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Joined: 10 Apr 2006
Posts: 8

# Posted: 12 Apr 2006 10:00
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Has anyone any experience with this company. They want a hefty fee of $150 to join. Is it a legitimate company would anyone know. $150 smackers is a lot of money.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
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# Posted: 13 Apr 2006 00:01
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Personally, I can't say I've heard of it or know anything about it. You may want to do some online research about it by typing in "scam" + the company name into a search engine to see what comes up, or check out or

Personally, I wouldn't do it...I can think of better ways of spending $100 to learn how to make money. You might be able to just sign up with their affiliate program for free and promote their site without actually joining...I don't know if that is possible, though.

If you are looking for an MLM to join, please see my review of a company called "Cognigen" in the "Business Opportunities and Program Reviews Section". It costs no money to join...


Joined: 8 Apr 2006
Posts: 12

# Posted: 18 Apr 2006 20:14
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I looked at the website but do not understand what it is all about. I would certainly save my money on this one.


Joined: 20 Apr 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 20 Apr 2006 04:57
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I heard about It seems a good job to me. By doing only 1 hour job daily you can earn $ 200-$ 1200.

But they are asking $ 150 to join. Its very high.

every one know that most of the (Work home) companies are just fraud.

Can anyone tell me that whether is a scam/fraud or not ?

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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
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# Posted: 25 May 2006 12:34
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Quoting: ralphgreene
I looked at the website but do not understand what it is all about. I would certainly save my money on this one.

Can you please clarify which website you looked at? Was it the Cognigen home page?


Joined: 26 Sep 2005
Posts: 10

# Posted: 20 Jul 2006 10:46
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I believe Workorigin is another Google/Clickbank deal. They tell you you can make money entering company information online and get paid for it. It's not that easy. Any job that promises $200 for 1 hour's work is not being truthful.

It is not necessarily fraudulent, they are just not being completely honest.


Joined: 7 Jun 2006
Posts: 9

# Posted: 22 Jul 2006 11:19
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I rather go with a trust worthy company then one telling me that I can retire with my new work at home job in 2 yrs.

Attention: Do not trust anything remtely close to this because this should send up your scam/fraud alert.


Joined: 22 Jul 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 22 Jul 2006 16:12
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I would never pay that much, our company is only 14.50 to start, and that's it...that's a lot of money, I'd be asking what you get for that and what training is involved, is there a mentor to help guide you, etc.

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