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Joined: 8 Oct 2006
Posts: 16
# Posted: 28 Jan 2007 13:15 · Edited by: yahia
Sorry Somnambulist, I forgot to mention that Melaleuca is the genus name of a native Australian plant commonly known as "tea tree". It has nothing to do with tea though. Three species are being studied, and only one (M. alternifolia) is used to produce the tea tree oil by Melaleuca Inc. This plant is the one that had been used by Aboriginal Austrialians, although 40,000 years is not a good estimate. All of these names are English names, the original name (the one I consider the correct name) is different for sure.
Joined: 2 Feb 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Feb 2007 03:24
Can anybody give me some ideas on how to make new recruits /customers auto enroll in Melaluca without me 3 way call the company for the first time who enroll under me? Thankyou!
Joined: 2 Feb 2007
Posts: 6
# Posted: 2 Feb 2007 11:20
I have heard many great things about Melaleuca over the years. What really attracts me is their mission to create a safe world, and to protect the environment. I know for myself, I have a 2 year old daughter so it is very important to me to have non-toxic products around the house.
Joined: 3 Feb 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 3 Feb 2007 07:00
Well, I have to say that today seems to be my lucky day. I was just speaking with a few family members who was all trying to guess the name of the company of this product. Then I join this site and see it. IF someone is out there who is selling this product, I would like to ask that someone please send me an email so I can get my phone number to them. I am wanting to join Melaleuca. We had the chance to try some of the products and we like it all very well. We are true believers that if someone is going to sell this then they need to believe in the product, or it would make me feel like a thief to sell it and not like it. However, I do want the individual to know that I plan to sign up and maybe some of my children will. However, this will not be my main form of my homebased work. I just do not wish to have someone think that I going to go out and push this product. Yet, Once again I will say it is good and we loved it.
Joined: 8 Oct 2006
Posts: 16
# Posted: 7 Feb 2007 03:29
Hi BLChew,
Melaleuca reps are not allowed to sell the products directly to customers. If you are interested in the products a Melaleuca representative (like myself) will help you sign up for your own account through which you can buy those products directly from the company. I have sent you an email as you requested above, please include the best time to call you with your Ph.#.
Joined: 11 Feb 2007
Posts: 30
# Posted: 11 Feb 2007 13:34
I recently started as a customer with Melaleuca. Not overly impressed with the person who signed me up as he did not disclose everything, even when I asked direct questions, and I found out after signing up some things that may have affected my decision (ex. preferred customer status is optional, he led me to believe it was not). Overall though, I am extremely impressed with the products. Regardless of the fact that they are environmentally friendly, they are more cost effective and work better than cleaning products I have been using up til now. I bought the home conversion kit and it is time to place my order again and I think I will try some of the soaps, etc this time round. I absolutely do not intend to use this as a business as I am working full time as well as running my business but if I make any extra out of it it will be bonus
Joined: 12 Feb 2007
Posts: 7
# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 19:09
GiftLady I am sorry to hear about your "bad experience" with Melaleuca.
BLChew it's nice to know that you want to join up with Melaleuca. I love their products. I hope you have found a Rep to help you sign up with us. If you haven't, I'd be more than happy to talk with you.
daretodream I am also a new member of Mela. I signed up almost a month ago. I plan on making this a full time business for myself. I really don't want to go back out into the work world. I'm tired of the office crap that goes on. I'm sorry that you weren't impressed with the person who signed you up. Maybe he was somewhat of a 'newbie' also.
I'm so glad that I registered with this forum and saw this post.
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 21:08
Yahia, sorry, I haven't visited this folder in awhile!
Business Kit, Appendix book, pg. 24, Statements of Policies/Definitions of terms:
"Personal Customer- A person who purchases product directly from a Marketing Executive but who has not executed a Customer Agreement."
"Suggested Retail Price- The price Melaleuca suggest Marketing Executives charge for products they sell to Personal Customers. This is a suggestion only! Marketing Executieves are free to sell products to PersonalCustomers at any price they wish."
It's Consumer Direct Marketing because it's not sitting around, you didn't buy it to get to a new level...our system is designed so that would be very, very hard to do. Our system is also designed so that we can't make a lot of money by retailing. Except for the cleaning supplies, our PC prices are about as high as anyone would reasonably pay, so we can't really raise the price much.
