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Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 6 Jun 2007 13:42
Quoting: robertarcter I believe in systems and would find it refreshing to encounter someone / something where a CLEARly defined step by step agenda is outlined and explained with no hidden messages or "surprises." This may be asking too much in reality; life just isn't that easy, I understand. However, a defined 10 or 20 or 100 or 1000 step process that has provided success for 99% of those who do it seems to be what is missing from most of these programs.
There is a feeling I have, that developed as my fiancee and I started moving through these "business opportunity" programs. Everyone was hollering "turnkey system" and duplicate this and duplicate that..... But what we discovered is that NO system is able to be duplicated exactly or completely by everyone, because we are all individuals. I think that is why you have yet to see a system that has worked for 99% of those who've tried it (and then you have to remember that percentages are relative. Folks could claim that more that 90% of users have had success, and their could only be 2 or 3 users....). So when I go into any business venture now, I don't even worry about whether there is a system that can be duplicated. I just do my own thing because I trust in my own abilities more than anyone else's system.
The top earners of EDC are boasting that they're giving their new team members the "exact same system that earned them $20,000 in their first month..." The funny thing is that I only hear that kind of success coming from them (again, maybe one or 2 others), but not their entire team. How do I know? Because they literally have hundreds in their downlines, but EDC still has the same number of "top earners" as it always did....
Now guidelines are a bit different. I've created a course for my team to use as a guideline, it's just info on how to get started, general rules of business, marketing techniques that work both online and off. But I expect them to go out and develop their own ways, to take what they learn and make it "evolve" for their own business. That seems to be more effective that boasting about a "turnkey system" that you follow step-by-step to success. I have yet to see a single system that will work for more than 2 or 3 people.
And of course, with any program the mentor can be a big factor. A good mentor will have an outline for the joining and learning process. A good mentor will have a step-by-step plan for how to get you started. The majority of people that I know who are failing with EDC are failing because they didn't have a clue as to how to get started. And as a result, they've just been peddling about here and their and twiddling their thumbs instead of creating plans and moving forward on their own. It is possible that these folks would not have succeeded anyway, but I think that if they'd had a truly helpful sponsor from the start, they'd be in a slightly better position now.
I can't tell someone that if they follow my system, it will bring them success, because everyone isn't like me, and regardless of what they say, they AREN"T going to work their business the exact same way that I do. All I can tell them is what is working for me, and how I did it, what tools or marketing technique I used, what ad copy is getting results, etc. I'm afraid that might be as close as you'll come to a step-by-step system from anyone, simply finding out what's working for them and trying it in the same way.
Bottom line? Systems are only guidelines, not guarantees for success. None of them are completely duplicative. If that were the case, there wouldn't be so many different business opportunities out here, because everyone would have succeeded with the first one or 2....
Oh, and by the way, I'm a "she," lol.
Joined: 12 May 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 8 Jun 2007 19:06
Hi PA27,
I didn't mean to assume automatically you were a "he;" that was terribly shortminded of me!
Thanks for your thoughts on EDC / Gold and insight to the turnkey and duplicative issues. I suppose the primary reason systems make so much sense to me and why I am diligently looking for a successul one, is due to previous experiences with various opportunities and peoples' stories of success.
I've yet to come across somebody who's "made it" at anything that didn't have a plan or implement some kind of system. And both you and BigRich are absolutely correct: everyone is an individual and therefore the variables can be tremendous in terms of achieving success.... or facing failure.
To comment on something PA27 said about the number of EDC / Gold top earners, I find it curious that it's seemingly the same few number of folks continually producing the big bucks when they tout being able to teach everyone how to do it.
Again, I understand not everyone is going to put in the same amount of work / time / attitude, but I would figure at this point that through sheer statistics, the number of people earning $10K plus a month should be higher?
There must be at least a few out of every 100 or so that do indeed put the necessary time and resources into it in order to get there, right?
All in all, I'm at a point where I'd like to sink my teeth into something that has a proven track record when implemented in, if not the same, a similar manner to someone who has / is making that kind of cash each month.
Unfortunately, I get the distinct feeling that it's not that cut and dry - regardless of belief in oneself and / or aptitude and committment.
