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Any dealings with Zoombroadcast?

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Joined: 10 Nov 2008
Posts: 26

# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 17:01

It is a company that does cell phone advertising, but it cost

around $2500 to get started!


Joined: 25 Jun 2009
Posts: 18

# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 20:22

I wouldn't do it if I were you. For one, I couldn't really find any information on it. Two, I've seen that name a few times on the forums. Plus, that's an awful lot of money to put at risk if you are unsure about this company!

What do you mean by cell phone advertising though? Like text messages? Because those are rarely effective, just spammy.



Joined: 10 Nov 2008
Posts: 26

# Posted: 23 Aug 2009 17:58

"ZoomBroadcast is building a world wide Location-based Bluetooth

advertising network that delivers advertising to consumers via

their Cell phones."

[Post edited - Admin]


Joined: 1 Jul 2009
Posts: 82

# Posted: 24 Aug 2009 03:03

Here are the problems I see with ZoomBroadcast.

1. Price $2600 or $3600. The equipment probably actually worth about 5-10% of that.
2. Location, Location, Location. The broadcast range is about 300 ft. If you don't have thousands or tens of thousands of people passing within 300 feet your location every hour no ads are going to get served. Plus I am guessing that the real range is a lot less in real world environments where there are walls.
3. They have to have the bluetooth on. If they don't have a bluetooth in their ear it is probably off to preserve the battery life.
4. I wouldn't count on anybody actually opting in.
5. There is little or no real information on advertiser pricing. I would be very surprised if the real rates paid by advertisers were more than a couple of pennies.
6. No way for advertisers to track served ads. Expect a lot of chargebacks if you actually sold any ads.
7. No Disclosures. This is being marketed as a business opportunity and it is my understanding that any business opportunity costing more than $500 requires a long form disclosure.
8. I don't see any information for advertisers. No rate card or a link to a site to buy advertising. How can they sell advertising for you with out having an easy way for advertisers to buy ads.
9. No information about the people behind the business. There are more scams today than ever before so you have to check out the people behind the business. Thanks to the internet it is pretty easy to find out if the guy behind the business is a felon.

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