We would retail to like, our senior citizen neighbor, who may be on a fixed income and could not possibly use 35 pts. of stuff. She may get her bottle of shampoo and and REnew lotion each month, and you may even just charge her the PC price. We make money in enrolling people to shop for themselves; retailing is more for the folks you KNOW will not enroll as a PC but like a few products.
I hope that helps.
Or, I have retailed candles at my workplace just enough to cover the shipping costs, to introduce people to the products.
Joined: 10 Mar 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 12 Mar 2007 19:21
Great comments Melaman...
I used to be an Amway guy in the past and I totally believe in the Melaleuca brand name and opportunity! The people who educated me about Melaleuca were Diamonds in Amway. I wonder what they saw in Melaleuca! ha ha...
Good stuff!
Have a great prosperous week!
Joined: 8 Oct 2006
Posts: 16
# Posted: 16 Mar 2007 22:01
Thank you beckie1229 for your post. Although I couldn't locate it in my business kit, maybe mine is out of date .. or it is a regional condition because I know that in Halifax there are licensed resellers of Melaleuca products.
I wanted to share a personal experience with the customer service of Melaleuca. This happened today. I wanted to return an item from Feb. order because the expiration date is Oct. 2007 and based on my consumption rate I'll never finish it before that date. So I called to place my order and asked the assistant about returning this item and how to make up the points of that order. She transferred me to a customer service representative who asked if I didn't like the product. I told her about the expiration date and she said that I don't need to worry about the points or returning that item. I can give it away as a sample (before the expiration date of coarse ) or dispose it, and that she will add a replacement to my new order free of charge.
Given that shipping of the returned items is my own responsibility Melaleuca was very generous with me by this nice touch.
The reason I wanted to share this experience is to make a point. Customer service representatives are regular people, generally they are very nice with the customers because it is one of their job requirements. It just happened to those who had bad experience with Mela. customer service in the past that the cs rep. wasn't in the mode or wasn't the right one for his/her job at that time. Also the surveys that Melaleuca sends to the customers after each contact with the customer service gives the company a good tool to filter and refresh their customer service to maintain the high quality of the service.
I am sorry for those who went through bad experience with Melaleuca in the past. But I have good news for you ... the kind of sales person that misleads the customers to close the sale will never advance, given that you did your part and reported their behaviour to the company.
Joined: 3 Feb 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 24 Mar 2007 01:22
I like Melaleucas products! I was not fond of the "business side" though.
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 24 Mar 2007 15:47
Getting your first 20 is key. Once you get there it's so much easier to keep up with people who drop out. I do find that customers drop out between their 7th and 10th months. TThose that are not using all 5 lines of products and were not able to change their shopping habits. And there are others who "get it" right away and stay customers for years w/o ever building a business!
I love shopping each month but i never got to 20/20 and became more interested in travel. I will remain a customer and will enroll those that need the benefits of the products or anyone who wants to try to build a business. There is definately money to be made and it's a solid, reputable and growing company!!
amicus curiae
Joined: 29 Apr 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 29 Apr 2007 11:34
hi, i joined melaleuca in nov 06. i am soo happy, i have had longstanding health issues resolved to both my and my GP,s amazement. i fail to see how anyone who had a contract that they signed and received their business kit could feel that they were misled? the back of the contract clearly states a 35point order per month is required.. this is not that hard to meet when you take a supplement and wash clothes, clean house, teeth etc. i am on a pension and can afford it. i am saving heaps by not using scripts anymore, and my health has improved dramatically. my blood tests are the best in 10 years. they gaurentee their products and they do refund happily if you aren't happy. sales Q,s are sales dept. Business Q,s are for the business dept. easy as they are freecalls! they offer not only money back in 90days on products, but also membership too! if you are not happy. what more could a company do? I have referred a few people, i receive prompt payment monthly.I don,t have to buy huge amounts of stock to onsell, i have researched their product ingredients and they are what they say SAFE! and very effective! BTW if anyone is using Earth Choice that says!! ha! bio-degradeable on labels...go look at their PDF of ingredients..they ,like so many others are using a loophole (created by toxic manufacturers) that allows a % biodeg, to enable the entire product to be labelled falsely!! ONLY the surfectants are bio, the rest is as toxic as any other crap in the stupor-markets is! i live in a sth aust rural area , we are ripped off by ww as there is a 150km trip to go anywhere else..until i found melaleuca!! what i save in time, fuel and stress is another bonus of home shopping. i totally recommend melaleuca to anyone who has health issues and needs home employment. i also was worried re any non shop items after reading about amway neways and herbalife..their bad reputations and products are well known, and with reason! mela has no such issues, and never will. for starters they are not MLM they are consumer direct and they are totally honest. what a difference!