Thanks again for time and thoughts! Robert
Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 8 Jun 2007 20:36
Quoting: robertarcter To comment on something PA27 said about the number of EDC / Gold top earners, I find it curious that it's seemingly the same few number of folks continually producing the big bucks when they tout being able to teach everyone how to do it. Again, I understand not everyone is going to put in the same amount of work / time / attitude, but I would figure at this point that through sheer statistics, the number of people earning $10K plus a month should be higher? There must be at least a few out of every 100 or so that do indeed put the necessary time and resources into it in order to get there, right?
Hi again Robert!
No problem, most folks assume I'm a guy for some reason when first reading my posts. Maybe it's because there aren't enough business-savvy women who come forward with their experiences....because the business world seems to be dominated by men, I think folks assume that men are the main ones who put into these types of discussions.
I wanted to comment on your remark about our top earners. I don't want to offend anyone or step on any toes, so let that be known first and foremost.
I too have wondered about the "fool-proof systems" our top earners have developed. Though I know I'm not privy to the success of every EDC member, it doesn't seem as if any other "top earners" are coming forward but the few well known ones. That leads me to believe that their systems aren't as fool-proof as they'd like others to think. For this reason, I'm no longer buying into those systems (they have websites and separate training sites and such that we can pay a monthly fee to be a part of. I've found the one I used to pay for a waste of money...).
I understand that success ultimately depends on each individual. But I also agree with you completely. Seems like if the systems were so effective, we'd be hearing about more and more top earners every month. I too find it hard to believe that out of the hundreds of other members buying into those systems that none of them put forth an adequate amount of effort.
This is what's led me to believe that no system is truly duplicative, and that's why I am no longer depending on anyone else's "systems" to help me earn my income. Just because it works (and works well) for a few does not mean it will for the masses. I've yet to hear of a program with such statistics. So my advice is to look for a program with a system that you feel you can at least build on, and go from there. That's what I saw in EDC, and that's why I joined. If you visit my website and venture onto other forums that mention EDC, you'll find that my system isn't like anyone else's. That's because I've taken a little bit of everything from all of the "systems" I've been involved in, and put it all together with a few twists of my own thrown in. That seems to be working quite well for me! I honestly believe that any given person can succeed with any opportunity. The thing to remember is that you have to be able to adapt, and you have to be creative. The other thing is that you cannot think of situations where you don't reach your goals as failures. I try to think of them more as lessons learned. Now that I've learned so many of these lessons, I'm much closer to the person and business owner I want to be! Those things weren't clear to me until now, with this company. Now that I've learned some of these key elements, I may go back and try my hand at some of the things I considered "failures" before.
I do hope that you're able to find something you feel you can run with. It's a nice feeling when everything finally does "click" for you. I'll be glad to suggest some of the other, better opportunities I've been involved in (I say better because I know of many folks succeeding, and rarely ever hear negative reviews about them). Maybe you can research those and see if their systems are something you can work with!
Thanks for your responses. I'm quite enjoying the intellectual discussion!
Joined: 8 Jun 2007
Posts: 10
# Posted: 9 Jun 2007 03:08
MLM is 2 dangerous!
Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 10 Jun 2007 16:02
Quoting: reviewteam MLM is 2 dangerous!
In case you don't know much about the program, EDC isn't MLM. It is direct sales.
Joined: 27 Jun 2006
Posts: 344
# Posted: 11 Jun 2007 20:28
Bizzare Comment there.
I have heard mlm described in many ways but never as "too dangerous"... or should I say "2 dangerous".
Joined: 26 Mar 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 00:17
Hey guys,
It's been awhile since I've come here. How is everyone?
Someone made a comment about what programs work and what doesn't. I've been in business a long time. I've studied businesses, and those successful in it. Being successful in business doesn't make come down to what works and what doesn't. To be successful you must be able to make anything work. Failure is not an option.
Educating yourself in strategizing is the key. There are literally thousands of EDC Like opportunities available. All offering systems that have worked for someone.
What you need to do is first SET YOUR GOAL! Before you choose your desired opportunity, SET YOUR GOAL! The opportunity itself is merely a vehicle to that will take you to your goal. The Map to your desired destination.
There is no point having a map when you don't know where it is you want to get too...does it?
Now, once you have chosen your desired goal, then select the means of getting there. EDC too has its bad points. What you need to do is take the parts that work well for you, then build a business around it. By this I mean, setup your own website, set up your own autoresponder etc. Educate yourself on marketing, both paid and free means. Write down everything you do. This will be the plan that you hand down to your business partners.
