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Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 26 Feb 2007 00:29
Regardless of who has copied who, Passport To Wealth works! I have tried other programs without success, but I'm finding the whole "Package" to be an easy sale. Look at it yourself, you'll find it very tempting as well! There is really no use bickering about who stole what from home - truth is there is no lawsuit from EDC towards P2W, and members from both businesses are making money. There is nothing wrong with that! Contact me if I can be of any assistance to anyone.
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 27 Feb 2007 13:00
Passport to Wealth has opened their Managed Marketing Campaign back up to people who want to join. The program has become very successful and is creating quite a buzz amongst Work-From-Home entrepreneurs.
Take a minute to see the free video explaining the program, you'll be glad you did!
Joined: 1 Mar 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 1 Mar 2007 05:36
Hi Guys,
I'm not an EDC cheerleader, although I did join the program one month ago. I do like it so far and I also have to agree that PTW has a prettier package.
I really want to know if PTW is getting sued. I think they probably are, but not for the reasons people on this forum are reporting.
Check the Terms & Conditions of EDC...
"You further agree not to compete against MTS Marketing Inc. by using the 1up or 2up Australian compensation plan, when selling the software products on a domain other than our domains. "
The creator of PTW is a former EDC distributor. Unless this guy has a really good lawyer, this whole site may be sunk. I don't know what will happen and I know some good people in PTW.
Unless someone can explain how this lawsuit is going to go away, I'd hesitate shelling out the $997 for PTW for now. If the lawsuit is not a factor, then PTW looks great. The flash presentation is especially catchy.
Have a great day, Jason
PS the person who has the "dubbs" signature on their post is NOT Dave Dubbs, but just one of many who is using Dave's great page.
Joined: 27 Jun 2006
Posts: 317
# Posted: 1 Mar 2007 13:22
Quoting: greenflash Anybody who was in PAS, I don't really trust - they sold 'hot air' Don't know why you would use his name. But that's cool. Why is it that P2W has the exact same products as EDC Gold? Hmmmm...curious.....
The Guys who started EDC were PAS promoters too. These people all swim in the same waters I think. Current circumstances will change down the road.. I will be surprised if either of these programs get "legs"... not that there isn't some money to be made here and there with them for the time being.
Soon a $147 program with the same exact product will hit the market and the term "hot air" will have new meaing with these things. Mark my words.
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
Posts: 15
# Posted: 2 Mar 2007 04:24
Niche empires isn't the same product as EDC-Gold, a few of their items overlap but EDC-Gold has a much larger library with a larger selection of useful business, marketing and web applications. Besides, with EDC-Gold you're getting more than just software, you're getting a marketing system with live, interactive training. And the founders of the company will speak to your prospects on your behalf (no Mr. X, they don't steal your prospects). This business has done more than just make me a bundle of cash, it's taught me how to market effectively.
Mike and Craig (the founders of EDC-Gold) developed one of the most innovative businesses online. PTW didn't even try to be original, they took the exact product and price points and compensation plan and slapped a pretty website together. Nice packaging, but theres no meat. Where's the live, interactive training? Where are the professionals to close your sales for you? Their idea of a marketing system is give us more money and we'll do you're marketing for you. Reminds me of the PAS adpacks, how did that work out?
EDC-Gold has many innovations in the pipeline, including proprietary products. Many people may not realize this, but when EDC-Gold launched, everyone already involved with EDC got a free upgrade. This would have been a great opportunity to milk extra money from their members, but they didn't, Craig and Mike show integrity every step of the way.
I'd rather promote a company backed by innovators with integrity that I know will continue to set the standard, rather than a copy cat who doesn't appear to have a single original thought and who's integrity is in question, it sure does appear that he violated the terms of his former company. I almost don't want to make this post, I realize the members of PTW are good people and probably didn't have all the facts. I'm sure many of you are making money, you copied from the best, but you will soon be eating our dust. Just a little healthy competition that will bring out the best in all of us.
PS: Dave Dubbs is for real, he's on top of the leader board for the 1 Step System as well. He is a top producer in multiple programs and his willingness to share what he does is one reason there are so many successful members in EDC-Gold. Best wishes to all.
