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Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 102
# Posted: 21 Jan 2009 17:31
I'm not familiar with cyclers, but I got an interesting email from a friend who convinced me to give it a shot.
Here's the email I received ...
"Hey Michael!
Myself and many other top marketers have been anxiously waiting on the sidelines to get into this.
One of my marketing friends has been building a team for over 4 months (over 30,000 people) who will be joining this shortly.
Because of those reasons I'm going to keep this short, because timing is critical... you will earn a lot more if you get in fast.
[link removed by me]
It just started right NOW... and shortly people will be pouring in, but I'm one of first to know and pass it on.
In short...
It is run by people who have an impeccable track record. You have to do NO recruiting and you will see why later.
Get the best position, join fast:
[friends name and his special offer also removed by me]"
If anyone has any experience with this type of program (cyclers), please let me know. I went ahead and spent the money to join, but I can get a partial refund within 30 days.
Thanks Michael
Joined: 1 Oct 2008
Posts: 12
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 00:06
Hi Michael, Yes, I joined today! I'm sooo jazzed. Push Button Xtreme is THE program for 2009!
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1139
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 00:43
Hmmm... so how do you get paid?
Joined: 17 May 2008
Posts: 189
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 03:46
more details please : )
Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 102
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 08:50 · Edited by: piggybanker
Hi mountainmom5 and Seth,
mountainmom5: Hmmm... so how do you get paid?
Seth: more details please : )
Push Button Extreme JUST LAUNCHED on January 21st. They have an EXTREME Matrix that is paying out $495 per week, $1,980 per month, and MORE... Just "Get in Line and Get Paid!" is their slogan.
The claim:
If you have been looking for an easy home-based business then here it is. There's No Recruiting, No special skills required, no experience needed, no hidden costs, and no marketing if you don't want to.
Here's how it's supposed to work:
As soon as you lock in your position, everyone else will be forced into their extreme matrix after you. This will allow you to hit the top of the matrix and Get Paid faster.
From the testimonials - there are many members who have "hit the top" and been paid multiple times.
Their Lead Capture Page templates really do look nice:
You will have access to a capture page creator, an auto-responder, and plenty of professionally designed templates to create your very own splash pages with.
I read somewhere:
"It's so simple to use a child could do it. Just imagine building your own massive mailing list like the pros do."
They really are easy to set up and there are some pre-written emails created for the auto-responder.
All in all, it's supposed to be a very simple home-based business opportunity that anyone can make money online with. If you don't recruit then all you can earn is the $1980 per month, but if you do spend some time using your internet marketing skills then you should be able to make plenty more.
There are some BIG players beginning to join. I wouldn't mind having some of them joining after me. They have HUGE lists that they market to.
Oh yes ... I forgot to mention. They will be issuing debit cards that they will be paying out to instead of using Paypal, AlertPay, or SafePay etc ...
I hope this helps, Michael
Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 636
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 09:36
Where does the money come from?
Yes, there are great sums you can 'earn' but, who actually puts money in their pocket?
And again, where does the money come from?
I mean why mess around with silly outdated institutions like interest paying FDIC insured BANKS, when you can double your money with 'cyclers'??
As for my experience with cyclers, I have 'made' quite a few dollars with them. Some even THOUSANDS!
Guess how much I got to put in my pocket??
I really only have one question - where does the money come from?
Joined: 21 Jan 2009
Posts: 18
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 10:51
So would this be something that I should jump in on?
I am extremly busy and just trying to earn a few $$ here and there. Im a college student so things are tough right now. Im just worried about spending money on things that wont atleast get my money back.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1139
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 11:52
okay... I went 'inside' and checked it out - normally I don't mess with stuff like this but we do NOT want another ASD deal here!
Firt off - you sign in with your name and email so you can get more details but I am okay with that as that is how a list works... and it is done up good as I tried [email protected] and it said it was taken already!
Anyways, I had to use a REAL email address so they could send me a pin number to enter - which is also good as it is like a double optin...
Where does the money come from?
You have to pay to get involved - like a little over a hundred bucks and it looks like you get landing pages etc, as piggybanker stated. I am assuming that most of the sign up money goes into a pool and that gets paid out somehow... oh, there is a monthly fee to stay in...
What I DON'T understand is how the cycling works - so if someone could explain that it would be cool -
Joined: 31 Dec 2007
Posts: 63
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 12:06
Please don't tell me we are looking at another one of those programs that tell people join and no recruiting, i.e, get in line and simply get paid. Soo many have failed to see success, because the simple fact is an online biz, or any biz is not going to produce results without marketing. And individuals are wholly not likely to see the results they want without personal promotion. This sounds real similar to the Lawn Chair Millionaire, that didn't make but the owner a millionaire.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1139
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 12:21
Thanks freecashman - I am NOT promoting it, at least not at this point.... you never know about me...