What alot of distributors arn't doing is taking advantage of the software that is available in their back office. You can use them yourself, and at the same time sell them. I've had a few people ask me about selling them. I have successfully sold them on Ebay, cracker, tried craigslits, graysonline, forums like digitalpoint etc. I just let them sell on an auction basis. I managed a few hundred return. If I concerntrated on just this, I would easily be able to get my investment back and then some. It's not so hard.
Lastly, you need to play the game. Business is literally a game. Devise your plan of attack. How you will market, when, where, budgets, analyse your responses, etc. Take control of every aspect.
I can't stress more on the fact that it is literally a business, not a scheme.
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 14:24 · Edited by: TopMentor
Why should you have to pass up 2 sales before you earn? You pay $997 to become a member and then actually pass up almost $2000, so you are giving up nearly $3000 before you can earn a single dime.
Then you actually break away from your EDC sponsor after qualifying and actually become their competition. This doesn't give them much reason to want to help train you if you ultimately become their competition.
There are better programs out there that are 0ups, plus you can get $100 overrides on the people you personally sponsor! These type of programs create synergy instead of competition.
Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 15:22
Quoting: TopMentor Why should you have to pass up 2 sales before you earn? You pay $997 to become a member and then actually pass up almost $2000, so you are giving up nearly $3000 before you can earn a single dime. Then you actually break away from your EDC sponsor after qualifying and actually become their competition. This doesn't give them much reason to want to help train you if you ultimately become their competition. There are better programs out there that are 0ups, plus you can get $100 overrides on the people you personally sponsor! These type of programs create synergy instead of competition.
Actually, I disagree with you. First of all, passing up sales shouldn't be an issue if your sponsor is a good sponsor. Let me explain. When I have a new member join my team, I do several things for them. I provide them with a free copy of my marketing training guide (which has sold very well among many members of EDC), as well as a free customized marketing website, complete with the registered domain of their choice. I also take them through a 3-week period of 1-on-1 training, showing them the exact methods that I use, which are bringing me success. I also act as the guinea pig for my team in many instances, testing new-found advertising methods for effectiveness before suggesting them to my team members. The reason is because I am in a better position financially, and do not wish them to waste their money on methods which are ineffective.
All of this takes time from my own business and money from my pocket, but I do it because I feel it's what a good sponsor should do. Why then, does it seem so unfair that new members should pass up a sale or 2 to a sponsor who's set them up for success? In my opinion, these sales are usually made during that initial period when the sponsor is training the new member, and to be honest, most of the work is done by the sponsor anyway. So why should they not be allowed the benefit of their work?
I often use an example from a past profession of mine. When I used to work as a server in restaurants, I noticed something which I see is now similar to 1-up and 2-up systems in internet marketing. When a new server is hired, they usually go through a 2-week training period, in which they learn the restaurants policies, and learn how the system within the restaurant works. Also, during their last week of training, they "shadow" a more experienced server. They follow that server to learn how to approach tables and customers, how to present the menu and featured food and drink items etc. There are a few days on the tail end of that week where the roles are reversed, and the newer server takes over that tables that belong to the more experienced server, and that more experienced server then "shadows" the new one. This is done as an evaluation, to make sure that the new server is comfortable with their duties, communicating with customers, serving food etc. This all takes time away from the business of that more experienced server (they have to spend extra time training the newer server when they could be turning their tables faster). So as a consolation "prize" for the more experienced server, they earn the tip from that tables that the newer server took over. Reason? Because they were the trainer, and because it would have been their table anyway. That isn't so unfair, it is just the price a new employee pays in that or this kind of business for getting the extensive training they need to succeed.
Several industries use similar pass-up systems, car dealerships, insurance companies, high-end furniture sales and real estate, just to name a few. My fiancee used to work in furniture sales, and he was paid a set rate plus commissions. He was required to meet a quota of $50,000 in a given month before he was eligible to receive any commissions for that month. So the company was rewarded that $50,000 despite the fact that he was the one doing all of the selling, explaining and so on. I also have close friends in the other industries I mentioned who have told us similar stories about their commission-based jobs. In short, EDC or any other company is not ripping its members off by using such a compensation plan. Those 2 sales are simply considered training sales. Not to mention, as a sponsor I have the choice of giving one or both of those to my members as "qualifiers." That means that I might only require them to pass up one sale, or none at all. It really depends on the individual and the situation.
