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Fast Profit Powerlines

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Joined: 25 Oct 2008
Posts: 46

# Posted: 20 Mar 2009 03:41 · Edited by: Elysium

Fast Profit Powerlines (launches May 1, 2009)

Anyone know much about this yet? I just heard about it today and decided to give it a try since it's only a one-time $10.75 payment. ($10.00 upgrade + .75 cents processor fee).

This program steps away from the typical scene of trying to build a matrix and the wait for spillover. Instead, each person joins directly under the previous... in one single line. So the spillover is a given. Looks like it works in cycles of 250 people, which sounds like a lot, but considering how fast it's building, I don't think it will take long at all to create profits.

I'm not kidding about it building fast. After I signed up, within minutes, the line was growing under me! There is literally a constant flow of people signing up! Some people have even already started getting paid... and it hasn't even launched yet. You can have as many spots as you want, so there's many people who are creating new accounts throughout the powerline, adding to the growth even more.

I see a huge potential here for people all over the world to help each other, but my concern is, what's the product? I mean if there's not an actual product, will that create issues for the program?

You can sign up for free, but to get placed in the active powerline, you pay the one-time $10.75 upgrade. The one-time payment gets you into several levels of earnings. You don't need to do any advertising in FPP, but for every person that joins through your link (and upgrades by paying the $10.75), you get a buck on top of the money earned in the powerline.

Any thoughts or opinions?

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Barb Thornback

Joined: 25 Apr 2008
Posts: 90

# Posted: 20 Mar 2009 12:02

I would like to hear from anyone who has actually made money from power lines in the past.

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# Posted: 20 Mar 2009 13:33 · Edited by: Elysium

Since I signed up a few hours ago, over 100 people have signed up (free reserve spots) and over 30 of them already made their one-time upgrade payments in the line below me.

Gosh, this is too fun... I would love to see this actually work, it could be very profitable.


Joined: 14 Jan 2009
Posts: 26

# Posted: 20 Mar 2009 14:59

I joined a week or two ago and I really like the concept. I have like 550 people under me, so technically I should haven't been paid twice now, but haven't seen anything yet. I've heard it's because they don't have their automatic payment processor set up yet, so they have to do everything manually.

I know a few people who have done quite a bit of research and have spoken with the admin on numerous occasions and apparently he checks out. I also know a few people who have been paid - I've seen the proof, so I know it works. Slowly but surely the site is coming along and should be a great money maker for everyone.

I'll keep everyone posted as to when I get paid.


Joined: 25 Oct 2008
Posts: 46

# Posted: 20 Mar 2009 15:29

Thanks for the info Trevor. I remember seeing a YouTube by Earl (from RM) showing proof he already got paid by FPP... so far, so good.

If nothing else, everyone should seriously consider doing the free reserve sign up, then you can decide if you want to pay or not. (Not sure how long the reserve holds your spot). There's a little 'quit' button in the back office if you decide you don't want to stay with it.


Joined: 25 Oct 2008
Posts: 46

# Posted: 22 Mar 2009 15:33

This is moving along very nicely! It's only been a couple days and over 300 people have signed up since I did, with over 100 of them in the paid powerline below me. I love watching this thing grow so fast!

To answer my own question in the first post... the 'product' will be your own Banner Maker and Splash Page Maker. They also have listings of things like safe lists and promotional materials for everyone to use.

So far things still are looking great, with tons of people signing up every day. This thing could be huge by the time it launches... it's great being in it already during pre-launch!


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