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Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 5 Dec 2007 11:07
I am sorry you didn't accomplish anything that you thought you would. My sponsor quit , but I go to the training classes and I bug Craig all the time. No I don't make 100k a month but I do pretty good. and with the launch of Diamond I have alot of people wanting in.
I also sell the products,,, not a gazzillion dollar return but hey 19,27,47, adds up pretty well. Did you ever look at all the software? We got more stuff than any other out there.. And alot of people want it.. Heck I been doing real good with a special e-book...
Maybe internet marketing isn't your thing? It certainly isn't for everyone. Day trading?
Joined: 5 Dec 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 5 Dec 2007 14:09
9 Dec 2007 22:39 - Attached on merging: Stay away from EDC: Craig Garcia does anyone know this..................................
I sign up with EDC Easy Daily Cash internet marketing program 2 months ago. my responser told me that if I sign up, I would get my money back in profit in a week and more. needless to say it has been 2 months and I spend $ 1000. and nothing really happen.
I spoke with the company founder, Mr Craig Garcia for refund and reminded me that it said on there website "no refund"
and actually hang the phone up on me! I though that was very unprofessional.
I never did something like this never involve with internet marketing or any get rich quick programs.
has anybody have any experience with this company?
Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1746
# Posted: 6 Dec 2007 02:04
if you paid via a credit card, you might want to try requesting a "charge back" - that might be a way to get your money back. I'd also encourage you to file a report on - that way, more people will know about the bad experience you had.
Joined: 26 Jul 2007
Posts: 57
# Posted: 6 Dec 2007 03:10
Quoting: Mary I sign up with EDC Easy Daily Cash internet marketing program 2 months ago. my responser told me that if I sign up, I would get my money back in profit in a week and more. needless to say it has been 2 months and I spend $ 1000. and nothing really happen.
Mary, sorry to hear that... Have your sponsor explained how you were going to "get your money back in profit in a week"? Was it supposed to just come to you without any work, advertising, follow up... anything?
I am asking, because there are some irresponsible "sponsors" out there, trying to get people in by promising "big profits" without any marketing or work put in... How's that supposed to happen?
This is not a casino or some kind of investment with guaranteed returns! This is BUSINESS!!!
You should always ask how he/she is planning to deliver on their promises... Maybe you've heard what you wanted to hear, or perhaps they just didn't care?
Calling the company owner would NOT get you refunded, because you don't pay to the company... They also state "no refunds" very clearly anyway.
Contact your "sponsor".
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 6 Dec 2007 12:05
who was your sponsor? they have kicked a couple out for giving false information/claims. yours sounds like one of them. promises with no merit. I am sorry you had this experience, however you went in rather niave to think you are going to make profit in a week without researching, training, etc. heck it takes 2 days to get set up...
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 320
# Posted: 6 Dec 2007 13:35
I am sorry to hear that as well Mary  It seems that certain sponsors/recruiters will try all they can to pull e members whilst giving an inaccurate description of the programm and what is required. They do state,in very tiny writing that earnings shown are not guaranteed,earnings will depend on individual ability etc But it doesn't detract from the fact that certain sponsors/recruiters tend to 'hype' up what you will acheive etc and its people like that who are giving companies online a bad name.
I am very sorry this happened to you,and it is a lot of money to lose. Follow getagrips advice and file a report.
Joined: 2 Nov 2007
Posts: 25
# Posted: 6 Dec 2007 22:04
I am so sad to hear you've had to endure such an ordeal. I too had a SCUM of a sponsor! I am hearing countless people come through that EDC gauntlet an Internet marketing fatality.
I personally look for anyone who has been associated with that team and stay far away from them as possible. When you hear of one or two people ripping off prospects you can make the argument they are bad seeds. This is an inherent organizational problem, not to mention the under selling that takes place.
What do I mean by under selling? Let's say, you are new to EDC and are newly qualified. I have been in EDC for a period of time and have made decent money. You offer the product at full price and I somehow market to the same prospect and offer the program at a lower price, let's say half.