As for new members being in competition with their sponsors once they qualify, this happens in nearly any business, not just EDC (also happens a lot in all of those industries I mentioned above). Yes, we are all eventually in competition with each other. That is the way business and entrepreneurship work. The thing is that a good sponsor will help to boost up their whole team, not just themselves. The way I view things, I'm not so much in competition with my team members as we are all in competition with other EDC sponsors and their teams. Occasionally when I do invest in a large advertising campaign, I will opt to distribute the prospects I get from that advertising evenly among all of my team members. This is because I'm just as excited to see them succeed as I am about my own success (it shows that the EDC program can work for others as well, not just a select few, and I like that). I'm also a firm believer that there is enough business out here for all of us. I can't possible take on 1000 new members at a time, not when you consider that each of those new members will need individual training, websites, etc. That would become as taxing as an actual job to me. For that reason, I have no problem sharing leads I get with my team members. In that way, we're not competing against each other but working together. We all have goals, and I think we'll reach them faster if we work together. The other end of this is that I am not a member of the highest Gold membership. Some may think that limits the amount of money I'm able to earn. This is the farthest thing from the truth, as I've been able to strike up partnerships with other EDC members who are at the Gold level. When I get a prospect that is interested in joining at that level (and I've gotten quite a few), I simply refer them to one of the other EDC members that I know well and who will be good sponsors for that prospect. In return for the referral, that other EDC member may see fit to share a bit of that sale, or provide some other useful service or tool. I have found that you're more apt to succeed in businesswhen you can form mutually beneficial partnerships with your "competition." I would say that's about as much "synergy" as you can achieve in business, everyone working together but still achieving their own individual goals and earning the incomes they want to earn. It really all comes down to choosing a dedicated sponsor who won't view you as their "competition" in a few weeks time, but will view you instead as a partner and friend!
And besides, with our products and packages being of a higher ticket, our rewards are greater than those 0-ups that are lower paying programs. That means we all earn more, and we all benefit more!
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 15:38
Good points on EDC Gold PA27,
I still disagree with you overall.
When you sponsor somebody into the program, I believe you should be able to continue to earn on them which creates residual income. Let's be honest here... if you are earning off of someone for every sale they make rather than just their first 2 sales, you are more apt to help them continually on their journey.
I personally have a one on one training call as soon as somebody gets involved to show them exactly what we are doing for success. We also hold conference calls to do ongoing training as well as audio and video training.
I think the 2Ups are solid programs, but I think there are better choices out there. And the $100 overrides for life is more motivating for me than $2000 initially and then done. I am in it for residual passive income... not just quick riches.
Best Wishes, Brian
Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 16:13 · Edited by: Power_Advisor27
Quoting: TopMentor Good points on EDC Gold PA27, I still disagree with you overall. When you sponsor somebody into the program, I believe you should be able to continue to earn on them which creates residual income. Let's be honest here... if you are earning off of someone for every sale they make rather than just their first 2 sales, you are more apt to help them continually on their journey. I personally have a one on one training call as soon as somebody gets involved to show them exactly what we are doing for success. We also hold conference calls to do ongoing training as well as audio and video training. I think the 2Ups are solid programs, but I think there are better choices out there. And the $100 overrides for life is more motivating for me than $2000 initially and then done. I am in it for residual passive income... not just quick riches. Best Wishes, Brian
Lol, it's great to have discussion with folks despite the fact that we disagree!
Actually, the 2-up provides a leveraging system which works similar to MLM to provide us with residual income, perhaps not for each individual, but from the sales that continue to come up to us as sponsors. EDC is also set up to provide us with passive residual income in other ways, as well as helping us to create lasting relationships with our customers on the retail side which we can benefit in other ways from, and I've also been able to create my own streams of income which are residual as a result of working with EDC. Even though EDC is direct sales, I feel that I get the best of both worlds! It is nice to know that I can earn amounts in one day equal to or exceeding what most folks earn in a week, and if I take a break decide to "retire," I can still continue to earn!
What you speak of sounds like MLM or something similar. I have nothing against MLM (been involved with it in the past, actually), I just found that I don't like depending on the efforts of others for my income. Not all MLM programs are set up in this way, I realize. But I prefer what I do.
