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A hello forum?

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Joined: 28 Aug 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 28 Aug 2006 23:29


I've just now signed up. I came here as a result of Googling Russell Gain and came across this thread

Thanks, it was a good and valuable read. And finally something tangible about herbalife.

Forums that I've been a member (and admin) of in the past have usually had a welcome forum where people say hello when they first join. You might find it friendly and useful. Just a suggestion.

Anyway, I'm glad Google brought me here. Seems like an enormously useful place. Like the title suggests, I'm looking for something handy in the way of work-from-home that isn't an MLM and pays a lot better than sweatshop rates.

I shall be reading with interest, and contributing hopefully useful stuff too.


Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 663

# Posted: 29 Aug 2006 00:56

Quoting: aspong
Forums that I've been a member (and admin) of in the past have usually had a welcome forum where people say hello when they first join. You might find it friendly and useful. Just a suggestion.

I have seen that such welcome forums are usually abused a lot by posting self-promitonal messages in disguise of saying hello. It simply puts a lot of load on the admin.

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Joined: 8 Jan 2006
Posts: 234

# Posted: 29 Aug 2006 10:30

No need of a separate hello forum... now i will say you... hello and welcome..

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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 132

# Posted: 30 Aug 2006 00:57

Hello Andrew,

Welcome to the forum. You've certainly come to a place where there's much information and discussion on several work-at-home opportunities. The members are pretty cool too!



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