You will not be able to compete. This creates an unlevel playing field and skews the market. People like your sponsor are giving Internet Marketers a bad name. By the way, I would post his or her name all over the Internet to ensure it does not happen to anyone else.
Joined: 16 Dec 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 16 Dec 2007 11:13
Anyone hard about this company? U set a code in your html editor in the website anyone open your site will earn u money,n need that pple click on ads doesnt conflict with google adsense can go with it
Guaranteed money,no clicks needed,just traffic The best converting affiliate program
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 05:49
this is the EDC topic, have you heard of is a different topic.
Joined: 22 Oct 2007
Posts: 17
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 16:18
I think we all have been scammed before, or "misinformed" so to speak, so I think that all of us here in this EDC thread are very apologetic about your experience. I know that this may have left a sour taste in your mouth, but THIS THREAD is full of people(us), who come here on a day to day basis to ensure that there is a common meeting ground for those of us who are honest and are in this to help people succeed, and it makes us look very bad when things like this happen, because there are tons of people from EDC that aren't actually here to scam people. Even though you have paid out alot of hard-earned cash to no avail, I would consider possibly giving it another shot, if you still want to pursue this. As I said there are plenty of us here who know what its like to be in that position, and were only here to help eachother out. Even if you don't sign up under someone here, we are here to offer help and advice to ANYONE who needs it. I hope I speak for everyone in this post.
Best Regards,
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 16:38
Hear Hear.... I have said before I joined, my sponsor quit, but I didn't. I called Craig so much that when he answered he would say what do you need Rick...LOL I also attend training, and listen to the recorded training. And to top it off a group of us EDC members have formed our own investment team to help each other in EDC. We are small but we do have a couple of openings for those that are interested. We have a conference call once a week to echange stratgies and what we plan to do the following week. If you any of you EDC people here are interested then PM, or email.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 276
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 22:36
Mary I'm sorry too hear about your experience with EDC but you should remember that operating a home based business in Internet Marketing requires a lot of hard work.
1: EDC is not some get rich quick scheme you are required too put in time and effort too succeed & get results.
2: EDC now has a list of free advertising website where you can advertise your product & once you start making a profit you can then look at paid advertising.
3: You are regularly advised when training classes are on so you can learn the business & refresh what you already know.
4: like any business there are outlays & I bought a few extras such as a computer upgrade & a VOIP service, I did this so I can have 2 free hands when talking too my sponsor which makes it easier for me too type in any required data.
I am a newbie too Internet marketing myself but I'm willing too learn so I can succeed with this program, I joined this program because I have read though this thread & nearly all of the feedback is good. It's obvious by not only your post but by several others that you are wanting too get rich quick which in today's world dose not happen overnight.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 806
# Posted: 20 Dec 2007 08:11 · Edited by: luvtravel
Geez you would think that EDC and Craig Garcia were public enemy number one, according to this "hit" thread on EDC!
I joined at the $397 level I was moved up to the $997 level at the launch of the Diamond level which means spending $397 and have the ability to earn $997 !
People get a grip!
I have been in other businesses who were full of hype and did not deliver what was promised (like RFS) , but with EDC I RECEIVED MORE than was promised!!
Just the webinars and the marketing hints, tips and tools over 200 hours of marketing tips and hints etc and FREE advertising tips and much much moe, heck I would have joined just for the training alone.
People DON'T be MISLEAD by this thread and the whiners on this thread!!
I am extremely happy with EDCGold!!
I was very UNHAPPY with RFS!!
I have not begun to focus on offering this great opportunity with EDCGold yet but with all the training I have received I am MORE THAN READY!!!
Sounds like the people on this thread, bought into something they want a refund for because since I started with Peter Grdner he has done nothing but been supportive and David Dubbs marketing systems are phenominal!! PLEASE do your due diligence dont buy into a bunch of people who have an agenda!
NO ONE has insisted I spend any money what so ever not on the training not on the calls and not my sponsor..LIES LIES LIES!
