daily Cash are sueing Darren Gaudry who stole the entire business model, products and idea from Easy Daily Cash. This business will likely be shut down!!!!!!! From what I have heard this program has been around longer than EDC so really Craig Garcia Is the one that stole the idea in the first place & anyway businesses like EDC are dying a slow death as it is just another one of those get rich quick schemes.
Joined: 26 Mar 2008
Posts: 35
# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 04:08
I came into contact with this's kinda hard to get ppl to join when you have thousand others promoting the same company website...
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 08:40
You can definitely find enough people to join, you just have to make sure you're on the right team. The right team will have all the support, tools, training, and mentoring you will need to make sales happen. I give all my team members specific tools for marketing for FREE to make sure they get off to a quick start. Then all you have to do is put in the time and effort and you'll be successful. If you join and are left alone, you will probably fail. I started last Oct and have been making sales steadily ever since and I pay nothing for advertising. I hope that helps  Jason 636-978-7089 or 314-761-6643
Joined: 13 Jan 2008
Posts: 45
# Posted: 24 May 2008 10:32
Why have there been no posts to this thread in almost a month? Is Passport still alive and well? I'm just wondering because my interest has certainly been peaked.