Joined: 29 Apr 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 29 Apr 2007 22:05
I was once a malaluca member. To be frank with you, It sucks. The product may be OK, but their concept of buying product every month even if you are not going to use them makes no sence. Imagine having a bunch of soap or cleaning products in yor home and receive more and more every month?? This is malaluca.
Joined: 5 May 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 5 May 2007 06:05
mmm, I would have to ask tinypips_com why on earth you joined Melaleuca in the first place? Its about a concept of safer products for use in your home and around kids. You dont seem to have grasped that concept at all. You sound disorientated, maybe you have used too many chemicals in your life already.If it was just you living by your self, then dont order so much, just use the nutritionals, every one needs suplementation these days. Vitamins for one person for a month is 35PP. whats your problem?
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 8 May 2007 20:40
tinipips, I do not have "a bunch of soap or cleaning products" hanging around my house unused.
How about this shocker? I order MORE than 35 points a month! And I'm not a business builder, so I don't HAVE to order more, I just NEED to.
I use Platinum bar, Gold Bar, shampoo/conditioner, laundry soap, Sol U Mel, Tough and Tender, Mela Gel, Pain a Trate, make up, dryer sheets, children's vitamins, calcium supplement, Attain bars, Simply fit bars, body wash, linen spray, candles, Lemon brite, Renew with summer we'll need sunscreen, antibiotic gel and anti itch gel.
I don't order all of them every month but I certainly use enough to make a 35 point order monthly EASY. With nothing accumulating.
And the company's name is MELALEUCA.
Yes, Wal Mart has similar products for similar prices but I like Melaleuca's better AND if I order before the 16th I get Advantage Dollars for free stuff. Wal Mart doesn't do that for me.
It may not have been for you, but don't assume others who are shoppers there are mindless zombies purchasing things we don't even insulting.
Joined: 10 May 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 10 May 2007 03:31
I am a new Melaleuca member and I can safely say that the products are top-notch.
The fact that so many people are befuddled by some of the business aspects is a reflection of the person who enrolled you. I have been in outside sales for years, and it is my sole responsibility to ethically and accurately portray my company.
If you are lucky to get an enroller who is ethical and who answers your questions honestly you will be far more successful than those who were handed a pen and asked to sign after a pep rally that makes visitors think they have found eden. It is all too easy to get caught up in the stories that the people tell and look at the money making aspects and not read through the agreement thoroughly. I am already making money in this business and intend to make it a full time job when it is feasable, but I did it by talking to the company directly and doing research like this, not by listening to a espresso filled cheerleader-like enroller who doesn't answer questions adequately. It is a viable company and I can support anyone who has questions or concerns. For anyone considering this as a business, please follow my advice and don't sign up the first time the enroller throws the pen at you saying you are on your way to diligent and read through everything (agreements, T & C, disclaimers, etc.) and then make the right choice for you. I did because I have fed my family and paid my mortgage by getting referrals and making sales presentations for most of my working life and am well-versed in loopholes in this kind of business.
I do, undeniably, endorse Melaleuca's products and business plan. Often however, the company only looks as good as the rep. who is trying to or has enrolled you. Remember, they are NOT the whole company and if you feel uneasy, find another rep. or talk to the company. Then you can be comfortable in whatever decision you make.
Regarding the product points requirement per month. It is easy to make the required purchase per month if your family does what most normal families do. If you are a bachelor in a studio (like tinypips came across) who doesn't use 90% of the products that encompass the target market, you are screwed!! But he should never have signed up in the first place.