Check things out for yourself, the products are good as are the webinar trainings
Again to recap I spent $397 PERIOD!!(plus monthly fee which I will get a residual income from)
You can be in the software business in no time, With RESIDUAL income besides!! YES residual income!!
PM for info!
1. $125,000.00 worth of software and digital products -most with complete resell rights!
2.One-on-one training classes and training audios and videos to ensure your success!
3. An auto responder system with pre-written emails to market any and all of your online opportunities!
4.A built-in advertising system with capture pages to build a huge prospect list!
5. Live training two times per week. Very important.
6. Live phone and email support from the owners as well as us.
7. Ever growing product list with more being added almost weekly.
YOU make YOUR own success and failures in life, YOU make the choice to spend your money on a business NO ONE makes you spend $397,$997 etc so dont blame others because remember it was your choice to begin with!! I will never ever tell you this or any bizopp is a "get rich quick scheme" or make money soon as you join because it just plain is not the truth (thats the hype they give with rfs) It does take work and perseverance on your part! PERIOD and than see the fruits of your labor!
Joined: 10 Nov 2006
Posts: 128
# Posted: 20 Dec 2007 08:14
I could be wrong. But I always stay away from anything that says you can make a lot of money fast as long as you pay something now.
Yes you invest. Yes you can make money. But you have to study and work and persist, if you want to create something lasting ...
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 276
# Posted: 20 Dec 2007 09:37
Quoting: luvtravel YOU make YOUR own success and failures in life, YOU make the choice to spend your money on a business NO ONE makes you spend $397,$997 etc so dont blame others because remember it was your choice to begin with!! I will never ever tell you this or any bizopp is a "get rich quick scheme" or make money soon as you join because it just plain is not the truth (thats the hype they give with rfs) It does take work and perseverance on your part! PERIOD and than see the fruits of your labor! I agree totally with your post very well said.
Joined: 27 Jan 2006
Posts: 61
# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 00:43
EDC hs some of the best training around. This internet stuff takes a lot of work so if someone tell anyone with no experience that they will make a lot of money in days it is a lie.
Besides any thing you do as far as business goes requires training, patience and work. My advice to anyone look at EDC or anything else don't join unless you are ready to work. This is not a get rich quick scheme.
Joined: 22 Dec 2007
Posts: 32
# Posted: 22 Dec 2007 16:35
$300 is a steep price to pay for a supposed work at home program. If they offered a tangible proof of earnings I would probably be more convinced.
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 23 Dec 2007 11:18
plenty of tangible proof through out. and 397. is a drop in the bucket. alot of other opps are more to get started in. sure we have a high ticket price for Diamond but so do some of the other big programs on the net. But our return is so much better and we have been here for over 2 years and others have come and gone... And as posted we hide nothing and our training and support is phenominal. NO one does as much to help you succeed. But You do have to work. What other opp out there can you talk to the owners??? the top earners??? You eaither want to make pennies in affilate or you wanna make the Big $$$
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1655
# Posted: 23 Dec 2007 19:44 · Edited by: mountainmom5
Quoting: Bigrich Hear Hear.... I have said before I joined, my sponsor quit, but I didn't. I called Craig so much that when he answered he would say what do you need Rick...LOL
And that is exactly why you are successful! Kudos to you - I am not with EDC but I do know for a fact that we need to take responsibilty for our own business! THAT and only that is what makes some successful and others not.
There are successful people in almost every home based business opportunity out there and the reason they got there was:
1)they didn't give up 2)they took responsibility for their own business 3)they plugged into ALL the training they could get their hands on
Just thought I'd pop by and add my 2 bits when I saw this thread - 
Merry Christmas ya'll! Viola
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 276
# Posted: 10 Jan 2008 02:18
If there is anyone in Australia who is doing EDC could you please send me a PM as I need a sponsor because I think my sponsor may have bailed on me so if you can help that would be great.
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 11 Jan 2008 11:28
sent you a PM
Joined: 23 Nov 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 11 Jan 2008 16:50
Quoting: Casper ---------------------------------------URGENT-------------------------------------- If there is anyone in Australia who is doing EDC could you please send me a PM as I need a sponsor because I think my sponsor may have bailed on me so if you can help that would be great.
