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ACN Inc?

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Joined: 14 Nov 2008
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# Posted: 14 Nov 2008 02:29

I barely ever comment on Forums, but i felt like it was neccessary for this one. I am only 19 years old, i have a business on ebay, and own a local student newsletter. My ebay business had blown up about a year ago, and it ended up almost crashing a couple of months ago, the newsletter on the other hand, has not blown up and won't, it will take a long period of time, but the beautiful thing is that if it is to fail one day i will beable to see it months in advance, instead of weeks like the ebay. I signed up for ACN and have taken the worst case scenerio like in every business. 500 is alot to invest, but if i gain 1 person a month, for 12 months i should be able to make my money back within 5 months, lets even say 1 year. after that commission will come from my reps recuritments, and even if i get a lousy 100 a month, thats 1200 dollars a year that i dont have to invest a second into. that atleast will cover my lifetime membership. Lets be realistic here, the system has to somewhat work to have that many people involved, so even if the 10,000 dollar a month check is a lie, if i get 100 im happy. this is not the type of business that i am looking to blow up overnight, but instead of puting my 500 in a cd, with alittle bit of effort i can get more out of it.

Hopes this atleast convinces someone, (Remember the true businesman takes worst case sceniro, business with feelings is a business thats peeling, being rich is not the goal it is only a tool.


Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 143

# Posted: 21 Nov 2008 14:18 · Edited by: TheChampion

ACN is NOT a scam.

I am not a member of ACN but all these MLM's that people talk about being scams are not scams.

The thing is that you can make so much money in MLM's like ACN but you also have to work very smart on how to do it.

The thing that the MLM industry needs to change though is presenting their business opportunity as if it something that will make you rich quickly and easily.

These MLM's try to convince and 'sell' you on thinking that you only need to get 2 people and those 2 will get 2 and those 2 will get 2 and so on.

The problem with this concept is that only 3% who join you will produce significant duplication and the other 97% will not duplicate.

The reason why the duplication doesn't happen is because the failing 97% lack marketing knowledge!

They join and then they are not properly taught on how to build their business.

But once you do gain the knowledge and you pass it on to your downline is when the "duplication" really does happen and it is truly awesome.

But there are no shortcuts.

You need to STOP trying to convince and 'sell' your business opportunity and focus instead on gaining knowledge and skills on how to correctly market.

Then teach those skills to your team and you'll be amazed at the results.

But anyways, like I was trying to say, MLM's present their opportunity like it will grow magically on its own, when the reality is that the magic is not going to happen until you gain the knowledge and training to make it happen.

There are no shortcuts.



Joined: 25 Nov 2008
Posts: 18

# Posted: 28 Nov 2008 18:14

ACN is definately not a scam...
Just make sure you do your research before joining them...
As you would any other opportunity...

See how I generate CASH daily working from home

Joined: 27 Nov 2008
Posts: 21

# Posted: 29 Nov 2008 12:54

ACN definitely isn't a scam. Whether or not a person should join the business is dependent on the person. People who look at things from a perspective of "What do I need to watch out for, what's the catch, what are the cons" probably shouldn't do the business, or any business for that matter; simply because even if they do validate the opportunity, they'll die quickly due to their negativity. It's important to know the pros AND cons of everything, but going into something looking for the cons first is not the way to see an opportunity's potential; it's the best way to safeguard yourself from a scam true, but you'll miss a ton of great opportunities trying to be safe. I look at it this way: If I lose $10,000 in scams, but make $100,000 in legitimate opportunities in a years' time, I'll do that over and over for the rest of my life. Now, if you have a strong business aptitude you probably won't lose much money in scams; the only problem is knowing whether or not you truly have a strong business aptitude.

Personally, I can make money doing anything, literally. I don't care if no one has ever become a millionaire doing it, or thousands have; I don't base whether or not I'll be successful in something on the statistics of the masses. Quite frankly, the masses make around $50k a year, work 9 - 5 for 30+ years, and read at less the a high school graduate level; why the hell would I gauge my potential on those people? I look at everything from a "Who's making the MOST money, what's their background, what advantages/disadvantes do we have to one-another, then finally how much better than or how close can I come to that" perspective. If I look at an opportunity and someone says the average person makes $1000 a month, but the MOST anyone has made is $5000, I'm already half-way out of the door; I don't give a damn about averages, I care about maximums, because that is my philosophy on life and that's where I live. Some may call it a bit arrogant, but I know for a fact that I am more ambitious, driven, and resourceful than 95% of the people out there; if you can't say the same about yourself then either a home-business isn't for you or you need to grow to the point where you can.

Now I'm talking about making $25,000 a month or more; a chimp can make $1 - 5,000 a month in any legitimate opportunity with enough time and hard-work. ACN is obviously a legitimate opportunity; Donald Trump, numerous Attorney Generals, and a number of celebrities would not risk their names if it weren't. If you somehow think ACN duped these people, but you're smart enough to see the tricks that they can't, then I think that says who is really being a bit arrogant and just darn-right silly.

- Jaynen

It's not what you do, not too much of how you do it, more so the support/leadership you have, and mostly your attitude and drive to succeed.

Joined: 1 Apr 2008
Posts: 9

# Posted: 30 Nov 2008 05:42

I see a whole lot of excuses on this forum of why ACN won't/doesn't work. To be honest excuses are just that... excuses. There comes a time when you must take responsibility for your own actions, or lack thereof.