Also, I think it is completely dependent on the sponsor as far as what motivates them to help and continue helping their charges. If a sponsor cares enough about others and not just the money they can earn, then they shouldn't need money to motivate them to help someone that's supporting (or has supported) their income anyway. To me, that's what separates a good sponsor from a selfish one.
Overall, I feel that EDC is good for both short-term and long-term earning. I don't often meet others who earn $300 or more a day, but are also guaranteed income in the future with no additional effort and whether they make a sale or not. To each their own and best of luck with it. As for me, as long as EDC continues to provide all of these avenues for us to earn both immediate and residual income, and as long as they continue to be as innovative as they have been thus far, I'm sticking with them. After all, the business model seems to me to embody what business is truly about: earning as much as you can from immediate income while also setting oneself up for passive, life-long residual income. To me, it can't get much better than that!
Best wishes to you as well Brian!
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 16:24 · Edited by: TopMentor
There is no doubt that you can work either program and earn.
I simply have to say that I would rather earn $100 over and over again on those sponsored which is more reliable "residual income" than earning just twice on somebody.
HERE'S MY POINT: (it took me awhile, lol) You have to continually train brand new people over and over again to earn with EDC Gold because of the new people being passed up on qualifying sales.
With PWF, once I train them how to do it and they see success, I just simply update them with new formula's that I am testing and have found that work... this can be done via email or conference calls as well as my training website and you get paid $100 for every sale for life.
Doesn't that make more sense if you are looking for "residual income?"
Have enjoyed the conversation!
Warmly, Brian
Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 17:34
Quoting: TopMentor There is no doubt that you can work either program and earn. I simply have to say that I would rather earn $100 over and over again on those sponsored which is more reliable "residual income" than earning just twice on somebody. HERE'S MY POINT: (it took me awhile, lol) You have to continually train brand new people over and over again to earn with EDC Gold because of the new people being passed up on qualifying sales. With PWF, once I train them how to do it and they see success, I just simply update them with new formula's that I am testing and have found that work... this can be done via email or conference calls as well as my training website and you get paid $100 for every sale for life. Doesn't that make more sense if you are looking for "residual income?" Have enjoyed the conversation! Warmly, Brian
Yes, I do have to continually train folks in EDC because of new members being passed up. But like you in PWF, once I've trained them initially (and mind you, they have my training course which they can pass on to their new team members and which they can refer to at any time), they are good to go. And we also have weekly training (web conferencing with live q &a, support and the chance to mingle with other members and share experiences, training websites, etc.) available to pick up on anything I might have left out. Not to mention, our company is great about updating us on changes in schedules, payment processors, news etc. So after the point of initial training, my team members become valued friends that I simply check up on every now and then. And yes, I'm still earning from their initial efforts all the while.
Thanks to EDC, I now work completely from home. I rather enjoy training and mentoring (I even do a bit for members that aren't sponsored by me). So this is more up my alley, as I now have ample time to do so.
You asked a question in your latest post. To me, it depends on the individual situation as to whether it makes more sense to continue earning off of someone if you're looking for residual income. If I were ONLY looking for residual, that would be fine. However, I like the more immediate income as well, because it ensures I can work from home and still help out with our needs like groceries and such. My fiancee and I just moved to a new place. If we were both working jobs or if I were doing something other than EDC, it would have taken us quite a while to save up the money to furnish and decorate our new place, and get settled in. With the more immediate income Ii've made from EDC, we were able to put a much larger down payment on our place, lessening our mortgage term and lowering our monthly payment, and I was able to completely furnish our new home within 1 short week. We will also be able to get a second vehicle much faster than if we were working with other alternatives. But at the same time, I earn a significant amount of residual as well (not just from passed up sales but from our other product), which I'm able to build a significant and steady savings from. My fiancee still works, but at this point if he were to somehow lose his job, we'd be completely covered, and on a continual basis. At the same time, I know that I can also pull in sales to take care of any immediate large-scale issues or needs that come up (like car trouble, doctor or vet bills, etc.) without touching our savings or having to wait until payday. That provides more security for us.