Wow, Casper, I'm sorry to hear that...
What a shame that this happens. EDC is such a great business, and these "sponsors" that bail on their team members give it a bad name. I get several emails per week about sponsers doing this kind of thing. Terrible.
Anyways, myself and others on the forum would be happy to help. The majority of people here are great resources. Take Care.
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 276
# Posted: 12 Jan 2008 00:30
Quoting: LadyJ Wow, Casper, I'm sorry to hear that... What a shame that this happens. EDC is such a great business, and these "sponsors" that bail on their team members give it a bad name. I get several emails per week about sponsers doing this kind of thing. Terrible. Anyways, myself and others on the forum would be happy to help. The majority of people here are great resources. Take Care. Well I can breath a sigh of releaf I finally heard from my sponsor this afternoon they must have been away for the x-mas/New Year break so alls well that ends well.
Joined: 15 Jan 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 15 Jan 2008 09:22
Hi Everyone
I've just stumbled on this thread. I've been with EDC since April 07 at YNF level. My sponser wasn't to helpful and I ended getting help from other EDC members I found on Myspace. To date I haven't made any money in that and now I'm qualified in EDC since the launch of EDC Diamond.
I've been uploading blogs, posting ads, used traffic exchanges and well it hasn't helped yet. Even though I haven't made any money and have put in lots of time promoting online, I won't quit. I believe since the first time I came across EDC that it is a great opportunity to become financially free.
I've watched the webinars and listened to the recordings in the back office and although they are very good, for someone from South Africa, some of the methods I couldn't use.
If there is anyone from South Africa involved in EDC, I'd like to know what you guys are doing to promote EDC.
Joined: 15 Jan 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 15 Jan 2008 20:31
Hey is this thread still running? I just got an invite to EDC from a guy i know through an online game, and found this forum while researching EDC. It sounds legit, like a lot of you have been successful and happy with it. I'm hoping people are still on here that way I can get some answers to other people involved.
One thing that confuses me, where are all the sites that actually sell this stuff? A lot of the people who say they are successful on EDC just post their sites that take you to sign-up. It's probably the only thing that holds me back from this (and others that may or may not be scams), the fact that the "products" don't exist.
Joined: 4 Dec 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 12:56 · Edited by: tpalmer
This program is one of the best programs I have come across. I have recieved wonderful training on how to run my business (any internet business for that matter). You are able to talk to the owners m-f. It is just an overall great program.
If you are not taught the skill of marketing, then you are at the mercy of a company that claims they will drive traffic for you. Learning how to market on the internet is EDC Gold's Top priority. Everyone knows that EDC Gold's Marketing and training is the best on the net and is the true key for you making it to the top. Get the education from EDC Gold to make your money, grow it, and make it work for you.
So why is EDC Gold's Training so good? They teach you how to drive traffic to any website. So weather you are promoting EDC Gold's incredible software, books and training video's or weather you are selling your own product or services, EDC Gold is the best for the money making opportunity and education that you can take with you for rest of your life. EDC Gold teaches you to drive traffic to a quality website that builds a list of prospects that you can market to for years to come. Then EDC Gold teaches you to forward that traffic to your corporate site and follow up using EDC Gold's Marketing System and convert those prospects into sales. At EDC Gold, You Keep 100% of your sales and you get yourself on the fast track to make money.
Craig & mike (the owners) answer the phones Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 6 PM. They will answer any questions from the members, give marketing advice and even talk to your prospects and make sales for the members. This happens without the prospect even talking to the member until they have been paid.
There is a team of customer support agents Monday though Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM PST. There are...Real people, who are ready willing and able to help any member.
There are over 12 recommended training classes per week. We have the most training of any internet company on the net. But it is not just quantity....they are quality training classes with real substance that teach you step by step...what to do and how to do it.
Take a look at the corporate site
[Link removed - Admin]
p.s. make sure you check out the outstanding compensation plan on page 2.
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 13:13
Welcome to EDC, and to the forum..
[ Discussion continued at ]