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 2 Mar 2007 16:33
Mktg Gold, Most millionaires in this world became so from taking something that is working and making it even better. Although P2W may not be so "original" in it's program products or prices, you have to admit that they are doing a MUCH better job at presenting it, right? I have members who are researching the two all the time, and ask me "Which program will be easier to sell?" My response is, "Take a look at both programs. Just by looking at the information available, which program more attracts YOU. Which one would YOU buy if they were identical." This usually closes the deal for me, and brings another member into P2W. It's a no-brainer. Do you want the "original", or do you want to make money? Personally, I'm here to make money, so I'll stick with the product that sells itself.
Best of luck, Terry
Joined: 3 Mar 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 3 Mar 2007 12:55
hey, ppl, i just came accross this P2W today and it looks very tempting, after reading this forum i dont know weather to sign up or not, if what terry is saying is true and it really does work then obviously i will sign up, if anyone has any more information regarding this P2W please email me, i would like to know everything about the site and its busines before i sign up, thanx everyone for the information on this forum.
Joined: 5 Mar 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 5 Mar 2007 08:06
I'm looking at p2w and am new to home based businesses, how does it work on the tax end? Do you have to pay state sales taxes on every sale or quarterly or yearly?? Seems like a good business but just don't know what I'm doing yet.
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 5 Mar 2007 15:40
Hi Yusif! Yes, the program works, that is for sure. It does, however, require some work - just like ANY business. People want to sign up, the task involved is spreading the word about this amazing opportunity, and then providing enough support them to have them sign up with you and become successful in the business as well. Clever marketing, and following the same steps others do that have succeeded in P2W will make this an easy, affordable task. Talk with whomever you need to to conclude that there actually IS money to be made in this business, then get IN and start making money for yourself!
If I can be of any assistance to you, don't hesitate to ask!
Thanks, Terry
Joined: 7 Mar 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 19:24
Quoting: Yusdaking if anyone has any more information regarding this P2W please email me, i would like to know everything about the site and its busines before i sign up, thanx everyone for the information on this forum.
Hi Jusif, I got in with P2W and it was the best move I made in years! I finally am making money! The people are all great people and their support is very responsive. We have a complete system in place that even helps complete computer noobs to succeed.
I also signed up with there mmc. Can't waite when this kicks in..
Contact me if you need any information.
Thanks, Ren�
Joined: 2 Apr 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 8 Mar 2007 10:45 · Edited by: WealthyWAHM
Hi Everyone!
Wow! This thread has certainly grown since I last posted! 
Sorry I haven't been around much lately to offer my 2 cents but I have been working on a project that I had been planning for months and it's been sucking up a good deal of my free time.
I just wanted to offer my opinion on a few things that were mentioned above-
1) I don't think that EDC has a leg to stand on in terms of legal disputes against P2W. We all no that if someone produces something really good and that proves to be profitable, that others will take their idea and build on it to make it their own. That's the nature of how things work and nothing can be legally done about it unless there is some sort of patent in place that allows a company to monopolize the idea.
2) There really is no denying that P2W packaged their products better. That movie is impeccable- it's clean, eye-catching and detailed. Personally, I would much rather present that website than the EDC one which just looks like your basic software download sales page. In marketing, image is everything...
Rene- keep us up to date on your MMC campaign. I paid the $50 to get set up but was on vacation when they sent out the emails about actually joining, so I missed out on the first round. I, too, am anxious to see how they go. 
To those that have been contacting me with questions, please, keep them coming... I hope you are finding the advice helpful.
Christy [email protected]
Joined: 2 Apr 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 8 Mar 2007 22:10
I got a question from someone about whether the Managed Marketing Campaigns are open or not and figured it's probably something that lots of people are wondering...
Yes, they are now open for orders again. There was only a limit on the first 500 orders because they had limited advertising avenues available at that point. Now that they magazine advertiisng has started for the MMCs, they don't believe their will be any more limits imposed like that again. 
Christy [email protected]
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 9 Mar 2007 00:43
Dear IGotQuestions, Money earned in any online business in considered Income and is considered taxable. Although many people hide it, it's probably not a good idea. There are, however, many benefits to performing certain strategies such as opening a corporation or LLC that the business can run under. This way, considering it's a "home business", you can write off a lot of your regular bills and mortgage, and well as other stuff related to your business. You may want to try the business out, get a few payments, and if it starts taking off for you speak with an accountant.
