Joined: 28 Jan 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 14 Feb 2009 17:49
What do you think about this company and the money that you can make with their products?
Not long ago (1/5/2009)i saw an ad about this company, but what caught my attention was that the link was a team link that they would place paying members in GBG if you joined through them.
Well, i decided to join and to my surprise, today(2/14/2009) i have a total of 27 paying members in my downline and keeps growing every day!!
And also this Team has a lot of tools for us to use to find people to join GBG.
One of them is a co-op that will place 5 payng members in your downline just for $20!!and you can do this every month!!
This is seperate from the members that they will place in your downline for FREE!!
And they know if they don't do what they promise, people quit and they want people to stay with the program.
Many people join a good program today and after a couple of days if they are not making money they quit!!Wrong decision!!
My advice to people is that don't join program after program. Find a program that has a REAL PRODUCT that you can use, the company has been in business for a long time, has a good customer support and give it time to work.
So, is anybody here in this program and having any success with it?