Is college a scam because people pay $40,000 and most people never work within their degree? even less are ever financially independent! Of course not. College is merely a tool, to assist the seeker of success. The same as any opportunity. The next time you fail, don't blame anyone other than yourself.

Success is a mindset, you either have it or you don't. You can learn the mindset as most people are not born with it. Only 5% of the population is financially independent! These are the ones who are naturally success minded or taught themselves to be successful.

If you want to learn to be successful here is a great book that is unbiased to any particular industry or profession. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

If you decide you will accomplish a goal, no one and nothing can stop you from achieving that goal. You must however, truly desire the goal to be reality.

I can't emphasize enough the importance and power of your own thought. It is actually the only factor that really matters.

You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take.

Recession Proof Your Income
Ground Floor MLM

Joined: 1 Apr 2008
Posts: 9

# Posted: 30 Nov 2008 05:57

Breaking News!!! ACN, it's a scam! 3 former attorney generals are in on the scam, Donald trump is in on the scam, 19 governmental bodies are in on the scam, tens of thousands of people are in on the scam, ... you're the only one not in on the scam! What are you waiting for???

I couldn't resist the sarcasm! Take responsibility for your own actions, or lack thereof! Just because you fail at something, it doesn't make it a scam. With that logic someone who graduates college is a scam artist and the failures are just victims.

Come on people...

You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take.

Recession Proof Your Income
Ground Floor MLM

Joined: 11 Dec 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 11 Dec 2008 00:36

you are making the residual on the monthly payment for the service not the individual call


Joined: 14 Jan 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 19:20

I am signing up with acn tomorrow morning. At first I was nervous because it just seems so much like a pyramid like company, so Ive been researching them all day today just to make sure I want to do this. It seems to me that ACN can stand on stout legal legs here. It is MLM based, but whose to say you cant make it big this way. Success is obtained with hard work and diligence! Not in being lazy and un-positive. Im looking forward to taking opportunity up tomorrow and not being just another skeptic! Post later about how it all turns out!


Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 143

# Posted: 15 Jan 2009 13:52

Welcome to the forum Alicia,

Keep us updated with your experiences.


Joined: 20 Jan 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 20 Jan 2009 15:13

How has it been since you wrote this blog? My husband and I are thinking about signing up.


Joined: 22 Jan 2009
Posts: 3

# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 02:08

I've seen first hand how ACN can change lives. A friend of mine from church used to work in real estate. He and his wife were on the verge of bankruptcy. Now 18 months later they make 5 figures a month. ACN is Not a "pyramid scheme". The compensation plan works. Anyone who says otherwise was either too scared to invest the time and energy to find out or they let the person that sponsored them determine their success. They don't claim you'll get rich quick. In fact they tell you it will take time to develope your customer base. To be truly successful you have to work hard at it.
NO GUTS NO GLORY. I've spent more on the boxes that hold my tools at work. My wife and I signed up in December and I expect to replace my $85,000 per year income within the next 18 months.
Just like anything in life you get out of it what you put into it.


Joined: 22 Jan 2009
Posts: 3

# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 02:13

Actually you get bonuses based on how many people become qualified. To get qualified they need to buy in and become a customer. The bonuses are quite lucrative. But it takes alot of work.


Joined: 22 Jan 2009
Posts: 3

# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 02:16

To the gutless go none of the spoils.


Joined: 5 Oct 2008
Posts: 38

# Posted: 24 Jan 2009 00:40

I signed up with Excel in 2004 or so... then in 2007, I find the same people giving presentations about ACN. Same products, better compensation plan!

My thoughts: Excel was bought by Trump and changed the name to ACN.

I don't think ACN is a scam. If you can't explain the MLM right, then people will think it's a pyramid scheme. We know how people can be skeptical about earning money in a different way than a J-O-B and salary wage!

Just like a business, prepare to put in the time and effort necessary to make it launch. It won't happen within a month but it is possible. MLM is not for everyone.

I also think that telecommunications services are a very competitive market and ACN is not offering the best prices. That's why reps ask their friends and families to join and become their clients.

Just because you don't succeed doesn't mean the business is a scam. Seek help and training elsewhere. Find out about MLM and Network Marketing. Sometimes, the team leader is not much of a leader!

Good luck to present and future ACN reps!


Joined: 14 Sep 2008
Posts: 42

# Posted: 1 Feb 2009 16:21

I would simply stay away from any telecommunications mlm program as it is uber competitive. All of these companies, mlm or not, compete keep customers. As a result companies consistently change their plans with the hope to attract new customers. Other companies also offer deals with very nice phones such as iPhone or Blackberry, by making customers sign contracts. Other companies who also happen to provide other services such as cable and internet also offer bundle packages which will then give its customers more discounts. With that said, it is very difficult for a telecommunications independent representative to keep up with the pace of this super competitive market.


Joined: 5 Feb 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 5 Feb 2009 07:12

I just signed up as well. After a horrendous experience at work, I decided I needed an outlet for alternative income, and nothing could be harder than the job I have at present. I am not afraid of work. I would appreciate feedback from Alicia or those presently working with ACN. Any mentoring or support is welcome!


Joined: 5 Mar 2008
Posts: 148

# Posted: 5 Feb 2009 12:15

I was ironically approached by an ACN member just yesterday. I don't believe ACN is a scam but it's just not for me. A couple of high school buddies of mine first tried to recruit me into ACN about 10 years ago. They had this ultra pushy guy who wanted me to pawn everything I owned to pay the entry fee. I guess that left a bad taste in my mouth so I automatically tune out anyone promoting ACN.


Joined: 9 Feb 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 14:02


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