No seriously - I am glad if people hop in and join the discussion - please lets be gentlemen and ladies and NOT get all bent out of shape as the ASDers did... that is what we are trying to avoid here.
I am not one that scoffs at every new thing that comes around either - I just want the nitty gritty of how it all works.... and I was fascinated by the landing pages and the opportunity of building a list.
To me, spending a hundred bucks is not that much if you really have a chance to build a list....and you are soooo right.
No marketing - no list.
Plain and simple.
Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 102
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 12:48 · Edited by: piggybanker
Hi mountainmom5,
mountainmom5: What I DON'T understand is how the cycling works - so if someone could explain that it would be cool -
Here's how it's supposed to work:
As new members join Push Button Extreme and existing members hit the top, cycle and get paid, they all get placed in the next available position in the Matrix when each daily cycle ends at midnight PST.
Those members being placed into the Matrix "push" everyone above them up the matrix, closer to the top. Everytime you are pushed to the top, you cycle, get paid, and re-enter the matrix at midnight PST.
The EXTREME Matrix has 5 payout levels. They are $27, $57, $97, $127 and $167. Each cycle level requires additional members to be placed below you in the Matrix before you hit the top and get paid. After you cycle on the 5th level you start over at Level 1 again.
What has me confused is every time I add those numbers up I get $475 not $495, so I'm not sure where the extra $20 comes from.
Hi FreeCashMan,
FreeCashMan: Please don't tell me we are looking at another one of those programs that tell people join and no recruiting, i.e, get in line and simply get paid. Soo many have failed to see success, because the simple fact is an online biz, or any biz is not going to produce results without marketing. And individuals are wholly not likely to see the results they want without personal promotion. This sounds real similar to the Lawn Chair Millionaire, that didn't make but the owner a millionaire.
You can also earn money from Fast Start Bonuses, Product Sales, and their Share in the Profits program, so I would never recommend that anyone join without planning on putting some of their internet marketing skills to work in promoting their business. They do have some very attractive templates to use to create your own Lead Capture Pages with.
I'm not familiar with the Lawn Chair Millionaire, but I am familiar with The Berry Tree. I've been testing that one since the very beginning and every time I've reached the break even point they go and change the payout structure on me. I've never tried to recruit so it has been an honest test. I'll be pulling out of that one soon.
As I said in the beginning, I'm not familiar with cyclers but their are folks around who have made money with them. I hope others will step forward and tell me of their experiences so I can compare.
I think I'd prefer to give something an honest shot before I judged it and called it a scam. They already have forums for that and they are filled with people who never put forth any effort in a business and when they lose some dough they scream scam.
I've seen it happen with GDI, but there are plenty of people who do quite well with GDI. My sponsor is one of those people. I wish I could make a small fraction of what he earns. He's also a big promoter of the Spider Web Marketing System that I've had no luck with, but then again, I was in the hospital and may not have given it a fair shot.
Best of luck, Michael
Joined: 31 Dec 2007
Posts: 63
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 13:07
Cycler are pretty much just filling up the matrix, and then re-enter the matrix, and cycling out again, and getting paid again. And, certain ones, like this one, takes portion of the payout money and place you in another matrix. The system itself isn't bad. My point is, most that are able to make money real fast have an immediate group of people coming in right behind them. Unless you are in the middle to upper end of that group, you may find that cycling is a bit slower.
So, I'm not calling it a scam ( I couldn't don't know about it personally), just I really dislike seeing these programs that tell or give people the impression that they don't have to recruit. All these biz opps are about network marketing, and that means you build a business of additional like minded "sales reps/marketers". I always find it laughable that these 'you don't have to recruit' programs, always have people out recruiting. And its the ones that are building their business that are really making money with the respective programs.
Joined: 12 Jan 2009
Posts: 5
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 14:10
Without actually going to the site and just reading the descriptions posted here, it sure sounds like a pyramid/ponsi scheme to me.
Joined: 31 Dec 2007
Posts: 63
# Posted: 22 Jan 2009 14:38
There all pyramids, lol. It's the illegal ones that are the problem. Fact is most people don't have a serious clue about pyramid scams, they just know the words. We've got ignorant people calling our program that is free and doesn't ask them for money to get started in an online business coming to our calls trying to say we are a pyramid. Which of course is ridiculous because you can't have a pyramid if you aren't asking for people's money. People so often are their own worst enemy to success. So they continue to make excuses and not manifest business success.