I hope this helps, contact me if you need any more information!
Thankyou, Terry
Quoting: igotquestions igotquestions Member Joined: 5 Mar 2007 Posts: 1 # Posted: 5 Mar 2007 08:06 Reply Quote I'm looking at p2w and am new to home based businesses, how does it work on the tax end? Do you have to pay state sales taxes on every sale or quarterly or yearly?? Seems like a good business but just don't know what I'm doing yet.
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 9 Mar 2007 00:47 · Edited by: moneyinmypocket
From a friend 
I had a brief conversation with Darren Gaudry (the owner of PP2W), last night... just before he was ready to take off to THE WORLD INTERNET SUMMIT in Melbourn, Australia.
And here is a bit of an update on what's happening with the progress PP2W, and the initial results of the MMC's:
1) already 7 Sales were completed for 7 Members
That is 7 New PP2W Sales directly generated from the MMC advertising, in just 10 days
- that is $7,000 in the pocket of Members (which could be you - if you were an upgraded Member in PP2W). This is the result of Advertising coordinated and managed by the PP2W Company... cause 100% of the Profit goes to the Members.
- now... where 7 Sales may not look like much, I really want you to take that into the proper perspective, given the fact that we are only 10 days into running the MMC's.
- generally it will take 30-90 days to get the "Initial Sales" from any type of marketing.
- Remember, this is people, who just like yourself, FIRST want to really check out all the ins and outs of this program. They need TIME to confirm that this program is Real and is Legit, and they may need a bit of time to arrange the right amount of Dollars, both to buy but also to prepare a budget to properly advertise this program.
- eventhough I don't have a Crystal Ball, and for sure that I cannot predict any Exact Future... I can estimate possible outcome..., it could be, that these 10 days of MMC Advertising which now, has already generated 7 Sales in 10 days, may become 49 Sales in the next 20 to 30 days, and may become 343 Sales in the next 60 to 90 days.
Only Time can Tell for sure.
But, these initial 7 Sales didn't just "Drop From The Sky" or appear "From Thin Air"... no no... they came as a result of EFFICIENTLY STRATEGIZED ADVERTISING.
- Plus, of course, in addition to just these 10 days of MMC Advertising, with every day further, MORE Advertising is being added, so MORE Prospects are being added, and so MORE interest is being created... and thus additional buyers will follow, ON TOP of whatever is already in MOTION.
- Plus, as every Marketing Specialist or Consultant will tell you... only 15% of the Buyers, will buy during these 1st 90 days. 85% of the Buyers will NOT buy during these first 90 days. Instead, they will buy between the 4th and the 24th month.
- And there is nothing much that anyone can do to FORCE this NATURAL TIME CYCLE to go faster. Actually, if you attempt to FORCE that or ACCELERATE that too much, you end up loosing Quality Prospective Buyers, who do really want to buy from you, but they get turned off, when they feel there is TOO MUCH PUSH.
- SO, WE ALL NEED TO BE PATIENT on that Level, and permit, the advertising to plant its seeds, and to let these seeds come to fruition. Heck, a farmer knows that too.
2) The MMC's already have created a lot of Quality Visitors on the PP2W Member Websites
A ton of Quality Traffic has been measured and is Confirmed by Darren Gaurdry, the owner.
- and remember, that it is: >> VISITORS >> Turns to PROSPECTS >> Turns to PRESIGN-UPS >> Turns to SALES >> Turns to PROFITS FOR YOU!!
3) 30 Fullpage Magazine Offline Advertising is just going in effect, as of the 10th of March
That is only the 1st of 30 Advertisements that is starting in 3 Days, but there will be many more added, so this will have effect and impact for many weeks and months to come.
- so, I hope you get the picture here... that we have only seen the initial EARLY BIRD RESPONSE so far, of only a fraction of the Actual MMC Advertising.
- it takes LEAD-IN time, to RESERVE these spaces in the Magazines... yet, once they are in place, they will continue Month after Month, and only increase in impact, because of Continued and Repeated Presence - which contributes to More and More Readers and Potential Prospects, and even already Opted In Prospects, who will become more and more Confident that PP2W IS THE PROGRAM to buy.