That's the point I'm trying to make. When you have the best of both worlds, you have more security and more flexibility, two things that are always good to have in businesses of any industry. Earning $100 on each sale is nice, don't get me wrong. But it sounds like you're still dependent on the efforts that your team make to recruit new members (please correct me if I'm wrong with that statement, I don't want to make assumptions). Now if you earned $100 per team member per week residually (as a bonus or something), I could see more of an argument for the program (and if you do, way to go!). However, with EDC I can switch off my roles at any time. I can focus on my team members and helping them get their sales going (some of which will be passed to me), or I can opt to focus just on my own business (first level sales) or to run a special where new members don't have to pass up any sales, and know that I will still earn from my own efforts and other residuals. It gives me more flexibility in the way I can operate my business, and the way I can contribute to my personal financial situation. It allows me the flexibility to run such "specials" and incentives if I so choose, without damaging my own income. Those specials and incentives in turn bring in more members, so my team members and I benefit all the way around.
I have the satisfaction of knowing that I can still earn both immediate and residual income even if my team members never made a single sale (or if there was never a single sale passed up to me). That's the kind of security I'm looking for. At least then if I don't earn as much as I'd like, I have no one to blame but myself (I'm the only one who dictates how much I can earn in a day or week or whatever).
Passive, residual income is great, but passive, residual income that's supported by immediate income is even better to me!
Also enjoying the discussion. I'm learning a bit more about PWF (been hearing some things here and there, but didn't really know how the business model worked).
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 22:45
Quoting: Power_Advisor27 Passive, residual income is great, but passive, residual income that's supported by immediate income is even better to me!
Great point... PWF offers immediate income with no pass up sales and long term residual with easier load on training.
Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 23:17
Quoting: TopMentor Great point... PWF offers immediate income with no pass up sales and long term residual with easier load on training. Great! Sounds like we're both winning then!
Joined: 20 May 2007
Posts: 13
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 07:35
I've just joined EDC Gold and I see the potential, in fact, my wife is now home with our son instead of working (I joined June 1). We have high expectations and the team we are in has been very helpful. I plan to have enough training and established lines to quit my job by the end of July as well. So, it's successful, you just have to do as you are trained to do and treat it as a business not a hobby!
Joined: 29 May 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 09:13
Quoting: AAbleHome I've just joined EDC Gold and I see the potential, in fact, my wife is now home with our son instead of working (I joined June 1). We have high expectations and the team we are in has been very helpful. I plan to have enough training and established lines to quit my job by the end of July as well. So, it's successful, you just have to do as you are trained to do and treat it as a business not a hobby! AAbleHome
That's great AAbleHome! Good luck to you and your wife! I hope to see your success story soon!
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 14 Jun 2007 18:31
Welcome to EDC AAblehome.
and to go back a little, there are really quite a few making 10k or more but they tend to sit back and make theirs quietly. Like I do. when I reach that 100k per month figure I may or may not blow my horn to the worl but right now I;m having fun making money, playing golf, fishing, riding the atv's my New Harley,,, etc. so I can see why others aren't so come forthish to say.
Joined: 26 Mar 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 18 Jun 2007 01:43
Hi Guys,
Alot of the people I work with who are considering an online business, in particular EDC Gold are doing so to improve their current financial situation, as well as securing their financial future. Offline, I am a Financial and Legal advisor. I find that alot of my partners want to plan this business into their lives.
If any of you are seeking that sort of advise, you can contact me via my site and I'll be happy to provide an educated opinion on your financial situation.
Free financial advice - you don't get that anywhere else...
Take Care.
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 25 Jun 2007 17:06
Good points everyone... it doesn't matter what business you do, if you don't treat it like a business, you won't succeed!
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 27 Jun 2007 13:33
but it is fun to wake up and have 2 more sales in the bank,,,, without doing much.......
This Morning,, WOO HOO
Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115
# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 04:30
I have done well with PWF... 6 sales in my first 4 days.
After talking with PA27, I was considering doing EDC Gold also and think it is a great program that I could have done well with.
The only reason I didn't was because of the owners competing against their own reps. I think that hurts their integrity and how can I compete against them if someone is making a choice between me and them.
I wish everyone well with EDC... as I said, I have came to the conclusion that it is a great program even though the owners credibility might be questionable.
Joined: 5 Mar 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 10 Jul 2007 09:20
I have been looking at EDC for awhile and have a few questions/concerns from a legal standpoint.