Seems like this program is clearly providing some sort of viable product/service for what people pay for, so I don't see where the pyramid comment has any merit. I'm not in the program, but shouting pyramid should come with some credibility and not just propaganda for the purpose of bashing a program.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 274
# Posted: 25 Jan 2009 21:14 · Edited by: Casper
If it's free it's not a pyramid scheme if you were made to pay any money then it would be this is the Australian government's definition of a pyramid scheme.
"Pyramid schemes are illegal and very risky 'get-rich-quick' schemes that can cost a lot of people a lot of money.
Promoters at the top of the pyramid make their money by having people join the scheme. Then they pocket the fees and other payments made by those who join under them.
In a typical pyramid scheme, a member pays to join. The only way for the member to ever recover any money is to convince other people to join up and to part with their money as well.
In contrast, people in legitimate multi-level marketing earn money by selling genuine products to consumers, not from the recruiting process. Be aware though, some pyramid scheme promoters disguise their true purpose by introducing products that are overpriced, of poor quality, difficult to sell or of little value. Making money out of recruitment is still their main aim.
People often hear about pyramid schemes from friends, family or neighbours. Normally, pyramid schemes recruit members at seminars, home meetings, over the phone or even by mail. Now email, usually as spam, is increasingly used to recruit members as well.
For the scheme to work so that everyone can make a profit there would have to be an endless supply of new members. In reality, the number of people willing to join the scheme (and therefore, the amount of money coming into the scheme) dries up very quickly. When the pyramid collapses (and they all do) relationships, friendships and even marriages can be destroyed over money lost in the scam.
In Australia, it is against the law not only to promote a pyramid scheme, but even to participate in one."
When I come to think of it I could name several businesses which I think are pyramid schemes & are promoted on this forum but I won't only to keep the piece.
Joined: 26 Jan 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 26 Jan 2009 01:25
Is anyone here actually doing it and making decent money?
Barb Thornback
Joined: 25 Apr 2008
Posts: 79
# Posted: 28 Jan 2009 05:51
Well said Casper.
Most people will not make any money.
Who made any money with LawnChair Millionaire and Giblink?
Making money on the internet takes determination and hard work, not just handing over your money and expecting to earn for doing nothing!
Joined: 27 Jan 2009
Posts: 61
# Posted: 28 Jan 2009 16:56 · Edited by: TheExecutive
piggybanker: I think I'd prefer to give something an honest shot before I judged it and called it a scam. They already have forums for that and they are filled with people who never put forth any effort in a business and when they lose some dough they scream scam. I've seen it happen with GDI, but there are plenty of people who do quite well with GDI. My sponsor is one of those people. I wish I could make a small fraction of what he earns. He's also a big promoter of the Spider Web Marketing System that I've had no luck with, but then again, I was in the hospital and may not have given it a fair shot.
That's a bad example though, because GDI (Global Domains International) is not a cycler! It's a real networking marketing business that's been around since 1998 with an MLM (multi-level marketing) format. They're located in Carlsbad, California -- about 30 miles from me. Also GDI is a flat $10 / month, and you get a legitimate product / service for that: their server domain hosting of a website.
I've dropped out of and re-joined GDI a few times based on certain ventures that I've participated in that used their hosting, although I'm saddened to say that I haven't personally made any money in GDI. Tissa Goldavitarme has via his search engine business that I recently invested in. My total cost to deal with Tissa: completing a few TrialPay sponsor offers plus the $10 I paid GDI! 
Push Button Extreme won't be the biggest program of 2009. Not even close! That honor goes to the new MLM Web Prosperity, which had over 100,000 members join in pre-launch alone. I didn't upgrade there for $30, however, when I found out that I didn't receive any of the pre-launch spillover.
Every business in this post is for real except Push Button Cycler, so please be careful.
Joined: 25 Oct 2008
Posts: 27
# Posted: 28 Jan 2009 17:51
I'm always hesitant about pages that require personal info like an email addy... just to learn about the program. It's more comforting when you can just get all the info up front from a site.
Since I don't like dealing with it myself, I generally won't be part of any biz that doesn't lay it all out for people from the get go. Makes me feel too much like I'm hiding something.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 274
# Posted: 3 Feb 2009 03:17
Barb Thornback: Making money on the internet takes determination and hard work, not just handing over your money and expecting to earn for doing nothing! You are so right on that one I have 2 home businesses & I work on them 8 hours a day looking for new methods of advertising & trying new keywords to get some decent rankings on search engines.