And here is a Surprise:
5) 5000 DVD's (YES, I SAID FIVE THOUSAND DVD's) about Passport to Wealth will be handed out at the World Internet SUMMIT
And they all LINK BACK to the URL Rotator, that goes straight to ALL MMC Members websites!
- so, all these are people who will have visited the PP2W Booth, and have asked Questions and personally met with Darren Gaudry and some other PP2W Staff Members...
Do you think, we may get some HIGH QUALITY PROSPECTS from people who have met the PP2W Leadership Face to Face....
**** OF COURSE WE WILL!! *****
Best of luck to all those in P2W!
Joined: 27 Jun 2006
Posts: 317
# Posted: 10 Mar 2007 21:57 · Edited by: malibumentor
Your comment about 85% of buyers making the purchase after 90 days or more is correct.
This illustrates furthermore why it is not smart to jump around from program to program - searching for quick easy money. Pick some programs you feel good about... learn how to market them well and market them consistently.
I am always dismayed when I see leaders in the industry jumping ship because they can make a bunch of money by doing so. Professional program-hopping contributes to the reputation problems of the industry in general.
Ship-jumping is what creates the "pyramid" problem where only a few at the top succeed. When these leaders tell people that the money is over here now, they follow blindly. Yet the truth is that viable businesses are built by diligent people who learn their product and market well.
Joined: 11 Mar 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 11 Mar 2007 22:04
Hey all
I looked at Passport to Wealth and EDC gold. They both have systems. I know for sure that Darren Gaudry did not stole the script. Anyone can buy at for 2500 dollars . Plus entire system is more automated. However, I am still looking because I already have a good business. It is just when you get pitched every day it makes you wonder how it is. As I know Darren Gaudry does a lot for the business from the tools to advertising strategies. Plus I do not like that everyone uses David Dubbs stuff. It gives him more sales. People need to brand themselves and not promote someone else idea. If David Dubbs leaves this business, what these people who joined him would do? THat system will go with him. That is how I look at it. You have to know branding and it will help in long term to build presence online
Thanks Tatyana Gann
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 13 Mar 2007 09:01
Hi Tatyana, Many people who are familiar with the options for home based opportunities feel the same way you do. EDC is getting washed out, while P2W is exploding with life. Deciding between the two has become an easy and definite decision. I would be very interested in speaking with you regarding the program, Tatyana. I think that we may be able to help each other greatly! Specifically, the fact that you already have a successful home business already gives you a major advantage over those who do not. I'd like to discuss some testing with you, if you're interested.
Contact me if you are interested in talking at all!
Thank You, Terry
Joined: 27 Jan 2006
Posts: 61
# Posted: 15 Mar 2007 01:23 · Edited by: tonyb
Passport to Wealth may have copied EDC and they are up and running. However, we can not say how long any of these programs will be around.
I think EDC will be here for a while because it has a infrastructure. There are people that you can actually talk to in order to get things done. That is the true sign of a real business.
If you called your telephone company and the only thing they did was send you an email you would probably drop them. If any another company did you that way you would more than likely not trust them. Why should this be any different?
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 17 Mar 2007 23:08
tonyb, It's not about talking to somebody, it's about making money. I could sit on the phone for a week with the EDC team and still never make a penny. I know far too many people that this has happened to. Once your told what to do, it either works or it doesn't. P2W has spark. It has sizzle, and people like it. People get into the business knowing what they're getting into, and they're getting tools that help them succeed. EDC may have people to talk to, but is there people still buying the business? Hasn't it just about saturated? P2W is new life, it's the beginning of the program. There is a ton of money to be made working from home, and it's not done by getting in behind a really long line and talking to support... it's done by getting in the shortest line and making money.
All the best
Joined: 17 Mar 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 18 Mar 2007 11:16
Tony B,
I received a lot of help and advice from my P2W training team right from the beginning (phone calls, emails)! I appreciate the genuine team support from P2W!
I looked at a lot of different on line companies and P2W was the one that stood out for me.
Online marketing takes creativity, marketing skills and a great attitude to make things happen.
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 19 Mar 2007 13:33
Hey Vision! Welcome to the forum! I know that you too offer the same amazing help to your own downline, keep up the great work!
Joined: 27 Jan 2006
Posts: 61
# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 01:01
Hey Moneyinmypocket,
I am not saying that people are not making money however, I am saying this company is taking off like a rocket. There are things that this company is doing that others are not.