Joined: 5 May 2007
Posts: 5
# Posted: 12 May 2007 02:48
I just joined tonight, and I plan on being a business builder. I will be REALLY surprised to not be successful. I am certainly not expecting financial freedom, but they have what looks like a good product, for a good price, with incentives to buy it, support to build your business (if you wish to) and healthier-that-the-alternative characteristics. I plan on being a customer, even if I can't refer anyone (but I am going to try like hell to.) Hey! About some of you Melaleuca Senior Directors give me some pointers . . .
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 12 May 2007 08:08
Vossman, join Russ Paley's Fast Track email list. Do a search for him. Also, on weekly calls dot com there are many, many recorded trainings to listen to to get you in the right direction. What team are you on? you can click on my name and get my email if you'd like. russ Paley just put out an invite the other day for people to send him emails of people to get on his newletters. I dont' have it anymore BUT I do get the newsletters and could email you the link the next time I receive one. Best to you!!
Joined: 5 May 2007
Posts: 5
# Posted: 12 May 2007 11:20
I was recruited by Kathy Rosner
Joined: 15 May 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 15 May 2007 17:43
What did most of you do when you started out to get enrollments? I am finding that most people are pretty closed-minded so far. Please, some ideas!
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 16 May 2007 14:05
In homes with family and friends (I know....) are the best. My 2 sister in laws and my ex husband have been customers since I began!! I've told them thank you for shopping here, and if you're doing it just for me, please feel free to cancel but they LOVE the stuff! So, don't be afraid to have a couple inhomes.
Roughly, you will find a business builder in 1 of every 10 enrollments.
And at 20 enrollments your products will be free; sooner if you have anyone of your enrollments enroll someone else.
Yes, mela is hard because people tend to make it more complicated than it is (the people being exposed to New Horizons, not the people presenting it.)
Stress, stress, stress that they have 4 whole months to shop, and get their $29 back if they cancel within those 4 months. And DON'T convince.
Listen to your training calls on weekly calls dot com. Many are prerecorded and you can listen to them at night when the kids are in bed, take notes, and do some of your best thinking while you sleep.
Joined: 5 May 2007
Posts: 5
# Posted: 18 May 2007 22:01
Beckie, could you take a few seconds to view my site and give me some opinions / suggestions? (Link is below) It would be most appreciated !
Joined: 19 May 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 19 May 2007 15:11
Hello, I am hoping that I have found a forum that can answer questions honestly. Am I asking too much? lol I hope not. I have recently signed up with Melalueca again for the 3rd time. I quit the other 2 times because of the way my team leaders insisted I had to promote. I really like the products and believe they speak for themselves. That's why I joined. I again want to promote the products on line. I do not want to do any warm marketing. Does anyone on this board have any suggestions, please. I do not want to hear from anyone who follows the Melaleuca marketing procedures. Hope I'm not insulting anyone but I want to be true to myself, and not become a follower. Any advice without creating conflict on this would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Rita
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 19 May 2007 18:38
Mike, I absolutely love it!
I left it before I looked for a way to contact you through the site? I'm sure there was a way, I just x'd out too soon.
so, you are not on a team? It's certainly possible to build an dnot be on a team; the team is more for motivation.
If you are not on a team, but would like to listen to our team calls, they are Monday nights at 9:00 eastern time and led by Executive Director Glenn Schworm. He's a very regular guy who runsa a great live call each Monday.
Joined: 20 May 2007
Posts: 24
# Posted: 23 May 2007 08:37
The products were ok but when I started doing it my upline was a major pain in the backside. he called me at 1am one morning and asked me if I had emailed 50 people and called 40 on the phone.
At that time I was going thru my sone being molested by his teacher and trying to handle all of that. And my upline didnt give a hoot at all. So I gave up on it. I wrote the company and called them and tolsd them if my upline called me again at 1 am I would take them and him to court.
He continued daily for another 2 weeks calling me daily and finally I let the anwsering machine pick up. Melaluca couldnt get over the mans language and actually banned him. He was not a nice person at all.
I cant see spamming 200 people a day and calling another 20 - 40 people a day when you are having a family crisis yet he seemed to think it was ok to do it.
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 22:55
Melaleuca is definitely a very solid MLM company.
They have a solid management team and the products are great.
Melaleuca is one of the top MLM's along with Noni, Xango, and a few others.
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 04:16
I have to comment. My husband and I have been customers for four years and have never missed an order. I have never had a problem ordering 35 pints. My problem is keeping my order down when things are tight. Like right now my husbands store is closing in less then a week and we have to watch our pennies for a bit.