Joined: 3 Feb 2009
Posts: 1
# Posted: 3 Feb 2009 17:45
I've signed up... it has been almost two weeks and I can assure you I have not seen a single dime! Luckily I was sponsored by a buddy who paid me the instant sign up fee so it didn't cost me the full enrollment price. I would dub this a scam....but that is just my opinion. Today is feb 3 and it is not doing anything for me (my sponsor who intro'd me to this has not gotten paid either)
As a general rule, I say if their isn't a quality product that could stand alone and retail near the price being charged...stay away! Can an MLM have a quality product? I have a great one called
Joined: 4 Feb 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 4 Feb 2009 00:30
I signed up with the program. And I got cycled just yesterday! That is great. $27 for doing nothing.
So for those people who are asking If anyone has made any money with this:
I have!
And NO that $27 did NOT come from recruiting anyone, just from the Push Button Xtreme matrix.
I am very confident that I will cycle again.
Joined: 11 Dec 2008
Posts: 34
# Posted: 4 Feb 2009 23:26
Most people who make thousands are not telling all the facts. Things like they already had a huge list they were building for years and when they join a program most of their list follow.
People like to join under someone whos making thousands cause they think they will have the same results, but the fact is If you don't have a following of thousands yet, then you have to recruit one by one.
Even with good upline advise, it will take time..
How can you make 10,000 a month right away when you have to recruit one by one and compete with all the other reps doing the same thing?
Luck, or a list built over years??
I'm no GURU but I've been around long enough to realize this..
Joined: 20 Feb 2008
Posts: 218
# Posted: 5 Feb 2009 20:32
Granted, I was not thrilled with LCM matrix, and in fact, most matrix structures will fail for the majority of those in them since you get stuck in a dead leg and there is little hope of any spillover fairy coming to bless you with her stick, more likely you will get jammed with it. lol
I study them all, and it looks like the founders saw LCM die on the vine like all the rest, so perhaps they have learned something along the way for this is unique. A non static position is the secret, everyone keeps cycling back under everyone over and over, and this should insure a long term success record for everyone.
I would not even look at most matrix programs knowing all the Guru's already have their positions cemented at top and hit their lists to make a fortune over and over again. For those who do not have a big list, this will make one for you, so it is worth price just for that alone. Without a list, you are lost on the internet, so make this your first goal.
I must admit, I was skeptical, but I like to gamble, and this is working exactly as promoted. I cycled three times and got bonus payout, so I am certainly impressed to date with program. This could be the one, so what is the risk, you need to build your list anyway, so jump in and start building your list. Nothing lost, Push Button is a good system even without income.
Success to all, Mike
Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 102
# Posted: 6 Feb 2009 15:10 · Edited by: piggybanker
skinneytim: I've signed up... it has been almost two weeks and I can assure you I have not seen a single dime! Luckily I was sponsored by a buddy who paid me the instant sign up fee so it didn't cost me the full enrollment price. I would dub this a scam....but that is just my opinion.
tweston: So for those people who are asking If anyone has made any money with this: I have!
I've cycled through the $27 level and just yesterday I cycled through the $57 level and the $97 comes next.
From what I've researched, the problem with cyclers is the patience that it takes to wait out the cycling time.
I don't now how someone can 'dub this as a scam' if people are making money ... yes it's slow, but it is coming in.
Obviously, those who are recruiting are making the most money.
$25 fast start bonus for each referral and $15 new product sales and there's leadership pool money.
So, Rachel Long has recruited 300 people. That means she's made a minimum of $12000 just in fast start bonuses and new product sales.
I'm sure she's not dubbing this a scam. But, everyone is right. Those with huge lists will always do better than those who don't.
Good luck, Michael
Joined: 20 Feb 2008
Posts: 218
# Posted: 6 Feb 2009 22:05
I have several I introduced who have not sold anyone, yet they have at least cycled once, so if anyone has not yet cycled, you are simply in a weaker position in matrix at the moment, and if you understand matrix plans, this is usually what happens in all matrices.
In Push Button, you are not locked into one static position, so you just have to be a little more patient than two weeks. I cycled in first three days, then again on forth, but third took another week, so as we will see when illustrator is up, the cycles get slowed down as cycle past second. It does not mean you won't cycle, it just takes more patience if you choose not to promote it yourself.
I like what I see so far, and so do all my people, and I suspect more and more will be jumping into this in another month when everyone has cycled at least once, then watch what happens when it become reality that this works for even the do nothing crowd.
Success to all,
Joined: 4 Feb 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 7 Feb 2009 03:10
piggybanker: From what I've researched, the problem with cyclers is the patience that it takes to wait out the cycling time.
You are so right, piggybanker.
So many people are so impatient when it comes to making money. Sure, many websites promise so much these days and maybe they promise too much too!
Push Button Extreme has great products and I feel that even if you just cycle two or three times a month, you cover the monthly payments. And it's still a very nice program even for those who are not recruiting people, because the program has great sources for learning marketing online, autoresponder etc.
See you at the top!