My main concerns are with the legality of any such internet business and whether the Australian 2up as they call it is legal in my home state of Maryland and all other states in the US. It looks like the main concern with my state is whether the business is just for recruitment of others or if there is a product. The EDC package offers 1000's of online e books and programs and you pass up your first 2 sales to the sponsor who brought you in but all other sales are paid directly to you. So am I making money from the product or recruiting others to the opportunity?
Also, when you join at the 3 levels I know you only make as much as what you paid into the level but what is offered at each level? If I join the $69 level do I only get 25% of the ebooks offered, at the $295 level do I get 40% of the ebooks, or do you get all of the products at all levels and only receive the amount you paid in per transaction? If that is the case I would see a legal problem in that if your offered all of the products at the lowest level for $69 and can only make $69 but if you buy at $997 you get $997 and the same amout of products how the government would have an issue with it because you can buy the actual products for 69 but if you join higher you'll make 997 just for bringing in people at that level. I know I'm rambling but I hope you inderstand what I'm trying to say.
Another issue I saw when researching with the state was the ability to make refunds as with this product all sales are final in that they are downloaded right to your computer so there is no way to actually return them. From what I've seen alot of states require refunds, have people run into issues on this? I understand that it's downloadable etc but do the state laws make exceptions for this new age issue?
Thanks for any insight on these issues, I have tried calling our states office of attorney general to ask them and continue to get the run around so curious as to what experience other people have found in doing their due diligence.
Signed, Just trying to make the right decision!
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 10 Jul 2007 10:52
sent you an email/pm.
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Posts: 115
# Posted: 23 Jul 2007 09:50
FYI,, EDC will be increasing in price later this week so anyone that was thinking of joining at the edc level should act now and save..
And it's odd but I had 2 sales with people coming in from another opp. both from the same opp...
Joined: 31 May 2007
Posts: 31
# Posted: 24 Jul 2007 10:40
The product just re sells itself?
Joined: 26 Mar 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 25 Jul 2007 19:01 · Edited by: jseses
Nothing sells itself jameszz. And if anyone believes that you can make money from any business without doing any work then it's better that you stay in a 9 - 5 job.
Yes you may say that $997 is alot of money. However, This company has many plans starting from $69.95, the new upgraded $397 plan, $997, and the promo black box at $495.
Like any business you have to do the work. When you do, you will also be well rewarded for it. Now consider this. If instead of spending 40hrs a week working for someone else you spend 10 hours a week maketing your business and you made just 2 sales at $997 = $1994. Now how many of you make that much a week working only a few hours??? Not many, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
Think about it.
One other thing, I get alot of people emailing asking "does it work"? Yes it does! You need to setup a website and market it. That is what sells itself.
There are a tonne of really good free advertising that can be used. You can get far better results this way then with paid ads.
Joined: 31 May 2007
Posts: 31
# Posted: 26 Jul 2007 08:52
I know it doesn't "sell itself" I mean.. the way you make money is by marketing the product you buy? Do you own this site then?
Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 115
# Posted: 26 Jul 2007 10:23
it is my site james, I am working on a new website at this time, and edc has a # of new options they are working on as well. the owners are always trying to make things happen for the group. We also have Promoblackbox that is a software product for small to medium business that I have had some success with. Small business can't afford to put thousands into their website promotion and this is a way fro them to do it for less. ask more if you need too. Rick
Joined: 26 Mar 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 26 Jul 2007 21:25
Yes, you market the product and the corresponding business opportunity that comes with it.
The thing about EDC which helps it stand head and shoulders above the rest is that the business itself is diversified 4 ways.
1) $69.95 monthly. This is the hidden pearl. You can create a re-occuring monthly income with multiples of $69.95.
2) The newly upgraded $397 plan. You get products which you can sell individually aswell as runt he biz opp. You can earn multiples of $397.
3) The $997 plan. You get the entire product package. Plus the biz opp. If you purchase this plan then you get the $397 and $69.95 plans free with it. Which means your effectively buying 3 income streams.
It does get better.
EDC also has a business product. This is nothing like the above three. The Promo Black Box. It is targeted mainly at online businesses. For $495 and a monthly maintenance fee business owners have access to a range of marketing and tools for their business. In this case that is the product.
So you get 4 business streams in one.
This is a serious business opportunity not some fly by night scheme.
If you are interested or have questions, then I'd be more then happy to discuss them with you. Feel free to email me or anyone of the other members.