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LGN Revolution - A New Beginning

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Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 49

# Posted: 11 Aug 2009 22:54

FYI folks, the LGN live event in Las Vegas was rescheduled. It will now take place in February 2010. The weather will definitely be more agreeable that time of year.

I'll update you all as I learn more.

Robin Edwards
(505) 470-5929
Who is Robin? Watch video.

Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 49

# Posted: 11 Aug 2009 23:03

Hey Sid, did you get your questions answered? Have you attended a member call so that you can ask your questions? If you need assistance, let me know.

By the way, I met James Ward in Las Vegas last weekend, as well as 3 other LGN members. What a great guy and great group in general! I really feel good about being part of LGN Revolution!

Robin Edwards
(505) 470-5929
Who is Robin? Watch video.

Joined: 28 Feb 2007
Posts: 28

# Posted: 15 Aug 2009 10:43

I would love to talk to you about LGN. I've talked to a few others about it... Would love to hear your story.

Rob Sevilla - Cash Gift Trainer
Over $35,000 in cash gifts Since Feb. 24th 09

Joined: 27 Jun 2009
Posts: 5

# Posted: 15 Aug 2009 11:56

Hey Robin,

I haven't been attending the LGN webenars. I maintain my account for now because I like the software and ebook packages.

I don't mind using various methods of Internet marketing to acquire leads but I definitely do NOT like having to convince people of my opportunity.

I've bought in to a number of opportunities and marketing systems, and I absolutely never contacted a sponsor for advice. The information contained in the websites were always enough for me.

I don't like having to deal with people who only have a couple hundred dollars and think they're going to make thousands starting tomorrow. I don't want to have to educate people about Internet marketing, how to do basic functions on a computer, how to set up an autoresponder, how to insert a hyperlink in your email, etc.

I'd rather leave all the hand holding stuff to people with the patience and personality and skill to do all that stuff. That's why I signed up with Bob Sefail's "Chameleon Auto Business Builder".

They have a staff to take care of all the hand holding and close all the sales for you. Sure you make less per sale, but as I mentioned, I'm a marketer, not a baby sitter.

If people REALLY want to be in business, and can't see that an Internet business allows you to start up without having to pay rent, buy tons of inventory, hire people, not have to put up with sick calls or paternal leaves.

If they can't understand the fact that you can be in business in less than a day with a merchant account and making immediate sales, then as far as I'm concerned, forget it.

I mean, the people I have talked to can't seem to get it. Think of the crap and the amount of money required to start up a brick and morter compared to a few hundred dollars for an Internet business.

It's a no brainer to me. But everyone's not like me that's why I'm letting the staff at Chameleon Auto Business Builder handle the follow up and closing the sales.

That frees me up to do what I do best, market!

Besides, they also do upsells for your additional programs.

Sydney H Nelson
Easy Internet Business A passive Internet business where WE close all the sales for you!

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