But it won't be long THANKS to Melaleuca. We were customers thats all did not want to build a business. However last year I became very interested in the non-profit program. My enroller is Willie Butler for those of you who don't know he spearheaded the current non-profit program with Melaleuca in 2001.
Even though I wasn't actively building he has always been there. He has always answered my calls or returned them shortly. Recently my sister asked me to do a fundraiser for our youth bowling league. My kids bowl. This has snowballed in a very short time and my hsuband and I have begun to enroll local leagues. As I was preparing my presentation I did research on the National organization our leagues are sanctioned by. They are one of, if not the largest sports affiliation organization in the US. They serve 3 million members. My husband and I have an appointment to speak with their National Fundraising Coordinator. With the Support of my enroller, Orlan White Melaleuca Non-profit Specialist, and Lewis Rasmussen Director of Charitable Organizations we will launch Melaleuca's non-profit program nation wide for this organization. Our contact list just grew to 3 million people.
The national organization is already in a HOLD POSITION with Melaleuca. Even if it wouldn't go national, There are 10 families involved in the youth leagues alone in WI. And we are already enrolling some.
With the non-profit program you know longer have to grow one customer at a time. Find an organization you believe in and approach them about being there coordinator. You NEVER Know what might happen.
Joined: 20 Jun 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 20 Jun 2007 13:24
Hello! I went to the dollar store and they didnt have any sunscreen? It wasn't in season. Funny Meleuca did. When I go to Walmart and shop I can't get a discount on every product all the time. And the cashier doesn't hand me two or even four dollars to pay me back for the gas that I spent to get there as a Thank You. Meleuca gives me that monthly just for telling people about there great quality products which pays me back for the Shipping and Handling I spend so that I dont have to wait four to six weeks I can get quality products at my doorstep in four days. I save TIME, EFFORT, & GAS MONEY. Tell me where's the downfall in that?
Joined: 8 Oct 2006
Posts: 16
# Posted: 28 Jun 2007 17:45
Quoting: Udecide Hello, I am hoping that I have found a forum that can answer questions honestly. Am I asking too much? lol I hope not. I have recently signed up with Melalueca again for the 3rd time. I quit the other 2 times because of the way my team leaders insisted I had to promote. I really like the products and believe they speak for themselves. That's why I joined. I again want to promote the products on line. I do not want to do any warm marketing. Does anyone on this board have any suggestions, please. I do not want to hear from anyone who follows the Melaleuca marketing procedures. Hope I'm not insulting anyone but I want to be true to myself, and not become a follower. Any advice without creating conflict on this would be very much appreciated. Thank you. Rita
Hi Rita, I am sorry I didn't respond any earlier.
Pushing the new reps to market to their friends and family is not Melaleuca's procedures. I never marketed to my friends and family until they found me succeeding and they asked, only then I explained what I am doing to them.
Here is what you need to do in brief, and if you need more information please let me know.
1. Build a list  Seriously, build a list, but not of your friends, or strangers you meet in restaurants or wherever. Build a list of people who are interested in starting a home based business, and another one of people who can be customers (more on that later). To build that list you'll need to advertise. Don't spend too much on that, you can join some safelists and good traffic exchange programs for free, rotate a lead capture page (which is also free), use an autoresponder (some are free) to send your subscribers emails to explain what you have to say.
Here is the trick: use a reasonable approach and change it from time to time.
2. Find your market:
Home business seekers are easy to find on safelists and traffic exchange programs, but customers are not. To target customers you'll need to do some offline advertising. This includes fliers and posts on news boards (with permission). You can also buy a weekly advertising space on a local newspaper (I do that for $35 CAN). You'll need either a tolfree number or a website (you'll need web hosting for that, don't use a long url given to you by your team, no one will remember it). You can get a good hosting package which is more that enough for 3.99/month including the .com domain.
You might have heard that before, or even tried them and didn't work. They work, but you need to find the suitable approach for your target prospects.
I heard from one of the marketing gurus that only 2% of your serious subscribers might take action from the first time, and the rest will need to be reminded 7 times before they take action. That's why you need an autoresponder and follow up messages that literally "touch the itch".
I hope I helped you a bit. Good luck with your new business.