Saturation is not happening here at all. I make at least one sell per day. This company is also taking a product directly to small businesses. This product will pay a residual income to the member and a upfront 100% commission.
P.S. The line is always short for the person willing to work.
Joined: 23 Mar 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 23 Mar 2007 13:56
Craig Garcia has a full page ad in the Home Business Connection. This has angered many EDC reps- and apparently there is a mass movement to PTW happening. The only disadvantage I see with PTW is that it is $997 or nothing. You do not have the option of the EDC sales.
Has anyone had good results with the managed marketing campaigns?
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 24 Mar 2007 13:57
Thanks for the reply, tonyb. I think you meant to say "The line is always short"er" for the person willing to work"
All the best, Terry
Jon Rombaldi
Joined: 30 Mar 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 30 Mar 2007 11:14
That's very interesting. Anyone know where Liberty League obtains their beyond freedom course?
This has been a very informative thread.
Joined: 25 Jan 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 31 Mar 2007 08:58
hi msmillitics, I heard about the same thing, and understand that EDC is getting very desperate. I think that P2W has become EDC's worst nightmare... although I suppose ANY competition isn't good. As for the $997 payments, I think that this is basically keeping the program at a "high-return" opportunity. I realize that $997 is a good chunk of money to pay up front, but the constant and consistent $997 payments you receive are absolutely unbelievable! Now that I'm getting constant $997 payments, I have no interest in these other programs that will pay me $200 to do the SAME WORK it takes me to get the $997. Higher price, higher return. I know others who use the analogy that they can sell more $200 businesses than $997 businesses, but again, my strategy is to work just as hard and convert my interested subjects into the $997 business - allowing them the same amazing, high-return opportunity. As for the MMC, I personally haven't seen any results from it, nor have I heard from anyone personally who has seen a sale from it, but there are changes in the line that will allow members the opportunity to see statistics and results from the member site.
I hope this helps, please let me know if you have any other concerns!
Joined: 2 Apr 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Apr 2007 04:38
Hi All,
I am the owner of where Mr D Gaudry obtained his products from.
By selling all our products together as a package he is in breach of our intellectual copyright and our Terms Of Service.
Only we have the resell rights to the package that he purchased.
Not only that, but people that Mr D Gaudry sold the package to do not have resell rights either, as such they are also in breach of our intellectual copyright.
We have tried on numerous occassions to contact him, including through the support desk, but have yet to receive any reply from either or Mr Darren Gaudry.
We are currently in discussions with our legal team pending a class action lawsuit against Mr D Gaudry, and its members.
Since our previous attempts to contact him have failed, perhaps this message will get through.
Alex Major
[Link removed - Admin]
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 19:03
So Alex... What is your opinion and posture on EDC and EDC Gold?
Joined: 27 Jun 2006
Posts: 317
# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 22:42
Quoting: Jon Rombaldi # Posted: 30 Mar 2007 11:14 Reply Quote Quoting: mrX anyone want to know where edc and ptw got their $997 resale products for $67? http://www.nicheempires.comThat's very interesting. Anyone know where Liberty League obtains their beyond freedom course?
Liberty League's original product was apparently developed in collaboration with Bob Proctor. Shortly into the venture he retracted the use of his product because of another contractual obligation.
As far as I know LIberty League's current Beyond Freedom product is not available in another form anywhere, rumors to the contrary notwitstanding. The product is, in fact, proprietary.
PT Dude
Joined: 18 Feb 2007
Posts: 66
# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 00:15
Quoting: alexmajor Hi All, I am the owner of where Mr D Gaudry obtained his products from. By selling all our products together as a package he is in breach of our intellectual copyright and our Terms Of Service. Only we have the resell rights to the package that he purchased. Not only that, but people that Mr D Gaudry sold the package to do not have resell rights either, as such they are also in breach of our intellectual copyright. We have tried on numerous occassions to contact him, including through the support desk, but have yet to receive any reply from either or Mr Darren Gaudry. We are currently in discussions with our legal team pending a class action lawsuit against Mr D Gaudry, and its members. Since our previous attempts to contact him have failed, perhaps this message will get through. Alex Major
Ummm does this not worry some of you pptw guys?